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Tales of Faerun


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"How arrogant do you have to be?" Weyland muttered to himself as Kento stormed out of the building. If he tried chasing Tannin himself, there were dozens of creatures in the Underdark that would eat him for a late-night snack. Unbeknownst to Weyland, Amendale was echoing the sentiment on the other side of the room, though he said nothing.


Arland finished his meal. "Time for bed for me. You should too. Going to need all of your energy to kick some monster hide tomorrow."


"Try not to have nightmares, little boy." Weyland sneered as Arland got up, rented a room, and went to bed. He decided that he should get some sleep anyway, and went upstairs to his own room, (after renting one, of course.) He could already hear Arland's snoring in the next room over, and fell asleep himself to rival it, and eventually the air shook with the noise of the snoring contest that would make the very Gods cover their ears and look for a bucket of cold water.


Amendale rented the room as far away from the Grey brothers as he could in order to avoid that crashing thunderous annoyance that the Greys proudly called 'their snoring'. He took far longer to fall asleep, but eventually he faded into unconsciousness as well.

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Finishing his drink Azuris made his way upstairs to an empty room. His bed being far more comfortable than he was used to he was passed out in minutes.



Tannin raised his hand as if to strike the nearest brother before pulling himself back. "I swear you three are the most.. Mentally defective individuals I've ever met. You expect us to just waltz right in by ourselves? one of you had best lead us in damn it! I'm not going to waste time getting lost in there because of your laziness." He yelled again. Not wanting to turn a wrong corner to be greeted by a mob of angry wizards.

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Rhaine awoke quite late the next morning. The sun was already approaching its zenith in the sky, the pinkish tint of dawn long gone. The Doomguide felt quite refreshed when she opened her eyes and stretched like a cat; yet, there was a slight flutter in the pit of her stomach...a feeling she got anytime she anticipated a great battle. Despite the fact that, over the years, she had learned to ignore it by mentally pushing it out of her mind, it was always there...lingering at least until the fight was over.


She opened her pack and produced every single piece and accessory of her armor. Though she normally didn't wear the cuisses for her thighs or her helm, they were a necessity this time; she could not afford to leave any part of herself exposed that she could cover. Her loose breeches were exchanged for her tight, chainmail-enhanced leather pants and unrolled boots, over which she strapped the cuisses and greaves. An extra pair of tassets, buckled to the bottom of her cuirass, served to add more protection to her groin and buttocks. She continued on, buckling her breastplate and backplate together, tightening her pauldrons to her leather sleeves, and cinching her vambraces to her forearms. Her reinforced gauntlets were pulled over these - after she had twisted her long scarlet tresses into a bun, settled her helm atop her head, and adjusted the chin strap.


She glanced at herself in the mirror as she belted Touch of Death to her waist...along with her vials of holy water and even a few alchemists' fire flasks. She looked more like a knight than a priestess, her flashing emerald eyes as vibrant as her silvery armor. Sighing, she then rolled up her cloak and stuffed it into her Bag of Holding - the tattered thing would only serve to get in the way. Finally, she shouldered her pack and left the room, her footsteps heavy and accompanied by a gentle clanking of plates. Making her way downstairs, she paced impatiently - she had not the stomach for food because of her nerves, though her outward expression was one of blank solemnity.


Maydiira followed soon after, quiet as well. She was armored in Kalin's creation in addition to bits of her old armor; the drow was protected as well as she could be since most of her possessions were destroyed or stolen. She stood with Rhaine, the two winged warriors waiting for the others to arrive and prepare for departure.




"Of-of course," one of the brothers stammered, "R-r-right away!"


The three wizards then led the two drow-kin and their beholder friends through the complex, almost at a run. On and on, they wound their way through twisting corridors and small chambers, the pathway at a constant, almost imperceptible decline.


Finally, after a good half-hour of this, the wizards stepped aside. Ahead of them was a vast chamber...so large a small town might have fit within it. There, at the opposite end, was a massive dracolich, sitting back on his haunches. Nearby was a strange and brilliantly beautiful woman.


"T-there you are, emissaries," the wizards said as they scampered away, eager to leave the higher officials to their work.


Ginafae's eyes narrowed at Tannin, "What is this? Is this what you were looking for?"

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"Potions, check, scrolls, check, Psionic blockers for everyone, check. Looks like we are all ready to go." Xallistine commented to himself with pride as dawn broke beautifully through the windows of the inn. It was a warm light, and hopefully cast by lady luck herself, for if all else failed, it never hurt to have luck on your side.




