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Tales of Faerun


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Arland's eyes shot straight open, but a single eyebrow was raised in doubt.



"Weyland's dead, died as a child. If he yet lives, he abandoned his family long ago. What would you know about it, or him?" He had to make sure the Drow wasn't lying before he took action. He pointed using his sword unintentionally, lowering it quickly when he realized it could be taken as a threatening gesture, which was certainly not Arland's intent.



"I should hope this is not a ruse to catch me off guard. I'm hunted by enough disgruntled nobles and misguided lawmen in other places, and soon the Dalelands will be no exception." He barely contained his excitement, which was probably quite obvious, but his inner survivalist was bidding him ensure that he wouldn't be harmed.

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Ginafae watched the man. There was nothing in his voice or posture to indicate he was lying. Yet she had a feeling that his words were not true...but not by deception, only ignorance.


She glanced sideways at Sana, "This l'thi is looking for him. I agreed to help her in exchange for her leading me out of the Anauroch."

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Arland decided that it probably wouldn't hurt to aid this two in their search for Weyland. After all, if he could find his brother, he'd have a chance to smack him right across the mouth for leaving like that. He sheathed his blade and walked a little bit closer to the two of them, still being careful to stay out of range of a quick sword swing.


"If that's the case, I suppose I'll accompany you two on your search. I'll probably need to be on the move a lot anyway, and I can assassinate power-hungry gluttons while I'm at it. One doesn't simply pass up a chance to find their lost brother." He took his place walking beside Ginafae, content to stay on the far side of the Lamia for the time being.


"Lamia, what's your motivation for finding Weyland? How do you know him?" He asked offhandedly.

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"Yeah i should probably do the same." Said Tannin as he got up. "See you all in the morning." He said before crawling into his tent. He tied the flap closed and laid down. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. "They're gonna find out eventually... Just gotta be ready to run." He thought grimly.


Many miles away


A young man not sixteen years of age fell to the ground holding the stump of what used to be his arm. Those nearby stood aghast, not able to believe what they had just seen. The young man was with a mercenary group and had stopped a lone cloaked traveler on the road. Demanding toll they had surrounded him thinking they had the edge. The young man stepped forward to relieve the traveler of his coins and before he could blink the travelers blade was cutting through his shield, slicing his arm off with it. His body went into shock and his mind was unable to comprehend what had happened. The traveler spoke, his voice thick with an eastern accent. “If you hurry to the nearest town.. You may be able to spare the boy a life as a cripple. And if you do not….. You will all die.”
The man spoke barely over a whisper. His hushed tone carried a weight to it that was unmistakable. Kento Ikeda was a man who had little patience for distractions such as this and would not hesitate to kill the mercenaries where they stood. Even so he did not desire bloodshed, not the blood from these men anyways. “Take him and return home. Hold your families close and ask that they forgive you of your deeds and for the pain that you have put them through.” He said to them. A low hum filled the air and each of the men found themselves wanting to do as Kento ordered.
The men that stood in Kento’s path moved aside and let him pass by. Leaving the men to tend to their wounded.

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When Rhaine's eyes fluttered open, it was morning. In fact, it was long after sunrise. The light shone brightly through the small tent, and she could hear Bilron and Maeve already up and about. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, peeking out of the tent and squinting in the bright light.


"Morning, m'lady," Maeve said as she walked by, last night's dishes in her hands, "You slept late."


"That I did," the Doomguide replied, emerging from the tent with an ivory comb in her hand. She was barefoot, still clad only in her specially-crafted arming vest and breeches; rarely did she show herself to her comrades without her armor or robes. Moving to sit by the waterfall, she pulled her crimson hair around to her front and began working on untangling the wavy mass, occasionally dipping the comb into the water to help tame it.


Sori skipped over to her, eyes glued to Rhaine's red tresses, "It won't get like that if you plait it, you know."


"Aye, I know," the Doomguide smiled and winked, "I'm supposing you can teach me a thing or two, though?"


The girl nodded, "I can plait it real good. Mama gets me to fix hers all the time."


Rhaine laughed, handing Sori the comb, "Well...show me what you can do."




Maydiira fell onto her knees as she came across a small pond. She dipped her hands into the cool water and drank greedily. The Favored Soul had yet to come across a safe place to rest - Shadowdale was nearby, but she could not risk showing herself in that place. Too many there loathed her kind. She had hoped that she left Ginafae and her cat-woman far behind...


Suddenly, a deer wandered to the opposite side of the pond, seemingly unaware of her presence. It looked to be an old animal, its antlers arching above its head like gnarled branches. Almost without thinking, she cast a Flame Strike on the unsuspecting creature.


Roasted venison tonight.




Ginafae's eyes narrowed further, becoming glowing ruby slivers in the darkness.


"You walk behind me...jaluk," she spat, "You are unworthy to walk at my side, like all your filthy surface kind. Pray to whatever pathetic god you worship that you never become a burden to us. I am being merciful by even tolerating your worthless presence...may Lolth forgive me for my weakness. As long as you insist on following us, you will do as I command."


In truth, the Blackguard did not know why she was even allowing this Arland to breathe. But a tickle in the back of her mind suggested that it would be beneficial to her somehow...

