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Tales of Faerun


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The fall of the golem brought great relief to Othos, and further reinforced his trust in the strength of companions. However, the sudden disappearance of Maydiira quickly took away the relief that he had just been given.


"What sort of trickery is this!" Othos managed to let out this cry of disbelief, even with his mind swirling from sickness and confusion as to just what was occurring.


Kowolj was far more worried by the Maydiira's sudden absence than he had been at the sudden arrival of the Blade golem, and he stood up from his meal to sniff the air as to clues of the drow's whereabouts, of which he found none. What he did find was the absence of another, the newly arrived Kento.


He walked toward the fallen golem and his pride, speaking with a noticeable tinge of worry, "I fear the woman is not the only one missing. Our newest member is also gone..."

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When the blade golem showed up and injured Kalin, Nawen pulled her bow and started shooting arrows at the construct. It wasn't very effective but neither was her blade. With the corner of her eye she noticed Kento running off. She frowned but said nothing. He did not care what could happen to them, the only thing he cared about was his revenge.


When the battle was finally over Maydiira suddenly disappeared. "What in the hells is happening around here?!" She thought.


"I saw Kento running off when we were fighting the golem." Nawen said when she heard Kowolj's words. "I wouldn't worry about him."

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Kalin stood woozily up, Rhaine's healing spell closing his wound. "By the gods," he hissed under his breathe and placed a hand against his side, "that stings!" He had a frown on his face, trying to remember what exactly had happened. When the golem had thrown him, his head had banged off of the tunnel wall, knocking him unconscious.


The elan looked around and saw the construct laying in ruins, drawing a sigh of relief from him. Thank Lathander! His relief turned to worry at his companions' talk of Maydiira disappearance, however. "What in the Hells happened while I was out?" he demanded, concern in his voice. "What happened to Maydiira?"



Tak'we came at the sound of his clutchmates cries, but by the time he'd gotten there, the fight was over. He saw Kalin standing up and pressing at his side, Rhaine looked as if she'd nearly been sliced up, and Maydiira was no where to be seen. The thri'kreen slumped, shamed that such a thing happened and he'd stuffing his face the whole time. Mother Moon forgive me, he prayed pleadingly, Please protect winged pointy-ear.


Tossing the bacon aside in disgust, Tak'we took up his weapons, and began marching further on into the tunnels. "Thiss one doess not know," he spoke with an almost frantic tone, "but we musst hurry. Winged pointy-ear may be in danger." Please, he thought as he hurried, Please, not another clutchmate...

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And once again the plan was changing. Tannin had intended to get caught in order to possibly pry the whereabouts of the treasury from one of his captors. But now with Maydiira there it was all going to hell. "Can't anything go the way I want it to anymore?" He thought to himself as the chaos erupted. Scrambling to his feet he slammed into one of the cultist and wrestled a blade out of his hands. Knowing that the Dracolich was seconds away from burning the lot of them he yelled to Maydiira as he parried an incoming blow "May, Now would be a good time to run!"




Azuris was as confused as the rest of them. "How could she have just disappeared like that? Was she summoned? Teleported? What?" He asked getting rather aggravated over the disappearance of two members of the party.

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Rhaine frowned, looking around the area where May had just been standing. At first, she could not see anything conspicuous...but then, her eyes fell on a strange patch of dirt near the fallen golem. Gently brushing the dirt aside with her foot, she revealed a runed plate half-buried in the floor.


"A teleporter pad," the Doomguide breathed, "No doubt these were installed for emergency use to get around the complex quickly. We should be cautious...anyone could step on one of these."


She then looked between Nawen and Kowolj, "Kento is gone as well? You are right...we shouldn't worry about him. But Maydiira has enemies in these caves. She could be in terrible danger. The question is," she glanced back at the teleporter, "do we follow her this way, or continue through the caverns and hope we run into her?"




One of the cultists and Ginafae both were attacking Maydiira simultaneously. Her bastard sword met their blows with sparks almost every breath.


"I'm a bit...preoccupied at the moment!" she shouted back.


May managed to kick Gina squarely in the torso, sending the blackguard flying away just as Valthanarax loosed a massive breath of fire. He roasted his own cultist in the process, but Kalin's salve seemed to spare Maydiira from the worst of the heat. Her wings and hair were smoking, but she was otherwise all right.


Ginafae sprang back to her feet, her eyes alight with fury and obsession.


"Kill her, dracolich!" the blackguard shrieked, unleashing her own infliction spell upon Maydiira. Deep slashes suddenly manifested like welts on the Favored Soul's face and hands, bleeding profusely. May managed to heal some of the damage, but Gina was charging her again, and she was forced to bring up Velve'drathir in an awkward parry.

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In true swashbuckler fashion Tannin had somehow managed to leap out of the way of the dragon's fire, only to jump back into the fray before the smoke cleared. With a sword in one hand, dagger in the other he rolled behind Gina and attacked at her from behind.




Azuris looked at the pad for a moment then shrugged. "I've heard of worse ideas." He said before stepping onto the pad.

In the blink of an eye he appeared near Tannin and Maydiira. Noticing the chaos around him and the particularly angry looking Dracolich in front of him he simply frowned and said in a disgruntled fashion. "Well that figures."

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Othos moved sluggishly to Kowolj with an idea, "Kowolj, go pick up one of those golem's adamantine blade-arms."


The idea was that Kowolj take advantage of the golem's mostly melted body to remove one of the arms, which were blades of adamantine. Othos, more than anyone, would be able to be considered a sword connoisseur, and he knew that 7ft blade could be refashioned into a very powerful blade more fitting of his size. But, for now, he could have Kowolj wield it from the shoulder like a greatsword, of which he had light training with.


