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Tales of Faerun


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By the time Rhaine was up, Amendale was sitting in a chair and eating some breakfast while the Grey brothers shook the neighbourhood with their snoring. He nodded in acknowledgement to Rhaine, before getting up and going to pack the last of his things. He somehow managed to rouse the Grey brothers from their death-like slumber (He did enjoy kicking Arland until he woke up, though.) and told them they were leaving soon and to pack all of their gear. With that, he went back to his own room, ignoring the groggy, expletive-laced complaints from Weyland and Arland, and packed what little he had left to pack.

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Nawen succesfully found all herbs neaded for the antidote potion. She returned to the tavern to prepare an antidoe. With the Basil leaves that Othos bought she had more than enough engriadients for several portions. Once she was done she gave the potion to Othos thinking that it would be better if he did it himself. Safer too.


The drow was now sitting at the table in the common room thinking about their upcoming trip to Myth Drannor. She knew little about it but Tannin mentioned something about elves rulling it. She wondered if elves would be frendlier to her than humans. Somehow she believed that it's not going to happen.


Shalena stood in the main deck enjoying the wind blowing her red hair. Their journey to Starmantle was taking longer than she liked but at least the weather was pleasant and even if the trip was slow, the half-elf pirate liked spending time in the sea. Shalena loved the sea.


"Would you look at this." She said out loud to no one in particular as she watched the horizon. "Isn't this beautiful?"

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Rhaine was oblivious to the little elf-like person following her. Instead, she hailed Dalindeg, who waved to her with a broad grin, beckoning her towards the shop. She grinned back and followed the dwarf inside to where her complete suit of adamantine armor awaited her, all assembled on a stand and polished to a beautiful gleam.


The Doomguide was astounded at the quality of Dalindeg's work. The dwarf explained that these particular ingots had been of finest quality, comparatively easier to work than others he had molded. The black suit of armor glimmered with a slight green sheen in the low candlelight, and each elegantly fluted plate had been edged in silver - courtesy his apprentice, Agny.


The cuirass was very similar to her old one...a pair of leaf-like plates coming up over the breasts and connecting to a solid piece that stretched from shoulder to shoulder to protect the sternum. An articulated gorget guarded the throat, buckled in the back. The cuirass was cut just under where her wings protruded, and an extra solid plate could be fastened to the top of the cut, just under the shoulder blades, to connect to the back of the gorget.


The pauldrons were layered with leaf-like plates as well, connecting to flexible bands around the upper arms and transitioning to ridged and fluted gauntlets - each finger joint protected by even smaller pieces. Plates overlapped downwards over the abdomen, the tassets like petals draped around the hips. The cuisses were fluted and ridged like the gauntlets, winged poleyns protecting the knees and ridged greaves extending into articulated sabatons over the feet. Attached to the ankles was a set of silver spurs.


Even a helmet had been fashioned, winged and open-faced like her old one, but with much longer and protective cheek and nose guards. In case Rhaine did not wish to wear her helm all the time, Agny had crafted a few circlets from leftover metal...two plain and two quite elegant.


As the Doomguide tried on the form-fitting armor, she was surprised at how comfortable it was, despite its weight. An arming doublet and breeches had been included to guard from chafing, also providing sufficient cushioning. Rhaine walked around a bit, testing her balance as she got accustomed to the difference between light mithril and heavy adamantine. Her footsteps thudded ominously on the hardwood with the weight of her now-armored Boots of Striding, a slight jangling added by her spurs. She preferred to don a circlet for now, putting the others and her helmet into her Bag of Holding. Taking out her new black Nymph Cloak, she put it on over the armor, clasping the black rose brooch and smiling at how well it matched her ensemble.


All in all, Rhaine concluded that the suit was well worth every copper, and she gladly paid the heavy price asked by the master smith. With that, she left Dalindeg's shop and began returning to the inn, eager to show her comrades the result of the dwarf's immense skill.

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Reona, Arva, Ianthe, and Alphonse chatted idly as they made sure they had everything they would need for the journey ahead. The past three days had been quite uneventful for the four young companions, and they were eager to get on the road.


Reona, now being out of dresses, had decided to begin wearing tunics and leggings rather than purchase new dresses for herself. She liked the change so much that she purchased an indigo-dyed linen shirt and tightly-fitting leather pants to wear while riding.


