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Tales of Faerun


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Teleporting through the pad Xallistine almost immediately began casting a barrage of spells as the chaos erupted around him and the others in a sudden explosion, Cultists poured rampantly into the vast chambers, red robes trailing behind them as their pace increased, and they rushed into the fray with both sword and spell. Stepping asside to avoid spells, Xallistine hit the targets he aimed for, looking around for his companions he was relieved to see Rhaine materialize in a flash of white light.




A large, victorious smile graced the red lips of the devil queen as her bright golden orbs settled upon the form of Rhaine as she appeared in the fray, looking as splendid as ever the Chosen of Kelemvor's face appeared to fade from a look of grim determination to one of utter disbelief.


Taking a few paces forward, heavy dress dragging behind her, a cascade of black ebony scales enveloped the red material as the witch mentally uttered a command, the opulent finery transforming it's material to a war dress made entirely of black ebony scales, retaining the shape exactly it had mere moments ago. Ravenna's approach was slow and purposeful walking towards the fray and proceeding through as combatants moved to clear a path for her.


Her eyes smiled as wickedly as her face as they fixed upon the standing figure before her.


Rhaine Alcinea... the woman she owed it all to.


"Miss me, Rhaine? Hahahaha!"

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Having never fought a Dracolich, Azuris had no idea what to do except to try and distract it long enough for someone to finish it off.



"Do these women ever shut up?!" Tannin yelled growing tired of the constant haughty tones. With Gina's attention seeming to be focused on boating to Maydiira, Tannin dropped low and aimed a blow at her legs, hoping to knock her off balance.



Following the sounds of the battle Kento made his way down one of the tunnels, Eventually he came across a group of cultist all standing guard still. As he approached one of the men spotted him. "Well look what we got here, Some intruder thinks he can just walk-"

"Yes." Interrupted Kento as he raised his hand up above his head. As he did a low hum filled the air and the man was lifted up into the air and was slammed against the ceiling. The other cultist watched on in horror as the man was flattened against the ceiling, raining blood and gore down onto them.

Lowering his hand and dropping the body Kento reached for his blade as he approached.

"Run." He said, and the men wisely obeyed.

Edited by josh900
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Tak'we was using his war talons to deadly effect, littering the floor within his arm-span with severed limbs and dead bodies. He just finished off a softskin armed with a spiked club when he suddenly felt a strong hand grab onto his leg and pull hard. He gave a click in shock and rage when he looked down and saw a man he'd gutted earlier trying to trip him, an unholy light shining in his dead eyes. Bones-that-walk!


He swiftly killed the abomination, decapitating it, but then saw that several more corpses were rising all around him. Tak'we began slashing around, trying to keep himself from being surrounded, but there were too many. He felt one corpse wrap around his waist and another latch onto one of his arms, and before he could shake them off, the dead man with the club smashed it against his leg. The thri'kreen fell, crippled by the blow, and soon disappeared from sight as more zombies piled on top of him...



Kalin was having trouble of his own. He'd seen the fiend walking towards Rhaine and tried to make his way over there, but more of the cultists had arrived at the dracolich's call and cut him off. The elan threw one of his mindblades at a wizard trying to cast a spell, killing the man instantly. The move cost him, however, as another guard took advantage of the opportunity and left a gash in Kalin's arm.


He gave a hiss of pain and spun below the man's next blow, bringing his own blade around and sinking it deep into the cultist's chest. The elan reformed his missing mindblade and set them both aflame, and continued on fighting.

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Had Rhaine's hair not been hidden under her helm, it might have appeared to be on fire - such was the strength of the Doomguide's rage. Yet, it was a strangely controlled rage...as if her body were an outer shell holding a boiling vat of magma. The only escape for her anger was her eyes; they glowed with an eerie green light, almost like that of a cat in the night. As if oblivious to the fighting around her, she began approaching Ravenna, her face a mask of chiseled stone. Her hackles rose as she detected that the Hells had seeped into the witch...rather, she had become a devil herself. It seemed that her Damnation had only enabled Ravenna to wheel and deal for the immortality she sought.


