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Tales of Faerun


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They had been walking for such a long time it seemed, and Kowolj's feet were starting to get tired. "Othos, can we find someplace to stay? I am getting hungry!"

Othos knew just what happened when Kowolj didn't get enough to eat, and he really, really didn't want that.. "Ok, ok big guy. There should be a tavern not too far from here. Let's just hope they aren't as rude as the last one..."

It wasn't too far now, soon they would finally be able to rest.

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It was an instinctual movement when Tannin reached for the knife he kept on himself when he first say Maydiira walk through the door. But the moment Rhaine ran into her arms he knew he could relax a bit. When she addressed him he couldn't help but smile. "Got it in one. That's slightly frightening, Was hoping I wasn't that easy to sniff out. Oh well, pleasure to meet you." He said with a nod.

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As Weyland re-engaged Sana, Arland felt a sudden pressure as Ginafae's whip wrapped itself around the blade in his left hand, nearly yanking it out of his grip then and there. He raised his sword to cut her weapon while it was there and within reach, and then brought it down to sever half of the whip...


...and tripped.


Arland slipped backwards on the pile of grease, landing flat on his back and landing on a caltrop that drove itself right through his right shin, straight through the bone, splintering it, leaving the entire leg crippled since it was the same foot that still had a caltrop through the foot. He screamed in pain, and rolled as fast as he could out of range of Ginafae's weapons, taking another caltrop to the left wrist in the process. He looked up at Ginafae and believed he was going to die then and there, but put on a brave face and glared at her.


Weyland became a debilitating tempest of sword and shield, mixing in lightning-quick sword blows and stabs with shield strikes and blocks, putting as much power as he could behind his blow to wear down Sana's defenses. He nicked one of her front paws with a sudden diagonal stroke, and when it connected, Sana's defenses temporarily dropped, and as punishment for such carelessness Weyland brought his sword up and slashed her viciously from her left hip to her right shoulder, and the blade went deep. He wouldn't be surprised if it hit an organ or two. She shrieked and cleaved at him viciously, denting his shield, and physically picked him up to throw him across the room. He nearly collided with Amendale in the process, and he slid across the floor, scraping the inside of his hand on a caltrop as he went, and knocking ten of them aside, his armor the only thing shielding him from becoming a human spit. He stood up, hearing Arland's scream of pain, and dashed forward to protect him, carefully staying away from the oil, and made a slash for Ginafae's ribcage while her whip was tangled with Arland's sword.


Arland managed to slip and slide farther away from Ginafae, and began yanking the caltrops out of him, gasping with pain when they tore out additional flesh on the way out.

"Amendale, I need help." He seethed with pain.

"No. Vhame deserves vengeance." He heard the elf growl.

"Now is not the time, Amendale! Until we're out of here, we're a team! Do it!" Weyland shouted. Reluctantly, Amendale followed his command.


Arland went to re-join Weyland in his struggled but was knocked back by Sana and sent stumbling back towards Amendale. Before anything could be done about it, the injured Sana took full advantage of the fact that Weyland was occupied and shoved her sword into him. It slid straight through his weakened shield when he attempted to block it, going through his hand, and then the blade was shoved right into his heart.

Arland felt his heart skip three beats as Sana kicked Weyland's corpse back towards them, grinning wickedly. He nearly sobbed as he beheld his brother's lifeless body sliding through the oil towards them, and wondered to himself if there was any chance of survival.


"Grab Weyland and go!" Amendale shouted. He launched a fireball towards the oil slick, sure that it wouldn't hit any of his allies now that they were all a good few meters away. He didn't see if it hit either Ginafae or Sana, but the oil slick caught fire instantly, and Arland barely dragged Weyland out of the house before the entire hallway was ablaze, forming a lethal wall between Arland and himself, and their foes. He dashed out the front door, making his escape while he could.


Arland had Weyland halfway up the street, using his physical strength to his advantage, barely holding back tears.


"Hold up!" Amendale shouted. He bent down beside the bloodied body of his friend and, summoning the very last of his magical power, and pressed his hand to Weyland's chest. There was a brief flash, and then suddenly Weyland's heart was beating again, and he was breathing...barely. "To the Teshford arms....now!"


Arland didn't need telling twice. He hoisted Weyland up onto his shoulders and did his best to keep pace with Amendale, who cut through three alleys to get back to the establishment where his companions were staying. They were so incredibly lucky that the road had looped and was only a half a kilometer or so from the burning house, because any farther and Weyland would have died-again- then and there.


"RHAINE!" Amendale shouted desperately, his vision blurry from exhaustion. He almost passed out on the spot. Arland backed up his cry, kicking open the door to the Teshford arms.