Ianthe had purchased something quite similar, the only difference in their attire being that she wore a white tunic cinched at the waist with a thick leather girdle. She laced up her boots, "I think I have everything."


Suddenly, something scurried by, and Ianthe realized it was her hamster. She chased him for a few seconds, before grabbing him and sticking him in an empty bag at her side.


"Now I have everything."

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Xallistine stood in astonishment as Rhaine re-entered the inn wearing her newly created suit, and what a creation it was. He had thought her previous suit of Mithral had been an incredibly beautiful piece with it's glimmering silver shine, but this dark adamantine armour suited the doomguide so much better, she stood out in her incredible attire and looked every bit the heroine she was, and every bit the Doomguide, he noted.


Walking forwards to greet her, Xallistine spoke happily. "M'lady you look... you look simply stunning as it were, black most certainly does suit you M'lady. Oh, and before I forget, I have a gift for you, I'm afraid it's not much but, I thought you needed a new belt." From the pocket of his robe Xallistine procured an immensely elegant belt, it was jet black leather, with an overlay of chainmail. What made it special however, was the buckle and it's surrounding adornments. The main flower from the Eye of Miora had been welded onto the buckle beneath it, the shattered petals having been restored, and extending outward from the buckle and across the belt, until about where it would sit above the hip, was many smaller silver roses, each with individually crafted petals, and a small diamond centrepiece.


He held it in his hands to present to Rhaine, extending them forwards "After I couldn't revive the dormant magics within the eye, it is but a priceless jewel now. I had thought to simply present you with the choker, but, you would never have got any wear out of it. The belt is slightly enchanted, offering a little resistance against magic... again I apologise for simply recycling a gift for you..."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Hexol was still following Rhaine when she entered the inn. He was completely unaware of the blacksmith's tongs sticking out of his pockets when he walked in. His eyes lit up when he saw Xallistine. He was absolutely fascinated with the mindflayer, almost as much as he was with Rhaine's wings. He peaked out from behind Rhaine to get a better look at him. "What's a mindflayer doing hre? Are you gonna eat someone's brain!? I've never seen anyone get their brain eaten....... It must feel weird, And why do you have wings?" He asked looking up at Rhaine. "If I had wings I wouldn't walk everywhere.. I'd fly, why aren't you flying? Scared of heights? I knew a dragon that was scared of heights once.... He was weird." The Kender chattered on unable to contain himself any longer.

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Othos spent the time Nawen took to make the antidote by looking over her shoulder, trying in some degree to absorb some of her medical skill, but to no avail. After she finished and gave him the antidote he took it up and offered her a large smile and his most sincerest thanks. He hurried to Kowolj who was still in a comatose state and grabbed him by the jaw, turning his head, opening his mouth, and pouring the antidote down his throat.


The antidote kicked in within moments, and Kowolj quickly laid up out of the bed and looked around wildly until his eyes settled upon the dead pig laying half way out of the window.


"Ohhh, thank the spirits! I kept trying to wake up, and I thought someone was going to steal my food. What happened Othos?"


Othos shook his head and chuckled slightly before answering, "You don't even know what you did last night? Well neither do I, so I couldn't tell you... Just try to tone it down, alright?"


Kowolj was already moving across the room to the pig while Othos spoke to him, and filled his mouth with raw pig flesh before answering with blood dribbling down his mouth, "Mmmm... H-yeah, toned down. Already done! This is sooo good..."




Three days later Othos was sitting in the inn doing pretty much nothing when Rhaine arrived with her brand new armor, which reminded Othos of his blade. He immediately become greatly excited, and got up to go get his sword.


"It seems our friend was just as good as we thought he was. Your armor is absolutely exquisite; I can only hope my sword is of a similar quality."


With that he left to the blacksmith to retrieve his sword.


Kowolj had spent the last three days doing the opposite of what Othos had told him, and each night was full of more hedonism and debauchery than the last. By the third day he was a complete wreck, and would've been unable to stand had it not been for the fact he had four legs to balance on. He greatly resembled a monster that any mother might warn their children about, his fur caked with blood and his mind obviously in the throes of a drunken stupor. He was still drinking when Rhaine arrived, and what caught his attention was not her new armor but the small person hidden behind her. At first he thought he might be seeing things, but when it began speaking and the others acknowledged him Kowolj knew that this was no hallucination. It resembled a child somewhat, but no child would be here. Perhaps Rhaine had brought him something for his good behavior! The young ones were known to be quite tender.