"I should have known that fight in Everlund wasn't the end of the likes of you," Rhaine spat, "I should have put a stake through your black heart myself...watched you die, so I knew you had gone to your proper Judgment. But what's done is done. If you hinder me here, I will fight you just like I fought you before."


At that moment, she realized that Valthanarax, the Red Wizards, or some other foul force was raising the ranks of the cultists as undead almost as soon as their lives left their bodies. Raising her blade high, she cried, "FOR KELEMVOR!"


A shockwave of white power burst from her body and slammed into the ranks of undead, scorching all of the zombies in a blinding white inferno and consuming even the corpses of those who weren't undead in a cleansing blaze. Her sword caught fire with a green flame that matched her eyes in intensity, and she had all the appearance of an angel of vengeance.


Maydiira dodged a blow from Ginafae, only to receive a painful slash from a cultist to her left. She summoned a dire badger, which leapt atop the Cult warrior and began gnawing off his face, allowing May to return her attention to her mortal foe. Ginafae herself yelped as Tannin's blades managed to rip through the leather and chain of her legs, and the blackguard retaliated with an Inflict Serious Wounds upon the arrogant half-breed.


As she turned back to face Maydiira, however, the latter was ready. Velve'drathir plunged into Ginafae's shoulder, cutting precisely between the blackguard's pauldron and breastplate. Unfortunately for May, however, Ginafae was able to lash out with her whip, catching Maydiira around the throat and beginning to strangle her with the leather cord. As Gina twisted the whip, its wounding enchantment began drawing the lifeblood from the Favored Soul. Maydiira, in turn, grabbed the whip and tugged, pulling Ginafae towards her for a killing blow with Velve'drathir...


Rhaine caught sight of Maydiira in trouble and started towards her, but it was all in vain. Valthanarax whirled on the two drow, and, perceiving an opportunity to rid himself of both nuisances, unleashed his hell-breath upon them both. Maydiira's salve could not take a second bout of the dragon's fire, nor could Ginafae shrug off the flame...


...and so both drow were utterly consumed in the yellow-white conflagration.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Ravenna snorted in amusement as Rhaine's anger bubbled, her emerald eyes burning with an intensity close to those the Archdevil possessed. If battles could be won with staring alone, then this one would have ended far sooner. The Doomguides words had Ravenna keep her smile, her fangs glinting in the dim lighting as she smiled, a smile that ceased not, even upon the threat of further conflict.


As Rhaine let loose the almost heavenly wave of pulsating light energy, the queen merely gazed into it as the power erupted from within the Doomguide. So, at last Rhaine had found her feet then? The undead melting around her served as further an amusement... and she wondered... could Valthanarax be thwarted by Rhaine and her group of mismatched adventurers? Her previous banter with the dragon was to ensure his gathering was available at top form for when Kelemvor's chosen stormed the gates, but now she wondered if they were a foretelling of things to come?


Sticking on the sidelines of the battle Ravenna intervened not with the natural flow, her place was not among these mortals in battle, she was here as a voyeur of death and pain. Originally the death and pain of the Doomguide and her clan, but it seemed her eyes were filled with only images of Red Wizards being cut aswathe.


... Until of Course Valthanarax unleashed a deadly bout of fire, utterly destroying both this Maydiira and Ginafae. With an amused sneer the archdevil continued to watch as she stalked the outer corners of the battlefield, sticking like a spider to it's web she traversed the edges close to the pillars, disappearing behind and weaving her way in and out of view.


Seeing an opportunity to further push the Doomguide, Ravenna approached with relative silence from behind, her voice almost a whisper.


"You know Rhaine, for what was meant to be my end, it certainly opened a new chapter in my dark pages... You cast down me down there without even a nod from Kelemvor, you decided to play judge, jury, and executioner... and what a mistake that was. For your foolishness, I am no longer a hag clawing to scrape back the dregs of her youth, a mad lunatic attempting the murder of a god..." Ravenna cackled slightly before continuing in her usually dark tone, laced as always with generous dosages of venom.