"Well, that was a faster arrival then I expected and... wait, is that the three brothers dim?! They brought one of the Doomguides allies down here? And here i was thinking Thayans were born with brains... the pathetic fools were obviously tricked. Valthanarax, do we not have someone on hand for things like this?" Ravenna raised an eyebrow as she walked a few paces, looking at the group before them. "Oh and look! A Drow and a Half-Drow getting past their racial barriers, isn't it sweet? The stuff of children's tales." Her voice was mocking and heavy with sarcasm, by the look of the woman she wasn't at all pleased to be in the company of the male.

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"Scrolls, you say?" Kalin asked with sudden enthusiasm. "That gives me an idea. Xallistine, I'm going to try to find a place to forge a few things. I will come back to you in the morning. Good night, everyone." With that, the elan drained his sixth glass of wine, then left the inn. He quickly found the abandoned smithy and went inside, hoping no one would object to his presence there.

The soulknife pulled out his tools and went to work, heating some iron ore he found inside the crafting station and separating it into small cylindrical pieces. Kalin hammered away at the pieces until they resembled the frames for meant for goggles. Once finished with those, he took out the mithril he had bought earlier and began to forge that into that idea he had earlier for Tak'we. This took considerably longer than the frames, as he had to forge the material just so so that it would fit a thri'kreen, but once he was finished, the elan gave a satisfied grin at his work.

While letting the mithril cool, Kalin attached leather straps and lenses to the frames, making several pairs of goggles for everyone without nightvision. Once those were completed, he placed arm fittings on the mithril objects, then went back to the inn after cleaning up after himself. He wordlessly went to bed, and immediately passed out.


Kalin awoke as the sun rose and went downstairs after dressing, slightly sore from the smithy work he'd done but well-rested. "Good morning, miladies," he greeted the priestesses, then went over to Tak'we with a grin on his face. "Morning, Tak'we," the elan spoke cheerfully.

"Listen, since we are about to enter the Underdark, I went ahead and made these for you." He pulled out a pair of war talons, two mithril blades extending two to three feet outward from each one. "There will be some areas where you might not have room to swing your staff, so hopefully these will help in confined spaces. I hope you find them to your liking"

Seeing Xallistine was awake now, Kalin excused himself from the thri'kreen. "Good morning, Xallistine." he spoke as he pulled out the goggles he made last night. "Listen, after you mentioned the scrolls of darkvision you made last night, I went to the empty smithy in town and made several pairs of these." He handed a pair over to the illithid.

"You have some skill in enchantments, correct? I figured that these goggles, when enchanted with the proper spell, should be able to provide the user with darkvision, and that so long as the spell was cast, it didn't matter how it was cast. So, do you think you could enchant these with the scrolls you made?" the elan asked.

Tak'we cocked his head to the side, wondering what the strange softskin Kalin had for him. When the man revealed the war talons, he clicked and whistled in awe. *Whee! Tck!* The thri'kreen accepted the weapons and placed them on his arms, amazed at how well they fit and at the perfect balance of them. They're even made of moon-blessed metal! he thought excitedly.


"Thank you, Kalin!" *Tck!* Tak'we spoke with sincerity. "These are fine gifts. I will use them well." He then ordered a large breakfast after Kalin left, and was pleased even further when he learned that there was bacon being cooked for breakfast. Ordering all that he could, he whistled cheerfully to himself. It felt like it would be a very good morning for Tak'we.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Amendale was up before Arland or Weyland, to the complete and utter surprise of absolutely no one. He went downstairs and ordered his breakfast, noting that Rhaine was sporting full battle armor. It occurred to him that perhaps he should do the same. The reason he didn't wear armor was because it hampered his spellcasting, but he figured that he'd be of more use healing instead of throwing spells at people. Throw up adequate protection, heal, and use the sword if you needed to....he'd need chainmail for that. When the Grey brothers eventually came downstairs, their bodily clocks apparently tuned to the same sleep-wake schedule, he brought the issue up.


"Do either of you have any spare chainmail for me to wear?" He asked.


"Ha! The little elf wearing armor. You sure you can handle it?" Arland taunted, his eyes hardening slightly at Amendale's presence. "No, by the way."


"I'm afraid not. Guess we'll have to buy you a set. By 'we' I of course mean you." He cuffed Arland upside the head with a grin. "You owe him that much."


