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Tales of Faerun


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Kalin frowned as Rhaine faded from view, letting the fire lash dissipate back into nothingness. He felt slightly disconcerted at that, but kept himself calm. Crafty woman, he thought, amused. His eyes flashed and his mindblades materialized instantly, the violet blades seeming to pulse with an inner power.


The soulknife fell into a full defensive stance, a blade held in front and behind. He tried to study the ground around them for signs of Rhaine moving about, but had no luck. Calm yourself, Kalin, he told himself, closing his eyes and taking a deep breathe. He opened his eyes and waited, knowing the priestess couldn't hide forever and trusting his instincts and senses would detect her in time for a defense.



Tak'we looked on in fear and awe at the duel going on, hardly believing that anyone could have survived such power. His hearing having returned most of the way, the thri'kreen walked over to where the Grey brothers stood and joined them in watching the scene before them. "How could Kalin survive that?" he murmured to no one in particular, "Did fire spiritss or demonss sire him?"

Edited by GrueMaster
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Rhaine stood still as she watched Kalin summon two violet-glowing shortswords, matching his eyes in color and intensity. She had not moved from the spot, intent on watching his reaction to her disappearance. As soon as he closed his eyes, she continued silent casting, first aiming a Sound Burst directly behind him and following up with a Hammer of the Gods, the ball of divine light rushing from the heavens and exploding around him in a golden wave. As the offensive spells took effect, the Doomguide cast Battletide, a force field of scintillating red, purple, and azure magic dancing across her armor.

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Kalin winced as a deafening thunderstrike sounded right behind him and staggered him. He glanced around and saw Rhaine just as she launched another spell at him, a sparking ball of energy flying towards him. He knew he wouldn't be able to dodge in time and so built up some of his precious psionic power, hoping it would be enough to help.


The spell connected nearly dead on, sending Kalin to his knees. It hurt him, but his elan resistance managed to keep him from becoming fully stunned by the spell. He felt slightly sluggish, and looked up to see magical energies racing over Rhaine. "Damn spell-casters," he muttered as he rose to his feet.


Kalin had an answer for the priestess' ranged spells, luckily. A grim smile on his face, he set his mindblades aflame and charged towards Rhaine, launching incinerating bolts of fire to occupy her while he closed the distance between them, his body moving at an inhuman speed.

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The Doomguide barely had enough time to dodge the firebolts before colliding with Kalin's weapons, Touch of Death slamming into the shortswords with sparks flying. Using both hands and springing backwards, she reversed the blade's direction. Rhaine then swung with a diagonal overhand, determined to keep Kalin at a distance. As long as Touch of Death kept his blades at bay, he could never come close enough for a strike.

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Kalin had grim look on his face; with the superior length of Rhaine's bastard sword, he'd never be able to get in close. Looks like a change of tactics is needed, he thought, and so morphed his two blades into a single mindblade equal to the priestess' sword in length, just in time to catch her next strike.


He held his blade horizontally, using one hand at either end for leverage against Rhaine's sword and keeping it locked there. The soulknife glanced quickly at his blade and saw spiderweb cracks beginning to appear and spread across its length, unable to withstand the Doomguide's punishment.


That's not going to last long, he thought worriedly, I need to end this fight soon. He looked at Rhaine's position, and a plan began to form in his mind. It will be risky, but... ah, screw it! He blinked his mindblade out of existence, sidestepping and hoping he'd moved far enough to avoid the bastard sword when it came crashing down, and swung at Rhaine's exposed shoulder, summoning his blade at the last moment.


Kalin felt it bite weakly and released a burst of psionic energy that he had built up, wreaking havoc with her shoulder. Unfortunately, he hadn't managed to move entirely out of the way of Rhaine's sword and felt it dig into his side. His armor absorbed some of the blow, but it still sliced into his ribs. Damn, should have moved faster!


The elan released his blade, letting it fade away as he painfully removed the bastard sword from his side. He collapsed on the ground in exhaustion and pain, and gave the priestess a pained smile. "You know, In hindsight, that didn't seem such a great idea anymore..."

