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Tales of Faerun


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Sana watched the others eat with her nose wrinkled up in disgust. The smell of stew almost masked the coppery tang of blood in her nostrils, and she wasn't pleased with that. She poked at the smith's body before deciding she didn't want any of him.


She took her time thinking about what Ginafae had asked, before toying with the chain about her waist with her forefingers, "Well, his appearance could have changed since the last time I saw him, but I do know he's not a man who stands out too much in a crowd, unless he's got armor on..." She paused, searching for the right way to describe him, suddenly feeling as if she had all the right ones dancing on her lips, "Everything about him screams that he's some bleeding-hearted hero. And you'd know him from that stench, that horrid aura that hung in my nostrils whenever I neared him. He smelled like..."


Her eyes flicked to Arland, and she snarled, "He smelled like... defiance."

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Tak'we wrapped his lower arms around Sori, holding the softskin hatchling's hands in his own. He hissed in laughter when she asked Xallistine to share a story. Tentacle-face... that's nice. The thri'kreen didn't voice his thought, though, and instead chose to be quiet, wanting to hear to more from his companion. "Yess. Thiss one would like to hear of tentacled softskin'ss storiesss."




Kalin burst into laughter at Weyland's tale, guffawing for a good while. "Misinformation indeed. Amendale definitely looks like someone who'd pull off drunken shenanigans," he said, attempting to keep a straight face but failing miserably.


After laughing a bit more, Kalin noticed Rhaine walking a decent ways away from the camp. Hmm, wonder what she's up to? "Well, thanks for the story, gents," he spoke, excusing himself as he stood up. "It was entertaining to say the least." With that, the elan walked away from the fire and stepped quietly alongside Rhaine, trying not to disturb her. She was looking the stars, a faint smile on her face. Then she sighed.


"Beautiful, aren't they?" he asked quietly. "Makes you wonder what else is up there, doesn't it?" He glanced at the priestess and apologized for interrupting her thoughts. "Sorry for bothering you, milady. I noticed you walking by yourself and I was curious." He chuckled lightly, embarrassed with his instincts. "I also have a bad habit of feeling compelled to accompany a lady by herself like a gentlemen should."


He fell silent, and looked back at the stars. "She always used to tell me that..." A fragmented memory flashed by in his mind...


A lone woman standing by herself in an orchard, the scent of fresh apple blossoms in the air. She turned to him, though her face was hidden by her red hair, blown faintly by the wind. "Kalin, what are you doing here?" He smiled. "I don't know. I walking by and thought I should say hello." She smiled warmly. "Felt like you had to escort a lady again, didn't you?" Kalin laughed, holding his hands up in the air. "Guilty as charged." The woman giggled, a soft, gentle laugh. "Well, then," she said mischieviously. "I guess I have no choice but to let you protect me." She took his arm and they began to walk through the trees, smiling and enjoying themselves...


Kalin gave a sad smile at the memory. Such memories would surface every now and then. How I miss those days... He glanced aside to Rhaine. "Rhaine, do you ever wonder if the gods choose our fates, or if they have a plan for us?" He twisted his signet ring again absent-mindedly. "That's something I constantly ask myself, almost every day." The elan chuckled softly, "Sorry, I'm rambling here. Never mind me," he said, "I'll stop bothering you."


The elan stopped speaking, but he lingered and kept watching the night sky, his violet eyes seeming to search the stars for an ever-elusive solace.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Weyland nodded. "Yeah, they're evil, through and through. I've yet to meet any exceptions. Or maybe I have, and just stabbed them. Either way if I have they're all dead now and it doesn't matter." Weyland said hastily. "anytime, by the way."



Weyland was quick to agree with Kalin. "You should've seen it. He had caught the attention of everybody in the bar and somehow still managed to dance a jig without falling head-first off the table. The sining was likely the worst part. That voice doesn't see use too often so Amendale doesn't know how to keep a voice on a single note. It actually cracked at one point so badly that he slipped on beer and fell out the window."



Amendale sighed. "Keep convincing yourself that was me. I'm sure denial helps you get over the humiliation." He smiled mischeiviously. Quiet he may be, but nobody could say that Amendale didn't have a social side.



"Well of course YOU don't remember, you were as drunk as an angry dwarf and twice as rowdy." He kept a straight face as he said this, knowing full well that it was probably him.






The two things Arland did at Sana's description was groan internally (Weyland didn't stick out in a crowd unless he wore armor. Great, more complications.) and on the exterior, he clapped.



"'Atta boy, Weyland! Hey, if he defied you I, it's my turn no-wait, how exactly do you know Weyland? If he constantly defied you that means that he didn't like you. And judging by the company you keep and the fact you ate the Blacksmith-don't deny it, I see your messy face- I'd say that I don't like you either."

Edited by Flipout6
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Rhaine's emerald eyes fell to Kalin's countenance and she raised a brow, "And you think a lady like me needs escorting, do you?"


She sighed and, after a few moments, answered him, "I do think that the gods have a hand in our fates, yes...do they plan it all? Likely not. The individual is not important enough to warrant such attention. They are focused on larger things - mortalkind as a whole. Yes, they move us here and prod us there, perhaps even intervene from time to time...but the path we walk is always our own choice."


The Doomguide paused for a moment before adding, "Or so I believe. Despite my...connections...my understanding of how they reason and how much they involve themselves is quite narrow. Their agendas are only known so much as they will allow, and some gods are more secretive than others."


