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Tales of Faerun


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Charmelion drug the wagons through the large and empty cavern, which Rhaine later realized was simply an entrance hall. As her eyes adjusted to the lighting, she saw that the walls were decorated with tapestries and paintings of varying sizes, all illuminated by natural rock pillars that had been transformed into braziers by the dragon's breath. Indeed, it was like a gigantic art gallery that advertised Charmelion's tastes. The dragon noticed her glances and added, "The best of my collection...one-of-a-kind tapestries and paintings I've acquired over my eleven hundred years upon this world. Some were gifts, others salvaged from ruins. They tell the stories of peasants and serfs, heroes and kings."


The brass dragon continued to drag the wagons into the center of an even larger chamber. This one was framed by columns of twisting rock, carved and molded by Charmelion's own horns, claws, and breath. Almost at once, he began to sort out Bilron's equipment, tossing crates and frames aside into one pile and meticulously organizing armor and weapons in another. It was at this point that Weyland took Bilron aside and gave him a pouch full of coin...the smith tried to refuse at first, but seeing as he had no choice but to accept, he gratefully took the money. Maeve cast a look at her husband, but Bilron simply shook his head.


"You have a marvelous selection of work here," Charmelion commented at last, "Mithral, Darksteel, even Cold Iron. You are a talent, good smith."


Bilron was more than a little surprised at the dragon's complement, "I...thank you, Chara...Chari..."


"Charmelion!" Sori piped up.


"That," the smith nodded.


"I shall pay for the lot of it," the dragon suddenly added. Before anyone could reply, he clucked his tongue loudly. At once, two women appeared, garbed in light robes. They appeared to be from the local Bedine tribes, judging from their dress and complexions. Charmelion noticed Rhaine's questioning look and he explained, "These two were runaways from their tribes...escaping arranged marriages. I offered them shelter here after finding them dehydrated and starved, and they have never left me. Shayara? Harani? Go fetch the chest."


The women nodded obediently and hurried off to do his bidding. In the meantime, the dragon glanced over the travelers, "Let us do something about drying you all out, shall we?"


With a puff of breath, Charmelion set the remnants of the wagons alight, and they soon burned with a bright yellow flame that warmed the entire cavern from floor to ceiling. The dragon sprawled out like a great cat by the fire, crossing his paws casually and eyeing the company, "So...surely you all are much more than mere caravan escorts, hmm?"




Ginafae's angry eyes fastened briefly upon Kento, "Let us see if you still hold to that belief when you are trapped in her web, jaluk!"


But her focus on the man was short as Arland suddenly launched into an attack. It was not anything she was not used to...the males of her own house had fought similarly before she had killed them all for their weakness. She cursed the fact that she had changed out of her armor, but it was no matter...her mace blocked the idiot traitor's blows with flashes of sparks.


The Blackguard was no fool, though. She could not win this fight...not with Maydiira bearing down on her with her bastard sword. Twisting away from Arland and vaulting over Sana's back and into the rear of the smith's residence, she cast a spell inherent to her race - a globe of Darkness. It swallowed the room in inky blackness that only drow eyes could penetrate, and she made a mad dash for her pack, withdrawing the invisibility potion that she had stuffed inside only moments before and downing it in one gulp.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Myn listened to Rhaine introduce herself, then offer him a chance to join the group, if he so wished, and tell him he needed to rest. Offering her a rather rough bow, the best he could do under the circumstances, he said "Thank you, I think I will join. After all, I do owe you and the others a debt. No matter whether you say I do or not."


At Maeve's call for oatmeal Myn glanced in her direction, gave Rhaine another short bow and then went and collected a bowl for himself. Ate it, then made his way into one of the wagons to get some much needed rest as Rhaine had wisely suggested he do so. After a short while Myn's eyes grew heavy and he fell asleep, and was acutely unaware of the events going on while he slept. Not the conversations of the strangers he now found himself with. Nor the torrent rains of the monsoon storm and the appearance of the dragon, or the subsequent flight to safety.




Not until the massive dragon deposited the wagons on the cliff face did Myn wake.


