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Tales of Faerun


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By the time Nawen got inside all wizards were already dead. While Kalin looked for a way to open the door, the drow looked around the room. For the moment it seemed that she won't find anything interesting until one item caught her attention.


One of the wizards was clutching a staff in his cold dead hands. Nawen took the staff to take a closer look. It was a simple wooden quarterstaff with runes carved into it. It was the runes that caught her attention. They looked all too familiar and she began to worry.


"He can't be the only sorcerer that carved runes on his quarterstaff." She tried to calm herself but instead of leaving the staff alone she continued to examine the runes. Most of them were beautiful carved into the wooden surface, the shape of each rune was nearly perfect. Nawen knew that the runes glowed beautifully if the staff was used in combat. Other runes carved into the staff looked pathetic compared to the rest. Awry and just strange looking.


"By the Gods..." She whispered quietly.


"This staff..." she thought, "it's Illius's!" If not for those sad excuse of runes she would have never recognized the quarterstaff. She was the one who carved them. Illius allowed her to try once he saw how curiously she watched him marking his staff with them. In the end he simply laughed and said that hers adds character to it.


Nawen looked around the room trying to find something else that could have belonged to him but she couldn't find anything. Illius would never give up this staff, she knew it. Was he down here? What if something happened to him?


"I must find him!" She thought and glanced at her friends. It's for the best if she kept this to herself.

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Rhaine had found almost nothing of interest amongst the Red Wizards' possessions...though one small jewelry box that had fallen from a nightstand did catch her eye. As she picked it up, the box opened, spilling a few baubles onto the floor. She knelt and brushed her fingers over them, starting a bit when a ring answered her touch with a slight tingling sensation. Upon further examination, the Doomguide found that the ring was made of gold and silver intertwined into an elegant weave pattern. The emblem for elemental fire had been engraved on one of the gold strands.


A ring of fire resistance, then. Very useful, indeed.


She had seen dozens of the like in Thay; it was no surprise that there were such trinkets here. As she removed a gauntlet and slipped the ring onto one of her fingers, she hoped that they would have the good fortune of finding many more.


Replacing the gauntlet, she then took a torch from one of the walls. Spilling a nearby urn of oil over the corpses and the furniture, she set them all alight...all the while murmuring Last Rites.


It seemed her companions were eager to move on to the next rooms, and so she followed quickly. Tak'we had already taken care of the door with the help of his new belt, and she almost laughed at his haughty mien. She did not, however...instead, focusing on the possibility of more enemies.


It appeared that the next room was empty, being nothing more than a mess hall. It was filled to the brim with foodstuffs, seemingly having just been restocked. Though there was no one about now, they would need to take care, as anyone could walk in on them at any time.


Maydiira giggled as her bear sniffed at a honey jar in the far corner. It seemed even Celestial animals had earthly weaknesses...




Ginafae's lips curled into a snarl as the devil-woman touched her. The golden Archdevil reeked of evil and the Lower Planes...so much so that it made the hair stand up on the drow's neck.


"You both are obviously Maydiira's enemies as well...and if what you say is true, dragon, then she is on her way here. Help me kill her, and I will help you dispose of your hero problem. What say you?"


Valthanarax turned slowly towards Ravenna, as if inquiring about her opinion without words.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Not wanting to wait on the others looting though the rooms Kento moved on ahead to try and find Tannin first, he didn't get to the end of the room however before a small pulse of evil energy came from his pack. A yet unmentioned item in his pack knew it's owner was nearby.



Tannin stopped dead in his tracts as a voice whispered in his mind. He turned back and looked in the general direction of where the source was. "Youuuu shouldn't bee heere." He sang softly. As the group of cultist approached he readied himself so that when he came into view, they were met with the sight of him on his knees with his hands behind his head. "Alright I surrender, Take me to your leader."



"Tannin is still here." Kento said. "And he's moving."

Reaching into his pack he withdrew the source of the evil presence. A curved dagger with a blade that resembled the night sky. "You know where he is." He said to the Dagger. "Lead me to him."

