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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine sighed, exchanging glances with Azuris, "That is something that is not mine to dispense...not upon you, at least. I am sorry for your loss - but you must understand why I said what I did. I will keep my peace for now, but if it comes down between one of my allies lives and your secret being exposed, I trust you understand which side I'll choose?"


"My apologies and condolences as well," Maydiira added, "But I am afraid your explanation has only raised more questions. If your telling us this has risked your life, and possibly ours as well, why did you not simply refuse to speak of it...or even bluff your way through our interrogations? Lying comes so easily to most. And another thing...why would the elans be hunted? They are obviously not like the drow..."


"Because of their 'abnormality'," Rhaine explained, "They are different, and will automatically become the targets of collectors, circus-masters, and bounty hunters. If not killed and or put on display for the masses to examine and prod, they will be sought out as a means to cheat death. A second life is appealing to many, hence the popularity of the abomination known as necromancy."


"I see," the drow replied, "So now what? What if this 'Council' does come after us for knowing his secret?"


Rhaine's face was grim, "Then they'd better be willing to go through me, first. And if they harm any of my companions, it will be a decision they regret until their dying breaths."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Kalin remained where he was as he listened to his companions' reactions. He felt a bit irked at the situation, yet at the same time, he felt a burden had been taken off his mind. "Thank you for your condolences. I have carried those scars alone for a decade now. It is nice to actually share them for once."


He looked at Rhaine and continued. "Milady, your unwillingness to trust me was fully warranted," he spoke sincerely, "and I'd choose the lives of friends over secrets as well." He faced Maydiira with a helpless, sad smile on his face. "This is the first group I've met that ever questioned or even had the means to discern my race. Plus, I have always been a horrid liar, and it would sit badly on my conscious to do so, anyway."


Xallistine's words incited some angry words from the elan, however. "You think I joined the group out of loneliness?" Kalin spoke with incredulity. "Listen, I have been hunting the Cult for years! They are a blight upon this land, and in fact may have been responsible for the deaths of my family. I want to help all of you stop them."


The soulknife looked all of his companions in the eye. "Look, I haven't done much to ensure my trustworthiness, and I'm sorry for that, but I swear I will die before letting the Cullers near you all, and if you will keep me, I promise to do whatever I can to help."

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Rhaine waited a few moments, examining the elan for any signs of dishonesty, but she could find none. If he was an enemy of the Cult, he was an ally of theirs by default. This she voiced to Kalin.


"As long as you fight the Cult...and keep your prying kin at bay...then you may stay with us. Now, that is that. If you will excuse me."


The Doomguide then departed Kalin's room and made her way to her own, where she shut the door behind her and locked it, intent on remaining alone for the rest of the evening. There were a great many things she needed to think about, and she wanted to avoid adding any more to her thoughts.


Maydiira said nothing, simply nodding to Kalin respectfully before returning downstairs. She spied Nawen and moved to sit with her. Gesturing at the ranger's table, she asked, "Might I join you?"

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Nawen stayed out of the conversation and simply listened. She was always a better listener than a speaker. The drow felt sorry for what happen to Kalin but everything he told about elans. Before this conversation she had no idea someone like them even existed. She didn't like the sound of '...will go through any means necessary to keep this knowledge secret.' but for the moment shrugged it off. She will not worry about this council unless they will come after Kalin and them.


"Welcome to the circus then, Kalin." Nawen said as she remember how one of their old companions referred to them as a circus and she had to admit that they were indeed a very interesting group.


She was going through her things looking for something that could be of use or simply worth selling when Maydiira approached her table. She smiled warmly and pushed her pack to the side. "Of course." She said.


Aedan walked in the complete darkness of the Underdark tripping over nearly every rock that got in the way. The enchanted amulet he stole from some merchant before going down there didn't offer much light but unfortunately it was the only light source he had.

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Kowolj took the meat gratefully, even though Tak'we obviously did not wish he had to give it to him. His very presence troubled Tak'we, even someone like him could see this, and he knew it could end up being a problem. He slowed his pace, creating a gap between he and the others while allowing Othos to once again catch up; Othos had been quite far behind the group for most of the walk. Then with Othos as his side again, the two continued to make their way, slowly, to the inn. They needed no words to know that they enjoyed each others company, and simply allowed the path to take them in as it always did.


When they reached the inn, Kowolj had no meat left and had told Othos of what had transpired. Knowing that something must be done, Othos made his way to where Tak'we was, intent on closing the rift that he perceived between he, Kowolj, and this thri-kreen.


His voice was soft and smooth, perfect for such an occasion, yet anyone could hear it if he wished as it carried unnaturally to wherever he might wish to speak, "Hello there, I can't remember if I've introduced myself, though I believe we've already 'spoken'. I am Othos, kin to the Wemic, and a member of this rag-tag inquisition. I wish no hostilities here, and only wish for a sincere conversation, if you would have me."