When he did, it was to yet more unfamiliar surroundings, but he held his tongue, climbed out of the wagon he was in and then followed the others into the cave when they did the same. It was unreal to see a dragon, at least it was for Myn. The spellsword had never seen one before, let alone a Brass Dragon, neither up close or at a distance. Now, he was barely fifty yards from one and he couldn't stop staring at it.

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Tak'we looked up in frightened awe at the giant creature when it tore off the canvas on the wagon, then meekly walked off, staring at the thing calling itself Charmelion. The thri'kreen stood in shock as the giant flying lizard dragged the wagons almost effortlessly across the cavern floor. How strong is that thing? he wondered to himself as he followed everyone into the great hall.


As they went into the huge room, Tak'we whistled in amazement at the tapestries and paintings. "Sssuch beautiful craftsss...," he muttered quietly, then turned his attention to Charmelion when it started sorting out the smith's goods. Even from where he was standing, Tak'we could tell the crafts were well-made. He was starting to respond to Charmelion, then he noticed that his gythka was sorted in with the weapons.


*SSSS!* "Giant flying lizard can't have thiss one'ss gythka!" he hissed indignantly, stepping a little closer to the dragon and jostling Kalin to the side. The thri'kreen didn't care about the fact that Charmelion had just saved them and could probably crushed him with one blow. That is my staff! It was the first thing he'd ever crafted, and he wasn't about to part with it. "Thiss one would like it back." *TCKTCK!*




"Thank Lathander that's over!" Kalin spoke as he stood shakily after stepping down from the wagon, taking deep breathes to calm his nerves. And my stomach... he thought sourly. You'd think I could keep my stomach down after what I've been through... The soulknife had fought for years in a war and seen countless horrors without flinching once, but still got sick whenever he was on a boat or flying.


After feeling confidant he could move without redecorating the floor, the elan walked after the group as they followed Charmelion, admiring the countless works of art that hung from the walls. "Very impressive collection, Charmelion," he complimented. He smiled as the brass dragon rambled on. A child of Aasterinian if I ever saw one. he thought, amused. When the dragon asked about them, Kalin introduced himself as politely as possible.


"Greeting, Charmelion," he spoke in Draconic as he bowed, "May Aasterinian smile upon you. Thank y- OOF!" He exclaimed as he was knocked to the floor when Tak'we angrily stomped past him. He looked up in bewilderment, then saw the thri'kreen hissing at Charmelion. Oh, crap...

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Weyland examined the dragon's treasures, taking nothing. He was impressed by the massive variety of items Charmelion had in his possession, and the mercenary in him was tripping over itself with the desire to take something, but his wiser side resisted this temptation. Amendale didn't do much, preferring to simply examine the dragon out of intellectual curiosity. Both of them were disturbed by Tak'We, however.



Weyland tensed as the Thri'kreen made a grab for his gthyka, and prepared to pull him out of the way just in case he managed to anger the dragon. He was aware this was probably a suicidal notion, but then again, so was the aspect of being within a thousand miles of an angry Brass Dragon.






Arland made to strike Ginafae down as she ran, but her spell caught him by surprise and the blow flew wide, not hitting anyone. He blinked. It was completely black, yet the sounds went indisrupted. He knew that he'd be nearly useless if he tried blindly swinging in the dark, and would likely hit somebody by accident that he wasn't intending to hit. On the other hand, GInafae and Sana may try and kill him, and he had little in the way of defense if he didn't know where the blow was coming from, or if there was one coming at all. He retreated backwards a few steps to the wall and crouched down, staying out of the way of the stray blow. Unfortunately he couldn't cut a whole in the wall to try and let light in that way, as it was made of stone, and couldn't find his way to the door. He simply waited in the corner, silent, blades at the ready, despising this frivolous inaction but knowing it could mean the difference between life and death.

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Charmelion seemed unfazed as Tak'we rushed towards him. Rhaine started to shout a warning, but the dragon's loud laughter stopped the words in her throat. It was a metallic laugh, like the ringing of a temple bell, echoing throughout the cavern. Charmelion's golden eyes squinted shut as he seemed genuinely tickled at Tak'we's reaction.


