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Tales of Faerun


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The Grey brothers watched the battle between Rhaine and Kalin with raised eyebrows, impressed with the prowess of both of them and of course wondering how Kalin had managed to summon weapons from thin air.

"Wish I could do that." Arland commented.

"Who doesn't?" Weyland remarked absentmindedly in response.


Amendale moved to defend himself, but Maydiira was too fast for him and he found a sword tip at his throat before he could bat it away. His eyebrows briefly scrunched together as he thought.

"Swordplay and a lack of defense....those I need to work on. Thanks." With that, he sheathed his blade and walked away, moving to lean up against a tree.


"Completely demolished." Weyland snickered. "Looks like I got to teach him how to use a sword later. Tempus knows, he could use it."


"Like he'll learn anything from you." Arland said with raised eyebrows and a slight curl to his lip.


"Amendale!" Weyland shouted. "Draw your sword, you need to learn a thing or two..."

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Tak'we stared after Kalin, wondering how he managed to do such things. Is he touched by Mighty Sun? he pondered, since Rhaine is blessed by Mother Moon, is that how he managed to fight against Rhaine? Day against Night?


Uneasy, the superstitious thri'kreen strode over to Rhaine. "Iss Rhaine alright?" he asked. "Tak'we did not like this fight." He glanced at Kalin while the man walked away from them, head shaking. "Kalin iss not normal, not natural."



Kalin was sighing inwardly. Way to go, Kalin, his conscience scolding him. Why didn't you just write big letters in the sky saying 'I'm not human!' ? He shook his head and took off his chain-shirt. What's done is done. Nothing we can do about it, so shut the Hells up.


He called out to Rhaine. "Rhaine, if you need me, I'm going to be at the smithy. I need to repair my armor." Finished speaking, he gathered his things and walked off back into town.

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"That's about the size of it," Rhaine replied to Azuris. Turning to the half-drow, she added with a smirk, "And was that an offhanded compliment from you, Tannin?"


At Tak'we's worried inquiry, she answered, "I'm fine, Tak'we. Kalin surprised me and gave me a nasty cut, but that's mostly it. And you're right. He's not natural at all."


Sighing, she began walking back towards the gates, above which the on-duty guardsmen were chattering like magpies. Gesturing to the others, she called, "Let's get back to the inn...we need to discuss how we're going to get better and what we need take with us when we leave tomorrow morning."


Maydiira simply unsummoned her bear and followed Rhaine like a silent shadow, thinking on her spar with Amendale and wondering how the mage was going to fare against the Red Wizards.

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Xallistine began walking back close to Rhaine, he knew exactly what Kalin was from the moment the man had stepped foot within their camp... The others had wondered why it was Xallistine had showed such hostility, but Kalin's kind was certainly not the type to attract healthy attention... and these 'others' that may harm the group had worried the Ulitharid.


He felt something of a tinge of guilt as he walked, acting oblivious to Kalin's being, he had sworn to secrecy for a man he knew nothing about, under the oath it would protect Rhaine and the others... yet would it? he had urged Kalin to tell Rhaine sooner, he had warned that such secrets would be unfitting if kept from Rhaine.. yet his heed had not been taken. He could not help feel he had betrayed Rhaine in some way for keeping this from her, and what a deal it was.


"The scrolls have all been prepared with care, Rhaine... i promise only the most powerful of incantations." He spoke in a voice that masked his wish to apologize, to tell Rhaine everything he knew of The Elan, and to say he had known from the start. But he did not, it was not his secret to tell, but Kalin would tell it.

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With Rhaine and the group moving back to the inn, Othos hopped off of Kowolj's back and moved to follow while motioning Kowolj to do the same. The matches today were amazing, and Othos was still completely taken by the skill shown by his new allies.

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Azuris sneered. "That's usually how it goes, Everyone dumps everything onto the party leaders lap and expects them to deal with it. Don't even bother trying to explain themselves to everyone else in the group."

