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Tales of Faerun


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Tak'we trembled slightly, the images of the softskin's memories bothering him deeply. "Killing a clutch-mother and her hatchling..." he muttered in angry disbelief. Such an act would turn entire clutches against such a despoiler. It can't be possible. "Tannin hasss much to explain."

The thri'kreen listened as Rhaine gave them directions, standing from his chair and nodding. He went upstairs and collected his pack, making sure to leave the package of meat he had by the winged pointy-ear's door, then returned quickly to his clutchmates. "Rhaine," he spoke to the priestess, "Tak'we left the remains of my hunt yesterday by your door. Clutchmates have better use for it, and it would only sslow uss down."

Straightening his pack, Tak'we gripped his gythka and began walking towards the door. "Come, Nawen. Let usss begin our hunt."

Kalin felt the psychic emanations from the inn even as he walked further away, the feedback nearly causing him to stumble. He stopped to take a deep breathe, shocked at the feelings of pain and despair, despite not being in the connection. Either that man is a powerful psionic, or he just dropped a neat package of the Hells on everyone's minds.

The elan shook his head and continued on his errands, stopping to buy some mithril ore for an idea he wanted to try. Kalin picked up a few more supplies, ranging from alchemical components to common gear, then began his return to the inn.

Edited by GrueMaster
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"I will make no promises.. But thank you." Kento said with a bow, not paying any mind to Maydiira's tears.



Thinking on what he just saw Azuris approached Rhaine and spoke out of the corner of his mouth so that Kento couldn't hear. "There's some history we're not being told, people don't just up and snap like that. Something else is going on here." He said before walking out of the inn.




Tannin looked around at the village. "Well I haven't been here in some time. Don't suppose you know of any tunnels around here do you?" He asked Gina.

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Rhaine nodded in response to the thri-kreen, "I'll have Weyland and Arland collect it. Kowolj? Othos? You should go with Nawen and Tak'we."


With that, she followed Azuris out of the inn, Maydiira on her heels. Rhaine glanced sideways at her fellow Doomguide as she walked, "Have you a horse, brother?"




Ginafae rolled her eyes, "Oh, of course not half-breed...this place was ruled by our ancestors long ago, so naturally there wouldn't be any tunnels around here..."


She shoved him towards the east, "There's a cave entrance on the northeastern edge of town. Just keep walking. I want you in my sights."

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As Kento's memory faded and they were in the tavern again Nawen stared blankly at the man. She could not understand how could Tannin commit such horrible crime and most importantly why. But was it really Tannin? There are many magical items that could cloak one's appearance... maybe it was just some incredibly cruel and sick joke that someone played on Kento?


She looked up at Rhaine when the Doomguide addressed her and Tak'we. She only nodded, picked up her bow and blade and followed the thri'kreen outside.


When she was about to go outside the drow stopped and looked at Kento. "I'm sorry for your loss." She said before going outside.

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"At once, M'lady." Xallistine replied with a subtle bow, quickly walking back up the wooden stairs to his room, hastily putting on the other layers of his thick robe, he re-attached his collar and descended the stairs again, exiting the Inn through the main door, his pace one of urgency as he made his way to the stables.


Upon spotting the stable-hand, he walked over and issued his request "The Lady Rhaine requires our steeds ready in the hour, good sir, please make haste." Xallstine commanded, tossing the man a sack of coin.

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Azuris nodded. "Yeah. Got him tied up around here somewhere." He said as he looked around. "Unless he got untied... He tends to do that every now and then. Damn boy's smarter than me. Probably in a stable somewhere with a lady horse." He said with a grimace. He noticed that Kento had walked out with the others.

"I suppose I must acquire one for myself then. I have not ridden in some time." Kento said as he walked off to where the stables were.



Tannin tapped his temple with his index and middle finger then pointed them at Gina in a informal salute. "North east it is my lady. And worry not, I wouldn't dream of leaving your side my dear." He said with a smirk before heading in the direction of the cave. "You'll have to point it out to me though I'm.. Absolutely terrible at finding hidden entrances."

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Kowolj had already made his move out the door, ending up somewhere between Tak'we in front of him and Nawen a few steps behind. Othos heard Rhaine's suggestion that he too hunt Tannin and mulled it over for a few moments before walking outside.


He and Kowolj had no need to prepare, since they hadn't taken off their gear in a few days. Kowolj smelled of ale, dirt, and old meat while Othos smelled of a refreshing spring breeze, as usual. Everyone was already outside when Othos finally arrived, and while he had met Tak'we he still had not met this drow, Nawen.


"Tak'we, nice to see you, and even better to have you here," he said in the direction of the thri-kreen before turning to the drow, "And you, my lovely lady, would be Nawen I presume? I'm sorry we had to meet under such dire circumstance. I am Othos, and this large fellow here," he raised a hand in Kowolj's direction, "is Kowolj. I'm sure he will be of more use to you than I."

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Nawen blushed slightly at 'my lovely lady' part. No one ever addressed her with such words.


"Pleased to meet you Othos and Kowolj." She greeted them both and strapped her skinning knife to her belt. "It is a shame that we had to meet under such circumstances but it could have been much worse, right?"


The drow shot a quick glance at Tak'we, Othos and Kowolj. "If you're all ready we should get underway. We have some scouting to do."

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Rhaine followed closely behind Azuris, finding Red Thunder already tacked and waiting for her. She mounted up quickly, thanking the stable boy for his haste, and then offered her hand to her friend; Rhaine shared the steed with Maydiira, as the drow had no horse of her own. May hesitated, as she had not ridden a horse before..but placing her trust in her fellow Favored Soul, she allowed herself to be pulled up behind Rhaine.


The two winged women were quite a sight as the Doomguide kicked the bay stallion into a trot, his hooves clopping heavily on the stone floor of the stable. There, Rhaine waited for a few moments for everyone to catch up.




After a few minutes of wandering, Ginafae pointed to the darkened maw of a cave entrance, half covered in brush, "There. If you don't see that, then you're a blind fool."

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Approaching the stables Azuris looked around. Off in the distance he saw what was unmistakably his own horse. He let out a sigh and trudged out after it, grumbling as he did.


He rode back a few minutes later on top of an immensely large, black Shire stallion. Trotting up to the group Azuris made a motion to the horse. "Everyone.. Meet Bob. The largest pain in the ass I've ever dealt with. Figurative and literal."


Uneasily riding atop a bay horse Kento came up to the group a short while after Azuris. With a look of obvious displeasure on his face he spoke. "I remember why I prefer to walk."



Tannin looked over at the cave entrance and clapped his hands together. "Ah! There we are. Lady Ginafae were you not here I'm afraid that my lowly male brain would never have figured out where to go." He said as he walked to the cave entrance. "Now then. You prefer the lady's first rule or would you like to stare at my backside a little while longer?"

Edited by josh900
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