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Tales of Faerun


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Azuris followed the group back to the inn. Sitting at the same table as Rhaine and Maydiira. "Could risk wearing yourselves out. Unless you intend on traveling slowly I don't think pushing yourselves is a wise move."



As Tannin walked down the road on his own he began to whistle a merry tune. It was an odd feeling being alone on the road, not something he was used to nor want to get used to as it usually meant something bad had happened. But thankfully he was on a mission this time, which reminded him. He needed to come up with a plan inside the compound, Though simply knocking on the front door was always an option. Didn't always get the best results, but was still always an option.

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As soon as Kowolj smelled the meat that the mantis-man held, his mouth began to water. He turned to Othos who could also smell it on the wind, but not to the same affect.


Kowolj hurried up near to where the thri-kreen was walking, even though he seemed hostile Kowolj couldn't resist the smell of his fresh kill.


"You there, buggy, would you mind sharing with your fellow pride-members? I am Kowolj."

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Rhaine sighed, "Under any other circumstance, Azuris, I would agree with you. But our group has already experienced the dire consequences of waiting too long to act...and this Cult is nothing if not swift. Besides, we need to get Bilron's family safely to Shadowdale before something happens to them on our watch."


"And Ginafae's proximity is also a good reason to keep moving," Maydiira added, "Stay too long in one place and she will have time to learn your every weakness."


The Doomguide fell silent, her thoughts returning to Kalin. Worries plagued her...something was not right about him (possibly endangering the whole party), she did not know what it was, and it was eating her up inside.




Ginafae continued to follow the half-breed. As he started whistling, she realized he must have felt quite comfortable out here...alone.


Too bad about that.


She withdrew one of her small knives from her boot and threw it, the blade spinning end over end towards his back...

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Kalin stepped into the inn and saw everyone sitting at tables having discussions among themselves. Either talking about me or what we are going to do tomorrow, he guessed. Well, lets get this said and done with.


The elan strode to Rhaine's table. "Rhaine, when you are done here, please meet me upstairs," he requested politely and seriously. "Time we had that talk in private."


Nodding in greeting to his companions, Kalin went to the bar and bought a bottle of mint wine, then left the common room and returned to his room.



Tak'we felt a small sense of pride at Rhaine's compliment. "Thank you, Rhaine." He continued to follow his clutchmates as they returned to the inn, feeling glad he'd helped his clutch. The thri'kreen gave a hiss of irritation when Kowolj called him 'buggy,' though.


He doesn't appear very old, and probably doesn't know better in the first place, he reasoned, trying to resist the urge lash out in anger and instead tried to be friendly. "Thisss food isss meant for my clutchmatess, but you can have a piece." He reached back and grabbed a decent hunk of meat.


Before he handed it over, Tak'we spoke to the wemic in a very serious tone, no hostility in it, but it left no room for humor. "Do not call thiss one 'bug' again, Kowolj. My name isss Tak'we, and I prefer to be called sssuch." Certain that he made his point clear, the thri'kreen handed the meat to the lion-man, then walked into the inn.


After ordering a large meal for dinner, Tak'we saw Kalin enter and began to click nervously when the softsskin asked to be alone with Rhaine. "Tak'we does not trust Kalin," he spoke to no one in particular after the man went upstairs. "There iss ssomething wrong with that ssoftskin." Then his food arrived, so he stopped speaking, still uneasy but hungry enough for dinner and focused on that, wondering exactly what Kalin was.

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Rhaine nodded to Kalin, rising from her seat to follow him. She heard Tak'we's remark, and she smiled at him, "Don't worry, Tak'we...I can handle myself, as you well know. Believe me - had our fight not been a spar, Kalin would already be dead. The only reason he struck me earlier was because I let him live that long."


Maydiira quietly rose as well, moving close behind Rhaine as the Doomguide went upstairs. It was obvious that May felt uncomfortable letting Rhaine go alone, in case Kalin tried anything. She stood outside the room door, having no intentions of listening in, but only being available if things got out of hand.


The Doomguide knocked on Kalin's door, "It's Rhaine, Kalin. Open up."

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Azuris followed Rhaine to Kalin's door. "Going in with you, He doesn't trust us enough to let us all know, then I don't trust him enough to be alone with another member of my order." He stated. "He'll just have to forgive my rudeness for the time being."



The moment the knife left Gina's hand Tannin tripped and fell flat on his face, oblivious to the knife that fell over head he twisted around to see what he tripped on. Noticing a small root sticking out of the ground he withdrew his own knife and started to cut at it. Blood running out of a cut on his forehead as he did.

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Kalin opened up the door, obviously aggravated that others had followed Rhaine. "It's not a matter of trust, Azuris," the elan spoke angrily, having overheard him. "It just means the difference between everyone waking up with a painful head-ache or not waking up at all. All of you can come in if you must, but the more who learn of what I have to say the greater the chances of such a situation happening. Now get in and shut the door before anyone else decides to come along."