"Well of course." Tannin said as he got up to his feet. "Get in good with the party leader means a better cut of the loot. Speaking of which." He looked to Rhaine and spoke in a very posh fashion. "Lady Rhaine I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing. I merely saw an opportunity to compliment you and took it."

Azuris scoffed just loud enough for those directly nearby to hear making Tannin look at him with a smirk.

"What? I never said I wasn't guilty of it too." Tannin said before he looked back to the group. "And with that ladies and gentlemen I will take my leave of you. With luck we shall meet again after the battle has ended. And if not... Dig me a grave with a view." He then took a bow then turned on his heel and walked in the direction of the caverns.


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"May the gods watch over you, Tannin," Rhaine replied. She stopped for a few moments and watched the half-drow as he departed, moving swiftly away from the rest of the group.


Maydiira shook her head as they continued on, "I pray he knows what he's doing. I fear he will find his death in those caverns...as I nearly found mine."


Looking at her Ulitharid companion, the Doomguide added, "I would expect no less from you, Xallistine. I'm sure they'll prove invaluable. My thanks, friend."




Ginafae watched the mutt split from the rest of the group. He seemed to be heading off on his own somewhere, judging by his pace - for what purpose the blackguard was unsure, but she would soon find out. And perhaps she would also discern the weaknesses of his companions so that she could better strike at her targets. Granted, they were all unworthy scum to be fed to spiders in tiny morsels while still breathing, but Arland and Maydiira were of particular interest to her. Those two would make fitting slaves...or perhaps they would be better suited to decorating a pike. Either way, their lives would belong to her.


The drow followed the half-breed at a safe distance, moving from tree to tree like a shadow. He was going in the general direction of Shadowdale. What was it about that place? She and Maydiira both had just come from there...

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Kalin returned to the smithy he was at earlier, and began to pound away his frustration as he repaired his armor. I should have never sparred in the first place! He closed his eyes, giving a deep sigh and trying to calm his emotions. "Well, Kalin, you really screwed up this time," the elan muttered to himself, then went back to work, losing himself in it to quiet his anxiety.


He finished earlier than expected, yet felt slightly reluctant to leave. "Might as well go back," Kalin scolded himself. "You owe everyone that much." He collected his tools, paid the smith for letting him borrow the forge, then started a long walk back to the inn.



Tak'we followed after Rhaine. "Rhaine, I-I wanted to tell you," he spoke up, the mention of preparation for tomorrow reminding him of his bundle of food. "Tak'we went hunting earlier and killed a great cat. It wasss a very fruitful hunt." The thri'kreen hefted the package of meat and walked after Rhaine, not bothering with his disguise anymore; the softskins on the walls would know who he was anyway.

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Weyland and Amendale walked back to the Teshford Arms along with the rest of the group (the latter sporting a lot of fresh bruises) as Arland laughed at just how badly Amendale fared in sword battles.


"Hey, he's definitely learning." Weyland added reasonably, shrugging.


"He's going to need a lot of it." Arland sniggered, and was ignored by the elf.


They reached the inn, and Arland took it upon himself to order refreshments for the entire party, since they'd be thirsty as the Nine hells. Weyland ordered some juice, Amendale some water, and they both gulped it down eagerly.


"Thanks." Weyland muttered in his brother's general direction. Amendale nodded at him.


"So what's the plan?" Arland asked to anybody who could actually answer the question.

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Rhaine glanced over her shoulder at Tak'we. Though she knew the majority of the group would likely not want to share that...cat, that the thri-kreen had handily bested, she also knew that he was looking for praise of some sort. She smiled gently at him, "Well done, Tak'we. Your self-sufficiency is a blessing, indeed."


The Doomguide was thankful for Arland's order of refreshments. She took a light ale for herself...unusual, considering her preference for wine. Rhaine then sat at a table near the entrance, Maydiira also taking a seat opposite her. Both sipped their refreshments and thought about how they could improve their battle tactics. It was then that Arland's inquiry reached Rhaine's ears, and she answered, "The plan is to make up for whatever weaknesses we discovered today and to do it by dawn. We leave here at sunrise."

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