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Tales of Faerun


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Maydiira looked around, "Aye...it is quite a surprise. Ah well. 'Time flies,' as you surfacers say."


She followed Nawen to the bar to order her own breakfast - a small array of fruit and nuts.


Glancing to Rhaine, who stood near Azuris, the drow added, "Are we leaving soon?"


The Doomguide nodded, "We are. As soon as everyone eats, we'll be on our way. We should also discuss enchanting some items of our own to protect against psionic attacks. Xallistine is willing to help with that. And speaking of our Ulitharid friend, we need formulate a battle strategy to try and protect him. Out of all our spellcasters, he is the strongest and most formidable...without him, our chances of survival are much less. We should concentrate as much on keeping him alive as ourselves."

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Azuris gave Rhaine a reassuring smile. "Nothing to worry about. The usual old man in the morning issues. Ran into a Wight a few years back that got the better of me. I swear it probably added at least ten years on me. That or i just get too drunk at night.. Haven't figured out which yet." The waitress set his mead at his table and left to bring him his plate. He took a hearty swig and chuckled. "Probably a bad mix of both."



Tannin wasn't sure when he woke up. only thing he did know was that his head was not in the best of shapes. He would have been muttering obscenities but the pain was too much. Even opening his eyes was too painful. So he just laid wherever he was, hoping that the pain would go away soon.

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Arva rubbed his temples. "What in the hells? I swear, I feel as if I've been lost in space for weeks. Is that strange?"


Reona rolled her eyes. "Eat your oatmeal, Arva."


Ianthe then leaned across Reona and the table, pointing to Maydiira's breakfast. She licked her lips. "That fruit looks great. I bet it's in season."


Alphonse then sighed and gently pulled the thin nymph off the table. He did understand where Arva was coming from about feeling as if he'd been lost in space. None of them had been very vocal in the time that had passed. Perhaps the journey was taking its toll on them. Even William sat in the corner, only scribbling quietly to himself.

Edited by tokyobleach
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"Wights," Rhaine remarked with a grimace, "Awful creatures, they are."


She purchased a small honey-cake for her own breakfast and perched on a stool, watching her companions. She laughed when Ianthe started staring at Maydiira's breakfast with envious eyes. The drow herself grinned, rolling a large strawberry between her fingers, "We don't have things like this in the Underdark. Though the surface world is bright and hostile, it is almost worth braving for the food alone."


Maydiira then popped the whole berry into her mouth, leaves and all.




Ginafae stood over Tannin's form, leering down at him. She unhooked her waterskin from her belt and splashed some of its contents in his face, the liquid sparkling in the morning sun, "Wake up, half-breed. I've decided to go with you...but only because I'm feeling benevolent. Lead me into a trap or try to trick me in any way, and you'll be the first to die."

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Tannin groaned as the water hit his face. "So." He winced as his head gave a particularly painful throb. "Why... did you hit me?" He asked as he slowly opened his eyes. "Pretty sure my.... head's gonna make traveling... A right pain in the ass." He said with a groan.




Azuris was about to say something when the Inn doors were flung open. A bald headed, tattooed covered forigner from the far west walked inside and shot a glare at everyone inside. His gaze lingered sometime on Maydiira before he spoke. " Many of you.... Have been in the company of a man I hunt for some time. I would advise you." He said as he put his hand on his sword handle. "To tell me where the murderer Tannin has gone. I have hunted him for far too long and have grown tired of it." He snarled

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Kalin paid the barkeep for the broken table, then immediately went back upstairs without saying a word to the Grey brothers or Tak'we. I'm not even going to bother with these kids, he thought with a shake of his head. He packed up what he wouldn't be needing for tomorrow, took off his shirt and went to sleep.


The elan awoke early the next morning. Kalin gave a stretch, feeling rather well today. "Didn't even have that damn nightmare last night, thank Lathander," Kalin muttered with amusement as he rose out of bed. He got dressed and went downstairs in a rather cheerful manner. "Morning, everyone! "


He walked over sat down by the priestesses. "So, how are we today, ladies?" the soulknife spoke enthusiastically. He was about to comment more when a man suddenly burst into the inn, claiming that Tannin was a murderer and that they give him up. Kalin gave a sour expression, his good mood suddenly gone, and stood up from his chair. "Sir, I don't know anything about Tannin murdering anyone," he snapped politely yet angrily. "but even if I did, threatening us isn't the best of ways to gain our cooperation. So, how about you try again, with some damn courtesy this time!"



Tak'we didn't say a word to the innkeeper, merely shrugging his shoulders in apology. "Tak'we thinkss we should sstop now," he said to Weyland and Arland, then moved over to another table. The thri'kreen sat there the rest of the night, listening to the dark pointy-ears with interest, as he was curious about their homeland.


From what it sounds like, this 'Underdark' is not a kind place, he thought. Reminds me of my home. You can be a predator, but even the greatest of predators can become prey. Tak'we spent some length of time reflecting on his homeland when he noticed daylight shining through the window... and delicious smells coming from the inn kitchen.


