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Tales of Faerun


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"Heh. Looks like it." Weyland answered Xallistine hoarsely.


Arland looked to the sky as he counted on his fingers, mumbling under his breath. "Let's see here...one...two...three-" He kept counting. "That's...eight. That I attacked and killed myself, although two of them were bodyguards that attacked me when I attacked their charges. Usually I knock those out."

"Vhame counts as a murder." Amendale warned lowly.


"Not when he attacked me first." Arland responded sharply.


"Arland...what in the Nine Hells?" Weyland asked. "What would mother say?"


"I took the first one out with her blessing, if that counts for anything." Arland shrugged.


"And the blacksmith? Just to find me?"


"You would have done the same." He snapped. "If you want to get in my face over killing people, how many have the rest of you killed? Don't play innocent with me, either."


Weyland sighed. "He has a point. I've more than likely killed more in my time as a mercenary than he has in his whole life, criminals or not." His voice re-gained some of its composure. "And then look at what we did? How do we justify the Zhent camp attack and still earn the right to ride his case about this? If what he says about his...victims...being oppressive and selfish, they aren't a far shot better than the Zhents, are they?" Blood overcame all bounds. If Arland was exiled from the group, Weyland went with him. If Arland was attacked, they went through Weyland first. Even Amendale.

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Tannin sighed. "Because unlike you, I'm actually thinking. So unless you actually want to get into a fight with our new friends here, Shut the hells up." He said forcibly. He then started to walk in the direction of the hideout. "Now then, we shouldn't be too far from our destination. Hopefully no more than an hour away. And you miss." He said pointing back at Gina. "Do let me do the talking when we get there, Can't have you getting us both killed now can we?"

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Though Othos had just arrived, and had missed most of the conversation, he still understood the basics of what the group was debating.


"The fact that this man killed an innocent soul is unquestionably horrific, but added onto that the fact that he was coerced into doing this by a sinister character to reveal the location of his long missing brother warrants forgiveness, in my opinion. In my few years of travelling I have seen men bent to dark places through quests of righteous reasoning, and there are few quests more righteous then to get back a family member thought dead. I sympathize, and believe that this calls only for light punishment, if any at all."


Kowolj didn't really grasp what was going on, and did not have the drive to even attempt to do so. He could feel the need to kill swelling in his chest, and he searched almost frantically for something to kill while pacing a short distance away from the rest of his pride.

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Maydiira nodded, "We must take into account that Ginafae twisted this man to her own ends. She is nothing if not manipulative...or more accurately, coercive."


Rhaine sighed, looking away for a moment and closing her eyes as she thought. Murder was murder...but she could not turn Arland in to the guards without facing the wrath of Weyland. Unlike Tannin, Arland seemed to have a reason for his killing...a reason he thought to be a noble...and a mission to do whatever it took to find his brother. In the end, his actions were meant for good...even if they were morally evil. On top of that, laws were rarely applicable from place to place...whatever deed he had done outside of Shadowdale, without witnesses, could not be applied to the Dalelands - or vice versa.


She took a step forward, looking Arland directly in the eyes, "I won't do anything to you. Not now. But should you ever murder whilst in my company...for any reason...I will turn you in to the guards of whatever locale we are near. And yes, you will be in my company for a while, yet, young man; you are going to work off your debt to society by helping me against the forces of evil and chaos in this world," she glanced to Weyland, "and your brother is going to ensure that you do it. Isn't that right, Weyland?"


Not waiting for a reply, the Doomguide then began walking out of the stable, "Indeed...let's get inside. Nawen, Tak'we, Othos, Kowolj - we need to discuss in particular what you four saw, in as much detail as you can remember. As for Reona, Arva, Ianthe, Alphonse, and William...I have not seen them either."


Rhaine continued on towards the local inn, eager to rest and refresh herself. They would likely be heading for the Underdark in the morn, and they would need all of their energy if they were to stand a chance against Valthanarax's army.




Ginafae was visibly trembling with anger. She walked stiff-legged, as if trying to stop herself from charging at Tannin and ripping his head from his shoulders. The drow tailed them at a distance, her Darkvision enabling her to see the stupid half-breed and his beholder friends from quite a ways.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"On the positive side, at least Arland will show no remorse when faced with our foes. I hate to dip into realms of moral standing, for i value myself on remaining unsided to either good nor evil, but are any of us innocent? Flip the moral spectrum around, and every dragon cultist we cut down, every 'evil' creature is a murder. I have killed in total seven hundred and forty one victims, in my time... one for every year past a hundred.. if we aren't counting the foes of this campaign." Xallistine commented, as he followed to the Inn.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"One man's good is another man's evil, indeed." Kalin commented as they went inside. "I wish the world were simpler than that at times, though." He went up to the innkeeper and paid for everyone's rooms, and a large bottle of wine with several glasses, then sat down at a table. "Well," the elan said while filling up the wine glasses. "Now that our rooms have been settled out, lets discuss our situation."



