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Tales of Faerun


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"Never a dull moment in good old shadowdale." Said Azuris as he dismounted Bob. "The largest collect of heroes in the realms but still has the biggest number of problems. We gonna try and recruit some of the fine individuals that populate the area or are we gonna go at it on our owns? I wouldn't mind seeing Eliminster clean up a mess that isn't his for once."



Tannin clapped his hands together with a smile. Happy to see that his plan worked. "Excellent. Now then if you'll excuse me for one moment." He said as he inched his way over to the wounded Beholder and cast a healing spell on it. "There you go. Should be all better now. So here's the deal, There is currently a Dracolich gathering an army not too far from here. how would you three like to have a tight leash on it? Hear me out. I steal its phylactery as well as my own cut of the treasure, Then bring it to one of you three.... And you could take over all of Shadowdale with it. Just think of it... A beholden empire with you three at the top. All I need.. Is a little help getting there... And it's all yours." He laid out the rewards to them as convincing as he could. It wouldn't matter in the long run what course the beholders would take, but it certainly would make his life easier if they bit.

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"Well," Bilron finally spoke again, stretching, "I think we're heading off to get a tankard or two of ale at the inn. I must thank you all for seeing us safely here, travelers. You are all more than welcome on our doorstep anytime you need food or shelter. And if you should require armor or weapons, repairs and whatnot, be sure to come by and see me for discounted rates. It's the least I can do for your aid. By the gods, I thought we'd never make it across the Anauroch alive...but here we are, and with legends to pass on to our grandchildren."


"Aye," Maeve added, "My husband speaks true. May the gods continue to bless you."


Rhaine smiled at the family, "And you, friends."


With that, the threesome left the stable for the inn, Sori holding both her mother's and her father's hands as she traipsed in between her parents.


The Doomguide then looked to her temple brother, "I think it is best if we leave our affairs to ourselves, Azuris. No doubt these good folk have problems of their own to deal with...what with a murderer about..."


She trailed and caught Arland's gaze momentarily. His eyes were flicking rapidly between herself, Maydiira, and Xallistine...and upon further inspection, they held what looked to be nervous agitation. Maydiira had suddenly looked down at her feet, as if inspecting her toes, and Rhaine felt that something was amiss.


"Arland...what's wrong?"




The beholders turned slowly and studied each other before glancing back to Tannin. The one in front then spoke in a guttural voice, "It is a deal."

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Kalin remained silent as they rode into Shadowdale, the conversation earlier still bothering him to some extent. It had been seven months since he buried his apprentice and adopted son, and the talk about family had left him lingering on his past. After stabling his horse, he spoke up morosely, already heading for the inn "I'll go rent rooms for the night for everyone. See you all at the inn." He paused with one foot out the stable as he thinking of how many rooms to rent when it suddenly occurred to him. "Where are Reona, Arva, and the others?" Kalin said, worry tinging his voice. "I thought they were right behind us."



Tak'we was studying the strange tracks on the ground, wondering what sort of creature would leave such markings. Too small for horses... what walked here? He kept searching the ground and found other signs besides the unknown tracks. "Thiss lookss like Tannin'ss bootss," the thri'kreen spoke with some enthusiasm, glad to have found some trace of the softskin at last. The blood, though, worried him some.


Did something happen to him, and if so, where is he now? Tak'we knelt where the root had been cut. "Someone else was following him," he said as he noted another set of boot prints, light and faint, but there. The barbarian leaned close to the root and smelled... an unknown scent... mating scent? Tannin's!. "A female, I think. And they left together, it appearsss. Strange." He stood up and began following the trail, the tracks trailing off further ahead. "The trail goess that way. Letsss go."




Saris gave a hiss of frustraction. It had taken the council nearly two days to arrange an inquisitorial party to send after Kalin. She was pleased at first that she'd been assigned to lead it, but the time wasting waiting for permission to go had cost her. The elan and her followers had gone to Dagger Falls only to learn that the Ill-made had already left.


Damn the elders and their procrastinating! she thought venomously. No matter. I will just have to probe some of these lowly peasants and see what they know. With her goals set, Saris went to the inn and began her search there...