Bacon! he thought with excitement and rose to order the delectable meat, saliva already beginning to run onto his mandibles. There was only a few dozen pieces, so Tak'we ordered the whole lot, and eagerly dug in after getting the whole platter when the bacon was done. He sat down at a table next to his clutchmates and fully began devouring the pile of bacon.


Between bites, the thri'kreen commented on Maydiira's comparison between her homeland and the surface. "Thiss Underdark sounds so very lifeless. I do not envy you much, Maydiira." He paused in his meal when a softskin walked into the room and began aggressively commanding them to hand over Tannin. Giving a slight hiss, Tak'we grabbed his staff with one hand and kept eating, keeping one eye on the newcomer and watching for trouble.

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Weyland couldn't help but laugh as Tak'We scampered off for the bacon. Arland joined in, though not for as long. Even Amendale had to crack a grin.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute..." Weyland's eyes narrowed. "They have more BACON?!"


"Yeah nope, not any more." Arland sighed, disappointed, staring at Tak'We's enthusiastically-consumed meal.


Of course that was the moment when the stranger burst in. While normally Weyland cringed at people like this, but either this man was so incredibly arrogant that he was beyond saving, powerful enough to kill the entire group, or perhaps just didn't know how deep over his head he'd have gotten himself if he picked a fight with everyone here. Weyland didn't consciously underestimate potential opponents, but even if this fellow could kill one of them he'd have to deal with the rest. And that wasn't a sound strategy in a group with Rhaine, Tak'We, Xallistine, and Kalin, to name a few.


"Look, friend, I'm not sure you know just who you're taking on here. I'm not going to pretend to be the strongest here-"

"Or the smartest." Arland murmured.


"-but most of the people in this room right now are with us. Take a good look around, these aren't people you want to pick a fight with. Should've seen the sparring yesterday, that was the stuff of legends." He tried to lighten the mood and avoid hostilities. He didn't feel like fighting at that particular moment. It was before noon, about six hours before Weyland would prefer to be awake.


"Here's what we should be focusing on: Tannin's a murderer, you say?" Arland asked, interested. "I think we need to hear some more about that."

That bit had definitely caught Amendale's attention, who shot a glare at Arland before looking to the stranger, an insatiably curious look in his eye. "We'll need to hear the entire story if we're going to take any action here."


"Hypocrite..." Arland muttered under his breath, quietly enough that nobody would be able to hear him.


"Without killing each other. That would be nice. Too early for a deathmatch." Weyland commented.

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Rhaine narrowed her eyes at the stranger. Sliding off of her stool, she stepped forward, her boots the only sound as she approached the man. Her own hand was on her weapon, a response to his hostile stance, and she studied him with piercing emerald eyes. Maydiira, on the other hand, had suddenly put two and two together, and she swallowed her fruit almost whole. Her silver eyes were wide as they flicked back and forth between Rhaine and Kento; she had been with the murderer of his family the entire time...and so had Rhaine.


And neither of them knew it.


The Doomguide finally spoke, "My friends are correct. I would advise you mend your tone and explain just who it is you are and why you are accusing one among us of murder. You had best have proof as well, or your accusation will be considered false and you will leave our company."




Ginafae put her waterskin back on her belt and mounted her black unicorn, which she had summoned long before Tannin had awakened.


"It had better not," she replied tersely, "or your pathetic life will be cut short far before you would like it to be. I hit you because you dared to insult a priestess of the Spider Queen. You were lucky I did not kill you then and there. Now, start walking, jaluk."


As if to emphasize her point, the scarlet-eyed unicorn lowered its head and jabbed its horn at Tannin.

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"Ow." Tannin said in a dull tone as the unicorn poked him. "You do understand that with me dead, I can't exactly lead you to your goals right?" He said as he slowly got up to his feet. "Learn to have a little patience why don't you?" He said before he began to work a healing spell on himself.



If looks could kill the entire town would have just been erased off the planet. But Kento remembered himself and took a deep breath to calm himself down. "I am sorry. The man I seek... Tannin Virson... Is the murderer of my wife and son, He slew them in cold blood, and let me aflame so that I might live out the rest of my days in agony. If my word and scars are not enough, then I am also able to mentally project what I saw and felt that night... So that you would know the truth.. Of the monster that traveled with you."

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Othos nodded off in his chair with his feet still kicked up on the table. The night was no different than any other, but the dream was very different.


He was walking down the road when an old man in a travelling cloak stopped him to ask, Where are you going? But the truth was... he didn't know where he was going.


Almost as though the man could hear this thought, he offered him an answer to his own question; he leaned in close to his ear and whispered, Go everywhere. But first, come see me in Myth Drannor.


With that Othos woke up, feeling greatly reinvigorated and charged with new found purpose. Yet, upon opening his eyes he was greeted by a rather troublesome sight; a new, seemingly hostile guest had arrived in search of a murderer within his very own pride. He pulled his blade, Amun, from its scabbard on his back and set it on the table, making it (hopefully) clear that this was not the place for one man to make such demands.

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