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Arland followed Ginafae's orders and fell in behind her, not that he was planning to walk beside her long anyway. He had been about to fall in behind her, since if he walked in front of them he was susceptible to a surprise attack.


"Ho ho, I guess I'm suddenly a slave now. Yeah right." He caught himself quickly. He didn't want to goad them both into a fight, especially if they knew something about Weyland. Despite liking this drow less and less by the minute, he didn't say much for the next little while.






Weyland woke up late, and was immediately thankful for the fact that he got to sleep in. He got dressed into his desert robes and left his tent, noting that Amendale was already off in the corner of the camp doing his thing. Which is to say, he was sitting and observing the horizon. Weyland shook his head and muttered something about elves and nature before he shuffled off to disassemble his tent. Weyland was the picture of an 'I hate mornings' person, with his stubble having grown a bit overnight, his hair messy and bedraggled, and holding a world-weary expression etched onto his face. It was exquisite enough for an artist's portrait.

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Tannin started his day by dragging himself out of his tent. He looked around to see that a few of his companions were already up. Half wanting to curl back up and enjoy the last rest he'd have in a while without being covered in sand. But instead he fought off the urge, walked over to the water and dunked his head in. After a short while he pulled his head out and shook it violently before flashing a smile. "Soooo how's everyone doing this morning?" He said cheerfully before noticing that Rhaine was not as covered as she usually was. His face began to make odd twitching motions as his head kept snapping away trying not to look at her. "Well slightly.. umm.. I'll just.." He stuttered pointing his thumbs back towards the tents. "That is.. if you're not.. comfortable not being all..armored around us then.. you know. Mod..mod modesty and all that." He stuttered shoving his hands into his pants pockets as he looked away. "I probably just made this worse than it is didn't i?"

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Rhaine raised a thin eyebrow at Tannin as Sori worked, the girl's deft hands transforming her long mane into manageable braids. The Doomguide then winked again as she replied, "What's the matter, Tannin? Never seen a bit of flesh before? I am doing well this fine morning. You on the other hand seem a little...flustered."


She then spied Weyland, who had already donned his desert attire, taking down his tent. It was odd seeing the fighter out of armor - probably as odd as seeing herself without it as well. Her eyes met his, "Ah, good morning Weyland...though something tells me you are not a morning person, eh?"




Maydiira wiped a bit of fat from her mouth and leaned back against a tree.


It had taken her half the night to skin and dress the deer before finishing cooking its meat. At last, after it was sufficiently done, she tore into it with her bare hands. The drow had eaten more than she had in the past tenday...she only hoped that she wouldn't pay later for gorging on the venison.


Her campfire was burning low, and the moon was already setting. The sun would be up soon...but Maydiira did not care. She sank into the leaves at the roots of the tree and almost instantaneously fell asleep.




"Yes," Ginafae smirked, more to herself than to Arland, "You are."


The drow Blackguard continued picking her way through the forest, finally coming across a cave entrance.


"This should lead under the city...and perhaps right into some fool's cellar," she said over her shoulder, "Let's go."

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Arland didn't object, although perhaps that had something to do with the fact that he didn't hear Ginafae's remark about him being a slave.




"Sure, lead on. With any luck it's some tyrant I can kill." He gestured towards the cave, gripping the hilt of one of his blades but not drawing it.








Weyland barely heard anybody talk to him at all, it sounded to him almost like someone trying to talk to him while they were both submerged in water. He slowly turned to look at her, the angle of the sun hitting his face highlighted the dark circles around his eyes that would probably clear up in an hour or so.




"Heh. Heh heh heh." He laughed a wheezy, pained laugh, and flashed Rhaine a weak grin. One of his pupils was significantly larger than the other. "What makes you think that?" He yawned widely, almost like a cat. Or maybe Sana. Amendale, sensing just how tired his friend was, silently chuckled to himself and then stood up to help make breakfast: more fish. He set about preparing the ingredients and spices, and lit a fire with a magical spark that he needed no components to conjure. Soon enough fish were being cooked above the fire, and would probably be ready in time for everyone to wake up.

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"Skin? What? no.. no no i've i've seen skin." Tannin stuttered. "Ju just not.. yours.. I mean it's nice but but." Suddenly realizing what he had said he jammed his mouth shut.

"I mean.. it's not.......It is but that's not what i'm meaning it's.... I mean..." Looking around for an escape he found that he had only one option. With a look of panic he threw himself back into the water, submerging completely. "Note to self.. don't talk before completely awake" He mentally kicked himself.



Kento continued his trek even as the sun started to rise. He hardly ever slept, preferring to stay awake thanks to a concoction that an old friend had came up with that would keep the drinker awake far longer than what they normally would. He eventually decided to take a stop on the side of the road to brew up another one of the potions. As he sat down and laid out his things the smell of campfire smoke coming from nearby caught his attention. thinking nothing of it he started taking the ingredients out of his pack. Crushing them up and adding a bit of water to it he swirled it around in a vial for a few moments. When it was ready he took it all in one drink. His face showing no displeasure at the awful taste. He placed the empty vial at his side and closed his eyes, beginning to meditate and mentally prepare for the day ahead.

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