Tak'we followed his clutchmates into the tavern, and ordered a very large meal of meat and fruit for himself. After waiting for a short while, he picked up the meal with gusto and sat down off to the side of Kalin, beginning his usual habit of consuming it quickly. The thri'kreen stayed silent as he ate, listening in but not adding to the conversation unless his clutchmates called upon him.

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Nawen followed the rest of them inside and the first thing she did was ordering something to drink. She felt just as hungry as she felt thirsty but food will have to wait. She also noticed that Ianthe and the others were missing and she hoped that they're alright.


With the drink in her hand she sat beside Kalin and noticed that he had a bottle of wine with him. Good.


"First thing we found" she started "was some strange tracks left by an animal similar to a horse." The drow took a large sip of her drink. "After searching the area further Kowolj noticed a root that was cut by a blade and a few drops of blood. The amount of blood wasn't lethal so whoever was injured is more than likely still alive." Nawen paused for a moment to catch breath. She wasn't a talkative person and if she had to talk a lot it always tired her out.


"Tak'we then found Tannin's tracks and another set of tracks. From what Tak'we gathered they belong to a female." Nawen turned her gaze towards Rhaine and then Kento as she understood how important it was for him to find Tannin. "We followed the tracks and both led to the entrance of the Underdark. Whoever he was traveling with ventured inside as well."


After she was done her throat felt dry. She took one of the glasses filled with wine, and emptied it in one gulp.

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Rhaine sat across from Kalin and listened to Nawen tell what she and the others had seen. Tannin in the company of a female...it wasn't too unusual, but he was supposed to be alone. The Doomguide took a glass of wine for herself and sipped it thoughtfully as she mulled over what the half-drow might have done.


Maydiira, who had sat beside Rhaine, began thinking out loud, "A horse-like creature. So not a horse for sure? There are many hooved animals that resemble horses...pegasii, unicorns..."


She trailed and her eyes widened, "Wait...you said Ginafae was around Dagger Falls...she owns a magical wand that summons a black unicorn."


Rhaine met her friend's eyes, "So what if this Ginafae is now accompanying Tannin into the Underdark?"


Maydiira shook her head slowly, "Anything could happen."

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After a long time of walking and checking behind his back to make sure a dagger wasn't about to be put into it Tannin stood before a wall decorated with banners dedicated to the cult. Tannin couldn't but chuckle at the sight. "Well this place couldn't possibly be confused with an evil lair. All it needs is a few potted plants, maybe a rug and it'd be a great place to raise the kids." He turned to Gina while still wearing the smirk. "Wouldn't you agree dear?" He then reached down picked up a large rock roughly the size of his own fist and started hitting it against the cavern walls. As the sound echoed through the caverns he yelled out. "Hello! I'm here to join this organization! No really.. Hail dragons and all that."




Azuris sighed as he said down with a mug of ale in hand. "This kid's more trouble than he's worth I say. If he wants to go back underground I say let him. This is all getting too complicated for my liking."



Kento growled. "We know where he is going and yet we're stopping here?" Obviously aggravated by the slow pace that the group was going. "I could have already caught up with him on my own by now. Now where exactly is he heading? I have no intention of sitting around here while he gets further and further away!"

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Arland shrugged. "I suppose one blacksmith is worth any two dozen of the greedy slugs I go after, so I guess I do have a debt to society. Yeah, I'll be sticking around."


"As for the no killing thing...I'll beat him if he tries." Weyland cracked a small smile. At that, they headed to the inn.


Arland and Weyland didn't speak to each other much. Amendale said nothing at all (surprisingly enough.) and all of them ordered meals. The Greys sat at a table separate from the others and began speaking with each other.


"What possessed you to kill more than just the one?" Weyland asked disapprovingly.


"There's going to be more than one family that ended up overtaxed and evicted like we were, that would get that feeling of sweet revenge when the slimeball died, or even better yet, he'd be replaced by a fairer overlord. It's the latter which I strive for." Arland explained.


"You know you're a real idiot sometimes?" Weyland asked, a half-smile threatening to crack through his stony expression.


"What makes you say that?"


"To get rid of the problem you'd have to completely warp the way the system works, not just stab some person in the face and hope the next one's nicer. There's always going to be people like that around."


"If they'd only get it through their thick skulls that they have to serve their people as well, there'd be no need for any of this. Wouldn't need any radical changes."

"I think there would be. Politics is a vicious cycle, everything loves to repeat itself. You ought to do something different for a living, like going merc like I did."

"I've considered that more than once. Too bad I was already wanted when I did." Arland shrugged, and shovelled in a mouthful of meat.


"You've got the right idea, eat up while we can." Weyland murmured as he began to eat as well.


Amendale was satisfied with Arland's punishment, not so much because it was light but because he was stuck somewhere where everybody could keep an eye on him and make sure he didn't kill any more innocents. He felt himself regaining the composure and calmness he'd lost yesterday and today, something for which he was thankful. He preferred it this way, as opposed to fiercely emotional like some seemed to be.

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