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Tales of Faerun


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The mention of adventure and new enemies to conquer caused Kowolj to slip out of his fearful state and become invigorated in a manner akin to his barbarian rage, though not actually directed at anyone.


He took in a deep breath before shouting rather loudly, "ADVENTURE!!!" Causing more than a few heads at the docks to glance over with mixed expressions of fear and confusion. He strode past the two women and on to the boat in a manner reminiscent of a child who just realized that getting in the car will allow them to go get ice cream.




"Cursed Castle... of course. I'll see you two out, and let all the grunts know of your place among us after. If you would follow me..."


Haxxon left the slave pens in the same manner they entered, kicking those who came to close. Once again they moved through the winding corridors for several minutes before coming to the the large gated entrance.


"You know, standing here makes me realize just how much I miss getting my hands bloody. I'd like to see this Cursed Castle, you aren't the only one who likes to kill," he looked at Sefris for the last part. He looked around and saw a nearby orc watching them and called him over. "Get the word out that I'll be joining these two for a bit. I'll be back."



"But WHAT?! You would tell ME what's what?! Get out of here!"

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At both Hexol and Kowolj, Rhaine merely sighed, shaking her head. As the rest of the group got on board, the captain bellowed, "Hoist the sails, ye lazy gits! We've a shipment to deliver...all hands on deck and man the ropes...raise that anchor! Move it!"


The Doomguide turned around and leaned against the railing, crossing her arms. As the crew scampered around the deck, the ship lurched a bit and began to move, the wind catching in the sails and propelling Umberlee's Wave forward. The ship was slow at first, but then quickly gained speed, rising and falling with the water in gentle rocking motions. A ship of this size wouldn't pitch violently unless a terrible storm struck...which was fortunate for many of the more weaker-stomached members of the party.


Conall watched as the port began to get smaller and smaller, the mists above the water soon enveloping the town and obscuring it from view. He breathed in deeply, the fresh salt air serving to keep him alert. Fenrir lay at his side, tail thrashing against his master's foot. All seemed to be well so far.


Suddenly, Rhaine winced as she felt a shivering sensation run down her spine...a feeling she had gotten a long time ago when visiting an Illefarn ruin - not exactly the taint of evil undead...but something similar. It was like a willingly trapped soul, but an undead being nonetheless. Unfortunately, she could not pinpoint the source; there were too many aboard the vessel. Perhaps they had crossed over a portion of water where people had drowned before...




"Ugh," Lyria held a hand to her head, "Why do I always do that? Every time I get drunk, I tell myself I'm not going to do it again..."


The tiefling gave Shalena a lopsided grin, "So what's the order of the day, Cap'n?"




A vampire.


That's what she was. A bloodsucking vampire.


Ginafae...or rather, Quarylene, as her goddess insisted her name be changed...had sat on the floor of the cave, motionless, for what seemed like hours. Nothing besides the rat had disturbed the place. Perhaps they sensed her power. And power, indeed, was what she had. The senses of sight and hearing, both already formidable as a drow, were now enhanced even further. She could detect every tiny echo in the place, see every nook and cranny. And she could smell the sweet scent of blood...of beings far and near...always.




It tantalized her...drove her to get up and hunt...to move and seek out the nearest living thing and drain it dry.


She was a monster...a thing she had been trained to kill in her old life. A thing her goddess now wanted her to be. She had kept all her memories, retained all of her former emotions...all to compound the punishment. For even though Ginafae had finally dragged the last member of the blasphemous House of Torana to her grave, she had taken too long to do it.


And she had lost her own life in the process.


She was a failure. The Spider Queen detested failure...and in her cruelty, she had seen fit to return Ginafae to the mortal world as a servant of her own "creation"...to cause terror and destruction on primal instinct alone.


Quarylene Barrimtor..."eternal handmaiden of the Abyss," in the tongue of the drow. It was a clear sign of Lolth's utter dominance over Ginafae...over the proud and haughty Ginafae who thought herself above the rebuke of her goddess.


The drow's mouth split into a fanged grin.


Even in this, however, she still had the power of choice. Even in this, unless Lolth placed a geas on her, "Quarylene" did not have to serve the Spider Queen any longer. If she sought a haven in the shadow of another of the Dark Seldarine, she would be untouchable.


Standing with a graceful sway, Quarylene began walking down a corridor, no longer self-consciously covering her naked form. There was an expression of seduction on her face, and her heart was filled with vengeance.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Hexol's wide eyed gaze was focused up on Seraphine. "I'm not an elf." He corrected her. "I'm a Kender!" He happily stated before walking away, appearing to only have heard her call him a little elf, or it was possibly the only thing he understood.


Standing nearby Tannin's sigh could be easily heard. "We could throw him overboard and no one would miss him." He muttered dangerously. "Be doing everyone's mental state a favor.

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As the ship started moving Nawen found a corner where she could sit without getting in the way. The drow focused all of her attention to the wolf pup sleeping in her arms. Hopefully with her mind preoccupied she won't mind the constant rocking of a ship.


Shalena chuckled. She knew the feeling all too well but unlike Lyria, she stopped a long time ago.


"My men were feeling a bit anxious." The pirate said as she walked over to the small window and opened it to let some fresh sea air in. "We're going to raid some ships."

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Umberlee's Wave cut through the waters like a hot knife through butter. The weather was beautiful and the wind strong, and it seemed they would make it to Impiltur faster than anticipated. Rhaine allowed herself to let her guard down a bit, closing her eyes and listening to the sounds of the sea and crew. Conall leaned on the railing nearby, blue eyes fastened on the waves below and reflecting the glittering waters. Fenrir had fallen asleep at the paladin's feet, the wolf's white tail curled around his nose.




