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Tales of Faerun


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Azuris gave Kalin a nod. "Well met." He said, watching the others spar he grunted. "Seen better, seen worse. There's a good mix of skill in this group though. There are enough strengths in the group to make up for any weak links." He said intently watching Weyand and Arland. His attention turned to Rhaine and Tak'we's duel. "She's got fire in her.. Good to see the rumors aren't just talk. Don't have a clue that she's fighting there but It'd imagine it'd make an umberhulk turn tale." He said shifting his weight over to his right foot with a wince. "But to answer your question Kalin, yes I would object. Nothing personal, I just don't spar with people I don't know, not anymore. Too many things can go wrong."




Tannin watched Maydiira and Amendale's sparring with a little more interest than he did the others. He found the speed of which Amendale could cast to be rather interesting. Some of the even more basic spells took several seconds to cast. Though he supposed that with enough time one could learn to cast them much quicker than others could if you cast them enough times over the years. Much like swordplay you'd get better and faster with time and practice.

Even so he was still quietly rooting for Maydiira. He enjoyed watching drow beat their competition, though he supposed him being partial to his own race wasn't all that surprising, even if it could be considered a bit racist.



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Rhaine bounced backwards as Tak'we shoved her away, and the thri-kreen came charging at her again. She knew she could not parry his blows this time, and so she dropped and rolled, moving swiftly behind him and casting a silent Blade Barrier. The ten gigantic twirling swords sprang into existence between herself and her sparring partner, giving her time to cast a small Sound Burst spell...a loud clap of sonic energy exploding near the thri-kreen.

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Tak'we cursed as Rhaine rolled past him and made to move after her. He started to charge again, then had to stop from being eviscerated by the blade barrier that suddenly appeared in front of him, halting close enough that his staff clanged against one or two of the spinning blades. Giving a hiss of irritation, he crouched, preparing to leap over the obstacle. Then there was a sudden thunderclap and he began screeching in pain as he clutched at his head, his hearing suddenly gone and leaving him in agony.


*SCREEE!* The thri'kreen dropped his gythka, still kneeling on the ground. "Sso foolish...," he muttered; He was so focused on the fighting that he'd forgotten Rhaine was touched by the spirits. And now he was paying for it. Standing back up, still slightly disoriented, he stumbled over to his gythka and leaned on it after retrieving it.


"Rhaine, thiss one must forfeit," the thri'kreen spoke humbly, "Tak'we was foolish for forgetting you are blessed by the spirits. ." He began to walk over to his things. "I will be over here for a while, at least until my hearing has returned."



Kalin smiled, and applauded Rhaine mentally for besting Tak'we as he walked over to her. "That was most impressive, milady," he complimented the priestess, handing a waterskin to her. The elan looked over to the wall and saw that several guards, and perhaps a few citizens as well, had gathered and were gesturing towards the group. "I think the city folks will have quite a tale for the days to come."


Turning back to Rhaine, he continued. "If you still feel like sparring, I wouldn't mind clashing blades with you for a bit." Kalin grinned, mischief shining in his eyes. "I promise not to toss you around like Tak'we."

Edited by GrueMaster
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Amendale was caught somewhat off-guard by the bear, although Maydiira's comment let him know that something was about to happen. He swiped at the creature with his blade twice and then shot at its neck with a fire arrow, hoping that it would set the creature on fire. It was then that the creature's paw nearly knocked him off his feet, but instead it knocked the wind out of him and he had to utilize the entirety of his will to not hunch over and allow Maydiira to knock him on his face. He raised his blade, ready for combat, painfully aware that he needed to utilize more than just offensive spells. Unfortunately the air-or rather lack thereof- he was barely gasping in didn't let him think clearly.


Weyland and Arland engaged each other again, trying to adapt to each other's weaknesses while simultaneously fortifying their own. Arland was more conservative with his attacks but still took advantage of Weyland's lack of speed, while the latter moved faster and kept his defenses up, often using the shield as a weapon as well as a defensive tool. The fight lasted even longer this time as both warriors were cautious with their weaknesses, but Weyland still managed to dump Arland face-first into the dirt at the end with a shocking strike to the ribs, which would have hurt like the nine hells even if it didn't piece the armor. The volts of electricity shot through Arland's body and he felt a rib crack, and then Weyland hit him in the head with his shield (not the thin side, that would be fatal with ah heavy shield like this.) and his face landed in a pile of mud.

"Ow!" He gasped as he pushed himself up from the ground, batting away Weyland's hand. He'd be getting up himself or not at all.