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Nawen examined the root and a few drops of blood that Kowolj found as well as tracks left by Tannin that Tak'we had pointed out. They were definitely on the right track. The drops of blood worried her and she hoped that it wasn't Tannin's. The sooner they will report back the better.


She stoop up and glanced at the direction to which Tannin went. "That's where the cave is." She commented and started following the tracks.


Just like Nawen hoped Tannin's and whoever he travel with tracks led them to the cave's entrance. A part of her wanted to enter the cave and look around some more but she knew that others were waiting for them to return and report what they've found. She only hoped that Tannin had some healing supplies or knew some useful spells if the blood Kowolj noticed earlier was indeed his.


"The tracks lead deeper into the cave which thankfully means that he's inside." She said and glanced at the others. "Let's get back to the others."


The trip to Shadowdale to meet up with the others thankfully wasn't as long as the scouting. Nawen was eager to tell the news and hopefully have a decent hot meal. As they reached the gates to the village Nawen shot a quick glance at the stables and recognized some of the horses. The others were already here. Good.


Nawen was so concentrated on getting back to others that she would have missed them if not for Xallistine. Although both Rhaine and Maydiira had wings, the Ulitharid was still easier to spot. "Ah, here you are." She said as she approached those who were still outside.

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As a whole the trip was rather easy, and really Othos didn't even do anything the entire time. Not that it wasn't interesting to see a group of experienced trackers in action.


Now that they had made it to Shadowdale, he guessed they would probably stay for a night till they set off which suited him well. Finally, after all that running around he could take a breather before he went to battle.


Kowolj felt pretty much the same way, though more focused on the fact that he would get to kill something tomorrow and less that he had to wait until then. He had developed a bit of a bloodlust while tracking down the betrayer known as Tannin, but now that he couldn't take it out on someone he was starting to get a bit antsy. His fists kept clenching and unclenching, along with sporting a glazed-over look in his eyes that kept looking around at the prey available (of which there was none).


Othos noticed this, and a hint of worry slipped into his mind: what if this time was the time that Kowolj lost control? Though, this was only temporary as Othos cast aside his doubt, choosing to believe in the willpower of his friend rather than the frenzy in his soul.


Now that they had found the rest of the group, the night should finally be easy. Othos and Kowolj followed behind Nawen, who led the way over toward the bulk of their pride.

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Arland shifted awkwardly at Rhaine's question, terrified, while Weyland looked at him curiously and Amendale shot him an accusing glare.


"There isn't exactly an easy way to say this, so I'll-once again- come right out with it. That blacksmith, the one who died? It was by my hand." He didn't pause to give them time to react. "Stumbled across Ginafae and her merry sidekick Sana out in the woods, the latter of which was looking for Weyland here." He jerked his thumb in his brother's direction. "Since Weyland disappeared from the family when he'd only seen ten winters, we assumed he'd abandoned us or-far more likely- had died and never been found. So I pushed it to the edge of my mind. Then we swap names and I find out they know something about him, so like the scow she is Ginafae decides to twist me around her little finger. Coerces me into killing him when we reach the house through some of the old tunnels, and if I didn't do it she'd tell me nothing...if she was merciful. So in walks Kento and Maydiira-" He gestured to each of them. "-and I come clean. But, as we've discovered, Ginafae and Maydiira don't like each other much. Had their swords out on sight."


Weyland's eyes had widened while Amendale's narrowed. Another murder on Arland's hands?


"Ginafae left herself wide open, and she'd made an enemy the instant she ordered me to execute the poor man. So I drew my blades on her, sent her scurrying back down the tunnels, didn't manage to take her wretched life. Then we meet her again back in the house and...well, that's when I met you people. You have to understand, Weyland could have been anywhere in the realms, be it dead or alive."


"So you didn't attack her before you killed him.....why?" Weyland asked, horrified.


"One, she'd never tell me where in the Nine Hells you were, which was the next town over, and two, I might be able to take Ginafae or Sana, but not both at once. They'd kill me on the spot."


"And what were you doing in the woods?" Amendale inquired suspiciously.


Arland's eyes hardened. "A rich bastard who taxed farmers into poverty for his own benefit was on that road, and the one that did the same thing to our family-" He gestured to Weyland again. "-burned the farm down, so I killed him. Just him, not his family nor anybody else that day, only him. Thugs like that don't deserve to live, and this was one of them. I murdered him, and one of his guards when he forced my hand. The rest of them are still alive, they're just common men that have to make a few silvers. I won't kill them for that."


