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Tales of Faerun


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Xallistine lingered behind as the others left to speak with Kalin- Despite the Ulitharid's sharp words and hostile attitude to Kalin, it was but his way of ensuring his beloved companions remain safe. He had lost two to deception and trickery, not to mention painful dark magics, and he did not intend to loose more. But he felt a sort of kinship with Kalin, they were both Psionics, and they were both... frowned upon and feared by their kind.


"Kalin... despite myself, i do not hate you, i do not particularly dislike you, my hostility is in place to ensure that i loose no more companions... for i have lost two already. I wish to extend to you my companionship, for I... I can comprehend what it is you are experiencing, in some small way. I am an outcast to my own kind, as well, although they would never dare attack... not now, not after the countless Illithid i have put down." Xallistine paused for a moment, stepping into the light, his deep eye sockets dark and dropping, age showing clearly as he stood in such revealing light.


"Should this council of yours come seeking your head, Kalin, I will ensure theirs explode... We are alike, Kalin, we are both beings of immense psionic power... your discipline of controlling it impresses me, for even i must resist the urge to fiddle with the minds of those i pass... Welcome to the group Kalin, you have my protection, as all do." He bowed his head low, and drifted out of the room, not wishing to disrupt the Elan's personal space any longer.


His thoughts drifted again to Psionic power... it had occurred to him that the entire party was defenceless against it should he fall, up to this point in time, all those touched by his mental power had been protected from outside influences, but he could not help feel they would suffer greatly without such a barrier... the possibility of the ageing sorcerer meeting his death was not something to be ignored, and now he needed decide what it was he wished to do about it... teach them to condition their minds? Create them each enchanted trinkets? He would speak with Rhaine.


Knocking on her door lightly, Xallistine awaited a reply.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Rhaine started at the knock on her door; she cursed her jumpiness and slipped the ring back onto her finger, smoothing the front of her robes and moving to the door. Opening it, she saw Xallistine on the other side. Grinning, the Doomguide greeted him, "Good evening, Xallistine. I was just thinking about you. What is it you require?"




Maydiira tilted her head sideways in curiosity, "Do you mind sharing the name of your House? Perhaps I have heard of it before."

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Nawen shook her head. "No. I don't mind at all."


She pondered what if Maydiira knew something? Does she really want to know? What if her house is worse than she thought? But then... it would be better to know now rather than finding out in much worse circumstances.


"The name is Relve'fer."


Aedan continued his way deeper into the Underdark when one of his wings caught on something. He had to stop as a sharp pain surged through him.


Several days after his small adventure with Kevorin his wings started to grow. At first he paid no attention to it but later the pain became unbearable even for someone like Aedan who had a high tolerance for pain. His once small wings grew to the size of those that Favored Souls had. The greyish feathers became a mixture of white and blood red colors. To those who had seen his wings in daylight it looked like feathers themselves bled. Some admired the unusual beauty of them but Aedan knew better. His new wings were a curse not a blessing. They were useless and hurt like mad.


The priests of Ilmater tried to help him when he barged into their temple and threatened to kill them all if they won't help him but they couldn't lessen the burden no matter how hard they tried and he carried out his threat which was one of the two reasons why he went to the Underdark. The second one being, trying to find the hideout of the Cult of the Dragon.

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"Relve'fer?" Maydiira repeated. She whispered the name a few more times, trying to remember where she had heard such a name before.


After a few moments she replied, "I recall hearing it long ago. It is not a House that was near mine...or Ginafae's for that matter. I do not remember much being said about that House, though, other than rumors that it lived in shame for some reason. Which, for the drow, could mean almost anything. Perhaps it is best that you were raised away from it, hmm?"

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Tannin stopped cutting the root and looked up at the woman standing over him. "Give yourself a hand my lady, you're the fifth most attractive thing that's ever threatened to kill me." He said as he smiled up at her. "To answer your questions I am a man of no importance. As for where I'm going." He paused and cut through the root with ease. "Well I thought that would be obvious." Using his knife he pointed in the direction he was walking. "Down that road. I was going to stop when I found something interesting." He cocked his head and scrunched his brow in thought. "Although.... I suppose you would fit that bill. A Drow woman out on the surface all alone. Not something you see everyday..... unless you travel in the right group." He couldn't stop himself from smirking, knowing that his rambling would most likely anger the Drow woman. A pity he thought, were it not for the women's tempers and urge to kill everything the Underdark would actually be a pleasant place for a man to live. Surrounded by such beautiful women all the time.

