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Tales of Faerun


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Rain pouring down on his head Tannin stood out in it with an unamused look on his face. "Well..... Could be worse.... Something with big teeth could-" The deep voice coming from the sky interrupted him. Looking up at the brass dragon, Tannin shrugged. "Well at least it's friendly." He said before scrambling into the wagon, already having an idea of what was about to happen.

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Tak'we hissed when he felt rain dribbling then pouring down his chitin. *Nrakktck!* He began to move inside one of the wagons when he heard a voice boom out from the sky. The thri'kreen shrieked in surprise and stumbled against the wagon, falling over backwards into it. He grabbed one of the wooden supports and stared out at the great creature that was overhead. "What in the name of the sspiritss iss that!?" he cried out, feeling fear creep in his chest.




Kalin held out a hand, enjoying the refreshing, clean coolness the rain provided. His mirth turned to worry, however, as the rain poured down faster and thicker, threatening to wash the group away. The elan ran to one of the wagons, then looked up with a start when a voice called out, deep and commanding. His eyes widen in surprise. "A brass dragon? Here?" Not one to argue with a dragon, he hopped inside the wagon and looked out, wondering what in the Nine Hells was going on.

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Rhaine could not believe her eyes. The dragon swooped lower, wings shimmering as they rippled from shoulder to tail...the tip of which was seemingly on fire - permanently glowing with yellow flame.


"You've had the misfortune of witnessing the beginning of the rainy season here," the brass beast rumbled as he hovered overhead, "Quickly! Get in the wagons and I can take you to safety!"


The Doomguide nodded, dropping her reins and heading to one of the wagons...she regretted having to leave the animals behind, but there was no other option. Already the ground was turning to sludge. Maeve and Bilron jumped into the wagon with Sori and huddled beside her. Rhaine climbed in with them, shouting at Tak'we, "Do not tarry, friend!"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Tak'we came to his senses when Rhaine called out to him and leapt into the wagon with Sori and her parents and sat down as well as he could next to the family. The thri'kreen continued to stare at the creature, wondering what he looking at. He clutched at the medallion around his neck and began to pray to Mother Moon for protection.

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Amendale didn't particularily care when it began to rain, figuring it would be a relief on his skin and prevent him from overheating. He was quite puzzled, however, when he saw Weyland shoot to his feet once the downpour really began and made his way towards the wagon, swiftly grabbing most of his supplies as he went. Then it hit him. This was the wet season in the desert, there was going to be so much much it may literally drown them, and had the potential to create quicksand.



He stood up and bolted for the wagon, a longer distance from it than anybody else in the group. Weyland jumped up onto it quickly as Amendale became more mired in the muck and he began to sink almost shin deep. If he tripped, he would literally drown. Weyland advanced up to the front of the wagon and leaned over the side, grabbing the struggling elf by the scruff of his shirt and under the arm. He pulled Amendale out of the mud with considerable effort, even for someone as strong as Weyland, and hauled his friend up and over the side of the wagon, plopping him down in a seat miraculously with both boots.



"You're lucky I know to head for high ground when the monsoon comes. I've spent far longer than I'd like deserts."



Then the dragon came. It startled Weyland out of his wits and he stood up and drew his blade. The lightning enchantment glowed a bright cobalt in the darkness. He gripped onto the side of the wagon with an iron gripm but sheathed his sword, slipped his backpack on and held on to the wagon with both hands as the dragon revealed its friendly intentions. He was fully aware that this was not going to be an easy flight.



"EVERYBODY HOLD ON!" He shouted over the rain and the wind.






Arland was alarmed by the two newcomers, and from listening more he could tell they were suspicious. He silently cursed. He wouldn't be able to explain anything without being exposed as a baldfaced liar, especially when there was still specks of blood on his armor. He decided he might as well come clean. He could always retreat if it turned out to be more than he could handle. He would aim to incapacitate as opposed to kill. These two were right to be suspicious, and a man who was wanted with multiple counts of murder, regardless of the victim, wasn't going to be trusted and likely easily recognized. Wanted Posters of him were likely spread all across the region by now.



He stood up and walked to the front of the shop, visibly brooding. He stayed just out of a blade's reach of the two of them and spoke. "No point trying to deny anything, I suppose. Yeah, there's been a murder here, and yes, I'm the man on the wanted posters you've likely seen on the wanted posters outside. My motives for this murder, because it is exactly that, are complicated. I figured I may as well tell it to your face instead of hide like a craven coward. So, am I to be attacked, reported? I won't kill anyone else if I can help it." His voice stayed calm, but if it turned into a fight he half-hoped that one of the two of his 'allies' in the back would be killed during.

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Kento studied the man who came forward. Not at all caring for what he had to say, Kento let his feels be known. "I care very little for your crimes, they mean nothing to me. I am only seeking one criminal and you are not that man. Nor do I think that you have made contact with him. But I have been wrong before." He said putting a hand on the hilt of the katana at his side, and spoke in a tone as if the name sickened him to the core. "Now tell me. Do you know a man named.... Tannin Virson?"




