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Tales of Faerun


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"I require nothing m'lady, the question is more... what do you require?" Xallistine said as he walked into the room, standing with a relaxed posture, although something was clearly agitating him. "Recent events have made me realize just how vital it is for you all to have Mental protection... to this point, I have always shielded your minds as we have entered battle, but this new threat, combined with the forces we will face in these tunnels has made me realize... realize my own mortality. I am more than capable, you know this, but the overwhelming forces we face could prove my undoing, and should i fall, you will all be defenceless to Psionic onslaught." He paused for a moment as he often did, getting his words together.


"It is highly unlikely the Red Wizards will possess psionic abilities, but there is always a chance. I want you all to have no fear of mental attacks should i perish, and so i wish to know what it is you would require- I can teach you to manipulate your neural link with me, for the mind survives after death, or i could attempt to teach each of you how to harness your mental energies to form a barrier... But time is something we do not have in great quantities, so perhaps i could enchant a trinket, a piece of jewellery from everyone, something you all would be willing to don permanently..."


"If... i do perish here, Rhaine, i will plead with your lord to protect your souls, no matter the case."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Rhaine smiled gently at Xallistine, "I'm sure you will emerge victorious from this fight, my friend. But I understand your concern...it is mine, as well. I think an enchantment would be the best course of action. As you say, time is not on our side, and not all of us have the aptitude to learn such mental defenses. I -"


She was cut off as her ring pulsed again, this time emitting a soft light and a faint hum. Her smile turned into a look of awe as a wave of realization hit her.


Carefully, she removed the ring from her finger and held it out to Xallistine, "Here. I think...I think my lord wants you to enchant this."




Maydiira sighed, "I wish I could tell you more about your House, Nawen, but the Underdark is as vast as the surface world, and rumors grow, stretch, and dissipate with every mile traveled. It is a dangerous and treacherous place, in more ways than one. Did you have a more specific question in mind?"

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"Very well, M'lady, I shall be delicate." Xallistine replied happily, taking the ring gently, knowing the value it held to Rhaine. He looked it over, it was simple enough, but the engraved name told him all he needed to know- This was clearly connected to Kelemvor in some way, and he guessed it to be a prayer aid, or a subtle link to her lord.


"It should only take a few minutes, It is relatively simple if you require the necessary secrets of the arcane." Xallistine held the ring infront of him telepathically, watching it spin as it floated delicately in his mind-field, but it was disrupted as he tapped it with a claw, the ring melting instantly, molten bubbles of metal expanded, travelling in orbit around an invisible focal point.


Xallistine conjured a thin, magical thread, it had no real substance, and glowed with a wonderful opalescence, runes and whispers danced about it frantically, and the Ulitharid fed it into the molten orbit.


With a snap of his finger, the ring returned perfectly to it's former shape and form, hardening and cooling within an instant, floating gracefully before Rhaine.


"All done M'lady, shall we test it?" He asked with happiness.

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Rhaine's mouth dropped open as she watched her friend work. She gasped aloud when the ring seemingly melted, and she put a hand to her lips as the Ulitharid then began feeding some kind of magical thread into it. At last, though, it returned to its proper shape...right down to the engraving on the inside. Still a bit awestruck, the Doomguide took the ring again and slipped it back onto her finger. The energy that emanated from it was now a strange combination of cool and warm...the old, familiar sensation combined with a new, alien feeling.


"Well," she said tentatively, "how shall we do that?"

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Xallistine chuckled slightly, wondering if she had guessed what he intended already. "Nothing particularly painful, i'd rather not attempt the excite the energy within you until you explode... that would prove... messy if the enchantment did not work, instead, i shall attempt to force you to do as i command- If the ring works not, you will drop to your knees, if it does work, you will feel a slight aching sensation within your head, hear whispers, but nothing more." He touched her shoulder reassuringly, knowing that having an Ulitharid propose to test the skills their kind are feared for is not a... 'yes of course!' kind of question.


Xallistine did not move any part of his body, so to demonstrate just how subtle psionics are, and gave Rhaine no warning, instead he sent a powerful thrum of commanding energy to her head, a distinct hum drifting around the room.