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Weyland and Arland growled in frustration as they didn't get to butcher any wizards. Guess that was what happened when you stayed near the rear of the group. So, to remedy this for next time, They moved up towards the front, beside Rhaine.


"No way am I letting the rest of you get all the bad guys, I want some of this." Weyland muttered to nobody in particular as he moved up.


While the rest of them were all finding trinkets and various enchanted items, neither of them found anything worthwhile. Amendale, on the other hand, found a white robe on one of the deceased wizards and inspected it. It was rather obvious the robe had magical properties, probably making them superior to his chainmail, so he took it. Thankfully the dead man was wearing underclothes. He took off his chainmail, revealing his regular pants and shirt underneath, and slipped the white robes on overtop. He could feel the powerful enchanted effects on the simple garment. He couldn't test it now, but it would certainly enhance his spellcasting.


Weyland and Arland, on the other hand, were very interested in this new room. They stared cautiously at each other and Tak'We, before they went searching through every basket, box, crate, and miscellaneous container in the room, looking for any kind of food they might like. Specifically bacon, of course.

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Tak'we looked at the room and smelled...BACON! He was already starting to get hungry again. After making sure there was no immediate threat, the thri'kreen ran forward, nearly knocking over Weyland and Arland and tore open the crate that smelled of the delicious meat. He ate several pieces, then stuffed the rest into his small pack, along with a few fruits he saw.



Kalin shook his head at the two brothers and Tak'we. "Hey, I hate to spoil your feast," he spoke loudly, his irritation showing clearly, " but there are several more rooms to--Huerk!" He was cut off as he felt a blade puncture his armor and into his side. The elan looked up and saw a huge blade golem, which then retracted its arm-- and the massive sword attached to it--- and tossed him across the tunnel and into the wall.

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"Kalin!" Rhaine and Maydiira cried simultaneously. The golem must have been a guardian for the mess hall...and it wasn't pleased with the group's presence. Nearly twelve feet high and composed entirely of metal plates, its arms were seven-foot-long blades of well-sharpened adamantine.


The Doomguide hissed aloud. She had encountered these dangerous golems before on the Sword Coast, and she was not at all happy to see another. She did, however, know their weaknesses...


The two Favored Souls charged, swords swinging. Maydiira was almost immediately brushed aside by the golem, its arm smacking her torso and sending her flying into the wall across from Kalin. Her bear attempted to swipe at the construct's legs, but its other blade came whirring downwards, slicing the poor thing in half. As the animal's corpse immediately vanished in a shower of sparks, Rhaine made her move. She ducked under the golem's arm and thrust Touch of Death into its groin, severing the connections between its torso and left leg. Even though her attack crippled that one leg, the Doomguide was forced to retreat backwards as its other blade came singing through the air at her neck.


The golem's sword clipped Rhaine's left pauldron, the force of the blow ripping the armor piece from her shoulder and sawing it cleanly in half. The Doomguide herself was thrown near Kalin with the momentum, and she took the opportunity to heal the elan while she was close to him.

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Xallistine was about to utter they were wasting time searching through a simple storeroom when the Iron Golem attacked with ferocity, sending Kalin flying across the room. Xallistine stood defensively, and as the two winged warriors were brushed aside, her attacked the hulking monstrosity with a gout of searing hot flame, an inferno that started to melt into the creature almost immediatelly, and following up with a further bout of projectile attacks.


Siran notched flame arrows into his bow and pulled the bowstring back, looking at the construct he let loose a number of arrows while dodging it's large arms and huge reach.




Ravenna smiled and gave a slight laugh. Standing still as she finished, the smirk vanished from her face and set like stone.


"Of course... But if for a moment you are lying to us, if for a moment you have other thoughts or betray us on this... I promise i will find a nice, warm spot for you in the Hells, Fierna is always looking for new playthings you know, and she isn't gentle." Ravenna smiled again.


"Or perhaps Valthanarax, you could find use for such a specimen in your army of undead? Whatever the case, if you are telling the truth i would be a fool to deny the assistance of a Blackguard of Lloth, i must say, i am a fan of your style."