"Whoever the healer is, we need them now!"

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Sana growled and held a bloodied hand against her chest, "I'll get them some other time... I need to find somewhere to heal myself..."


Nothing really had prepared her for coming out so badly hurt. Her precious bosom was rent open from that numbskull's sword, and she frowned at the thought of his face. If he'd thought she hated him before this, oh, how she would make him second guess every thought he'd ever had concerning her.


Her chest hung open. Open and exposed; red, raw, and bloody. And it felt strange, the sensation of her body supporting the odd and thick flap of skin as if her flesh somehow weighed more than it had before. She likened this to her meals that she'd eaten alive, and felt a twinge of sadness that they'd given up while rendered so vunerable.


She scoffed. How unlike her. She must have been delirious from blood loss.


As she muttered a weak healing spell, she slumped in a corner, not caring if she was seen or not. Her right breast had been cleaved open at least an inch deep, and she pressed the skin together with her bloody fingers as she muttered more intensely. When she was done, a shiny scar stretched across the inside of her breast, and ended all the way at her right shoulder.


Her midriff still hung open, and the only reason her stomach and liver had been spared was because her breastplate had served its purpose. Her golden skin was smeared with filth and gore, and she felt like a carved ham by the time she was finished healing everything she needed to. The only wound which hadn't been tended was the one on her paw, and she limped her way farther out of the house and into an alley.


She had been defeated, but she felt no shame. She would have her victory soon. She would recover. And her trophy would be Weyland's head on a plate.


She licked her gory lips.

Edited by tokyobleach
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Rhaine and Maydiira both started when the tavern doors were opened with a loud bang. Weyland was being carried by some young man, led by Amendale, and all of them were wounded, but Weyland the most. The fighter looked to be very near death.


Both Favored Souls rushed forward, but Rhaine arrived first. She held Weyland by the shoulders and channeled a Heal spell into him, his body glowing with a bright blue light for several seconds. When the light dissipated, most of his more serious wounds were healed, but some were not. Again, she cast another Heal, and this time all of his injuries were sealed. She kept her silence as she did so, her lips pursed tightly together even as she moved on to heal Amendale and the young man with them.


Finally, though, when the threat of death was past, her fury unleashed.


"Why in the Hells did you do that? You ran off for some petty vengeance...vigilante justice...and now look at you! By the gods, how foolish can you be?" she ran her hands through her hair in frustration, "This is what happens when you severely underestimate your foe."


Maydiira looked over the trio, "I do not believe it was just one foe these three faced."


The Doomguide exchanged glances with the drow and nodded, "I agree...was there an ambush?"



Ginafae screeched when the oil went up in flames. Dashing for the rear exit, she dove and rolled to extinguish the flaming edge of her cloak. Angry, she yanked the caltrop from her own foot and healed the wound. Spotting Sana just outside, she hissed, "Your Weyland is more capable than either of us thought, I think. Now, if you want to escape the guards, who will undoubtedly come running because of the smoke, I suggest you get of the city."


Not waiting for the lamia to follow, the blackguard began following the shadows towards the gates.

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Arland shook his head. "Vigilante justice is often the only justice. But I'm not here for a debate." He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he saw Weyland's wounds healed right before his eyes. "Thanks for that. Don't think I could have bared it if he died now."

Amendale was too tired and drained to set Arland on fire, or even argue. "It-it was an ambush. They laid caltrops out everywhere, caught us in close quarters. Drained me completely trying to take them down and keep these two up, I couldn't summon a spark." His hands were on his knees as he spoke.

"It was a Lamia and a drow, named Sana and Ginafae, respectively. Two of the most formidable combatants I've ever seen. Has Weyland ever mentioned a Sana? Those two seem to have a history." Arland explained.

"He-he has. Didn't give any details on it." Amendale spluttered.

"No, huh? I was hoping it'd explain where he's been all this time." When he figured they'd need more of an explanation, he introduced himself. "Oh, sorry. I'm Arland Grey, mercenary. In case you haven't seen the facial similarities or judged from the name, I'm Weyland's brother. He vanished into thin air before we'd seen ten winters." He shrugged. "For all we knew, he had vanished into thin air. Now he's here with you people, a very angry Lamia that doesn't like him too much, jumping in from nowhere to save my skin." He kept his mind calm and cool. Weyland is fine. Weyland is fine. Was the main thought that kept repeating itself in his head. His other subconscious motivation for keeping a cool head was that if he got nervous around them (they didn't look like the type that'd like what he'd done in the past.) it would show in his body language and he'd be arrested or killed on the spot. And he didn't even know about Xallistine yet.

