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Tales of Faerun


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Things had gone from bad to indescribably worse. Myn had had reservations from the beginning of signing on with the merchant caravan that was traveling through the Anauroch to begin with, but it had been the only one that was going to cross for awhile, and frankly... he needed to cross it as soon as possible. Why he hadn't listened to his instincts and waited, he wasn't sure, but he was paying the price for it now. Beset upon by bandits, Myn had been fighting them off when the caravan leader had knocked him out cold from behind and used him and two thirds of the caravans goods as a bargaining chip to spare them and to let them go. The bandits... of course, accepted.


Now, after nearly a month of captivity and resistance. Myn had given them the final straw, and because he had been such a colossal pain in the rear for the last month, outright killing him was just too good of a way out. No, for Myn, they chose to bury him head deep into the sand and desert and left him there to die. And so there he had stayed for the last two days.... suffering. Oh, not because of the searing heat of day or the frigid nights, and it wasn't to do with the lack of not having had any food or water for those selfsame two days. No, it was because the bastards had stolen his beloved longsword Ter'oc, and without it Myn felt utterly lost. So there he stayed, unable to escape the inevitable death that was certain to come. "Well, Myn..." he croaked, "you've done it now. Your dead for certain this time!"

Edited by DracoRazgriz
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The trip across the desert was clearly hard on the surface-faring folk of the party, but of all the companions, it was Xallistine who suffered the most. He had gotten used to the sun of Faerun, but this was another matter entirely. Almost immediately upon entering the Anauroch, his skin began to dry, and the water content in his body was vastly depleted- His kind was primarily aquatic, and needed damp conditions to survive. Conditions he was finding none of. Sweating was not an option either, Illithid did not possess sweat glands, as they were not made for hot environments, they needed to have as much water inside them, rather than cooling their exterior.


As night fell, the Ulitharid's skin cracked. As they set up camp, the Ulitharid tended to his cracked skin with intense healing spells, and attempted to bring back the moisture by pouring his water skin over his head. it was relieving and as there was no sun there to dry him out, he remained damp, cold, but at least not cracked and broken. He let out a sigh, and commented to Rhaine "If it were not for your staunch beliefs, and stance against necromantic powers, i would seriously consider the transition into that of an Alhoon. If nothing else, i would avoid any situations remotely like this." With a deep sigh he continued "I pray that these Oasis's will show up soon, else i shall not make the Journey alive."


Of everyone, Mireth fared the best in the intense heat, while sweating profusely, the large area of her skin free of clothing meant she was not uncomfortable, nor too hot. She helped gather resources for the fire as the camp sprung up once again, thinking of Tannin's earlier issues. She hoped the desert heat wouldn't get to him, or they'd be in for more antics.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Tannin was miserable. Used to the cold air of the northern coast he could feel his skin cracking as he moved. Add to the fact that he felt like he was literally melting from the heat only made things worse. But still he did his best to remain cheerful. Trying to laugh and joke as much as he could. When night fell he was at his happiest. Which brought an idea to mind. "Is there any particular reason why we travel during the day instead of night? Think it would be much easier and we'd cover far more ground AAANND save on water. I mean it's not like most of us can't see in the dark anyways."







"Again you have my sympathies." Kento said to Maydiira. "But yes.. Vengeance is now the only thing that i live for. I knew the man who murdered them, and had many chances to end his vile life before but didn't. I had hoped that he would turn from his dark ways but..... He obviously refused, he enjoys it too much." He said as he continued walking.

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Amendale found the heat nearly unbearable, and found himself occasional using frost spells just to cool himself down. Weyland was also very hot, but was used to the desert. The reason for this, however, made him grouchy for most of the travelling.



"Sand-blasted, Kelemvor-cursed, thrice-damned armpits of the world...Nothing but dust and slavers..." He ranted to himself under his breath and even he could barely hear it, but it still felt good.



He found himself happiest when he could just sleep, or when it was nice and cool, similar to when Tannin was most cheerful. Amendale found himself most comfortable at night as well, even if it got genuinely chilly then. He kept silent most of the trip, offering advice and information when he felt that it would be useful.






