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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen listened to what Maydiira said. "A unicorn." She thought. "Yes. That could be it. They are similar to horses and they're smaller just like the tracks..." But then again she could be wrong, the drow had never seen a unicorn before. Only drawings of one but something told her that they were correct in this.


She raised her head and looked at Kento. The lack of patience this man possessed annoyed her. "And you think you'd survive there on your own?" She asked, but it wasn't really a question.


Nawen understood or at least tried to understand how he felt but rushing to leave unprepared won't do anyone any good.

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"Lady Nawen is correct, i assume you have a plan to take out an entire army on your own?" Xallistine chuckled, settling into a lonely seat.




Ravenna shifted her bodies position from her leaning post on one of the great pillars that dominated Valthanarax's chambers, she could feel an outside party, and smell the taint of Rhaine's holiness. But it was diluted... the Doomguide herself was not present, which meant... "Valthanarax, my bony friend, It seems we have an uninvited guest... or several, isn't that sweet? Why not bring them here to talk, nothing like a good, torturous chat, is their? I can sense the Doomguide has been in the company of whomever has decided to... grace our presence... Wait, there isn't one, but... four of them, two being Beholders, oh joy!" She smirked wide, looking at the dragon for a moment, before returning her attention to Gheni, scratching him under his ears.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Rhaine sighed at Kento's impatience, "Nawen is correct. There is also the need for rest and preparation before diving headlong into a sector of the Underdark that has been dominated by Dragon Cultists and a power-mad dracolich."


She glanced sideways at Azuris, "If I gave up on a mission just because it became complicated, the Sword Coast would be in ruins, and I would be dead."


The Doomguide then signaled to a waitress and purchased whatever fare the inn had available at such a late hour. A few minutes later, a platter of bread and cheese was set before her - more than enough for her entire company. She waited for the others to dig in before taking some for herself. Maydiira frowned at the cold bread, but broke a piece from the loaf anyway.


"So," Rhaine continued after a few moments, "What are the chances of Ginafae twisting Tannin to her own ends?"


Maydiira chewed as she thought, finally answering, "It is a possibility...though Tannin strikes me as somewhat of a manipulator himself. It would be difficult to say who would influence who."


The Doomguide shook her head, "I cannot believe there is now the great likelihood that we will face Ginafae, Tannin, and the Cult in those caverns."


Maydiira looked down momentarily before suddenly taking Rhaine by the arm, "Listen to me...I know your power, Barra Ktonos - your influence over life and death. Please...if I meet my end in those caverns, do not try to bring me back."


Rhaine's brow furrowed, and she simply stared at her friend in silence. She saw the conviction in the drow's silver eyes, though, and she nodded in reply. She was honor-bound to respect May's wishes concerning such matters, even if she did not agree with them.




The three brothers had just finished pulling everyone back into the various chambers of the complex when a shout reached their ears. Readying their spells, they crept down the entrance corridor to see three beholders, a half-drow, and drow priestess.


The middle brother nervously glanced between the newcomers, "Who are you? How do you know of this place? This is a Thayan operation of utmost secrecy...we should kill you for your mindless intrusion!"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Kalin was sighing inwardly at Azuris' and Kento's statements as he refilled his and Nawen's glasses. "We the only ones here who have the means of doing anything against the Cult, Azuris, " he spoke after taking a drink. "Turning back now would make our labor a complete waste, not to mention the disastrous consequences that would happen if we didn't stop them."


The elan turned to face Kento to speak to him as well. "And Kento, you have pursued Tannin for how long? Months, years? One more day wouldn't make much difference in the end. This way everyone can rest and be at full strength when we go down there, and with a plan besides rushing head-first into gods know what down there."


Kalin drained his glass and refilled it. If he drank much more, his subconscious would have to start reducing the effects or else he'd have a headache in the morning. I don't care, though, he reflected, just wanting to forget the conversation about home. The soulknife frowned as Maydiira requested that she not be resurrected. "Milady," he spoke sternly, "none of us are going to die tomorrow, so stop speaking of such things. It's bad luck."


"Now, since we will be entering the tunnels tomorrow, I would like to show these to everyone now while we have time." Reaching inside his pack, Kalin pulled out a few spheres and flasks. Gesturing to each of the objects, he began to explain what they were. "These," he gestured to the spheres, dull in color, "are call dwarfblinds. Goes off with a bright flash and guaranteeing to blind anyone's nightvision. Just don't look at them when they go off. And these," the elan waved one of the flasks, which had strange streams of colors floating around. "are motelights. Very good for distracting, especially casters, so they should be of some use against the Thayans."


"All you have to do is throw one of these hard enough so that they shatter," Kalin went to drink some more wine, then realized he'd already emptied his glass again. I really need to slow down, he scolded himself inside, then poured some more into his cup. "I am going to try making some other things tonight, but for now, that's all I've got."



Tak'we simply continued listening, too busy eating his food to speak. He did not like Maydiira speaking of plans if she died, and offered a prayer to Mother Moon to protect all of his clutchmates.

