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Tales of Faerun


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Weyland looked at Kento. "Man, what are you even going to do once you're finished with your revenge? You're so fixated on it that you'll get it, then a week later you'll be sitting down thinking 'now what?'"


Amendale butted in as well. "Yes, I am concerned for your future as well."


"I think we all should be. Not only are we taking on a dracolich, but a lot of our rations are beat and beans. That means we have me, Weyland, Tak'We and Azuris all sitting around a campfire after eating beans. It'll be worse than an acid cloud."


"Aaaaaaaaaanyway, to wrench ourselves away from that horrific thought, I think that may warrant some thinking about, just in case. If nothing else you can kill the time until we get there, then you get your revenge and we all go home happy. Or at least some other evil-filled cesspool of baddies that we get to slaughter."


"Livin' the life, eh?" Arland sneered. "Nah, I'm kidding, this is fun."

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Xallistine followed with determination and a sense he did not possess in their battle with Ravenna- a feeling of confidence. If they could vanquish a youth-stealing murderer intent on destroying the Goddess Sune, when she was mere centimetres away from plunging her blade into the Lady of Love, then they could certainly vanquish a dracolich and his sorceric army. Around him were some of the best, the best of the best infact, himself included, and it was with these individuals he felt safe.... Let it begin then.




"Prepare yourself, Valthanarax, for your eyes will have quite the spectacle to behold- I assure you whichever way this may unfold, there will be theatrics, the very things bards tales are made from- Let us hope the army bring the Doomguide bound before us, oh how that would be... an eternal slave. Hahaha! Let them come, i say, and break their skulls on these stone floors." Ravenna laughed wickedly in anticipation for the battle to come.




"And so... It begins"

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Rhaine and Maydiira picked their way through the underbrush, their steps not nearly as light as those of Nawen. They kept their eyes on the ground, wary of any tripwires or debilitating bear traps.


They found the mouth of the cave without incident, and Rhaine stopped them all with an upheld hand.


"If there's any last-minute preparations to be made, do it now. Spellcasters, buff yourselves and the group, if you are able."


With that, she began casting as many spells as she knew would be of benefit - Bless, Prayer, Mass Death Ward, Undeath's Eternal Foe. With each spell cast, a bright wave of energy washed over the party and shimmered over the companions' armor.


Maydiira summoned her Celestial bear and cast a few protection spells of her own, namely a Shield of Faith and Protection from Evil.




Ginafae merely growled at Tannin before smacking the top of his head in warning, "Look out!"


A group of cultists suddenly appeared down a side corridor - a priest and two armored blackguards.


"Get them!"


Then, there was the unmistakable creaking of metal against metal...


...an iron golem, freshly activated by its masters' magics, blocked the path ahead.


"You had best put me down if you want to live, jaluk!"

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Tannin didn't throw out a witty retort this time, instead he did as he was told and set Gina down. "Okay... give me a minute here will ya?" He asked not even wanting to bother with the three men and the golem. Instead he took a step back and started to cast a haste spell on himself. With his naturally superb athleticism the increased speed always made for a deadly combination.




Kento looked at Weyland for some time before speaking. "Seppuku. A ritual suicide. When I finally catch and end Tannin's life, and if i survive that encounter as well as the remainder of this groups quest, I will take my own life and at last, be with my family again." He said in a matter of fact tone.


"Cheerful fellow aren't you?" said Azuris when they reached the cave entrance.

"I will not even begin to explain it to you, fallen one." Snapped Kento.

"Defensive too."

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"I know what seppuku is." Weyland was looking at Kento like he was insane. Which, given his retirement plans, was quite possible.


"Why would you know that?" Amendale asked.


"Tavern stories. Every fighter grumbles about the people that disembowel themselves instead of letting us do it for them. Even still though, I only know a little bit about it."


"Really." Amendale responded dryly.


"Really." Arland cut in.


"Anyway, we should be focusing on practical matters for the moment." Weyland shook his head and cleared it.


They reached the mouth of the cave, and Amendale began casting his own spells. Rhaine had the clerical spells handled, so he began casting the ones that he knew as a sorcerer. Weyland and Arland received Stoneskin, as they'd be the ones keeping foes off Amendale's back, as well as Elemental Shield and Bull's strength. He also gave their weapons the enhancements of Greater Magic Weapon. Unlike Rhaine's spells many of his didn't target the entire party, otherwise he'd use those.

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Tak'we gulped down the last of his breakfast, then took up his gythka and pack and followed after his clutchmates. He barely listened to his friends as they bantered among themselves, mind set about the upcoming battle. Mother Moon, he prayed along their way on the shortcut, rubbing the medallion around his neck. Grant me the strength to protect my clutchmates.