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Weyland and Arland began their arm-wrestling match and were pretty evenly matched. Each of them one about half the time (and each time attempted to not only slam the other's arm into the table but also send the victim flying.) and they repeated a few times, each time growing more and more determined to break the other's arm. By the time Tak'We joined they were really starting to get into it. Of course when he asked to join they figured that more competition would be fun.

"Bring it." Weyland challenged with a grin, and set his arm on the table.


"I have never seen anybody so destined to lose in my entire life." Arland interjected. "Can't wait to watch!"

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Tak'we eagerly joined in and sat across from Weyland, placing an arm on the table and grasping the softskin's hand. At the signal to start, the thri'kreen slammed Weyland's hand into the table with a loud *CRACK!* There was enough force behind it that the dining table cracked in half. Tak'we looked at the remains and simply glanced at Weyland. *Tcktck!* "Oopsss..." he muttered helplessly. "Doesss that mean I win?"





"I demand that the Ill-Made be hunted down at once!" the councilor, a striking woman who looked to be in her early thirties, cried out in the Culling Chamber. Though she looked relatively young, Saris was well over two centuries old, and held a powerful position as a member of the Cullers. "What crime is it now, Saris?" another Culler, Ryh'Tiyal, spoke with irritation. "This grudge you hold against Kalin has gotten quite tiresome. He may not be normal among our race, but he has kept our laws, for ten years in fact."


Saris gave a serpent's smile. "Until now. I have well over a score of humans and one of our kin as witnesses to a fight he had with a priestess." She pounded her fist into her hand. "The Ill-Made purposely used our abilities and psionics in front of the humans. It has endangered our entire race! I demand that the Ill-Made and all witnesses be silenced!"


"Enough!" Fitalis, the eldest and most supreme of the Cullers, commanded, silencing the impertinent woman, causing her to wince. She pushed too hard this time. "You may be a Culler, Saris, but you do not have the authority to demand such extreme actions." He looked at the other Cullers. "If your claim against the Ill-Made is true, then we will take action. But after an investigation is done, not before. Is that clear?"


"Of course, Eternal," Saris bowed. "Then this council is adjourned pending the results of the investigation," the elder Elan spoke, and the Cullers began to disperse. Saris seethed at the Cullers' reluctance to take action but felt an sadistic pleasure at how things were going. She would finally have revenge on the Ill-Made. You will pay for the insults to my reputation, abomination. she thought eagerly, and you will suffer for it!

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Ginafae snarled again, her eyes narrowing further to ruby pinpricks. Leaping forward like a cat, she landed atop the half-breed's chest, smacking the knife out of his hand with her mace and shoving the haft against his throat, forcing his head back into the ground. Her knees were pressed into his shoulders, the points of her toes digging into his ribs.


"Who...are...you?' she growled, repeating her question, "Answer me and I might let you live. I won't ask again."

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Othos and Kowolj sat at their own table in silence. The road had hardened their hearts and their minds, while at the same time giving them a connection unmatched by anything less than telepathy. No words were needed for them to converse, which made conversation itself become obsolete; they simply sat and observed. Though, the observation on Kowolj's part was nothing more than a search for enemies, while Othos actually spent his time actually attempting to understand everything he saw.


Othos could see the troubled looks on the faces of those who had left the room occupied by the 'in-human', which left quite a great mystery that he really didn't care for solving.


The snapping of the table and subsequently Tak'we's 'victory' over on of the humans in arm-wrestling didn't really bring great worry to his mind, though it did remind Othos that he hadn't yet met all the members of his pride.


He stood up from the table and motioned with his head for Kowolj to accompany him to the broken table and the humans.

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"Lived in shame?" Nawen thought. "So they are like most of the drow houses in the Underdark."


"Thank you for telling me this, Maydiira." She thanked and glanced at their friends and companions that were in the common room. She then remembered something else she wanted to ask. "Is life in the Underdark really that bad?" She asked.

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