She placed a hand on Kalin's shoulder, "Whatever the case, it is not worth troubling yourself over. I have found that it is best to focus on what is, rather than what might be. And remember that even if you are being guided, your mind is always your own." Her tone became more serious, "That being said, you must be careful, as your choices will always have consequences."


Meanwhile, Bilron and Maeve were loading and preparing a pair of crossbows. Though the two were fully confident in the abilities of their companions, neither would sit idly by if their caravan was attacked.




Ginafae pushed her bowl away and leaned back in her chair, propping her feet up on the table, "Ahhhh, this is interesting indeed...do go on."


The drow's eyes glittered. The more she knew, the more she could twist Arland and Sana both to her own ends. Neither of them were very careful with their words, which was all the more advantageous to herself.

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Without much else to do Tannin opened his pack and retrieved a small leather bound book, some ink and a quill, and started to write in it. Setting to work on yet another idea for a play that had crossed his mind.




Kento looked around. "It I possible... I suppose I will ask around then. If he has been here then he possibly stepped inside the blacksmith at some point." He said before setting off to find it.

He entered the blacksmith shop to find the front of it empty, but the wave of emotions coming from somewhere in the back told him that the building was not. He spoke after letting out a sigh of frustration. "The door is unlocked and yet no one in the front, An improper way to run a business I would think. I could take anything from here and no one would be able to stop me." He said loud enough that anyone in the building could hear him.

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Kalin gave a short laugh, pulling his eyes away from the sky. "I have every confidence in your ability to defend yourself." he spoke, smiling. "Though a lady is still a lady, and should be treated as such."


The elan listened to Rhaine as she offered her view on fate and choices. "The gods are unknowable indeed." He met Rhaine's green eyes. "Our minds are our own, yes. But sometimes, the path we take isn't the one we chose or even wanted. I learned that a long time ago..." One of his hands went to his chest, the scars there serving as a terrible reminder of his past. "I definitely learned that..."


He stared off into space for a moment, then focused back on the priestess. "I've also learned that one has to roll with what's thrown at them and live in the now, and that the past is the past. But that still doesn't stop me from wishing otherwise, now does it?" He gave a shrug and sighed, then spoke up again. "Well, milady, I've bothered you long enough." Kalin smiled, glad of the conversation he'd had. I haven't spoken like that for a long time... "I enjoyed this little philosophical chat of ours. We should do it again sometime." He gave Rhaine a polite bow, then began to walk back to camp.

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Rhaine did not reply, and she remained alone for many moments. At last, she began to head back towards camp, noticing that Maeve and Bilron were arming themselves. She gathered up her own things and untethered her horse, calling to the others, "If we're going to make more headway before dawn, we need to leave soon."




Maydiira followed Kento into the shop, the smell of food and...something else...tickling her nostrils.


"Do you smell that?" she whispered, "Blood."

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When Rhaine returned Tannin let out a sigh. "Of course, always when I start getting to the good parts." He muttered softly as he started to pack up his things. "Should have bought something to read back in town. A couple good book makes the days go by faster."




Kento's scowl grew even more noticeable. "Would explain why the owner isn't up here." He said. Despite not being able to smell the blood like Maydiira, he didn't doubt her. What he felt coming from the back didn't feel like anything a wounded person would be feeling however. "I do not believe we will find aid in this place." He said softly.

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For the first time in a long while, Alphonse spoke. "Could you move your leg, please?"


Surprised, Ianthe stared at him for a moment before obliging and sliding over away from Alphonse. She pulled her cloak tighter around herself. It was the dry kind of cold here, and she hated every second of it. The nights provided welcome respite from the burning sun, but they were just as frigid as the days were boiling.


Something cold dripped down onto Reona's nose, causing her hand to reflexively swipe at it. Her eyebrows raised as she stared down at the moisture on her fingertip. "I think... I think it's raining."


Arva glanced down at Reona's finger, and another drop fell onto her hand, this one bigger than the first. "It's... raining?"


Ianthe looked up at the sky and closed her eyes as cold droplets began to pelt her face. It felt like sheer bliss, feeling rain after so many days of being covered in sweat, only to have it dry and become sticky or dampen her clothing so that it would be cold as ice against her skin when night came.


William's eyes shifted toward the four of them, and he quickly began to pack his papers up, "This could be less than a blessing out here. It's a good thing Rhaine wants to get on the move again. This area looks like it could be prone to flooding."

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Rhaine glanced up. She hadn't even noticed the massing dark clouds from the south that now covered the moon and began to unload their heavy burden onto the travelers. Her scalp tickled as fat, cold raindrops fell upon her head...slowly at first, then quickly becoming faster and faster...


"Hrammar!" Bilron cursed, having to shout as the sound of the rain pelting the dry sand turned into a roar, "The wizard is right! The wagons could get mired in this mess!"


"Mired? Hells, we could drown!" Maeve added, yelling over the cacophony "Sori! Get inside the wagon, now!"


The girl, already soaked to the skin, scampered to do as she was told, hopping up into the back of her mother's wagon. Her parents started to hitch the oxen when a booming voice sounded overhead.


"Leave the beasts, travelers! Get inside the wagons if you wish to live!"


It was not a threat but a plea. The Doomguide peered through the grey haze of rain and saw a bright metallic flash...a blunt snout, shield-like forehead, tapering wings that stretched to the tip of a long, sinewy tail...


A brass dragon.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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