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Tales of Faerun


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Overhearing the scarlet maned woman mention a cult situated in the Dalelands, Siran wondered if she was here for the same reason he was- to route out this elusive Cult of the Dragon. Washing his paint covered hands in a basin, and adjusting his shirt to make himself more presentable, Siran made his way over to the table at which the group sat- Something of an intimidating prospect, considering the hardened look of many of these adventurers, powerful magics flowed from them, and a cloud of death seemed to follow. Speaking up slightly, he leaned in and spoke "Pardon my impulsiveness m'lady, but i couldn't help over here you mention a Cult... if it is the same i seek, then perhaps i could assist you? I don't have any solid evidence, but i have heard rumour." He said with large eyes and a faint smile.




Ravenna chuckled as Valthanarax questioned her, a large smile revealing her sharp fangs. "My correspondence never came because of my... untimely departure from Faerun, and other issues i was.. tending to. But if competence is something you need question me on, then you have not heard enough of my exploits. If surviving for six centuries via necromantic means is not enough, i traversed hell and emerged superior. But enough about me, You will pledge allegiance and i will assist you. I need not pathetic formalities and gestures of servitude, so need not lower yourself any further, if such a thing is possible for a Lich." She paused for a moment, wanting to get straight to the point. "Rhaine Alcinea, the Doomguide who seeks you is on her way, if not already on your doorstep... and with her an army of brilliant fighters and genius mages... completely devout to her cause. I certainly hope you have more than just the carcasses of these wizards to guard you."

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Carnifex Daud slipped through the window. There was a man up ahead, humming to himself as he arranged some papers. Carnifex shook his head slowly and approached silently. Once he was close enough he killed the man in one fluid movement, sticking his sword into the mans neck and his hand on his mouth. Carnifex withdrew his hand and blade; he wiped the crimson blood from his sword and continued down the hall. Body guards were to be expected... and expendable. He opened the door to the meeting room and drew the poison from his pouch, he gently tipped it into the glass meant for his target.


Suddenly the door nob rattled. Startled and caught unprepared, Carnifex had no choice but to hide under the table. The door swung open and two men walked towards the table

"I don't understand how this got so unpleasant." The first voice, belonging to a man Carnifex had no knowledge of spoke

"I agree, I kill one wh*%# and suddenly this!" He knew this second voice. It was that of Sollard

"Aren't you afraid that the Assassin has found you?"

"No. There is no way he could find me, this location may as well be in another dimension, he won't find it." The two drank from their cup and Sollard who had just spoke coughed "A bit dry this..."

"Maybe he won't, but they are tenacious bastards."

"They're thugs, blades for hire..." He coughed again, more viciously this time, and dropped the glass. It smashed on the floor and he tried to speak "Wh...at...?..." his voice was now little more than a raspy whisper. He fell down and as he breathed his last, his eyes met Carnifex featureless black mask. Sollards eyes widened in surprise and horror... and then they emptied and he fell down dead. The other mans voice could be heard

"Sollard? Sollard speak to me!" His glass could be heard clanging back to the table as he turned and ran from the room "GUARDS! GUARDS!"


Carnifex decided to take this stroke of luck to escape, he rushed over to a window and vaulted out of the meeting room and onto a balcony. He moved along it before managing to climb down and made a quick and quiet escape into the darkness of the night...

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Rhaine was about to open her mouth to say something in response to Weyland and Amendale, but they were out of the inn door before she could stop them. Sighing, she started to return her attention to Kalin, only to find herself face-to-face with the...boy? Young woman?


The Doomguide's eyes narrowed as she studied him...or her. There was a faint celestial aura about them, and it took her a bit to realize that they were an aasimar...a mortal with the blood of angels. No wonder they were so androgynous. She could sense no evil taint, nor any maliciousness about him, and so she decided it would likely be all right if she spoke to him of the group's intentions.


"Indeed, we seek a cult," Rhaine replied, "a branch of the Cult of the Dragon that had its talons in the Sword Coast. What have you heard of them?"




Valthanarax's chuckle resonated throughout the cavern, "Do you think me so foolish, Baatezu? I have a hundred cultists and just as many Red Wizards at my command...in this very complex, no less! The fools think they will have a chance against the zulkirs of Thay if they assist me in my goals...they do not know that I do not truly need them to survive; I have nine phylacteries scattered across the continent, all watched by hand-picked guardians - all of whom I have placed under a geas, so that they will not betray me upon pain of death."


His eyes narrowed to scarlet slits, "And before we talk allegiances, know that I wish to see your intentions for myself. The politics of the devils - if you can call it that - is not beyond my comprehension. Tell me what you know of this Doomguide first, and then we shall speak of alliances. Until then, I will not be convinced of the legitimacy of your desire to assist me."