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After all was said and done Azuris had remained silent. It wasn't until Rhaine and Maydiira had left before he spoke. "Like I said earlier, too many things can happen." He said referencing his reasons for never sparring with strangers. "Sometimes...Taking advice from the veterans can keep you out of trouble. Just saying." He gave a smirk before walking out of Kalin's room, closing the door behind him.

He made his way back downstairs and looked over to Maydiira and Nawen. "So two drow women walk into a bar and aren't thrown out by an angry mob." He said chuckling after. "Strange days, straange days."

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Weyland and Arland didn't bother following Kalin to listen to what he had to say. Amendale didn't either, from his point of view Kalin's business was his own, and Amendale didn't need to know any of it. The Grey brothers just didn't want to get involved in any opinionated arguments, since from what they'd seen this looked to be something that caused a lot of tension between some of the others.


"Arm wrestling?" Arland asked.


"Bring it." Weyland grinned.

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Tak'we was just finishing his meal when he saw the strange softskin that traveled with Kowolj approach him. What does he want? He nibbled on an apple as he listened to the man introduce himself.


"I am Tak'we, clutchmate of Rhaine," the thri'kreen spoke between bites. "I do not want trouble either. If thisss iss about Kowolj, I asked him not to call thiss one 'bug.' " He gave something between a snort and a hiss, showing his distaste for the label. "Too many slaverss called me that for too many moons, and Tak'we isss done with ssuch" *Nak'tche!*


Tak'we looked over and saw the Grey clutch challenging one another. Silly softskins... older than me, yet still acting like juveniles before coming-of-age. "Tak'we can get along with wemic. Just tell him to call thiss one by my name." Taking a large bite of what was left of the apple and leaving the rest on his plate, he stepped away and walked over to Weyland and Arland, interested in the game they were playing. "Arm-wrestling? Will you let Tak'we join?"



Kalin bowed his head lightly as he nodded to his companions when their conversation was over. "Thank you, Rhaine. Maydiira, Azuris. Xallistine." He went over to the wine glass and sipped, wincing at the warmth of it. "That's unfortunate," he murmured, then drained the glass anyway.


He looked at his companions as he refilled his glass. "If anyone needs me, I'll be here." The elan went over to his pack and pulled out a small book, inkwell, and pen and began drawing the map he'd memorized earlier.

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Rhaine had removed her armor and weapon, laying them both atop the chest at the foot of her bed. Now clad in her robes again, she sat at the small desk beneath the window, staring off into the forest behind the inn. Her eyes did not perceive the dark pines or the purpling sky, but rather memories of the spar from earlier in the day. The psionic shock from Kalin's blow was rather painful in a way that she had never experienced before, and she would not be forgetting it anytime soon. She wondered if such attacks from illithids and other similar creatures felt the same. It was a difficult sensation to describe...numbing and sharp all at once, much like electricity, only it felt as though her very brain were being stabbed and her spine twisted around in knots. She would have to find a way to counter such an attack...no doubt it would come again in her future, and she would need to be prepared for it. Rhaine knew that Kalin had not put all of his power behind it either, and so she needed to ready herself for something far more debilitating. Perhaps she could talk with Xallistine...maybe the Ulitharid would know of a way to train her mind against such attacks - or perhaps make a trinket of some sort that would block the psionic energies.


She twisted the gold band around her finger absentmindedly, whispering her prayers as she did every evening. As always, the ring gave off a subtle warmth in answer to her touch. Her thoughts trailed off, and she removed the ring momentarily, tracing the engraving on the inside of the band.






Maydiira grinned and sat beside Nawen, "Thank you, friend. It is good to be able to speak to another of my race, especially on the surface," she paused and studied Nawen's face, "My, you have the most unusual eyes...I do not think I have ever before seen an ilythiiri with green eyes. Are your parents full-blooded drow?"




Ginafae snarled as the knife just happened to miss the idiot mutt. Oh well, no matter.


She drew her mace and approached the man as he was cutting a root to free his foot. The blackguard stood over him, staring at him with her piercing ruby eyes.


"You there...half-blood. I saw you leave a group that held Arland Grey and Maydiira Torana in its company. Who are you and where are you going? Answer me or die."

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"Maybe they're a sneaky angry mob and waiting for the right moment." Nawen replied jokingly to Azuris comment.


"I feel the same way." She replied to Maydiira's words about being able to speak with someone of her own race. As for her, she had never even seen another drow before. The ranger listened to what she said about her eyes and stared at her confusingly for a brief moment. "Why people keep saying that?" She thought.


"I'm afraid I can't answer this." Nawen said sadly. "I don't know who my parents are. I don't even know where in Underdark I was born." She looked away from the other drow and for a moment watched the people in the inn. "The only thing I know is the name of the House I'm suppose to be from."

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