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Kento looked straight into Xallistine's eyes. "It would not be the first, or even the strongest."

Azuris snorted at Kento's boast. "I find that hard to believe."

Kento scowled at Azuris. "You think that what you believe matters to me? I have no reason to lie."

"Then run off on your own then. Go on after him." Azuris said as he waved his hand. "If you're as tough as you say you are, why do you need us? Or is this part of the plan, Getting us against him?"

At first it looked as though Kento was about to leap at Azuris, but he instead simply stormed out of the inn. Leaving Azuris to shake his head. "Good luck on there being any peaceful talks when we find the half-drow."




Tannin smiled at the three brothers. "Well now aren't you three the portrait of a competent security force." The smile quickly turned into a look of pure aggravation. "Why the hells do you think I'm here you bloody idiots!!??" He yelled angrily. "Obviously I'm some lost adventurer who just so happened to know the exact whereabouts of this location and wanted EVERYONE TO KNOW that I found it. Ingrates the three of you! Now are you going to let us pass or do i have to tell your superiors that you three didn't know that i was carrying such an important message, And when all the hells break loose here they'll all know that you imbeciles are the ones to blame. How the mother by the way? Cause I'm sure she's feeling much better than what she will WHEN WE PUNISH HER FOR YOUR OWN STUPIDITY!" He yelled in an authoritative tone. Betting that the three honestly didn't know everything that went on with those at higher levels of the cult.

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Maydiira smiled weakly at Kalin, "I'm glad you think so, friend. And I'll take that into account. But for now, I need rest. Good night to you all."


The drow then stood and made her way to her room, locking the door behind her.


Rhaine listened intently to Kalin's descriptions of the items he had purchased...as he finished, she nodded in approval, "Well done, Kalin. I, for one, appreciate your efforts. I hope they give us an advantage over our foes."


As Kento stormed out, the Doomguide sighed heavily, "The lust for revenge is blinding that one. It may prove to be his downfall...but we cannot stop him, it seems. May the gods favor him."


Standing, Rhaine stretched and yawned, "I believe Maydiira has the right idea. We all need as much rest as we can get. Please, let us all retire...and go easy on the drink, if you please. I need you all aware and alert tomorrow."


With that, she, too, went to the inn's rooms and chose the chamber at the end of the hall. As she locked the door, she sighed heavily again; she realized just how exhausted she was when a wave of dizziness threatened to send her crashing onto the floor. She slowly removed her armor piece by piece, exchanging her arming doublet and trousers for her nightdress. Then, standing before the window, she offered her prayers to Kelemvor, Tempus, and Tymora...that they might favor her in the battle ahead and watch over her companions.


At last, she curled onto the bed, folding her wings about her and pulling her blankets up to her chin, allowing herself to succumb to the blessed darkness of sleep.




Ginafae stepped closer to Tannin, her gloved fingers flexing around the hilt of her mace, "By the way...your superiors have also granted me permission to perform zin-carla on anyone foolish enough not to yield to my demands...and I demand that you let us pass at once."


The three brothers exchanged wide-eyed glances and nodded silently, stepping aside so the group could pass.

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Othos had only just gotten inside the inn, as he had been spending the past half-hour trying to calm down Kowolj so that they could get some rest before the great battle they were taking part in the next day. He had given up though, Kowolj had given in and run into the forest so that he could kill something that wasn't a human. He sat down just moments before Rhaine suggested everyone get some sleep, which he wholeheartedly agreed with but could not yet comply, he would have to wait for an hour or so for Kowolj to come home. He sat down at one of the tables in a rather lethargic fashion, setting one of his heavily protected on the table and propping his face up with a slight sigh.

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Nawen simply shrugged as Kento stormed out of the inn. She did not wish any ill fate upon him and hoped that he left because he wished to be alone for awhile and that he will join them again tomorrow.


The drow listened to Kalin as he described and showed them the items. She believed that these items will help them greatly tomorrow.


"Do you have any items that will help those who cannot to see in the dark?" She asked Kalin. Some were human in their group and without any enchanted items they would not be able to see anything in the Underdark and torches would attract attention, something they clearly did not needed.

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Kalin shook his head as Kento left in anger. "Indeed, Rhaine," he said grimly. "I only hope it doesn't cause us any grief later." The elan wished Rhaine good night then responded to Nawen's question. "I am afraid not, Nawen, as useful as that would be. I didn't manage to find anything like that before we left, and I lack the alchemical skill needed for crafting it. But," he glanced over at Xallistine, "if Xallistine wouldn't mind helping me, I believe together we could create something that would help us in the dark."

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If Xallistine was capable of grinning, he would have done, but as such a notion was not possible, he nodded his head a good few times. "I certainly can assist in this matter, i have already prepared a few scrolls of darkvision, but such effects seem to function better if ingested. Hmm, ingredients, ingredients... Something of drow origin is best... Are there any spiders about?"

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