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Kalin's blade blinked in and out of existence so quickly that she barely noticed it come flashing at her forward shoulder. The summoned sword sliced cleanly between her pauldron and the top of her breastplate. The blow came at the end of her own strike; coupled with her momentum, it easily overbalanced her and sent her flipping forwards. Touch of Death kept its razor edge in Kalin's flesh even as she lost her grip on the weapon, psionic power exploding in her shoulder. The Doomguide's head spun as the magic surged from the wound painfully. Kalin did not seem to fare much better, her own blade causing significant damage to his ribs.


"No," she panted, healing her shoulder with a soft glow of blue power, "It wasn't."


Picking up her sword and getting back to her feet, she sheathed the blade and healed Kalin's injury as well, adding, "So...what in the Hells are you, Kalin?"

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As the day dragged on, Xallistine had finished inscribing his current stockpile of Scrolls, all of them full of exceptionally powerful magical attacks, defences, and protections plucked from the confides of Xallistine's mental bank of countless arcane wonders. He was no stranger to any school of magic, and was a master of destructive spells, reflected in the array of powerful and devastating attacks written upon the scrolls. Earlier in the day, as he was about to leave to acquire more parchment, the young Aasimar had stopped by with a large pile for Xallistine to use.


As he finished his works, Xallistine left the inn and proceeded outside the city gates, to bear witness to the battle between Rhaine and Kalin- He was thoroughly impressed with both of their tactics and prowess, but he wondered if such sparing would do any good... the foes they were about to face would not stop at attacks that hindered, they would go the full mile and execute the party if they could.


Stepping back as the fight reached it's climax, he grinned inside as Rhaine asked what Kalin was... sending his thoughts directly to the Elan, he chided "Well Kalin, it seems the secret of your being cannot be kept any longer... can it?"

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Apparently not, Xallistine, Kalin flashed back with resignation while the connection was there. I just hope none of my kind saw this particular show... He winced as he got up and faced Rhaine. "Well, it seems that talk I wanted has come up sooner than expected," the elan spoke with a rueful look on his face.

"To put it simply, I am a soulknife, a psionic, like our friend Xallistine," he explained, "save where his manifests as telepathy, mine manifests in the form of pyrokinesis and psychic blades, as you saw and," he gestured at the Doomguide's shoulder. "No doubt felt. Sorry about that, by the way, " Kalin apologized, "My mindblade wasn't able to stand up to that kind of punishment and I wanted to end the fight."

He move in incredibly close and whispered in Rhaine's ear, barely louder than the soft breeze that had started. "As for what I am, as you asked, know that I am no longer human. But if you want to learn more, speak to me, in private," the elan glanced at the crowd gathered at the walls and gate with something akin to worry. "Knowledge is power, and this knowledge could prove deadly to all of us if heard by the wrong people."

Kalin stepped back and dusted himself as if he hadn't just risked exposing the existence of his people. He looked down at his clothes and grimaced when he saw the large hole that Rhaine's blade had left. "That's going to be annoying to fix," he muttered, then spoke a magical command, dispelling the glamer on his armor.


The mithril armor had a jagged hole in it where the links had broken. "Thank the gods I had it, though. I swear, judging by the force you used, I'd say you were trying to pass Judgement on me, Rhaine." He laughed and winked at the priestess, then left to collect his sword and coat, troubled thoughts running through his mind...

Edited by GrueMaster
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Rhaine, however, was not laughing. Why didn't she know this about Kalin sooner? Why was she now left with the distinct feeling that his joining up with the group was potentially dangerous to them all? She would indeed be speaking with him later.


The Doomguide moved closer to Azuris and Tannin, watching as Kalin walked back towards the town. Glancing to her temple brother, she remarked, "Well that was interesting, aye?"


Looking out over the companions, she noticed that Maydiira was still locked in a heated battle with Amendale, but the drow seemed to have gotten the upper hand.

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Azuris scoffed. "That's one way of putting it. Why I don't spar anymore, Too many "Interesting" things happen during the matches." He shook his head as he watched Maydiira and Amendale. "Soulknife. Things used to be a lot more simple. These are strange times."

Tannin chortled. "Twenty gold says it gets weirder." He said with a sly grin, almost like he knew he was right.

Azuris frowned. "I better be dead before that happens. Next we know even the elves will start changing, it's ridiculous." He looked to Rhaine. "So what'd he want to tell you? More secrets he doesn't intend anyone else to know about?

"My money's on him wanting some alone time." Said Tannin. "Get to know the beautiful leader in a more "private" setting." He said in a joking tone.

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