At Rhaine's words, the thri'kreen adjusted the fittings on his new war talons and flexed all of his joints, making sure they were not stiff. Offering one last prayer for strength, he felt he was prepared. "Tak'we isss ready."



"Alright then, Xallistine," Kalin said approvingly. "We shall see if these work soon enough." Seeing the priestesses leaving, the elan quickly grabbed his things and began walking after them. As he left the inn, it was then he realized he had forgotten something. Oh, bloody hells! he thought silently, running a hand through his hair. The flame salves!


The flame salves were something he had wanted to mix the night before; the salves would help reduce some the traumatic damage from intense fires, mundane and magical. It would't protect one from something severe like being soaked by lava, but it would keep you from dying outright. And of course, you forgot, you halfwit! Rummaging through his gear, Kalin pulled out a mortar and pestle and the necessary ingredients for the salves and began to mix the solutions together as they walked to the tunnels.


The soulknife just hastily finished the mixtures as the party arrived at their destination, lagging slightly behind everyone, but done with his alchemy. "Rhaine?" he spoke up to catch the Doomguide's attention. "I finished mixing an ointment, which should lend some protection against fire in theory. I just now finished the compound, so I cannot guarantee complete effectiveness." Kalin handed small bundles of cloth to everyone, each with enough of the flame salves to cover most of the body, along with the motelights, dwarfblinds, and finally the darkvision goggles. I hope these things work! the elan prayed, then slipped his pair of goggles around his neck.


He tightened the straps on his small pack and focused his mind, readying his powers in advance. "I am ready, milady," he spoke calmly and even. "Lathander guide and protect us this day."

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Othos wandered around the area before the cave, growing increasingly distressed at the realization that he had never in his life been in an area so cut off from the natural winds and sky as the Underdark. He paced back and forth with his blade unsheathed, practicing moves in an attempt to shift his focus away from his worries.


In a nearby grove, Othos found a rather welcome sight, a slumbering wemic with a rather large deal of blood soaking its fur. Upon further analysis Othos concluded it was animal blood rather than his own. It seemed as though Kowolj had hunted until he could no longer move, and passed out in exhaustion; luckily it was so close to the cave entrance.


Othos gave Kowolj a light slap on the face saying, "Wake up. Wake up!"


Kowolj's eyes fluttered open and fixed themselves on Othos and the wemic seemed delighted at the sight, "Oh, you found me! I dreamed that you all would leave me and I wouldn't get to slay evil."


"You're lucky I found you, you reckless bastard. Hurry now, and get up, we are preparing at the cave, nearby."


With that Othos led Kowolj back to the group, his hands and feet completely covered in blood, along with his mouth, and the rest of his body sported light spotting of blood.

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Xallistine nodded to the command of buffing the group, and cast a number of powerful Abjuration spells around the others, starting with a powerful Glory of the Martyr, a Silversteel Veil and Protection from spells, watching with intent as the powerful effects glimmered on the surface of everyone's armour, much like Rhaine's spells had, and upon himself Armour of Darkness. "I believe we are all sufficiently protected." Xallistine chuckled at the amount of protective spells being passed around.

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Nawen had plenty of time to prepare back in the inn when others were resting in their rooms. She attached her Bag of Holding to her belt. The bag contained mostly bandages and other healing supplies. There was no doubt that all of them will get wounded and it was for the best if she kept healing supplies close.


While the others prepared themselves Nawen stood by the entrance and peered inside wondering what other dangers besides the cultists awaited them inside.

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Rhaine remained silent throughout Weyland, Azuris, and Kento's sharp exchange, making some last adjustments to the straps on her armor. She was pleased to see that Kowolj had arrived to help, although the blood on his fur worried her a little. She doubted that it was his own, however, as he did not act injured...rather, he seemed quite eager to fight.


At Kalin's words, she nodded in thanks, removing her gauntlets and helm and smearing the ointment on her face. After she had sufficiently covered her skin, she began coating her armor in a layer of the stuff, knowing that even it needed to be protected from flame. She and Maydiira then made sure that each other's backs were well-treated, managing to apply a thin coat of salve to their wings.


At last, the Doomguide took several of the motelites and dwarfblinds, dropping them into the pouches on her belt. Then, tightening the goggles around her head, she replaced her helmet and gauntlets.


Glancing over the group one last time, Rhaine nodded, "Let's go."


She proceeded first into the darkness, the goggles enabling her to see in the dark much like the blindfold she had worn when helping Maydiira a few years ago - the walls of the caverns appeared to be illuminated by soft moonlight.




Ginafae lashed out with her whip at the threesome behind them, wrapping it about the neck of the priest and pulling him to the ground. She wasted no time in jumping forth to crush his throat with her foot as she brought up her mace to block a blow from one of the blackguards.

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