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Tales of Faerun


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"We'll start stockpiling on the morrow," Rhaine said, "Everyone get a good nights' sleep and prepare to scour this town for supplies at dawn."


At this point, Bilron spoke up, "If I can persuade the local smith to allow me to share his forge, I can work on armor and weapons for you all."


Maydiira looked to Tannin, "Normally I would agree with such a plan, but if Amendale and Weyland suffered so in less than two hours on their own, I hesitate to condone you leaving by yourself. I will try to tell as much as I remember about the place, but I'm afraid I am too tired to do so now."


The Doomguide nodded, "Indeed. We all need to rest. Let us retire, and we can plan more tomorrow."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"Infiltrate their ranks? Have you done this before?" Nawen glanced at Tannin. She had faith in his abilities and having someone who is familiar with the surroundings and paths in the place they'll be going to could be very useful. The last thing she wanted is their group getting separated, what if some of them got lost?


As the others started going upstairs to their rooms, the drow stayed in the common room. After all that happened earlier she was sure that she won't get any sleep tonight.


"If the innkeeper doesn't have any rooms available you can stay in mine." Nawen said to Maydiira. She knew so little about the drow but somehow she already took a liking to her. Maybe it just felt good knowing that she isn't the only Drow who isn't malicious and evil like so many others. Sometimes Nawen wondered if she was the only one like this but it was good to know that she wasn't.

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Rhaine made her way to her room and locked the door behind her, falling asleep very soon after her head hit the pillow.


Maydiira walked by Tannin and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Thank you for your condolences, friend. It does help."


Turning to Nawen, she added, "I thank you, sister. I have no coin to pay for my own...not since the Red Wizards took almost everything I had. You have my sincere gratitude."

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While polishing off his ale, Othos couldn't help but overhear the nearby groups talk of danger, adventure, and the likes. But the part that interested him the most was when one of the drow mentioned that there were no more rooms available, and of course the interest wasn't exactly positive.


He turned to Kowolj, who had also heard the bad news, and the two exchanged exasperated looks. Othos walked to the tavernkeep, hoping to convince him to allow them to stay the night, somehow.


"Excuse me, I've heard you have no rooms left, but my friend and I have no where left to go... Could you allow us to stay here, in the bar area perhaps? We would gladly still pay you." he spoke with a look of great sincerity upon his face.


The master of the building could see that he needed somewhere to stay, and conceded them the area in the corner and two blankets for 3/4ths the price of an average room, which they both happily accepted. Then Othos and Kowolj adjourned to their space, Kowolj laying on the ground with his head leaned against the wall, and Othos sitting on the floor leaning back against Kowolj's lion body.

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Tannin leaned back in his chair with a smirk. "I don't mean to brag buuut chances are I'm able to take care of myself a little bit better than those two are." He said before turning around to look at Weyland and Amendale. "No offense."

He took another drink before turning to Nawen.

"Ooh plenty of times my lady, plenty of times. It's easy enough once you get the hang of it. Just.. act like you're supposed to be there and most people will assume that you do. It's all about how you present yourself, Though our kind tends to blend in better with those of less than helpful intent if you get my meaning." He said before taking a sip. "No one takes a second look at a Drow in the service of an evil group it seems."

Edited by josh900
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Weyland didn't respond to pretty much anything that was being said, although he listened every now and again. As it turned out, Tannin was completely mad. This much he did say something about.


"Tannin. Buddy. You're crazy, you know that? They'll take you out once they find you. One or five you can take, but a hundred is too much." His voice was picking up a drunken slur. "I guess if you want to go meet Rhaine's master..." He wasn't sure if he used the correct term to describe Kelemvor, but he didn't try and correct it because he was gulping down more beer. The day's events had left him more shaken than he'd care to admit.


Arland walked back into the Teshford Arms at that very moment. "Look like I'm buying a new blade tomorrow, then. Guess I'll head to bed." He tried renting a room, and cursed when he learned there wasn't any room. He moved to go outside. "Schtlarn it, looks like I need to head to a different inn." He went back outside.

"I need rest, badly. I'll follow his example." He shuffled outside, grabbing Arland by the shoulder and turning him around, glaring at him. Despite the bags under his eyes, it was obvious he was deadly serious.


"What?" Arland asked quietly.


"Give me one reason I shouldn't turn you over to the guards right now." Amendale demanded.

"First and foremost, I'm your friend's brother. You kill me and he may very well kill you." Arland answered. "Second, I'm not going to be hanged without taking out half the guard with me. I try not to kill them, but I will if I have to. You'd be responsible for more deaths. You're not that thick, are you? And if you try to take me out yourself I'll leave you face-down in the dirt, dead or alive, you'd have forced my hand."

"You killed Vhame in cold blood, why should I let you walk free?"

"He attacked me first, and when I try to hit him on the head and knock him out for a bit he starts throwing spells at me. Is self-defence not a good enough reason for you? Or perhaps you're biased in your logic, elf."