Ginafae laughed wickedly, "Why don't you come out and play, dear Arland? You were so eager to fight me before...who's the coward now, you pathetic jaluk? I can smell your fear, and you will know much of it before your soul departs for Lolth's web! Or perhaps I shall enact zin-carla on your corpse, so that you may serve me even in death!"

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Siran smiled, and pulled over a chair, crossing his legs as he sat. he leant forward and spoke "Indeed I have m'lady... I was sent here by... associates of mine to route them out, but they have proven elusive so far. They've let me follow a ghost, or several. I was told their base was in a cave to the north, but all i found was a few smugglers. If these rumours of a murderer loose in Dagger Falls wasn't enough for the people, they've gotten all spooked over a supposed 'Tunnel complex' beneath the town and the surrounding area... I uncovered a few passageways, but wherever i've gone, i found myself back at the start. Other than a ruined scrap of a journal, i've got nothing at all... It's impossible to decipher as so much is missing, half the thing fell apart when i picked it up... Only word i can fathom is Tam. Mean anything to you?"




Ravenna grinned widely at the Dracolich's methods of conversation- Manipulation was going to prove difficult on this beast, and she'd have to sink her talons in without leaving a single scrape. "The name Red Wizard means nothing anymore... Not to the curs you and the rest of your cult employs. Amateur wizards who sell their skills for coin." Ravenna spat, knowing the true Red Wizards, aside from herself, Tam, and the Zulkirs had long died out when Szass took over. "But fodder is fodder, no matter the illusion, they are to be used, drained,and discarded. They won't protect you from Rhaine, but they'll slow her down at the very least." She smirked at his mention of nine phylacteries and hand picked guardians. "Interesting... i would have had nine decoys and one true phylactery myself, but each necromancer to his own. This gives you an advantage... But do not think Rhaine would be unwilling to find each and everyone."


"Truth be told the politics of my kind involve me not, let them tear eachother to pieces, it is my own agenda that matters, not the business of hell. But we are diverting from the true nature of this meeting." She paused for a slight moment, tilting her head to the side. "No no, you tell me what you know of the Doomguide... and i shall fill in the blanks... This is not out of desire, your cult is a means to an end, I use you, and you use me... Minus any entangling complications."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Arland grinned at Ginafae's taunts, realizing she just tried to use his own trick against him. Good thing he had experience with such a thing, and he was used to things such as taunts, intimidation, even mind-affecting spells.


"Alright, let's get to it." His blades thrust towards Ginafae's throat and the inside of her thigh, one aiming for each, with the possibility of ending the fight then and there if they hit. One would have her gasping for breath and suffocating to death, the other would hit the artery on the inside of the leg and have her bleed out, even if she killed him first. Only problem would be if she could heal herself, which she probably could. Arland cursed the darkness spell surrounding him and dashed out of the closet as fast as he could, probably hitting Ginafae in the process...and had pain explode in his foot.


"ACK! By TEMPUS, what did you do, snake?!?!" He shouted, unable to move properly and afraid of stepping on more, he swung at her again. "I'll kill you!" He managed to halt anger from clouding his mind and judgement, but he wasn't sure if Ginafae would be able to tell that. He made sure his attacks hit separate areas of her body so they would be extremely difficult to block, and swung his blades instead of thrusted to make sure that he made use of the little space.




Weyland and Amendale left the bar and returned to the crime scene, and Weyland was indeed impressed by the fight Amendale's friend had put up. He'd seen Tak'We create this kind of chaos. He whistled, impressed.


"So where are we going to find this guy?" He asked Amendale.


"Not sure. There could be a blood trail, witnesses, something."


There were two leftover guards around, who pointed them in the right direction. "Everyone who talked about it says the killer went east." He pointed down the road. Amendale thanked him and dragged Weyland down the road after him.


"I get it, I get it. I'm here to help."


They walked for a half a kilometer down the winding road, and a group of citizens were gawking at something. When Amendale took a look, he realized with a combination of triumph and pity that it was a dead beggar. They were on the right path. They walked another kilometer and a half, following the dead bodies and moving faster as they did so. During this, the road looped back to a dead end near the Inn, ringed with houses as the road turned around and went back the way it came.


Weyland's eyes narrowed. "Looks like he's in one of these."


"It could be anyone. The most innocent-looking person around could be it."


The signature echo of swords crashing echoed from the one second from the left, followed by a great shout of pain that Weyland noted sounded like something he'd do when he was frustrated.