He left the door open and walked over to the dresser, pouring himself a glass of wine. He tried to drink, but he just didn't have the taste for it right now and set the wine back down, his hands visibly shaking. Hmmph, that hasn't happened for a long time, he thought with grim amusement. Kalin turned to his companions, his expression unusually absent of mirth.


"Listen, before I start, I need all of you to swear to never share this with anyone, otherwise leave and the Hells be done with you," he spoke with insistence. "Too much has been done to keep this secret, and too many lives could be lost if ever known by the masses."

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Maydiira decided at the last minute to come inside right after Rhaine and Azuris. She shut the door behind her and leaned against it, arms crossed atop her silvery breastplate. Her matching silver eyes studied Kalin intensely before she answered him, "I swear I will not speak of this...so long as no harm comes to the others because of it."


Rhaine shook her head, shifting her weight to one foot and crossing her arms as well, "I, however, will not swear anything. Not yet. I do not like keeping secrets that have the potential of endangering us all...and it seems you have been keeping one such secret for far too long. Now, out with it."


All the while, the Doomguide was wondering why Kalin had joined with them if there was a possibility of some sort of exposure and, in turn, possible repercussions. He had mentioned being "no longer human" - what kind of physical transformation could endanger them all if known?

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Kalin gave a heavy sigh. "Fine then, though I hope you'll understand my...discretion, when I'm done." He took a deep breathe, and began to tell his tale...


"If you haven't guessed yet, I'm not human, not anymore, but I think you need to know some background about myself as to how I got to be that way. Ten years ago, my entire life was destroyed. A wizard, in a fit of jealousy and anger, summoned a horde of demons and used them to murder everyone I ever cared for one night. Friends, family, servants, it didn't matter to him. I tried to defend my home, but it was in vain and I was left broken and dying in the carnage, helpless as I watched people die."


"The next morning, a traveler noticed the ruins of my home and investigated, and found only me, on the verge of death. He saved my life, but in order to do so, he had to transform me into something else: an elan, a being of pure psionic energy. Now, this seems like a good deed, as the traveler felt, but other elans did not feel the same."


"Elans cannot reproduce; though we technically are the same as humans physically, as we were human once, we are completely sterile. In order to repopulate, a council of elders, known as the select a group of potential candidates and decide who to transform. Once selected, the human undergoes a complex ritual and is fully turned into an elan. We then live peacefully among the humans, blending in with their communities and cities."


"Since I wasn't chosen by the Cullers and didn't go through the traditional ritual, I was seen as being illegally made, so to speak. The problem was further aggravated by the fact that I still have nightmares of that night and remembered fragments of my previous life.


This is unusual for elans, for we never dream, and when we are transformed, the process removes all but the most basic of memories, literally letting us have a second chance for a new life. Seeing as I still dreamed and my memories were intact, other elans were either intrigued by me or vehemently opposed to my very existence."


"The Cullers originally decided to have me destroyed, labeling me as 'The Ill-Made' and an abomination of the elan race. The traveler managed to convince the council to let me live, however, under the condition that I, like all elans, keep the knowledge of our race hidden from others. These are the reasons why I didn't tell you more about myself, Rhaine.


If humanity ever learned of the existence of my race, we would be hunted down and destroyed, and the humans would fight amungst themselves in distrust and entire civilizations could topple. I am barely tolerated to exist to begin with, and if the Cullers learn of this particular meeting, they'll have their excuse to kill me, and will go through any means necessary to keep this knowledge secret."


Kalin leaned against the wall and looked at his three companions. "So, now you know my story. Now, then," the soulknife spoke to Rhaine with a hint of anger, sorrow, and regret, "since I just betrayed my entire race, what will you do, Rhaine. What will be my Judgement?"

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Xallistine slipped inside Kalin's room as the group of curious and angered listeners huddled in, he used his powerful psionic abilities to warp his body through the door, and through Maydiira as she leant upon it, his body materializing back to solid matter as he stood in the corner, clearly primed to remove the life from Kalin should he not explain everything.


He listened intently as the Elan explained his state of affairs, and shook his tentacled head slowly.


"So you have entangled us in the politics of your kind so foolishly... Did you not give thought to the lives, or, more importantly, the minds of your new companions as you so selfishly remedied your loneliness? If your kind find out about this, find out about you, then you will have doomed Rhaine and the others to a fate worse then death- I have seen and used the full extend of psionics, Kalin, enough to know that the danger you have put them in is grave. As they kill you, what will they do to the others who have harboured your secret? Wipe their minds, drive them to insanity, enslave them, perhaps?" Xallistine had not thought the situation to be as dire as this.


He looked to Rhaine for guidance in this situation- and he wondered how far her generosity would stretch.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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