"Getting a little angry there, baby brother?" Weyland taunted, and then forced him to his feet by the scruff of the neck.


"I'll get you for that one." He challenged, and attacked Weyland again. This time around Weyland was just barely beaten.


"Ha! You got me this time." He stood up. "Let's see how the others are doing."

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Rhaine was a bit surprised that Tak'we surrendered so quickly, but she was grateful for the respite. Her brow was matted with sweat already, and she knew she could not keep up the fight against him for long...not without utilizing seriously damaging magic.


As Kalin stepped up to spar, she waved a hand to dissipate her Blade Barrier and grinned, "Certainly, Kalin."


Maydiira's bear roared as the fire arrow scalded its nose. Unable to retaliate against Amendale with fatal force because of Maydiira's will, it backed away from the fight. The drow, however, quickly stepped forward, the tip of Velve'drathir aimed at Amendale's throat.

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"Alright, then," Kalin responded, taking off his coat and swordbelt. He seen Rhaine's spell-casting and he'd need speed to avoid such attacks. These will only serve to slow me down. He left them in a neat pile far enough away to avoid stumbling on them while sparring, and whispered a magical command while his back was to Rhaine.


The elan felt his armor materialize around him and gave a small smirk. That will surprise her. The armor had a glamer enchantment on it that made it appear as if he were still only wearing his clothes. He paused a moment to focus his psionic power, and once prepared, he walked back to the sparring area.


He stopped to stand about a dozen feet away from Rhaine and turned towards the Doomguide. The soulknife went into a fighting stance, fists upraised and his body balanced on the balls of his feet. "Ready when you are, milady." Kalin challenged, no longer smiling and his eyes unnaturally focused.

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After their duel, Othos and Kowolj moved to the side to make room for the others while they watched. Othos sat atop Kowolj's back, using him as a sort of moving chair, as he often did. The duels were extremely interesting to them both, and it was refreshing to see that their comrades were so powerful. These matches almost made theirs seem uninteresting, seeing as how it was so quick. But it was to be expected, as Othos knew Kowolj's fighting style like the back of his hand and Kowolj never adapted very well.


So, they took up position on the 'sidelines', not too far from the armored man with the sigil of Kelemvor on his breast. These fights were just so intriguing that it was difficult for the two of them to do anything but watch...

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Rhaine raised an eyebrow at his seemingly defenseless form. She had seen Kalin fight before, back at the Zhent's encampment, and so she knew that something was amiss here. Deciding to put him to the test, she gave not a word in response...merely silently casting a Flame Strike and hoping he would glance up to see the column of bright orange flame hurtling towards him from the heavens.




Ginafae watched the spectacle from her perch in a birch tree...far from the sight of the gates and the combatants. Arland was there, sparring with his brother...and Maydiira was as well - both her foes now in the company of that strange adventuring party that had arrived the day before. The blackguard smiled faintly to herself. There was no way she could strike at Arland or Maydiira while they were with such a group; they were too well-protected.


She wondered why Maydiira had left her beloved Sel Sreen'aur...the settlement of pathetic Eilistraeeians south of their old holdings. Mayhap some dreadful tragedy had finally befallen the traitors? If so, it would be a blessing from the Spider Queen herself - one step closer to exterminating the darthiiri lovers and House Torana for eternity.

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Kalin saw the pillar of flame flying down from the sky towards him and began moving. He started to tumble out of the way, only to feel his foot slip on something; it was Tak'we's venom from the earlier fight. He gave a curse as he fell uncontrollably... right into the Flame Strike.


His form disappeared in a flash of flame and smoke, the elan ominously quiet. Smoke lingered for a moment, then, when it receded, it revealed a moaning Kalin as he picked himself up. He was smoking all over and his clothes singed badly, but his body itself showed no signs of burns whatsoever.


"Damnation...," he cursed again when he finally stood up. That hurt like hell! He had managed to resist most of the flames, but the flame strike had been partly divine in nature and had still singed him to some extent. He looked at Rhaine, irritation plain on his face. "Just had to use fire, didn't you. Well, if you're going to use fire," He spoke as he manifested a whip of fire. "So shall I!" And then he lashed out with the burning weapon.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Rhaine was astonished but thankful when Kalin came away from the fire relatively unscathed. She knew now that either he was not entirely human, or he had some sort of enchantment on his clothing. Seeing him manifest the fire whip, she dodged his blow and silently cast Ethereal Jaunt, promptly vanishing from sight.

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