"Fine." Arland snarled. "This had better be worth it for me, b&@*$. To say nothing of the housecat..."



Arland was already hating this. It was either serve them or lose Weyland, and he wasn't even sure if they had information on him to begin with. Arland decided to himself then and there that if they were cowing him into serving their whim, he would strike them down or die trying without a second thought.



But then....



They knew Weyland's name, and at least knew his last name as well, considering how quickly they had brought him up when Arland had mentioned the family name. That means that they either knew the family, or knew Weyland himself, both of which interested Arland greatly. He honestly hoped it was the latter, he didn't want either of these two evil backstabbers anywhere near his family. He growled at the thought, tempted to draw his weapon and behead Ginafae where she stood, but he somehow suspected she wouldn't fall for that and instead set about hiding the body of the poor smith in the closet for now.

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Rhaine finished tending to her horse and spoke to Tannin while putting away the water bucket, "We can travel at night if everyone agrees. However, I have been reluctant to alter our sleeping patterns, knowing what that can do to one's body. Since most of us are hardy, and no one has voiced any objections, I assume that is what they wished to do as well. But if the desert is taking its toll, we can certainly try sleeping during the day."


Turning to Xallistine, she added, "I'm glad that you take my beliefs into account. I would, unfortunately, be forced to end your existence if you went that route. But let us not speak of such things. If the others are of a mind to travel at night, like Tannin has suggested, perhaps you shall fare better. I am certain we will come across an oasis sooner or later...there would not be a trade route here if there were not."


Bilron hefted one of the now-empty barrels into the wagon and replied, "Aye, sounds good enough to me. We can let the oxen rest for a few hours and then continue on. Anything to help cope with this gods-bedamned heat."




Maydiira simply nodded, unsure of what else to say. She continued following Kento in silence, wondering where the man's path would lead.




Ginafae grinned widely at Arland, perching upon the dresser and replying, "Ah, that's a good auflaque. Keep it up, and I may throw you a bone now and then."


She then glanced at Sana, "You've been quiet, l'thi. What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" She giggled wickedly, her eyes flashing in the dark.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"Then it's settled! We'll do the smart thing and travel at night, and sleep during the day." Tannin said happily. "Now if you'll all excuse me I've got something to take care of." He said before walking behind a sand dune. Several seconds later he let out a loud yell and came running back to the group tripping over his pants that he was trying his best to keep held up. "THERE'S A HEAD LAYING IN THE SAND OVER THERE!!" He yelled, obviously freaked out over the sight.




After a short while Kento and Maydiira stood outside a village. Kento stared at the town sign near the front of it for a short while. "Iiiiii..... Do not know what this place is." He finally admitted. "But I feel that it is where I need to be." He said in a certain tone.

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Where his clutchmates seemed to wither in the desert heat, Tak'we seemed to thrive. His exoskeleton prevented a lot of precious water from leaving his body, The thri'kreen still drank a decent amount of water everyday, but it was only to prevent his body from becoming too hot.


As they stopped for the night, Tak'we went around with some water from his supplies and gave a little to everyone, knowing how much the softskins needed it. The rate that his clutchmates went through water alarmed the thri'kreen, though. At this rate, we will never make to the next water source, let alone the entire desert! he thought worriedly. Except for Kalin, maybe... The newcomer had barely even drained a single water-skin since he had joined the group, Mighty Sun having no effect it seemed on the softskin. How unusual.


He quickly agreed with the decision to travel at night, and voiced as much to Rhaine when he walked up alongside her. "Yesss, thisss one thinksss it would be better to travel during the night." *Tck! "It will sssave water, and be eassier on everyone." He was about to bring up the strangeness about Kalin when he heard Tannin crying out. A head in the sand? the thri'kreen thought, puzzled.


He went to where Tannin had been, and sure enough there was a softskin's head sticking out of the ground. And it was alive! *WEEE!* he whistled sharply to the others. "Thisss softsskin isss sstill alive!" *TCKTCK!*




Kalin was only discomforted by the desert sun, having just spent the last few tendays traveling through it. His psionic powers ensured that his body didn't need food or drink, but the mental exertion tested his endurance all the same, fighting against the extreme heat. The elan drank a little bit of water here and there to reduce the strain on his mind, but didn't consume much else save a quick snack to keep up appearances that he was human.