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The Doomguide felt a sudden rush of whispers invade her mind, swirling around her skull like the chatter of the dead. There was an uncomfortable pressure inside her head, and the ring flared brightly, vibrating with energy as it warded off Xallistine's attack - much like her amulet did when it fought the effects of poison. After a few moments, the pressure and whispering ceased, and the gold band returned to its seemingly ordinary appearance.


Grinning widely, Rhaine finally spoke, "I think it works, my friend. But I never believed for a moment that it wouldn't. Thank you. You should visit the others and request that they find something enchantable for you to work on."


After a few breaths, she added, "But...before you go...would you like to know the story behind this ring? Perhaps it would be interesting to you."

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Knocked on his back with the mace shaft against his throat Tannin was idiotically still wearing a smile. "I don't suppose you're the type to say please are you? Very well if you Must know, My name is Tannin. I've earned myself some small renown as an adventurer and as an actor in several plays in the city of splendor though I doubt you've ever seen any of them. Your next question knowing of my half blooded state will probably be what house I belong to. The answer is respectably, none of your Tluining business. With all due respect." He said trying to keep a straight face despite knowing that he was probably about to receive a particularly painful blow.

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Xallistine sighed with relief as the flow of potent energy stopped, and his mind returned to working at it's normal level- The power he had attacked Rhaine with was not at the limit of the Ulitharid's power, for such would be too much for any enchantment to hold, but he knew full well that no creature on the surface could come close, and only a select few Ulitharid existed.


Curious, he settled into a chair in the corner of the room and nodded graciously "That i would M'lady, I strive to glimpse further into your life, as you have shown me so much already, the little details are always important- I have the whole night for enchantment, so please, spare not a detail."

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The Doomguide smiled, closing the door once more and sitting across from Xallistine. Running a finger along the top of the gold band, she remained silent for a few moments before beginning.


"This ring is tied very closely to the memories you saw in my dreams, Xallistine. It comes from one of the most difficult times in my life...back when my body harbored that awful, soul-eating curse. I had almost reached the limits of my faith...I was a torn and angry woman, hanging on to a single thread of hope. In seeking a cure for my condition, my travels took me to a Thayan Academy, and it was there, in the bottom of a broken vase, that I found this. It is a relic of my Church, and now that I look back on it, I do not think it was mere chance that led me to finding it.


"No doubt you saw the engraving on the inside of the band. That simple surname gave me light in the darkest hour of my life, and I held onto it as if it were the key to salvation."


Sighing, she looked up at the Ulitharid, "This isn't just a ring. This was Kelemvor's family ring...from when he was Kelemvor Lyonsbane, the mercenary and hero of Faerun. It is, perhaps, the only remaining connection to his mortal days. It is rumored that he was wearing it at the moment of his ascension, and that it absorbed a tiny fraction of his power. He himself has not acknowledged the fact that I possess it, nor has he mentioned it in any way...but I can't help but feel that I was led to it - or that he put it in my path for me to find. Regardless, I have kept it ever since as a reminder of that time...and that guidance sometimes comes in the smallest of ways."


She grinned and winked, "In short, you have just enchanted the ring of a god. Quite the feather in your cap, eh, Xallistine?"




Ginafae pressed the mace haft tighter against Tannin's throat, "Lolth damn whatever thrice-cursed House you come from...it matters not to me. What I want to know is your relationship with Maydiira Torana and Arland Grey. You will tell me this for certain. And then you will tell me where you are really going...or you will die."

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Weyland suddenly felt himself slide out of chair and the next thing he knew he was on the floor and he couldn't feel his arm. It wasn't even a blinding pain, it was just....numb. He took a moment to re-focus himself and then stood back up and sat in his chair.


"You stlarned up my arm so bad I can't even feel it." Weyland murmured quietly, and then piped right back up. "ROUND TWO!" he exclaimed, and offered up his other arm.

"Nope, I don't think that's wise." Arland mused, and batted Weyland's arm out of the way. He offered up his own arm. "Now let's go, boy-o! As father used to stay. Probably still does."


Amendale watched the contests with a humorous glint in his eye. He found it amusing to find Weyland overpowered so easily, and he would definitely enjoy watching Arland get mutilated.

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