"Because of you, I hold dominion of the Nine Hells... I did more than survive, evolve, adapt... I did much more than simply use my deeds a bartering chip. I became Queen, Empress, Infernal Goddess... Through your folly, my salvation. I came here today to watch you die Rhaine... but this battle will go one of two ways- you die as Valthanarax overwhelms your companions with his numbers, or you live because divine aid smiles upon you... But tell me, Rhaine, how can the divines save you from the thousands that march towards you? Why not make a deal... Your life, for theirs, and your soul to Kelemvor... perhaps in that, i could be of aid? Or perhaps i will be.. convinced to take another course of... action. Or i shall watch, spectate, cheer on the crowd as blood is spilt and bones are broken?"


"Or maybe i owe you a favour?" She whispered practically inaudibly.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Tannin had difficulty recovering from the wound spell. But despite her intentions, Gina had actually saved his life. Had she not have wounded him he might have been burnt along with her and Maydiira.

He swore under his breath at the sight of the two bodies disappearing in the flame. "Have fun at the dance May." He said as he got back up to his feet. He looked over at Ravenna and groaned. "Would somebody get THIS Devil Tluiner to shut up?!" He yelled in anger. If anyone was gonna talk too much, it was him.


Azuris ran nearby, covered in gore and zombie bits. "On it." He said before charging at Ravenna from behind.




Aiding in the fight the best they could the Grey brothers fought with all their strength as Anemdale stayed in the rear unleashing his entire library of spells. And despite his bacon thieving ways the grey brothers were the first to rush to Tak'we's aid, hacking away at the mountain of undead that covered him.


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The incoming tail whip was almost childishly easy to move past, as Kowolj brought down his jet black greatsword on the tail as he continued to charge the dragon. The blade moved through his tail as though it were simply a string, the tip falling to the ground with a large dusty thump. The dragon didn't seem to care much, and found an opportunity to do away with Maydiira and Ginafae. Had Kowolj witnessed this, his rage would've likely increased ten-fold, but instead his eyes remained on his target, eyes that saw a very obvious opening.


He closed the gap as fast as he could, moving in toward his front right leg with his sword high in hopes that he could use this moment to cut through the dragon's leg.


Rhaine's spell had reinvigorated Othos to a certain extent, but she was right in her guess that it wouldn't do too much. He could still feel the weakness leeching on his body, but he knew that he also had to do something, seeing as how he was the only one left in the mess hall. He decided that the only way to get over this was to switch his elemental manifestation, and he began clenching each of his muscles individually while also letting forth all of his passion, his rage, his fear. Othos let everything that he had to keep inside himself out, and with it he let out his flame, which he hated so strongly. The hate of the form he was attempting to assume only 'fanned the flames' so to speak, speeding along the process of his rather painful shift from a windsoul genasi, to a firesoul. His white eyes began to yellow in color, signaling the beginning of the shift. His white hair, limp from his elemental illness, began to darken in color changing to a dull grey before his hair burst into flame. With his head now covered in flame, his eyes a glowing orange, and his body exuding great heat, his transformation was complete. Othos opened his eyes to find that he no longer felt as poorly as he did, and that he also felt a rather strong aggression brooding in his heart.


With that, he unsheathed Amun and moved to the teleporter pad, finding himself in the midst of a great battle a second after. There was far too much to take in at once, and Othos was forced to focus on what was in front of him, namely a horde of cultists. He immediately set about cutting down the two in front of him, who were unalerted by his arrival, and preoccupied. Following this many nearby cultists became aware of his presence and acted accordingly, spells prepared, and daggers and staves for back-up.

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"Oh, HERE we go!"

Arland violently yanked one of the swarming undead monstrosities from Tak'We's crippled figure and beheaded it with a basic horizontal stroke, killing it. Weyland's shield crashed down from overhead onto the skull of yet another, killing it instantly as Amendale grasped one on the shoulder and burned one to ashes with an incineration spell. Primarily, however, Amendale's power was devoted to healing their injured friends- such as one directed at Tak'We- and keeping up his shield defences.