"There's your ticket." He muttered, and kicked the door in, striding into the house with his blade and shield the ready. Something stuck through his foot. "OOOOOOOOOOOWWWW! SCHTLARN IT! BY TEMPUS!" He belted out every curse word in the book at the top of his lungs, ripped it out, and had the wound healed by Amendale. It hurt like the Nine Hells, especially since tearing it out involved gouging an even bigger wound in his foot, but soon the pain was replaced with relief. "Caltrops. Watch your footing."


Weyland slowly swept forward, clearing most of the room of caltrops with his blade, although it would put them all into the corners....a potentially fatal disadvantage if one was pressed against the wall. The sound of blades echoing off the walls again made him rush forward, clearing the way for Amendale, right into sight of the battle going on.


"Damnit! Who's who?" Weyland barked.


Arland looked around at him, startled at the resemblance. "Arland Grey, criminal and mercenary, at your service."




"He's the killer!" Amendale exclaimed.


"Don't hurt him!"


"He killed Vhame!" Amendale raged.


"You heard his name as well as anyone." Weyland muttered grimly. "Blood comes first. Let him live...for now."


Amendale nearly retorted, until had placed himself between Arland and Ginafae, shield raised, sword pointed outwards.


Amendale prepared a combustion spell in his hand, and aimed a punch at Arland, who just barely dodged it. He was lucky it didn't set the house on fire.


"AMENDALE!" Weyland roared. "DON'T YOU DARE!"

Edited by Flipout6
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Rhaine nodded, "Tam...as in Szass Tam of Thay. No doubt you have heard of the zulkir of necromancy? His followers have allied themselves with the Cult from some nefarious reason. But...tunnels beneath the town, you say? It makes sense. These lands were once ruled by drow; perhaps these caves lead directly into the Underdark?"


She glanced at Kalin, "I believe we've just found the lead we were looking for."




Valthanarax growled, "I have no desire to play word games with you, devil-woman. But out of respect for your newfound station, I shall oblige you...this once. I know that she has destroyed two of my kind...one very near here with the help of a winged drow - a drow these two wretches allowed to escape from my grasp. I know that she needs few with her to bring my kin to their knees, and so I also know that she is my one weakness...but I intend to discover hers and eliminate the threat she brings."


He leaned closer, eye to eye with Ravenna, "Now tell me...she is strong of blade and spell, but what can she not do?"




Ginafae's whip and mace came to her hands, the latter blocking the blow to her leg while she twisted out of the way of the stab at her throat. She cackled as Arland stepped on a caltrop, hobbling him, and her whip came cracking through the darkness...


But then, their fight was interrupted by two newcomers...one a sorcerer elf and the other a...


Her eyesight spotted the similarities in their faces, and she grinned. So here was Weyland.


"Ah, a family affair," she said with a smirk, "how quaint. And a vile darthirii as well. Good. Just more fun for me."


Her mace came swinging in a crushing blow at Weyland, whilst her whip cracked again at the elf.

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Clean skin and clothes did wonders for Tannin's mood. He came down the stairs whistling a happy tune, he took a seat at a nearby table and ordered some food when the waitress came by. Though hearing the word underdark made his spirits drop. "Please don't tell me we're going down there." He said in an almost pleading tone.





Kento followed behind Maydiira mentally scouting out the town. Even at a distance he picked up on a familiar feel. "It seems that our friends from earlier beat us here. Aren't we lucky?" These constant setbacks were getting on his nerves, If they encountered the drow woman again Kento decided that he would simply walk away and let Maydiira deal with it on her own.

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"Indeed," Kalin agreed. Maybe I'll finally be able to get the information I need, too. He looked at Rhaine. He felt slightly guilty that he had an ulterior motive for helping the priestess but didn't mention it; that was a little too personal to share. He did speak about the tunnels, though. "Although going into the Underdark isn't something I am looking forward to, I'm up for it. If we run into any drow, hopefully they'll be willing to speak first; I'm fluent in Undercommon. If not, I luckily have a few antidote potions brewed." He gave a small smirk. "I have to warn you though, they taste like orcish beer, which isn't the best of brews, let me tell you."

The elan drained his wine glass, then spoke to the aasimar standing at the table. "It will be awhile before we can go investigating those tunnels, though. We just finish traveling through the desert and our companions need rest. In the meantime, we can get acquainted with one another." He rose from his chair and held out a hand in greeting. "I am Kalin Orus. Pleasure to meet you."