Kowolj broke the blade off the arm at the elbow with the lucky addition of a grip-shaped piece broken from the rest of of the mostly melted golem. He hefted the blade straight up to test its weight. It seemed that for anyone with strength any less than a wemic would have a difficult time using one of these blades in a combat situation, even if they could end up picking them up in the first place. He let it rest on his shoulder and walked quickly to the teleporter area, following the Doomguide's example.


Kowolj appeared beside Azuris, Maydiira, and Tannin in an instant, and in the next his eyes had fixated on the largest target in the room. Kowolj barged through the cultists, knocking one down, and charged directly at the undead dragon with his newly aquired adamantine blade raised above his head as he roared with bloodlust.


Othos hobbled to Rhaine, hoping her healing expertise could end his dilemma.


"I do not know if I can continue. My mind and body have become weakened ever since we left the sky behind us and moved into the earth. My elemental nature is reacting rather harshly to these conditions, and I do not know if I can fight any creature more powerful than that golem. Is there anything that I can do here?"

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"We cannot waste time trying to find May and Azuris through this maze. We need to get there now." Kalin spoke. He shook his head, not liking the feeling in forming in his gut. We shouldn't be charging in like this, he thought, but we are committed now. With a deep breathe, he formed his mindblades and stepped onto the teleporter, disappearing with a flash.


When he reappeared, Kalin cursed and clutched at his scars, for the burning sensation on his chest suddenly spiked into what could only be described as being stabbed with a white-hot poker. "AAAGH!" Hells, where is the abominable creature!? He looked around, trying to ignore the pain while searching for the nearby fiend. The elan gave a growl when he finally saw a golden she-devil standing off to the side. There's the unholy beast!


Before he could move towards her, two guards attacked him. Kalin easily parried their strikes and rolled inside their reach, stabbing them with uncanny precision. Many more guards began to fill the gap between him and the fiend. He gave a dark scowl, annoyed that he'd have to fight his way through. "Fine then. I'll kill every LAST ONE OF YOU!" the elan yelled, charging. "FOR LATHANDER!"



Tak'we hurried back to where his clutchmates were, his unease at using a 'teleporter' plain on his face. But this is the only way you'll be able to quickly find your clutchmates. Steadying himself, the thri'kreen strode onto the pad. In a flash he stood inside an enormous clearing.


He gave a click of relief when he saw his clutchmates were still alive, but that relief turned quickly into terrible rage at the sight of so many softskins and a giant walking bone lizard trying to kill his friends. Giving a screech, he slashed at a man who was unfortunate enough to be within reach, nearly slicing him in half. Seeing many more foes, Tak'we waded into the fray, screaming thri'kreen curses and war cries.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Ginafae spun around to counter Tannin's attack, lashing her whip at his weapons in an attempt to disarm him. This action left her open to a riposte from Maydiira, whose bastard sword slammed into the blackguard's backplate. The impact dented and weakened the armor, but otherwise left Ginafae unharmed.


Gina laughed, "You cannot hope to defeat me, imbecile!"


Valthanarax's tail came whipping out of the darkness towards the wemic, the bony lash aimed directly at the beast-man's head. Simultaneously, his razor-sharp paw batted at Azuris as if the Doomguide were a mere plaything, his claws as large as the man's greatsword. The dracolich's roar filled the cavern with a tremulous rumble...calling his servants forth to aid him in combat.




Rhaine shook her head, "I don't know, Othos. I can try to restore you a bit, but I am not sure it will help. I have had little dealings with genasi folk."


She then channeled a Greater Restoration spell into him, hoping that it would lift some of the negative energies and lethargy that seemed to weigh heavily upon Othos.


At last, the Doomguide took a deep breath, and then followed her comrades by stepping onto the teleporter pad, praying that this wasn't a mistake...


She was greeted by utter chaos. There was Valthanarax in all of his terrible glory, embroiled in battle with Azuris and Kowolj. Kalin and Tak'we were going head-to-head with cultists. Maydiira seemed to be caught in battle with another drow...Ginafae?


And there was the murderer, Tannin!


But it wasn't any of these situations that frightened her the most...


No. It was the sight of the golden fiend near the dracolich. That face...that terribly beautiful face...a face that she never thought she would ever see again.


The face of Ravenna Everdawn.

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Nawen hated how suddenly everything changed and instead of moving forward everyone are using the teleportation pad or whatever the thing was which teleported them hells knows where. Before going somewhere she preferred to know where exactly she's heading but it seemed that there was no other way.


The drow followed Rhaine and as soon as the Doomguide disappeared, stepped on the teleporter pad and found herself in the middle of chaos. "Now this is great!" She thought to herself as she notched an arrow and aimed it at the cultist. The arrow pierced his neck and the sharp arrowhead emerged through the other side.


Nawen was about to shoot the second arrow when Valthanarax roared. It didn't take long for more cultists to show up. She aimed at one of the cultists by the entrance but then just as quickly she lowered her bow. The cultist was closely followed by a walking corpse. Whatever was left of its robe was tattered and filthy. Surprisingly enough the corpse still had hair. Black braided hair...


"No... it can't be..."


The cultist saw Nawen watching him. He ordered the corpse to attack the green eyed drow. The undead obeyed. He moved towards the drow armed with a spear.


"Illius, stop!" She called out to it but the corpse ignored her. Nawen dropped her bow on the ground and drew Ilaerothil and lunged at once was her dearest friend.

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