"But of course you may have your gythka back, thri-kreen," the dragon finally wheezed, his mouth slightly open in a half-grin, "It was never my intention to take anything but the wares of the smith." He laughed some more, "Giant flying lizard....hah! Never has a guest called me something so ridiculously funny! Hahahahaha!"


At that moment, the two women returned with a large wooden chest carried between them. It was obvious that they were having great trouble carrying it, but they finally set it down before Charmelion. The dragon nodded to them and then gestured at the chest with a claw, "There is your payment, good smith. Take what you wish of it...all of it, if you so desire. It means nothing to me whatsoever."


Tentatively, Bilron approached and knelt before the chest. He seemed unsure of whether to open it and glanced back at his wife. She inclined her head and he nodded back. Returning his gaze to the seemingly plain container, he pushed back the lid. There, packed to the brim, were solid gold, silver, and steel ingots. Bilron's mouth dropped open.


"I...I thank you, great dragon. So very much. But..." he looked back at the brass beast with concern in his eyes, "are you certain you do not want these? They are priceless."


"But meaningless to me," Charmelion replied, "My treasures, like that of all dragons, reflect what I desire and see as important. Those ingots are worthless as they show nothing but the raw value of the metals themselves. I prize craftsmanship...the ability to turn those ingots into a masterpiece made by bare hands. As such, I think you will find them of far more worth than I ever will."


Bilron nodded and closed the lid, lifting the chest with great difficulty to set it down again beside Sori and Maeve, "Thank you again, Charmelion. This is more than fair compensation for the loss of my wares."


The brass dragon's smile widened, showing glittering ivory teeth, "Good...now, there is the matter of taking your pieces back to my treasure room..." he trailed, his golden gaze finally fixing on Myn, who seemed unable to take his eyes off of Charmelion, "Perhaps you would like to help me in this?"




Maydiira could see Ginafae running to the back of the shop through her Darkness spell and made after her, but the blackguard abruptly vanished. A moment of panic arrested her...Ginafae was as wily as a snake and twice as evil...there was no way she would let this moment pass without...


Suddenly, there was a peal of laughter as the blackguard's voice came floating through the darkness.


"Better luck next time..."


An agonizingly sharp pain then exploded in Maydiira's side, and she looked down to see one of Ginafae's knives buried to its hilt in her flesh. The action reversed the drow's invisibility potion, and for one moment Maydiira's silver gaze held Ginafae's ruby one before the latter turned tail and dashed for the cellar.


Seconds later, Ginafae was gone.

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Tannin stayed a short ways away from the others, Looking around at all that the dragon had kept for himself. Fighting the urge to ensure that some smaller pieces didn't find their way into his pockets he walked back over to the others. Fidgeting with his hands he tried his best to not think about all the debt he could get out of with a few of those stones.





With Maydiira stabbed, Kento had several options. He could simply walk away. But without someone who could read the local language it would complicate things for him. The Drow that ran wasn't his problem, neither was the Lamia or the man. "I'd suggest you use that divine favor you claim to have. Otherwise i will have to drag you to a cleric somewhere."

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Tak'we hissed at the lizard's laughter at first, wondering what so funny. I will tear you apart! When Charmelion offered him back the gythka, he stopped where he was and let his arms fall to his sides, dumbfounded at the dragon's words. "Oh... thank you..." he replied meekly, then retrieved his staff. "Thiss one crafted thiss when thiss one was a hatchling. It meanss a lot to thiss one."


He walked back over to the group as Charmelion spoke to Bilron, then saw everyone else staring at him. "What?" he replied, genuinely puzzled at their expressions. "Did thiss one do ssomething?" He shrugged, failing to notice Kalin prone on the ground. When the giant flying lizard asked about help with the weapons and armor, Tak'we spoke up. "Thiss one will help." He went over and picked up some of the items and started carrying them. "Giant flying lizard helped clutchmatess, so thiss one help Charmelion."




Kalin couldn't believe his eyes as he saw Tak'we not get pulverized by an angry dragon. His disbelief only grew as a he stood up when the thri'kreen asked what he'd done. Are you serious? Aah, it doesn't matter, he conceded to himself. At least you're not dead.