Lyria's pointy teeth flashed in the light, "Ah...time for a raid, eh? I'm always game, so long as they have plenty of gold on board."

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"It is beautiful isn't it? I never thought I'd see the waters of the surface... so different from my home." Xallistine remarked in awe as he gazed into the light blue of the sea, it's soft waves enthralling him. "Your world is so much more beautiful than mine, and alas I cannot see it in the glory it was meant to be seen, the Illithid spectrum is rather dilute... yet still it's colours are so much brighter, far more alive. You know, I think I'll stay above ground for a while after all." He chuckled slightly as he stood tall next to Rhaine, simply enjoying her presence.


"You hold a great many things in those eyes, Conall Whitefang. You seem troubled, burdened even. Tell me, if nothing else, does your cause make you this way, as mine does? Or is it just your feelings about this voyage?" Seraphine spoke softly as she stood to stand next to the noble werewolf, gazing at his face sidelong at the corner of his brilliant eyes.




"I would have skinned him for less, you are merciful Hakkon." Ravenna teased with a sly grin as they made their way through the complex.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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After leaving the captain's cabin, Shalena spent hours and hours watching the horizon for any kind of ship to raid but they saw no ships. She could see her crew getting restless and Shalena herself was looking forward for some raiding, especially after chasing Merick for weeks. She was about to give and change the course to the Pirate Isles but then she saw a ship. It was a cargo vessel and in her pirating experience, ships as large as the one she saw always had valuable cargo.


"Lower that ridiculous flag!" She ordered her men to lower the pirate flag. Shalena always liked to surprise her opponents and the pirate flag was always the first thing that gave them away.


Luckily for them the day was windy and the Sea's Compass caught up to Umberlee's Wave quickly. As much as Shalena hated her husband she had to admit that he had a good eye for ships. Sea's Compass was a fast ship.


She lined her men good at ranged combat to shot bolts and arrows at everyone in the cargo vessel. Shalena climbed onto the railing and with several other pirates held onto the ropes and jumped into the vessel once their ship was close enough to successfully make the jump. As the fighting started, the half-elf captain noticed that they also had passengers. Well armed passengers.


Nawen was still watching the little wolf pup when a man with a bolt sticking out of his back fell right in front of her feet which was soon followed by someone screaming: "Pirates! We're under attack!"


She placed Rhegar onto some crates that were stashed between the stairs and the wall and drew her blade.

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"Ivan, I'm going to go introduce myself to their leader, and hopefully join her group, so keep quiet and don't move. I don't want her asking questions about "something moving in my sack" - said the elf with a confident tone and strolled over to Rhaine.




As he approached the Doomguide, he raised his right arm, about to make a greeting gesture.


"Greetings. My name is Kyran and I..." said the elf and gets interrupted by a crossbow bolt nearly missing him and hitting the wooden floor next to him."...I will introduce myself at a more appropriate time. I do believe we're under attack."


Kyran was about to start hurling fireballs at the pirates, but he decided not to, as it bears the risk of setting Umberlee's Wave on fire as well; he drew his short sword and stepped back to give the actual melee fighters some space.


"Hey, I hear a fight out there! Lemmie out!" - shouted Ivan. Hopefully nobody heard him due to all the noise around.


"I think my fellow passengers will be fine on their own. Besides, in the heat of battle, they will assume you're the enemy. Can't let that happen." - replied Kyran.

Edited by spyro1201
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Conall was just about to answer Seraphine when a bolt whizzed past his head uncomfortably close. He reflexively drew his crossbow from his back, and Fenrir jumped to his feet, hackles raised, "On your guard!"


Rhaine had already drawn Touch of Death, infuriated that pirates would dare attack their vessel. The opposing ship was close enough for her to read the name: Sea's Compass.


"It's the Sea's Compass! We're doomed!" one crew member screamed as he jumped overboard, obviously fearing the enemy more than drowning in the sea.


Not if I have my way, Rhaine thought, fastening her eyes on what appeared to be the leader of the group....a female, red-haired half-elf like herself. Perhaps it was what the Doomguide would have looked like had she taken to a more shady lifestyle.


Rhaine snarled, realizing that spells would do no good here. It was too cramped of a space and too likely she would damage Umberlee's Wave. She would have to engage in melee. Deciding to target the pirate captain, she charged for the flame-haired woman.


Conall loosed a bolt at a tiefling who skipped and hopped over every obstacle, easily batting the projectile out of the way with her sickles and bearing upon the paladin. Lyria then shrieked as Fenrir suddenly jumped up and latched his jaws around her throat, knocking her to the deck of Umberlee's Wave.

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"Ugh can we not have a moments peace?" Xallistine remarked with a sigh as he burnt a bolt with a wave of his hand before it could pierce his skin, crumbling to dust it fell over his robes. He should have been grateful for the small measure of it they had been given up until now, it was more than the group was normally used to.


Gazing over the situation he deduced that using magic wasn't a very viable option... which was of course not the best of situations for the Ulitharid to be in- While not defenceless without his spells, he was by no means perfectly protected either, which meant he would have to maintain a rather removed approach.


Sighing with boredom as a pirate swooped down before him, letting go of the rope he held to draw his sword and charge for the Ulitharid recklessly. That was of course the last mistake of the pirates life, as Xallistines two largest tentacles hoisted the man off his feet and crushed him as a python would it's prey, only the bones were broken far quicker and the man dead in a lot less time than had he have been the prey of a serpent. The body dropped limp the ground and the Ulitharid chuckled.


Perhaps he wasn't so useless without his spells afterall.


Seraphine quickly sprung into action as the fighting started, brandishing her fists she quickly dispatched of a pirate by wrestling him the the ground and snapping his neck, proceeding to battle her foes with her martial prowess considering spells of burning sunlight weren't a particularly viable option considering the nature of the battle.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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