Tak'we received his meal and ate in silence, listening to his clutchmates speak about going into tunnels underneath the stone village they were in. He looked at the softskin speaking to them, noticing that the man had a somewhat otherworldly presence. It didn't bother the thri'kreen however; in fact it made the man seem friendly and good. Tak'we went back to eating, deciding he trusted the softskin, but more interested in finishing his meal then talking.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Sana crept up behind the curtains as the battle raged on and swept them aside dramatically, avoiding the caltrops that dotted the floor. The curtains caught on her paws, of course, and she flicked them off, annoyed. She stared at Ginafae.


"You left me!" She hissed, as Arland delivered a kick to Amendale's stomach that knocked every trace of air from him.


The very instant Weyland saw Sana, his blood boiled, his head was flooded with a rage the likes of which he hadn't felt since she was his slavemaster. He barked at Amendale and Arland.


"You two occupy the drow, you're a team now! SANA IS MINE!" He bellowed the last three words at the top of his lungs, leaving his throat almost raw.


Amendale doubled over from Arland's kick, struggling for breath. But it was the whip strike from Ginafae that nearly ended him right then and there. The devious instrument lashed him upside the back and send blood spraying everywhere. A wound enchantment, then. Amendale just barely managed to heal himself with his second-most powerful spell (and it had staunched injured arteries before.) and retreated to a safer distance, being extremely mindful of traps, and launched five magic missiles from his fingertips at Ginafae, intent on cutting her down quickly and then moving on to Sana. He only spared Arland because he was Weyland's brother.


Arland took Weyland's orders to heart, knowing that his long-lost sibling and Sana had some kind of history, and assaulted Ginafae with a rapid flurry of blows that were designed to trick and confuse the opponent by swerving at the opposite second, striking at odd angles or two odd angles simultaneously, and often feinting an attack and then halting it, only to strike the weakness left open by the flinching foe. He didn't have armor on, and thus had to rely on his agility to avoid those nasty weapons of hers, and the caltrops.


Weyland muscled right by Ginafae, as Arland drew her attention, keeping his shield to his back in case she tried any skullduggery. His foot glanced the edge of a caltrop and cut it, but not enough to hamper his combat ability, though it did refresh his caution.


Don't charge into things head-first, lest your head be severed before you can lift your sword. He thought to himself, and engaged Sana.

She laughed. "Fun to finally meet you at last! You and your brother will make a fine meal..." the Lamia brandished her claws menacingly and swiped at him before he could get his shield out from behind his back.


Weyland was forced to pull himself completely out of the way, leaving himself at an awkward position which Sana took full advantage of. He saw her hands blaze with magic, and then he felt incredibly drowsy, like stay-awake-in-classroom-drowsy. He left himself wide open to attack, and Sana pounced on him. His arms were pinned beneath her claws, and his helmet barely protected him from a glancing blow from Sana's claws. Amendale directed one of his spells at her, and while she dodged it, her grip loosened enough that Weyland adjusted his grip on his sword to poke her underbelly, sinking the blade in a half an inch or so. Sana roared in pain and he wormed his way out from under her, barely managing to stand up in time to block a swipe from one of her blades, which she'd drawn faster than lightning. One blocked blow and he knew: if she got past his shield with those, it was all over.


The furious fighter took the blow on his shield and shoved it away, which took away Sana's momentum for a second swing, at least from that arm. He fell into a stance favoring his shield, and jabbed his enchanted sword forwards, nearly sending it straight through the Lamia were it not for her extraordinary reflexes. He went for one of her claws, a low slash that would hamper her movement, but his efforts were fruitless and he nearly stepped on a caltrop as he performed it.


"Schtlarn it..." He muttered to himself, thankful that getting pounced on had woken him up from the effects of the sleeping spell. He parried three incredibly swift strikes from her blades with a huge amount of difficulty (his arm went numb.) and countered with an assault of his own, watching his step as he advanced forward, slowly gaining ground. His blows, while delivered with expert precision and a lot of power, were slyly avoided or parried as Sana put up a diligent defense. Going for a vicious, powerful stroke, Weyland was interrupted in mid-movement when Sana's hands flared with magic again. The effect was like getting smacked upside the head with a hammer. He was just dizzy, and his skull felt like it was being slowly split open and he barely managed to lift his shield in time to save his own hide from another assault by Sana, delivered with such incredible power that it sent him flying through the back wall and out onto the streets.


He lay there, stunned, and deliriously noted that the inn wasn't particularly far down the road, perhaps a few hundred feet. But he wasn't going to be running in there for aid, absolutely not. Sana was his to kill and his only. Weyland valiantly stood back up, raised his sword and stumbled back inside with a war cry that scared even neighbouring houses out of their wits, and continued the fight.

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