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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine sighed, "The Cult operates out of the Underdark more often than not in order to stay unnoticed by most of the surface folk; the exception being those cultists who are planted in the governments of Faerun. So, Kalin has the right of it - yes, we're going down there."


She grinned at Kalin, "Then that makes three of us, counting Nawen. A good drow friend of mine was kind enough to teach me the basics of Undercommon back when I went up against this Cult for the first time. In this very region, no less. I wonder what it is about the Dalelands that makes this such a favorable Cult hideout?"




Maydiira's hackles rose, "Ginafae is here? How?" The question was more of a rhetorical one, as she didn't doubt for two breaths that the blackguard had beaten them to the town. The purpose behind it was likely revenge on that fellow who turned against her at the smith's - likely, if he was a wanted murderer, he had tried to escape the attention of the Shadowdale guardsmen by making for the desert. Maydiira knew that Gina's lust for vengeance was always strong...she would undoubtedly seek retribution for the slightest offense, and so she had followed him. If she was indeed here, and she had cornered him, then he was likely already dead.


She continued walking towards the gates, looking up at the walls to see one guardsmen asleep against a tower, another nursing a flask that surely wasn't water. About the same time that she and Kento arrived at the portcullis, a caravan ambled through. Acting as if she were a part of the caravan itself, she stayed close to the wagon until it cleared the gatehouse.


At that moment, she spied a bright new shingle hanging outside a very nice-looking establishment - the "Teshford Arms."


The call of food and rest pulling her towards it, she abandoned all thoughts of Kento being with her and made her way to the entrance, hoping she wouldn't be kicked out the moment she set her foot in the door.




Ginafae hissed a few words, a magic shield manifesting like a bubble around her just in time to deflect the brunt of Amendale's missiles. It did not stop all of the force, however, and she was wracked by a mild flux of energy, serving to slightly disorient her and numb her senses. She growled in fury, her own native tongue then spilling from her lips - at her feet a spider the size of a hunting dog sprang into being from a cloud of smoke, hopping towards the moon elf with venomous pincers. As her familiar occupied the darthiiri, the blackguard turned her attention again to Arland, a blow from her mace swiping sideways as she flicked her wrist and lashed her whip at his neck.



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"So we're going to the Underdark. Again." Nawen thought as she looked around the tavern for the waitress. She was raised on the surface thus she wasn't looking forward of going down there but then again no one in their right mind would be looking forward to a trip to Underdark.


"This is great." She sighed heavily. "Why can't evil cults ever operate from some peaceful and beautiful location?"

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"Pleasure to be of service- and a pleasure to meet you, Kalin." Siran said with a large smile. "I'm Siran, never did get a surname. I'm an... archer by trade, painter in my free time." he said with a grin. Listening to Rhaine's words her thought over them. "Then this must be big... if Szass Tam is getting involved. And the Underdark you say? I knew those tunnels were unnaturally cold... there has to be an opening somewhere. But as kalin says, you all need your rest."


"Four M'lady. Well... in a manner of telepathic speaking." xallistine stated with a slight chuckle.




Ravenna smiled.


"Bring herself to allow harm befall her companions... Stand for blasphemy of her church and defilation of sacred dead... and keep in check her furious anger.... Isolate her from her little army and she is a capable combatant... but she relies on their strengths to parry her own weaknesses. Toy with her mind, harm those she cares for... and she'll snap." Ravenna paused.


"At least, for your sake i hope so."

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Tannin couldn't help but smirk at the number of people that could speak the underdark language. "Well i suppose we won't have trouble with anyyy... linguistic barriers while we're down there." He said feeling a tad bit purposeless in the group. Usually his part in the group was that or the translator and diplomat. Here though he feeling a bit more like dead weight at the moment. "Oh well." He though to himself. "Better to be behind the curtain than in front of the tomatoes." He wasn't here for the glory but really for more play ideas. He was growing stale in the writing department and needed some fresh ideas, tagging along with this new group had already given him a few.




Kento stopped out on the street as Maydiira started to go inside the tavern. He had no need of going inside such a place, Drunks were never a good source of information. "I will come find you when you're done in there." He said before walking further down the road. He growled at the situation when May was out of earshot. The fact that he was able to sense the three from the other city but not Tannin made him increasingly angry. Though he could get the general direction of Tannin he couldn't actually place him for some reason. Perhaps it was simply because Tannin simply felt so familiar that he wasn't able to pick him up anymore? Maybe he had found a way to keep himself hidden? Whatever the cause it was certainly making Kento even more aggravated than usual.

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"A painter?" Kalin raised his eyebrows as he nodded with approval. "I wish I had pursued a refined profession like that. I decided that my calling is to smithy work. I have always enjoyed shaping metal."


He sat back down and ordered some more wine. The elan grinned when he overheard Tannin's comment on everyone's linguistic skills. "Tannin, I wouldn't worry too much about it. It will likely be better if you or I don't lead the negotiations, anyway. Unless I'm mistaken and things have changed drastically, men aren't held in very high esteem among the drow."