There was movement on the ground as Weyland woke up. "Well, I'm alive. Whiskey? Please?" He grunted, and Arland brought him a shot, paying for it with some money from his own pocket. He helped Weyland sit up, and then his feisty brother snatched it from him and drank. "Thanks. Even healing magic doesn't help the mother of all chest pains." He coughed, then stood up, visibly shaken. "Damned housecat killed me, I know she did. I could feel the pull of the afterlife." He shook off the burn of the whiskey in his throat...or at least, he liked to think the burn was the only reason he was shaking. "I can't resist it like that a second time." He stated with absolute certainty. "I die again...it'll take necromancy to bring me back. ANYWAY! On a brighter note, I found my brother. Basically, an extra contestant for the bacon and someone else to make mincemeat of people we don't like. I'm getting a drink. Getting killed by HER of all people makes me feel like I need to get drunk. Very, very, drunk." He stumbled off towards the bar, fifteen minutes in the land of the living again and already he was going to go drink. Arland couldn't help but laugh.

"As for me, I need to get a new sword. Ginafae and that damned whip of hers disarmed me and now the sword's inside a burning house. I'll be back around in a few minutes. Well, provided any are open at this ungodly hour." He walked off, towards the market.

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Tannin didn't move from his seat when the three barged in. "And that's why we don't let the children out on their own." He muttered just over a whisper in volume. "Well I hope the lesson was learned." He said loud enough for them to hear. "Never rush off on your own. Do it again and we'll put leashes on you two, three if you're coming along now." He said nodding towards Arland before getting up and walking over to the bar to get himself another drink.




Turning a corner Kento caught a glimph of smoke coming from a nearby building before something else obstructed his view. A female drow charging down the street with the intent of escape. Kento merely stood to the side as to allow her to pass unhindered. He then caught sight of the Lamia and arched an eyebrow at the strange sight.

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There seemed to be a lot going on as Othos and Kowolj finally reached the tavern. Wounded seemed to be pouring out of a nearby building, and just after a few of them got out the building burst into flame. It seemed as though this may be quite a troublesome place, and a few had made their way, bloodied, into the tavern; so it would only be a few moments before they figured out what was going on.


Othos and Kowolj looked at each other with expressions that meant pretty much the same thing, What the hell is happening here? Then Othos opened the door to the tavern, the knob still host to a bit of blood, and they looked inside to find the men under the care of some winged elves, along with a few other oddities. Perhaps they might not have such troubles here after all.


Othos led the way, trying not to step in the blood with his barefeet, for worry he may dirty the floor more; Kowolj of course didn't have the insight to make such an observation and simply followed Othos in, stepping three of his four feline feet in the blood. They made their way to a table a little distance away, and only as Othos just sat down did he notice the bloody paw prints leading from the doorway to their table and made a quick disapproving glance at Kowolj, who took several moments to realize what he had done wrong.


Kowolj obviously couldn't take a seat, so he merely lay down next to the table, his torso still reaching. Othos made his way to the tavernkeep, looking over at the scene the entire way. As he got their he ordered two ales, and a haunch of raw meat for Kowolj.

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"Ginafae?" Maydiira's eyes widened again, "By the gods, she is here. If so, we could all be in danger..."


Rhaine's brow furrowed in puzzlement; she kept her gaze on May, trying not to roll her eyes at the sight of Weyland immediately making for the bar to drink...not even death could stop a man from being a man, it seemed, "Who is this Ginafae? Sana we've heard of, but not a Ginafae."


"Ginafae Orlyndar," Maydiira supplied, putting a hand to her head, "Once a daughter of House Orlyndar. Her past is shrouded in mystery, even amongst our kind, but I will tell you what I know.


"As with most noble drow families, Ginafae killed her mothers and sisters at an early age to gain control over her House. For several centuries afterwards, she managed to stamp out every other rival House with brute military force, save two - House Torana and House Kilrret."


The Doomguide's mouth dropped open, "Your house?"


Maydiira nodded, "Yes. We were the only House who lived openly as Eilistraeeians, unafraid of the Handmaidens of Lolth. We had just as many warriors and priestesses as Ginafae's fanatical House.


"House Kilrret, on the other hand, was even more powerful than House Orlyndar and House Torana put together. They were a House of sorcerers and necromancers who placed value even on the males; thus, House Kilrret never saw either of us as a particular threat, preferring to live in the solitude of their massive tower."


"Let me guess," Rhaine interjected, "That didn't last."


"No," Maydiira replied sadly, "It didn't. Ginafae could not stand to see an entire House of 'heretics' like ourselves existing in the world. Knowing House Orlyndar could not take on our House without being ripped to shreds, she struck a bargain with House Kilrret - that if they helped House Orlyndar against House Torana, House Kilrret could have all the spoils of war, whilst House Orlyndar would take the glory of destroying Eilistraeeians in the name of Lolth.


