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Tales of Faerun


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Weyland, Arland and Amendale all collected their portion of the items being handed out. The applied the fire salve, made use of the night vision goggles, and followed Rhaine into the Underdark when she began to go. Weyland and Arland grinned wickedly at the ability to see in the dark.


"Oh, now they don't have a chance." Arland muttered.


Amendale was glad that he could see, as he'd be able to defend himself when the time came and be able to see his allies when they required his aid.

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Othos and Kowolj moved back over to the group and picked up the various items that the rest of their comrades had prepared for the battle ahead. They both applied the fire salve, helping each other reach spots they couldn't, donned their night-vision goggles, and proceeded into the cave behind Rhaine.


The deeper they moved into the dark the more still the air became, and Othos began to feel his anxiety increase at the lack of wind movement. He realized that he may just feel this way the entire time they were down here, so he decided to keep it to himself, hoping that his strength would return to him when the time required it.


Kowolj on the other hand was so excited it was easy for anyone to see. He had a large smile on his face, revealing his bloodstained teeth. His head moved back and forth as he searched for signs of movement, or anything that might lead to a fight.

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Kalin whispered the command for his armor to manifest around himself and slipped on his pair of goggles as the chain-shirt appeared, currently disguised as his clothes. He didn't form his mindblades yet, however, as the soft glow of the blades would give their position away in the darkness. Once everything else was set, the elan walked into the cave as silent as the resting dead. He was pleased that the goggles were working now, but did not speak of it and continued following Rhaine while constantly scanning their surroundings for hidden entrances or ambushes.



Tak'we quickly applied the salve Kalin handed him. He disliked the scent of it, but if it would protect him somehow, he wouldn't complain. He looked inside the cave and clicked in displeasure. *Tck!* The softskin was right: there wasn't much room in the confines of the tunnel for his gythka. The thri'kreen attached a leather sling on his staff and slipped it around onto his back, then tightened his war talons onto his forearms. When they had a snug fit, Tak'we gave one last prayer, then followed after his clutchmates.

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Azuris generously applied the salve, not the biggest fan of fire he didn't want to run the risk of ending up like Kento who meanwhile passed on the salve.

"Yes." He said dryly. "Because I have so much to loose from being burnt now. I cannot bear the thought of it."

At that Azuris's eyes widened. "Did you... Just make a joke?" He asked in amazement, not thinking that any form of humor was possible from the tight lipped samurai.

"Not me." Kento responded before walking into the cave with the others, leaving Azuris standing there a moment, completely dumbfounded before following behind.




With the spell done and Tannin's body able to move much faster than most anything else could, he charged in the opposite direction, heading back to the path that they were first led down instead of the side passage he was heading for earlier. His intent being to dive into every ambush and trap set up along that path before the group got there.

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Rhaine moved slowly, her weapon held close, scanning the soft floor of the cavern as it narrowed into a tunnel. There were footprints everywhere, leading her to believe that this place had seen frequent traffic. There was also a disturbing lack of sound, even as they went deeper and deeper. Minutes crawled by, then a half-hour, then an hour...


Nothing. No encounters, no defenses, no life of any kind...just the company and the quiet shuffling of those whose footsteps were not trained to be soundless.


At last, however, after the path had been descending for some time and the temperature dropped significantly, there was a fork in the tunnel ahead. The caverns divided into three different directions - they could either proceed to the left, the right, or continue straight ahead.


The Doomguide stopped them with an upraised hand, "So what now?"


Maydiira squinted, "I...I'm not sure I remember this very well. It seems that I came from the left fork when I was running from the Cult, but now I am not so certain."




Ginafae handily dispatched the first blackguard with a Harm spell, his lifeblood pouring from between the plates of his armor as invisible knives lacerated his flesh. The other blackguard, however, was far stronger...her Slay Living spell failed to take his life, and he kept bearing down on her with a mighty greatsword. Playing on a common fear that humanoids possessed, Gina summoned her spider familiar. As the giant arachnid jumped at the Cult warrior, he suddenly lost all of his courage, dropping his sword and screaming as he scampered back down the tunnel.