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Kowolj was deep in a trance-like state, imagining the taste of lightly magical meat when Rhaine rudely interrupted him. He turned and gave her a pouty, disappointed look and reluctantly removed his paws from the throat of the fresh corpse. He looked down at his chest and noticed that there were several small patches of singed hair and two small areas of burnt flesh, though this didn't really bother Kowolj, as he loved having scars to remind him of a successful fight.


Othos raised his head to find that he was alone outside the bunkroom, and groggily stood up from his slumped position in front of the door to make his way inside. He watched in a daze as everyone went about collecting items of interest from the bodies, choosing not to participate with the belief that he already had everything he needed.


The discovery of the mess hall in the next room piqued Kowolj's interest as he shifted his fickle attention to the acquisition of food. He hurried into the room with his nose leading him directly to the meat, and he wasted no time beginning to consume everything that was fresh and uncooked. As Tak'we walked over Kowolj took time out of his carnivorous frenzy to take a look at what type of food the thri-kreen was grabbing. Bacon... Kowolj hated bacon. He chuckled to himself at his good fortune of having pride members with such poor taste, as he could keep all the good stuff to himself.


The arrival of the golem captured Kowolj's attention for the brief second it took for him to register just what was happening. He didn't bother acting though, as he trusted in the strength of his pride... and he was extremely busy gobbling down his juicy treasure.


Othos was laying in one of the beds in the bunkroom when the golem attacked, trying desperately to overcome the sick feeling that had gripped him since they had left the surface. Once he heard the screams of his companions he 'rushed' (hobbled) over to the shattered doorway between the two rooms to get a good look at what was happening. He could see that at least 3 of his fellows had been swiped aside by the creature, but he could also see that there were several more eager to combat this menace. He chose to stand aside in the doorway until his assistance was necessary, if it was necessary, seeing as how he wasn't in perfect fighting condition at the moment.

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With the golem's back turned to him and the group focused on fighting it, Kento took the opportunity to leave the group behind. They were going too slow for his liking and were just slowing him down.



With the golem's body on fire and metal body beginning to weaken from the extreme heat, Azuris took the chance at disarming it literally. Charging it from behind he put all of his weight into his swings aimed at the golem's arms. Tearing into them piece by piece.



Surrounded by cultist and red wizards Tannin was brought back to the inner sanctum where Valthanarax sat.

"My lord! We caught him!" Said one of the cultist.

"I surrendered you dolt." Tannin said before receiving a kick to his legs that knocked him to the ground.

"Quiet you! The fool got himself lost and was cornered, he had nowhere to run."

"Actually I had plenty of -" He was kicked again.

"I said shut it!" The cultist yelled. He then looked up to the Dracolich. "What do you want done with him?"


Tannin then noticed that Gina was sitting in front of the devilish woman. "Well hello dear, sorry for leaving you like that, urgent business trying to stay alive, you know how it is."

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With Xallistine, Siran, and Azuris's help, it only took a concentrated Flame Strike from Rhaine to finish bringing the Blade Golem down. After the thing collapsed creakily into a pile of half-melted ore, the Doomguide stood and brushed herself off.


"I thought my days of fighting those things were long over," she said with a sigh, "Looks like I was wrong."


Maydiira got up and began heading towards the rest of the companions when there was a sudden flash...


...and the drow vanished.


"May!" Rhaine exclaimed, glancing all around for her winged friend, "Where did she go?"




Gina forced a grin at Ravenna, "I'm so glad you find me so...effective. And believe me, I wouldn't dream of breaking a compact with you."


When the cultists brought Tannin into the dragon's chamber, the drow clucked her tongue, "Well, well...look what the sorry jaluks drug in. Another sorry jaluk. You know, half-breed, I always thought your mouth would eventually be your downfall. Looks like that time has come. You will pay in spades for your-"


There was a sudden flash...and a winged drow appeared beside Tannin.




Maydiira whirled around, taking in her surroundings in a matter of milliseconds - a dracolich, a golden woman, Tannin in the hands of the cultists....


...and Ginafae.


Valthanarax roared, rearing back on his hind legs. Ginafae charged at Maydiira, mace poised for a strike.


Maydiira herself slashed at Tannin's guardians, hoping to cause enough chaos that she might have a chance to escape...

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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