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Tales of Faerun


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As Othos woke with his head still in his hand, his group all around, and the morning sun shining through the windows it became painfully obvious that Kowolj had not returned from his hunt last night. He could feel the rage in his heart build at this realization, but he suppressed it well before it began to control him as a change here would cause unwarranted destruction. Instead he breathed deeply, and let loose a flourish of crackles and snaps from his neck as he twisted it from side to side.


He stood up and walked to the bar, ordering a loaf of bread and mug of ale. With bread in one hand and mug in the other, he walked over to Rhaine, making sure to clear his mouth before speaking.


"When is the soonest we may leave? I would prefer to begin as soon as possible."

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"Yes, i too am hoping we may leave soon... I itch to put something evil down. To think the Journey i set out upon you with is only just now at least somewhere close to it's climax. We have had quite the tale eh?" Xallistine commented happily once he was finished packing his things, walking over to Rhaine. "The Cult will feel the wrath of all our gods for their crimes this day."

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As the dragon took in a deep breath a smile spread across Tannin's face. "Plan B then."

And without warning he kicked Ginafae's feet out from under her and grabbed her mid-fall, the running away with Gina slumped over his shoulder. Unfortunately Gina was a bit heavier than he expected, causing him some difficulty. He would have to put her down as soon as they were safe, why he had even bothered saving her he couldn't figure out at the moment.



An odd feeling came over Azuris as Rhaine touched him. The warmth of healing magic, though when it ended the soreness was still there. But still, he didn't want to worry her so he instead gave her a smile. "Much. Thank you." Which wasn't entirely a lie, Just her trying to help made him a little bit happy. which was more than he had been in some time.



Kento's eyes flashed open, they held nothing but anger as he looked around at the group. Did he make a mistake in asking them for his help? Would they try and stop him from exacting justice? The threat of Tannin earning their trust through his words was always a large one. If it came down to it though, Kento was prepared to kill any of them that stood in his way.

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Rhaine smiled, pleased that she had helped her temple brother. Turning to Othos and Xallistine, she nodded, "Right now. Come on everyone...we've got work to do."


With that, she departed the inn. Maydiira followed silently, keeping close to Rhaine and looking at no one in particular.




Ginafae shrieked as Tannin tripped her and then grabbed her up. She beat her fists on his back as he ran with her, all the while screaming, "How dare you touch me, you filthy half-breed! You will pay for your insolence you pathetic worm of a jaluk!"


It was then that Valthanarax breathed out with a massive exhale of flame, the inferno roaring down the tunnel after them and setting the tapestries on fire. Tannin wasn't running quite fast enough to outpace the dragon's breath, and she was forced to cast a Spell Mantle to protect them both as the fire breath licked around her shoulders and Tannin's calves.


The chambers vibrated as the dracolich's roar echoed after them.


"Destroy the intruders!"

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As soon as Rhaine followed by Maydiira left the inn, Nawen grabbed her thins and exited the inn. Once she was outside she walked past the two winged warrioresses.


"Maybe we should take a shortcut." She suggested as she looked around. It wasn't because she was eager to fight the cultists and their armies of undead but if someone was waiting for them they could surprise them.

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Weyland and Arland grinned and stood up.


"Now for just a couple hours of walking and then the action starts." Arland commented needlessly.


"Problem is the 'action' you speak of is dangerous enough to warrant Rhaine wearing full armor for just the walk there. Like we'll be swooped down upon by the Dracolich early." Weyland scorned.

"Swooping generally tends to be bad, yes."


"I don't know how you can act as if this is a mid-afternoon's picnic, but I'm worried." Amendale added. He'd made some modifications to the spells he used, and much of his offensive spells had been replaced with defensive shield spells against various threats.


"For a merc this almost IS a mid-afternoon's picnic. We kill crazy beasties like these guys all the time." Weyland hid his own worry behind humor. "In case you don't remember the kobolds and slimes that line every sewer in the world by the hundreds."


"You're the one who always seems to need his help." Arland pointed out, earning himself a playful clout upside the head.


"And you're the one who dances around like an idiot when he fights."

"Easy, you two." Amendale cautioned.


"Yeah, yeah." The brothers responded simultaneously, before looking at each other, cuffing each other, and then laughing.

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Rhaine's answer filled Othos with great joy and he gulped down his remaining ale with the utmost haste, leaving it on a table as he walked out the door behind Rhaine and Maydiira. He was fully prepared to face down any foe that would stand before them, but he was worried about the where-abouts of his companion, since he was still somewhere out there. Not that he couldn't handle himself, but rather now it was quite possible that he could miss out on the fighting he was so keen on joining into.


Hearing Nawen's proposal Othos replied, "A shortcut would be wonderful, the faster we arrive, the faster we start."

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"I agree," Rhaine added with a nod, "if you know a faster way there, Nawen, lead on. I'll be right behind you."


Maydiira, again, said nothing as they walked. She occasionally looked around at the townsfolk, trying not to meet their eyes, but she mostly kept her gaze either on the ground or on Rhaine's back.

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As he kept running Tannin couldn't help but retort to Gina's screaming. "Oh hush you! You know you've wanted these hands on you since we first met!" He said as he tried to avoid getting the two of them roasted alive by the dragon's fire. He knew that his response would only anger her further but hopefully she was smart enough to stay focused on their survival and not her pride.



Azuris finished his breakfast as quickly as he could before following the group out of the inn.



Kento had walked out with the rest of them and spoke for the first time that morning when Nawen mentioned a shortcut. "Whatever gets us there faster."

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Nawen nodded and continued walking out of the village. She had plenty of time to look around for any possible shortcuts last night when they were looking for Tannin's tracks. Every path has a shortcut, she always said to herself.


As the drow walked out of the village she continued walking down the road they walked last night until they came upon a small dead tree which stood by the barely visible path that led deeper into the woods. If an enemy knew of their arrival then as sparsely as the trees grew here they still provided some sort of concealment.


"There shouldn't be any but watch out for the traps." Nawen warned them before going down the barely visible path. The condition of this path alarmed her, it was clear that no one set foot in these woods for a long time but she decided to keep her thoughts to herself.

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