Laughing, Ginafae glanced around. The iron golem must have attempted to follow Tannin, as it was now gone. Her eyes narrowed as she thought of the half-breed.


Fa'la zatoast.


Knowing she couldn't find her way back to the entrance without running into more wizards and Cultists, she decided to go back in the general direction of the dracolich's chamber. She sheathed her weapons and dropped into a crouch. Extinguishing the torches near her and continuing to do so as she went along, she created a path of shadow that she could easily retreat back into should things not go well.


She would find what Maydiira wanted here, and she would take it for herself.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"Well, this is just greeeaaat." Weyland groaned as they came upon the split in the passageway.


"We can split up." Arland suggested.


"I don't know how hard mother hit you with that wood spoon of hers, but think for a moment. If we split up, that means one of them is going in the RIGHT direction. That means they meet an army of cultists and wizards. And a dracolich. And an unpredictable, charismatic murderer that can tear through a town." Weyland explained. "And the other people go the WRONG way. Which means they might get lost, or it leads into a monster's den. The road less travelled is often less travelled for a reason. Oh, by Tempus, that was too philosophical to have come from me..."


"You'll never hear the end of it. Uh...I guess if Maydiira came from the left we should go left?"


"Sounds good to me. Unless we can look for some rocks she recognizes, that is." Weyland answered sarcastically.

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Kalin disliked how quiet it was. Something should have jumped them by now. While the others stood by the juncture trying to decide which way to go, he walked down the left tunnel to see if there were any traces of Tannin.


There didn't appear to be anything, the sheer number of footprints obscuring everything, but the elan noticed something that began to bother him. As the distance he walked down the tunnel grew, so did a dull burning pain in his chest. It was giving him a good deal of discomfort, but that was not entirely worrying him; it was the fact that his scars only burned when he had his nightmare or when there were... demons nearby!


With a hint of concern in his voice, Kalin called out to his companions. "I think this is the way." He rubbed his chest and winced slightly. "I think the wizards have been summoning..."

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The three way split did seem quite problematic, especially since the only one who had been here was now doubting her own memory. But with everyone looking to go left, it seemed rather logical that they stay as a group and all go left.


Othos made his way slowly to the left tunnel, struggling constantly against the sickening feeling that crept up on him as they moved further away from the surface and the air.


Kowolj raised his head and took a deep breath through his nose, taking in all the smells this place had to offer. It wasn't quite what he expected, though one thing he did expect is that he could not locate Tannin among all the reeking odors that assaulted him.


"I don't know where he is, but I can tell you that there is some noxious smells coming from that left tunnel. Since we are looking for evil, and evil is usually quite stinky, I would guess that these guys' guesses are probably right. Or maybe wrong... Who knows?! Lets go!"

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Just like everyone else, Nawen was concerned by the lack of sounds or creatures. Something is very wrong if there's no one there. Maybe the cultists chased any other live beings away? But then why there's no sign of the cultists...


She cautiously looked around while others tried to decide which path to chose. She didn't like the idea of splitting up. It always ends badly.


"If in doubt, always follow your nose." Nawen thought as she listened to what Kowolj said.


The drow had nothing to add to the conversation and remained silent. She was half convinced that all three tunnels combines into one somewhere.

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Rhaine made no reply but a simple nod and began advancing down the left tunnel. Maydiira's bear kept close beside her, pressing into her knee every now and again. The bear was getting agitated, meaning they were getting closer to their foes...or some other evil.


Suddenly, the Doomguide caught the faint echo of voices around a bend in the corridor. She held up a hand to halt her companions and peered carefully around the wall.


"...shouldn't have let them go in there."


"And what would you have done? There's no way I would have picked a fight with that drow priestess."


Three Red Wizards came into view, talking to each other in hushed tones.


"...do you really think that half-drow was an emissary?"


"So what if he wasn't? There's nothing we can do about it, now."


The three then turned into another fork in the corridor, roughly forty paces away, and kept going. There was the slight creaking noise of a door opening and closing...then, silence.


Rhaine glanced back at her comrades, whispering, "A drow priestess and a half-drow? Ginafae and Tannin?"

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