Tannin let out a loud sneeze. The cold air getting to him he shivered a bit. "I prefer colder weather but not when i'm soaked." He muttered under his breath. "Hey dragon! Whatever you're gonna do do it fast please!" He called out.

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The dragon waited until all of the rest of the companions were huddled safely into the wagons. Then, he hovered lower, the rhythmic beating of his wings louder even than the pounding rain. There was a sudden shifting movement that jostled Rhaine and the family violently, ending with a sharp bang - the dragon had pushed the wagons together for a better grip. The Doomguide could hear the oxen and horses crying out in fear as the beast crouched over the caravan, and the dark shadow of his chest pressed into the canvas above her as he reached around them. Then, the wooden frames began to groan and pop as they were pulled upwards out of the muck...the dragon muttered a few low words and a howling wind picked up, helping to create lift under his wings. At last, with one final violent quake, the wagons were freed and the dragon began to take to the air.


It was a rough start...even for such a large dragon, the wagons were obviously quite heavy. There was a sickening dip to the right, then to the left as he struggled to correct himself. After a few breaths, however, the period between wing-beats lengthened, and the flight became much smoother. The rain was still roaring outside - all Rhaine could see out of the back of her wagon was a sheet of grey water and the flaming tip of the dragon's tail. For some reason, though, the air seemed much warmer. It was a puzzle to her until she realized that the heat was coming from the dragon himself...it brought with it a metallic smell.


"Hells and damnation," Bilron groaned, more than a bit nauseous, judging from his pale face, "Never been on a ship in my life...and if this is what it is like, I never will!"


Sori, on the other hand, was excited beyond belief. "We got saved by a dragon!" she kept whispering, her large eyes fixated on the wavering tip of the dragon's tail.


"That we did, young'un," Maeve murmured, patting her daughter's shoulder, "Either the gods really are looking out for us, or we've all got the luck of fools."




Maydiira's silvery eyes widened at the man's admission. There was something more at work here...something that the man wasn't revealing. She waited on his reply to Kento with curiosity, all the while wondering why a wanted man was so open about his crimes and living right under the noses of the town guard.


Ginafae remained in the back, stock still. There was an invisibility potion in her hand already, to use if things escalated. She kept her ears trained on Arland...he had not yet revealed them, which actually surprised her.

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Weyland's stomach lurched horribly as the dragon struggled to get a grip on the wagons, and he feared that it would drop them to their death, but such a thing did not happen. He tried to equalize his own weight in the wagon to make himself less of a burden. Once the wagon stabilized, however, he relaxed a little bit and sat down, still tense. He wasn't sure he could trust the dragon, and it showed on his face.




Amendale noticed this and was quick to say "We have little to fear from the dragon, he is not the type to attack us." Weyland's eyebrows scrunched together, he was unconvinced. But only time would tell.




"We have everyone, looks like, right? We didn't leave anyone behind by accident?" The rising heat in the room felt good on his freezing skin.







The fact that this stranger had his hand on his katana wasn't lost on Arland, who kept his hands on his own twin blades. "Can't say I've heard the name, I'm afraid, and I won't ask why you seek him because it's none of my business. I'm afraid I can't help you find him, though. Tight schedule." He was just glad that he didn't have to hit some poor teenage guardsman on the head yet.



One thing he could tell though was that the man's companion was at least surprised, if not suspicious, if the way her eyes had shot open wide as saucers was any indication. She may care, unlike him. Arland kept his eye on both of them, but they looked competent. If this turned into a fight he may not win if he was looking to kill, let alone incapacitate, which he did if he didn't want to kill his opponent.

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Tannin seemed relatively unfazed by the recent events. In truth he was actually enjoying being back in the air again after so long. He had missed the sensation of being up in the air. It almost made him want to track down his old spelljammer after he parted ways with this group.... almost. A smile eventually spread across his face as he began to warm up. "I say we hire this guy and use him to fly us everywhere."





Kento glared at the man. "Then you are of no use to me." He said before turning to the door and opening it. "And no." He said before walking out the door. "You would not hope of incapacitating us.

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Kalin clutched at a wooden support as the wagon was lifted up into the air, his stomach beginning to do somersaults. "Lathander, let this be over quick!" he muttered, feeling sick. The elan held onto the wagon, clearly not enjoying the flight. I HATE FLYING! he thought to himself. The soulknife would have shouted out the words, but he was afraid that his words wouldn't be the only thing coming from his mouth. Damnation. I think I'm going to be sick...



Tak'we gripped the sides of the wagon he was crouched in, his clawed hands digging into the wood and threatening to shatter it. The wagon shuddered as the dragon lifted them, making the thri'kreen grip the boards even tighter. *SSSS!* "Mother Moon presserve usss!" he chanted, still praying to his god.

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