"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Amendale asked.


"You're standing next to two witnesses, an Ulitharid, and a Psyonic, and you want to ask me that?"


Weyland ran the logic through his head, while Amendale's eyes narrowed further. He could easily keep his anger in check, save that one time he tried to kill Arland over Vhame's death, but it was still there. A murderer was what he was, simply one with principles.


Arland said one last sentence. "So, what happens now? Do you try and probably succeed in killing me on the spot-"


"That's not happening." Weyland barked.


"-turn me into the guards so I'll be hanged anyway, exile me from the group to return to Westgate...what happens now?"

Edited by Flipout6
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Azuris rolled his eyes. "Keep on with the Drama queen act and we might. If you think you should face justice then go find a guard. If not then shut up about it and save us all some trouble. " He said irritably. At the end of the day he honestly didn't care what Arland had done. Wasn't his problem so he didn't want to have to deal with it.




Kento slowly got off his horse. Feeling like he was being led around in circles his foul mood was only growing worse. Arland's talking was only making things worse. The self righteous attitude and idiotic thinking that he could make a difference by killing the higher ups would have made Kento laugh. It was because of people like him that the higher ups needed a iron grip. To keep the foolish in line and safe from themselves. But he was giving too much thought to the matter. Arland was a young fool who would be the cause of his own demise and that was as much thought as Kento cared to give the matter.



Tannin let out a breath of relief. "Excellent! Now then if you'd be so kind as to unstunn my...... Traveling companion and we can be off." A sudden thought entered his mind and he raised up a finger. "Actually.... Do us all a favor and give her a couple good rays of enfeeblement before you do that. Take some of the bite out of her. Getting tired of watching my back all the time." He said with a smirk.


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"Ah the bells of truth, so painful to the ears are they not? Your brother speaks the truth, Weyland, I have taken the liberty of fully examining his mind... all true to the letter, manipulated by this Ginafae, and it seems he has a streak of vigilante in him... Ahh, why can these families of you surfacers never be simple?" Xallistine rolled his pupi-less eyes and sighed dramatically through his razor-edged maw, sounding more like a gargle.

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Rhaine crossed her arms. So they had not only been traveling with one murderer, but two? Unlike her temple brother, she did care about Arland's deeds...


"Tell me," she began after a few breaths, "how many others have you murdered, and who?"




The beholders obliged Tannin, sending several rays of enfeeblement in Ginafae's direction. However, the paralyzing spell had worn off, and they slammed into the rock wall behind her as she dropped to the tunnel floor. Her glowering red eyes bored holes into Tannin's violet ones.


"Give me one good reason not to kill you right now, you pathetic worm!" the blackguard shouted as she scrambled to her feet, her weapons at the ready.

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Tak'we strode into Shadowdale without bothering to disguise himself; the fact there was a wemic with them now, it seemed pointless to do so. He disliked being back in a stone village again, but the thri'kreen liked being back with his clutchmates again.


When he and his three companions found Rhaine and the others, Tak'we quickly began to report what they had found, not having heard Arland's confession.


"We have found where Tannin hasss gone. Although," he said with a hint of uncertainty, "it seemss he wass not alone. Tak'we believes a female followed him, but we're not sure what happened between them, save that there was some blood on the ground, and then they left together into a cave."


The thri'kreen stopped speaking and breathed, then realized he just spoke extremely fast. "Ssorry, thiss one did not mean to talk sso quickly. I jusst wanted to let clutchmatess know."



Kalin gave a frown at Arland's recounting of his time with Ginafae. "You know, Arland," he spoke sardonically. "It would have been nice to know this before everyone walked into a town where the guards are looking for you. After all, It just might make things a bit more difficult for us to stay here, don't you think?"


He turned around and saw Nawen return with the scouting party. The soulkinfe raised his eyebrows in response to Tak'we's report. Followed? Who would follow Tannin? And blood? Shaking his head, Kalin spoke loudly enough for everyone to here. "Okay, I say we take this indoors where we can just sit down and rest while we discuss all of this."

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