Arland scowled. "Fine. Come on." He beckoned Amendale to follow him. Weyland bought a bacon sandwich-to-go and also followed them, he had to make sure Arland would hold his end of Rhaine's bargain. It was a rather uneventful trip. They bought armor for Amendale, who to their surprise could wear it almost as well as they could (came from being a cleric) although it wasn't as heavy even as Arland's, it was of similar construction, being light chainmail with plates of metal built into sections of it for extra protection from stabbing. He didn't wear any armor on his hands or boots and only a light leather cap to protect his head, but it was infinitely better than the robes he had on. The money to buy it came exclusively from Arland's funds, as he had more than the two of them. They arrived back at the inn not long after they left and began to eat a proper breakfast, though Amendale of course separated himself from Arland, who was of course not more than three feet from Weyland.

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"I could indeed enchant them with a permanent effect that allows Darkvision as they are worn. I wouldn't even need the scrolls, Kalin, everything is up here." Xallistine replied happily, tapping his head in gesture. "Now then, enchanting is rather simple, it just requires the knowledge, if we survive, allow me to teach you a thing or two, Arcane smiths are of the greatest value." Unlike what he did with Rhaine's ring, Xallistine did not melt the glasses, rather, he formed a glowing bubble of a seemingly liquid purple, and slowly 'poured' it into the frames of each of the glasses, settling like a film the transparent purple rippled on it's surface, and as eyes gazed through, so in the dark did they see.


"Done. I think they should work if i did that right."

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Tannin looked around at the chamber, impressed by it's size he was actually smiling when he looked to Gina. "Close. But not exactly." He said as strolled out closer towards where the Dracolich was seated. "Wasn't expecting her." He said pointing to Ravenna. "Oh well, Devils are easy enough to deal with. Shouldn't be too many surprises from her. You however." He said pointing at the dracolich. "Are who i would like to speak to. My name is Tannin Virson and I have an offer that should you refuse it... Would most certainly lead to your immediate demise." He said in a pleasant tone, almost as if he viewed this as simply speaking to a neighbor or something. "You and I both now that there is a group coming here, what you don't know if how strong they really are and more importantly, what they're bringing to the table. So here's the deal, you put a map containing every entrance, secret and in plain sight to this place in front of me.... And I'll lead Rhaine and her group straight into a trap. Keep your losses to a min." He said hoping that once again his words would catch someone's interest.



In the morning Azuris lumbered down the stairs, wincing as his did. "Even in soft beds they still act up." He grumbled under his breath, if ever there was a time that he wished that he could still cast divine spells, mornings were it. Looking into the common room he saw that Kento had returned and was seated off in the corner, deep in meditation. "Well there's a surprise." Azuris said under his breath as he went to get some breakfast.

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Rhaine raised a brow at Kalin's cheer, surprised that he was in such a good mood after yesterday's conversation. She was also doubly astonished that Kento had returned; the Doomguide assumed that the easterner had second thoughts about going after his old foe...or perhaps he just needed some time alone.

Azuris then hobbled into the common room, and Rhaine squinted her eyes. His stiff-jointedness could cause problems later on in the caverns, especially if he received a heavy blow to his limbs. It did not appear that her temple brother was wounded...if so, they were old ones. Still, she felt that she had to help in some way, if nothing else than to make him feel a bit better for a few hours.

Moving slowly up behind Azuris, she said not a word...simply laying her gauntleted hands upon his shoulders and channeling a Greater Restoration spell into him. The honey-colored magic washed over her fellow Doomguide in a warming glow before receding almost as quickly as it had appeared.

Rhaine leaned around his shoulder and smiled, "Feel better?"


Valthanarax growled, stretching his form out like a cat on the prowl as he moved forward towards the beholders and the two drow-kin.

"You risk much by invading my caverns, Tannin Virson," the dracolich hissed, "You deceive my minions, lead beholders into my midst, and I am to believe that you are here for my benefit? I think not. I will give you nothing but a quick death."

Ginafae whirled on Tannin, "Why in the Nine Hells did you come here? What did Maydiira send you here for?"

Valthanarax's eyes flashed, "Maydiira?! As in Maydiira Torana? So that is how you found this place, little deceiver. She ran to your group of hero friends and begged for vengeance, did she not? Ah....this shall be sweet, indeed. I'm sorry to say you won't be living to see your friends again...but I promise you a prominent place amongst my undead servitors..."

He breathed in raggedly...

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nawen fell asleep right at her table. When others retired for the night, the drow stayed in the common room and watched as Xallistine and Kalin prepared supplies for the upcoming journey. She woke up before the dawn and ate some bread and cheese from last night as well as some beef jerky she found in her pack.


When everyone else got downstairs Nawen was petting tavern keeper's fat and lazy cat who was sleeping on the counter.

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