Oh, confound it all! Why did I decide to do this!? Kalin cursed himself. I just finished traveling through the bloody desert, then I go off and try to go through it again! Then that annoying little voice in the back of his head spoke up. Because you're a stubborn fool who apparently wants to die trying to uncover the past, it seemed to berate him. Oh, shut up, you're not helping, the elan snapped back, silencing the voice.


When the caravan stopped for the night, Kalin set his pack down and began to set up his tent for the night. He looked over at Xallistine and, despite the soulknife still feeling intruded upon, he felt pity for the illithid, for the sorcerer was clearly suffering. Where is that salve? Rummaging through his pack for a moment, he pulled out a small, sealed jar and walked over to Xallistine.


"Xallistine, here. This should help your skin, " the elan said, handing the jar to the illithid. "It will help heal the burns and it will keep your skin cool and hydrated. Don't waste it, though, " Kalin advised. "I only have the one jar, and it took me a long time to even mix it right. Heh, any longer and the gods themselves would've died of old age."


He was nodding his head in agreement with the group's decision to travel during the night when he heard Tannin yelling about 'a head in the sand' and turned to see the half-drow running into the camping and Tak'we rushing off to investigate. "What in the hells?" the soulknife murmured out loud, then quickly began walking towards Tak'we when the thri'kreen called out to them, wondering how by Lathandar's light did someone end up buried up to their neck in the desert.

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Bleary eyed, Myn blinked furiously to try and wake himself up, as he had fallen asleep until Tannin's shriekish yelling had woken him. "What?..." he croaked and gasped, his mouth dryer than the entire Anauroch desert. "have a little decorum you godsdamned spirits! I might be near enough dead as it is, but I'm not dead yet! At least... I don't think I am?"


Still, Myn couldn't help but begin to wonder. Wonder if this was the end, because whatever was making that awful racket, and what a truly awful racket it was. Was Huge!!!! No, seriously, to Myn it sounded like the most out of tune lute with seven missing strings ever combined with that annoying yap of a little dog nobles seemed to like so much. Yeah, that one. It just had to be the end.... how else could you explain the monstrous behemoth that now stood there drooling over Myn. A nightmare of insectoid terror, hellbent on ripping and taking Myn from this mortal coil and dragging him down into the deepest darkest depths of Hell.

Edited by DracoRazgriz
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Rhaine had just removed her robe, sheet, and scarf when Tannin ran into the camp screaming something about a head in the sand. Alarmed, she followed Tak'we and Kalin to where a blonde-haired man was buried neck-deep in a dune. His face and head appeared severely blistered from the sun, and his voice was dangerously weak. The Doomguide moved forward and knelt before him, trying to block the overwhelming figure of Tak'we from the man's view. She took his burned face in her hands and pressed her fingers to his neck. His pulse was faint.


"You are not dead, yet," she said, "it appears we found you just in time. You will be all right."


Turning to Kalin and Tak'we, the Doomguide added, "Kalin...go to my pack and retrieve a healing kit. Tak'we...let's get this man out."




Maydiira recognized these outskirts...she had passed them by the day before.


"This is Shadowdale," she said, "I...I would have come here yesternight, if it were not for those who fear and loathe my kind. I have only rarely walked in the daylight through a surfacer settlement before, and never without my cloak. This place is particularly dangerous for me - it has been attacked by drow raiders many times in the past."


She glanced down at her exposed dark skin and her long silver-white hair. Sighing, the drow added, "Suppose there's a first time for everything, eh?"


Maydiira closed her eyes briefly and prepared to be barraged with curses, threatened with death, and charged at with swords and pitchforks.




Ginafae rolled her eyes at Sana, "Forgive me if I'm not convinced that you can think deeply about anything, l'thi. As for your skin, it matters not to anyone but you."


The drow jerked her thumb at the closet, "You are welcome to a feast should you want it. As for myself," she snapped her fingers at Arland, "Go fetch whatever pathetic fare this town calls food, jaluk, and be quick about it."

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