The elan dusted off his coat, and shook his head when he saw Tak'we actually offer to help the creature that he just threatened. As the barbarian went to work, Kalin reintroduced himself, using Draconic once again. "As I was trying to say earlier, thank you for saving us." He bowed slightly once again. "I am Kalin Orus. Pleasure to meet you, Charmeleon."

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Arland stood up as the darkness spell dissipated, his blades at the ready, only to find Ginafae on the run. He almost laughed. For all her talk, here she was fleeing. Although he did suppose she did have a disadvantage when it came to numbers. The knife wound in Maydiira's side concerned him, but he couldn't do anything to help. He had no antivenom on him and very few healing potions that would likely just seal the entry point and make it harder to suck the poison out.



"Sorry, nothing I have to help you with." He apologised.



As soon as he finished the sentence Arland was off like a shot after Ginafae down the tunnels in the cellar, sprinting full-tilt in hot pursuit. He was very fit, but under the weight of his armor he soon began to tire, and it wouldn't be long before his fatigue began slowing him down. Despite being light armor, it was still enough for him to have a noticeable disadvantage when he tried to keep up with her or close the distance, especially given the strenous sprint that had been required of him to even catch up enough to see her. Arland realised the fruitlessness of his attempts to close to melee range and sheathed his swords. He reached over his right shoulder and grasped onto the solid stock of wood that was his crossbow, and yanked it out of its holster and into his hands. Thankfully he kept it fully loaded. Arland quickly aimed and fired, missing Ginafae entirely, as did his second shot when he stopped to aim properly. He muttered several choice curse words as he loaded another bolt, crouched, and carefully aimed his shot. His fingers twitched on the firing mechanism, and sent a third bolt of steel and wood blasting through the air towards Ginafae's back...

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The two women bowed to Myn and Tak'we, offering to lead them to the treasure room and taking a few of the lighter pieces in their hands.

Meanwhile, Charmelion began conversing excitedly with Kalin in rapid Draconic. To anyone not fluent in the language, it would seem like a series of hisses and deep-throated growls.

"Ah, you know our tongue, then? How interesting and pleasing to me. Tell me, where did you learn to speak so well, Kalin Orus?"

Rhaine, beginning to succumb to exhaustion, slipped her pack from her back and lay down, using the pack as a pillow. Her hands behind her head, she continued to watch the dragon and the others.


Maydiira's vision swam. She knew this poison well; she had, in fact, been poisoned by it thrice before. If she concentrated hard enough, she could shrug off the effects, but the bleeding was another matter...

With a grunt of pain, she jerked the knife out of herself and began to heal the wound. The blade clattered to the floor as she sank to her knees, trying to keep her consciousness long enough to seal the injury and fight off the poison. The drow closed her eyes to keep from getting dizzy as she continued her incantation, washing herself in a pale blue light. The wound was slow to heal, and it was draining almost every ounce of her strength.

When the flesh finally pulled itself closed, she collapsed, her limbs too weak to hold her body upright...only her mind was strong enough to keep going, to psychologically battle the effects of Ginafae's poison...


Ginafae laughed, her laughter echoing along the tunnels as Arland missed her twice with his crossbow. She heard the third shot and dodged just in time, whirling around with a Blade Barrier spell ready. She launched it at the man's feet, ten rapidly spinning giant blades manifesting across the path in front of him. She grinned at him evilly around the glinting silver swords, "Vedaust, Arland Grey. I do hope we meet again..."


With that, she continued down the tunnels, vanishing into the darkness.

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Myn nodded weakly in response, as he continued to gaze back at Charmelion after the dragon had spoken to him. At least until the two women and Tak'we began to carry stuff back to the treasure room, then he himself walked over to the pile of weapons, grabbed as much of the items as he could carry and followed after the large insectoid barbarian and the women.


Catching up to the small group, Myn glanced briefly at the women then turned his focus onto the thri'kreen. "I don't believe I've had the honor of your name yet, large one. Or for that matter, thanked you for digging and pulling me out of the sand. Of that I can at least remedy right this very instant. Thank you, friend. You have my sincerest gratitude, and aide if you should ever require it."

Edited by DracoRazgriz
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