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Amendale drew his sword as the spider approached him, looking for an opening. He made a quick jab at it, his cleric training the only reason he could use a weapon at all, and the creature skittered out of the way and leapt at him. He reflexively batted it away, knocking it into the corner, and receiving a nasty poisonous bite on his hand...The hand that he had charged with a combustion spell. The spider caught fire and blazed intensely for several seconds before it collapsed, twitching. Amendale stabbed it in the head to make sure it stayed down, and turned to address his poisoned wound. He felt it seep through his veins and his vision blurred, but thankfully it didn't numb his sword arm, so he was (just barely) able to cast an antivenom spell, something he always made sure to know. His clan encountered countless poisonous creatures on their travels and such a spell was essential. Unfortunately such spells left him with less to work with when it came to offence, but that was what his sorcerer spells were for. Amendale switched from magic missiles to Dispel magic, hoping to tear down Ginafae's defenses, hitting her with a Gust of Wind, casted a Flame Arrow, and switched to Mestil's Acid Breath, spraying it in Ginafae's direction, avoiding Arland. This stretched the limits of his sorcerer knowledge and sapped him of a considerable amount of power, but would be hard to defend from, at least. He enchanted Weyland's sword with a weapon enhancement to aid his friend, and hit him with a healing spell, but by now was feeling very taxed. His power was beginning to wane, he needed rest.


Arland watched Ginafae's arm flex as she cracked the whip and rushed in forward, one blade extended to impale her and the other side between himself and the whip. At least close up the whip wouldn't have the momentum to hit him as it would if he was another foot or so out, leaving Ginafae with only her mace to use effectively (or at least vastly reducing the whip's effectiveness...although she probably had a trick or five up her sleeve.) He figured to himself that the sword raised to block the whip may not be needed, but if he tried impaling her with both and failed, he'd compromise his defenses and leave himself open to a killer blow, so he didn't risk it. He would have been far faster were it not for the caltrop in his foot, however.


Weyland charged back into the building, bellowing like an animal, cheering when he noted his sword's new enchantment. With it, he re-engaged Sana, far more confident and brazen now that he was back on his feet. (thanks to Amendale) He pressed the attack, not giving Sana any chances, and at one point cracked her on the head using his shield hard enough that any normal human's skull would have been shattered. Sana, however, was far stronger than that and it served only to daze her.

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Rhaine grinned, "Ah, yes, Xallistine. Seems you've been with us for so long that I have forgotten your origins."


Glancing to Tannin and Kalin, she added, "I don't think we'll be having any opportunity to speak with anyone down there, drow or not. From my past experiences with these Cultists, it is obvious that they clear every tunnel of life for miles around their bases."


The Doomguide then returned her attention to the newcomer, "The pleasure is ours, Siran. I am Rhaine Alcinea, Chosen of Kelemvor. Unfortunately, I never did pursue the finer arts, even in my free time. Seems you have quite a talent, goodsir. I saw-"


At that moment, she was cut off as a familiar face appeared in the tavern door.






The Doomguide jumped from her chair and rushed towards her old friend, wrapping her in a joyful embrace. Both were genuinely surprised and ecstatic to see each other after so many years; the two Favored Souls were the only others of their kind that they had ever encountered, and so they shared a unique bond of sisterhood, despite the differences in their races.


"Ol zhah ji bwael ulu kyorl dos 'sohna, barra ktonos," Maydiira laughed.


"Lu'dos, ussta bwael ilythiiri," Rhaine replied, pushing back from her old friend and looking her up and down. She raised an eyebrow, "Still not wearing practical armor, I see. That's going to cause you much grief, one of these days."


The Eilistraeeian's face fell for a moment as she remarked, "It already has, I'm afraid. But that's a discussion for later, Barra Ktonos. Tell me, who are these strange folk with you? An Ulitharid?" Maydiira's silver eyes widened as she beheld Xallistine, "By the gods, only you could have befriended such a fearsome creature."




Amendale's dispel effectively dissolved her shielding spell, and so she was hit by the Gust of Wind, knocking her several paces backward and causing her to step on one of her own caltrops. She cursed as she sprang away, suddenly finding herself with a Flame Arrow embedded in her armor and barely having enough time to invoke a Resist Energy spell to counter the caustic spray of Mestil's Acid Breath. The drow then dodged to the side, attempting to use her momentum and that of the whip to wrap the leather around Arland's blade.


"You're mine, jaluk!" she snarled as she then cast a Grease spell, a slick sheen of bubbling black oil abruptly covering the floor.

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"Why, smiting is the art of the blades Kalin, without smiths, who would create the masterpieces warriors wield? Being able to craft your own weapons is a life-saving skill... painting will hardly protect me" Siran said with a chuckle and a wide grin, sitting down.


Xallistine looked at the newcomer, and responded as she commented on him. "Tis the nature of Half Elves to take exotic company, Fair drow. I promise, despite our kinds... difficult history, i wish you no ill. It is a pleasure to make your company, Lady Maydiira." Xallistine greeted warmly, projecting his voice mentally. He stood and bowed low, his taloned fingers clasped, and sat down once more.

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Nawen listened to everyone speaking when suddenly she noticed a drow entering the tavern. Just like Rhaine the woman had wings, except hers were white. As strange as it was to see another Favored Soul, or at least that's how she explained to herself why one of her people has wings, what surprised her more was that unlike her the winged drow was not hiding beneath the hood or layers of clothing.


"Ol zhah natha ssrigg'tul ulu thalra dos, Maydiira. Ussta kaas zhah Nawen." Nawen said as she arose from her seat to have a better look at Maydiira.

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"Lu'natha ssrigg'tul ulu thalra dos 'zil al, Nawen [and a pleasure to meet you as well]. What a blessing it is to meet another of my kin who walks the surface in goodness and light," Maydiira glanced over the group, her gaze falling upon Tannin, "And this one is of our blood as well, is he not? Well met, young man."

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