"Together, the two Houses wiped out House Torana. With the help of the illusionary magic of House Kilrret, House Orlyndar was able to fight their way to the throne room, slaughtering our Matron Mother and all of her daughters...except me. Lady Eilistraee appeared to me as an orb of light and led me through secret passages that not even I knew of. I alone escaped that massacre...the others of us perished."


"By the gods," Rhaine breathed, "What happened then?"


"Ginafae, naturally, broke the agreement with House Kilrret. Whilst most of their mages were occupied at our doorstep, she and her priestesses attacked the sorcerers' tower. She destroyed their complex and slew their Matron, also destroying every device and power source that the Kilrrets relied on for their massive arcane strength. Once the mages were weakened from their loss of power and their battle with House Torana, her warriors easily finished them off as well."


"Did she know about you?" the Doomguide asked.


"No," May answered with a grin, "Not until her House began to lose Lolth's favor. You see, it is imperative that rival Houses destroy each other to the last man...else their work is seen as sloppy in Lolth's eyes. When Ginafae finally learned of me, I was already long gone...well on my way to rescuing Mother Neerthara Mellyl and establishing Sel Sreen'aur."


"So what did she do?"


Maydiira hesitated, "What I know is only from rumor...but it is said that she poisoned her own House members. She did not attribute her failure to her own lack of leadership, but to the incompetence of those beneath her - and so she destroyed the perceived cause of the problem. Now, we remain: daughters of two dead houses."


Rhaine's eyebrow raised, "And so she is hunting you?"


"Now she is," May replied, "For the longest time she lived as a slaver, head of a band of Houseless mercenaries attempting to regain Lolth's favor by offering the goddess surfacer blood. I think she intended to add me to their list of slaves - but after a few decades of no success, she struck out on her own. Who knows what her agenda is now...but if she has the chance to kill me, she will - that I know. I already encountered her once in Shadowdale."


At that moment, Maydiira fell silent as two strange fellows entered the tavern...one looking much like a genasi, the other a...wemic? Rhaine wondered if Tak'we would recognize a fellow beast man from the Shaar.

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The elan nodded to Sarin. "Good point. But being to craft a weapon and being able to use it are two very separate things." He turned towards the door and looked on in surprise as he saw a drow with wings similar to Rhaine walk in.


Kalin couldn't help but grin as Rhaine and her old friend embraced one another and spoke rapidly in the drow language. "You two know each other, I take it?" he spoke, rising from his chair and nodding politely to Maydiira. "Greetings, milady, I am Kalin. It is a pleasure to meet one of Rhaine's friends," the soulknife spoke in drow.


He began to sit back down when Weyland, Amendale, and a third man he didn't know suddenly burst through the doors soon after, all of them severely bloodied from some fight. After Rhaine and Maydiira healed them and the trio recounted their recent battle, Kalin shook his head in disapproval, sharing Rhaine's sentiments. "Bloody fools," he scolded, "You all are lucky to have survived. I've seen hundreds of men die for such idiocy."


Turning his attention to Maydiira, he spoke up about Ginafae. "Perhaps you should join us, then. We should be able to help defend against her."


Still shaking his head at the trio of fools, the elan sat back down, his wine having been sat on the table. He raised his eyebrows in curiosity when a genasi and a wemic of all things walked into the door. Now, there's an interesting duo...



Tak'we looked up from his meal when he heard the inn doors open and perked up in interest at what he saw. "A dark winged pointy-ear?" He wasn't surprised greatly when Rhaine embraced the stranger in welcome, assuming the two winged pointy-ears were old clutchmates.


He began to introduce himself to Maydiira when Weyland, Amendale and another softskin rushed into the inn, wounded and bleeding. He clicked irritably at the trio's tale. "Just like foolish hatchlings trying to hunt before they are ready." He then listened to the dark winged pointy-ear, hissing softly when it was mentioned that Ginafae was a kinslaying slaver. *Tck!* "Tak'we agrees with Kalin. I think we should help dark winged pointy-ear."


The thri'kreen heard heavy footsteps walk into the inn behind him to a table and turned to see who it was. The sight of the strange-looking softskin puzzled him somewhat, but it was the man's companion that shocked him most. "A wemic!?" he nearly shrieked in surprise and aggravation, forgetting his disguise;Tak'we's clan had clashed once with the lion-men for a dispute over hunting territories, and he still remembered one of his relatives dying in the fight. "What iss a wemic doing here?" he spat venomously, standing up more fully, clearly agitated.

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