Then Maydiira and Ginafae went up in a torrent of flame, leaving nothing in its destructive wake.


Weyland shouted in alarm and rage as he saw it happen, the heat blistering his cheeks even from here. With Ravenna under attack from Azuris and Rhaine, and Valthanarax way out of his league, Weyland had no choice but to continue battling zombies and cultists. One of them, stupid enough to try and attack him from his shielded side, had his blow easily blocked and was met with a blade through the gut, sending a jolt of electric energy through his body, before an overheard blow cleaved his head in half from the scalp. Overkill, yes, but necessary, given what would have been his soon-to-be-undead state.


Amendale barely glanced at Maydiira's horrible fate, but felt a desolate sadness creep its way into his heart, to be buried deep down below his focus on the battle. He didn't shed a single tear as he parried a blow from a cultist, and incinerating him with a grasp to the wrist.


Arland, on the other hand, didn't react much at all, besides disappointment.


And here I hoped I'd kill Ginafae myself.


He hadn't known Maydiira long, and in the short time he had she'd been a threat for him to watch out for, although he felt terrible that he thought first of himself instead of her. That was a painful way to go. He shook his head sadly and charged back into the fighting, taking on two cultists at once before Weyland's intervention brought one down to his knees, where Arland finished him off, bringing his other blade around and piercing the second one's heart.

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Illius thrust his spear at Nawen but she easily avoided the hit by simply ducking down. Magic was always his strong point but now he could not cast any. Spear, he was equipped with was his only weapon and the corpse was far from efficient with it. The undead fell quickly but this was the hardest battle she ever fought. Nawen watched the corpse by her feet. "I am so sorry." She whispered to herself before looking away. She wasn't trying to hide her tears, it doesn't matter anymore.


Nawen spun around swiftly and slashed the cultist across the stomach with her blade nearly disemboweling him. She was too concentrated on the cultist that she hadn't noticed two other priests leaping towards her from behind. The first hit her left arm with his mace. It hurt like mad but only for a brief moment, then her arm started to feel numb.


Unfortunately for the second cultist, the drow was now aware of them. He leaped at her but she jumped out of the way and the cultist landed right beside Maydiira and Ginafae and burnt alive with the two drow women. Nawen used the opportunity kicked the first attacker to the flames as well. He didn't die but was burned badly.


Nawen saw how Maydiira perished in flames and was greatly saddened by her horrible demise. She liked the winged drow and had hoped that she would travel with them after the victory here but now she wasn't so sure if they're going to survive this hell.

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Maydiira's death triggered something within Rhaine that she hadn't felt before. Her rage suddenly calmed, like the still waters of a lake. Her focus became razor sharp, her body nearly numb to the environment around it. Her eyes and ears perceived every sight and sound as if time had been slowed, her mind working faster than even her limbs could react. It was an almost out-of-body experience - as if she were in the hands of a capable puppeteer...


She whirled back to the Archdevil with an almost robotic smoothness, her face as blank as a slate.


"Go to the Hells, Ravenna."


Valthanarax roared again, and more Red Wizards answered his call. The dead were piling up by the dozens, some being zombified as soon as their corpses hit the ground. The loss of his tail-tip was, of course, not felt - but it only served to further enrage the dracolich. He suddenly jumped into the air, barely missing a blow from the wemic's blade, and he flew on magic-guided wings to a massive stalactite. There he clung, his wretched claws scraping on the stone with a chilling sound as he maneuvered to survey the battle below him. He unleashed another breath of fire, this time towards the third drow in the caverns...the ranger.


Rhaine released another shockwave of white power, again decimating the ranks of the zombies and reducing the number of their foes back to the living. She followed with a Hammer of the Gods, a honey-colored blast of pure divine energy slamming into the new wave of Red Wizards. Then, focusing her attention on the dracolich himself, she cast a Sunbeam at Valthanarax, targeting his perch with a blinding ray of ultraviolet light that temporarily illuminated the high ceiling of the cavern in the glow of daylight.

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