"Mistressh, that for me?" He asked with a cocked head and a large smile bearing his large teeth, "You know Kowolj so well! I've alwaysh wanted one of me own."


He kneeled down on his front legs to address the little man, "Hey there lil' fellah, don't be scared! I won't hurt you (much he thought his neck looks pretty flimsy). Come here to uncle, I got something shiny for you..."


He held out his hand with five gold coins in it with his retractable claws sticking out in anticipation.


Meanwhile, Othos arrived at the blacksmith and entered while calling out for Dalindeg. The dwarf appeared with the sword in his hand, though it wasn't exactly the katana Othos had expected.


"Like I said boy, my skill in making eastern weapons is a bit lacking, so I made you the best damn sword I could. I even folded the metal some, though not to the degree that them eastern masters might," The dwarf had a large smile on his face showing his pride in the sword he had made. Othos found his smile to be infectious as one appeared on his face as the dwarf handed the sword to him carefully to be inspected.


The black blade had a distinctly green sheen to it, identifying it as adamantine. It lacked the curve of a normal katana, being a straight single edged blade, and was about an inch or so thicker. However, the strength of the blade was evident as Othos held it, and the sharp edge was clear as soon as he ran his finger across it softly, almost immediately drawing blood. In addition it had no guard and the handle was quite simple (a simple leather wrapping), but the quality of the blade was so great that Othos fell in love that instant. It reminded him of his previous blade, being as simple as it was, but it was of course of a far greater caliber. The sheath was a simple leather sheath with fur inside, likely to clean the blade when it is put away.


"Gods... I have no words to express my gratitude... Just... Thank you, so much!"


"No need to thank me boy, I was only do as was asked of me," though the look on the dwarfs face said otherwise, as he was certainly grateful that his fine work was so appreciated, "Now before we speak about payment, there is the matter of your leftover adamantine to talk about..."


"Keep it, I don't need the rest," as he spoke Othos took out a large bag filled with gold and handed it to the dwarf, "Here, this is your payment. And thank you again."


With that he left to return to the inn.

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Rhaine was speechless, "I...thank you, Xallistine. It is beautiful. And to know that something good can come of something so evil...I shall wear it with pride, my friend."


She immediately put on the extraordinary belt, buckling it just above Touch of Death's scabbard.


Before the Doomguide could say anything else, a strange little elf child began jabbering away at her and Xallistine. Her brow furrowed...at least, he looked like an elf child. Sort of. If an elf child could grow old before its time. She was about to answer the tiny fellow when Kowolj made towards him as if to eat him, obviously drunk and caked in blood...of what, she didn't know for certain.


"Kowolj!" she snapped, stepping between the elf-child and the wemic, "Cease this at once! You will not touch him!"


At that moment, Othos came back with his new katana in hand. Rhaine whirled towards him, "Othos! Control your beast friend before I control him myself! This is ridiculous. If he cannot rein in his bloodlust, then he cannot continue to travel in our company."




"Not as beautiful as me, of course," Lyria grinned as she leaned against the side railing of the ship. Casually tossing a coin into the water behind her, she added, "Sorry, Umberlee."

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Weyland had to laugh at the child's eagerness, as did Amendale, while Arland felt annoyed.


"Curious little fella, isn't he?" Weyland commented.


"...Getting on my nerves." Was all Arland had to say.


"Let's hope Kowolj doesn't try and- oh, dammit." Weyland stood up. "Don't even think about it. He's not a snack, so and and so forth. Don't feeling like prying him from your mouth."


"Step away." Amendale ordered, preparing a spell.


"Ease up, Rhaine's got this." Arland interjected.


"Pretty angry, too." Weyland couldn't resist grinning a bit. "Seriously though, kitty-boy, let's not go for the babyback ribs." Ironically, he'd used the same term, meaning the same thing, as Sana had at one point, though neither of them knew it.



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Hexol looked up back and forth between Kowolj and Rhaine. "Uhhh was he trying to do something baaad? I don't get it." He suddenly took notice of Kowolj's claws. "Ooooh.. Those look sharp. Have you ever cut yourself with them? I bet that would hurt. I've never cut myself with my fingers before but then, I don't have claws, Say! What are you anyways?" He then looked up to Rhaine with his head cocked to the side. "Where am I? I should have asked that before but I forgot. Too many new things around." He said happily.

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