Weyland came stumbling out of the Teshford arms after them. "No need to go anywhere el-elsh, you two can jusht shleep in my room. No fighting!" With that, he stumbled back inside, still carrying a tankard. He finished it off, left it with the bartender, and somehow managed to get upstairs and into bed before he fell asleep.


Amendale was the first to follow him, being utterly exhausted, and he rolled out a sleeping bag onto the floor before crawling into it and falling asleep.


Soon after, Arland had done the same thing, setting himself up as far away from Weyland or Amendale as he could. (Amendale wanted him dead, Weyland's snoring sounded like a fight to the death between two bears.) and fell asleep as well, keeping his sword in arm's reach.

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Xallistine decided he'd be better use acting as both a guard, and by having an early start inscribing. He got from his satchel a number of parchment, not many, and certainly no where near enough, but they'd at least allow him to pass the time fairly quickly. He got out a quil and began to write, infusing each word with magical properties that combined to create the desired effect of the spell. And should any assassin be foolish enough to attack the group in the night... well they wouldn't make it up the stairs.


Siran bid everyone a goodnight and made his way out of the door- Knowing Amendale's encounter with Arland was none of his business, he walked down the streets and headed for the Inn he was staying in.

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Maydiira smirked at Tannin, "I don't know whether to think you brave or foolish, young man...but I'm leaning towards the latter. Good night."


With that, the winged drow went upstairs to Nawen's room and made herself a place on the floor, just in case the ranger decided not not to keep watch that night.


Rhaine did not wake until morning tinted the room a dusky pink. She could hear Weyland's snores through the wall behind her; the fighter sounded not unlike a muffled bumblebee. She briefly wondered if his brother snored half as loudly as Weyland, or if he had taken after a quieter side of the family. Sighing, she got up and armed herself, running a quick comb through her hair and pulling it back into a ponytail before belting Touch of Death to her waist and donning her pack.


Heading back downstairs, she saw Xallistine working with some parchment, presumably scribing some scrolls. She could see the genasi fellow and his wemic friend sleeping in one corner, and she wondered how such a pair had come together. Then again, anyone who came across her companions would likely say the exact same thing.


What was that Sefris had called them? Oh right...a circus.


Rhaine smirked. How true that term had become. It certainly felt like a circus at times.

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Kalin wished his companions goodnight as they went to bed one by one. He drank a few more glasses of wine, then went to bed when it was near midnight. The elan collapsed into bed, glad to finally lay in a half-decent bed, and drifted off to sleep while hoping that the nightmare didn't return to plague him.


He had no such luck...


Kalin awoke with a choked scream, covered in sweat. Nine Hells, why won't the dreams stop!? he cursed inwardly. He looked outside and judged it to be about four hours since he went to bed. "Always at the end of my sleep, too," he muttered, "Well, might as well get started on things."


The soulknife searched for any old maps that he might have of the Underdark. He managed to find one, but it was severely outdated and probably useless now. Nonetheless, Kalin began to memorize it in detail, his psionic mind capable of recalling such things perfectly.


After spending a few hours studying the faded map, then went downstairs when the sun had begun to rise. "Good morning, Rhaine," he spoke when he saw the priestess. "I managed to find an old map of the Underdark. It's mostly useless by now, but I figured that it would help."


He stifled a yawn, then gestured to a table. "So, what's the plan for today?"


Tak'we spent the night strumming a calm tune on the wires he'd pulled onto his staff once again. He offered a prayer to Mother Moon, then went downstairs when sunrise came.


The thri'kreen saw Kalin and Rhaine. "Good morning, clutchmates." Without speaking another word, he went to the bar and ordered breakfast.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Amendale was the first one awake, eventually being shaken awake by the sheer, awesome power that was the combined snoring of the Grey brothers. He was lucky he'd been so tired yesterday as to sleep through it. He could swear the room shook every few seconds as they breathed in. He packed everything up and walked downstairs, leaving his backpack in the room for the moment.

"I swear to Mystra those two could wake the dead. They'd make fantastic necromancers." He sighed, exasperated.


Arland came down a half hour or so later, earning a secretive glare from Amendale, and cracked his neck. "That brother of mine is shaking the dust from the rafters with his snoring. Runs in the family, you should've heard the Grey household at night, everyone used to think we owned a pet lion." He ordered some breakfast, which consisted partially of bacon. A love for bacon, it seemed, also ran in the family.


As he ate his breakfast, out came Weyland. "I smell bacon!"


Arland looked at him, amused. "It's mine, buy your own."


"Yeah, fine, whatever." Weyland snatched a piece from his brother's plate and ate it anyway. Over a decade missing meant that they just had years and years of sibling rivalry to catch up on. As he sat down with his own breakfast beside Arland, he asked "So what's the plan for today?"

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