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Tales of Faerun


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Using his sword, Kyran parried the oncoming attack of a pirate who was charging at the elf. Kyran then pushed the other man's blade to the left and made a quick slash with a right swing, cutting the pirate's throat.


"You let yourself get killed by someone who barely uses a sword? You should be ashmed." - said Kyran as he looked around him to see if anyone else was attacking him. He then saw the pirate leader holding her sword up against the neck of a man, donning silver plate armor, followed by said pirate's 'request' for surrender. Much to the elf's suprise, the Doomguide ordered everyone to surrender. Reluctantly, the eladrin did just that, but not before wipping the fresh blood on his sword on the soles of his shoes. "I hope The Chosen knows what shes doing..."

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Not wanting to give up the fight Azuris kept his crossbow trained on the pirate leader. Several seconds after Rhaine ordered everyone to drop their weapons he did so with a growl, ready to charge the pirate at the first opportunity.



Surrounded by pirates and filled with arrows and bolts, Tannin's options were pretty slim. He was pretty sure that without medical help he would probably be dead in the next few minutes too considering the number of bolts that had pierced his chest.

"Alright." He wheezed. "We'll call it a draw." He said with a pained smirk. He may have been dying but that didn't mean he had to take the situation seriously.



And as always Hexol looked on with wide eyed joy. "I've never been taken prisoner before!"

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Rhaine rounded everyone together, making sure that the group kept their weapons to themselves as they followed Shalena across the gangplanks to the Sea's Compass. Conall wordlessly allowed himself to be guided by the half-elf's hands, though it was obvious he did not like the situation one bit. Fenrir, showing an astonishing amount of strength for his injury, wobbled as he followed his master.


As they moved, the wheels were turning inside Rhaine's head. She could kiss Hexol for reminding her of the superstitious nature of sailors...and she had one weapon to use against them that had a great chance of turning the tables on the pirate captain.


The Doomguide was the last of the party to board the pirate vessel. Noticing Tannin's condition, she quickly took the half-drow in her arms and lay him on the deck. Then, concentrating on a powerful Heal spell, she channeled a pale blue energy into him. The bolts that had peppered his chest eased out and fell away as he healed from the inside. Satisfied that Tannin would live, she stood and turned around abruptly, as if she had just remembered something.


"Oh my," she said, "Where are my manners? I have yet to introduce myself."


Now was the perfect time to spring the trap...when Xallistine, Seraphine, Ane, and the rest of her companions were in striking distance of every single pirate on the ship.


She half-bowed with a wry smile on her face, "I am Rhaine Alcinea, Chosen of Kelemvor."


Straightening, she made eye contact with the pirates nearest their leader, "And I am sure that my lordship would be very displeased to learn of your obstruction of the duties of his servant. Isn't that right...captain?"


Not waiting for an answer, she added, "It might warrant a curse....or worse...wouldn't you agree?"

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After he was healed Tannin looked down at the holes and blood on his shirt. "Well crap." He said in a disappointed tone. What it was he was disappointed about was anybody's guess.

In it's scorpion like form BlackRazor scuttled over to him and a mouth started to form on the hilt. "GET UP!!" The Blade screeched in a metallic voice. "They still staand, I still hungeeerrr!! You will feed me boy. YOU WILL FEED ME TRAVELER!! I've waited too long to taste the souls that you so happily brought to meee, and I will wait no longeerr!! Now get uup I command you to rise and KIIIIILL!!"

"In a minute!" Tannin yelled in annoyance. "You're worse than a needy woman sometimes."


Hexol stared, transfixed on the blade. His mouth hung open. "Never heard a sword say anything like THAT before."


Azuris meanwhile felt very ill. The pure evil feeling that the blade was giving off was unlike anything he had encountered before. Before he just felt uneasy around it, but when it spoke was another matter entirely.

The fact that the sword was talking didn't surprise Hexol made Azuris do a double take.

"You've heard swords talk before?" He dared to ask despite the tension, hoping the distraction would keep him from showing any sort of discomfort so close to their enemies.

"Oh yeah! Bunches! They're usually nicer though.... Or they sing." Hexol said with his head cocked to the side, staring intently at the blade.

Edited by josh900
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Shalena frowned as she heard Rhaine introducing herself. She knew all too well what the Doomguide was doing. "My, my, aren't you special?" She replied sourly. Some pirates were busy preparing to burn Umberlee's Wave now, that everything the pirates deemed worth taking were in their ship.


Shalena was not careful or superstitious and so she didn't care about anything that the winged elf said, however, her crew were superstitious and she felt their worried looks and the rising tension. "Kelemvor will send us to the Nine Hells, he will!" One pirate exclaimed. "It is a bad omen to take a Chosen as a captive!" The other added. Few moments later almost every pirate brave enough to express their concerns were shouting or simply whispering amongst each other. Some kept going on about how Lord of the Dead will punish them for disrupting his Chosen in her duties, some were scared of the Ulitharid and a Wemic as they have never seen anything like them before and all of them were nagging the captain to reconsider her plans.


Trying to look calm as she possibly could, Shalena turned to her side to ask Lyria's opinion, only to see that she wasn't there. She was already made aware that her friend died of the injury that the wolf caused. She wanted to kill Fenrir and the little wolf but after some arguing with the healer of the ship, old man who looked just as much out of place as the Doomguide and her friends, convinced her not to spill any more blood. "Keep these flea bitten beasts out of my sight." She said to both Conall and Nawen in a tone which meant that it is for the best not to argue with her.


The pirate then turned her attention back to Rhaine and... smiled. "Consider yourselves lucky." She said. "There are empty cabins down below if you wish to rest, if not I'd like to hear where were you heading so I could drop you off somewhere." She said as she watched the last of her crew returning from Umberlee's Wave with the remaining supplies. She snatched one bottle only to see that it was the same rum they drank when Lyria appeared unannounced at the docks. The pirate smiled sadly and looked back at her guests.


"You may walk around the ship freely, just don't take anything. Chosen or not I will cut your hands off if I catch you stealing." She said and looked at Hexol. "You will hear plenty of singing tonight, little one." The pirate added. Even if this was one of the worst raiding in their raiding history, the pirates still found many things worth taking and thus it was still successful for them.


Nawen was surprised how quickly everything changed. At first she was afraid for their lives but now they ended up being almost like guests on the pirate ship. Then again Nawen knew nothing about pirates and their ways.

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Rhaine was relieved, though she did not show it. She mentally thanked Kelemvor while offering verbal gratitude to the captain.


"Many thanks, Shalena Windsail. As much as some of us love the freedom of the open seas, we do have a destination to get to. Lyrabar, Impiltur. We are going to combat a dracolich whom we've heard has laired in the region," she paused, glancing over the pirate crew, "A dracolich who most certainly has a king's hoard of treasure."


The Doomguide smiled, "Perhaps coming along with us would be of interest to you? I am certain that our humble cargo ship was not exactly what you were looking for...and providing me aid could get you back into my lord's good graces."

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Xallistine stayed his hand as Rhaine issued the command to cease all attack, lowing both his arms and his tentacles he moved to stand behind the Doomguide glaring at the pirates with his pupi-less gaze, watching as they shivered he quite enjoyed the fear he was was inflicting... but he wouldn't relish too much in such feelings, the temptation for darkness aboard this vessel was already strong enough, if the screaming blade of Tannin was not enough to make his mind twitch for the rush of destroying another, he felt a strange aura of something in one of the people on either vessel, but they were hiding their true nature and he couldn't quite fathom it.




Seraphine scowled as she watched Tannin weild his unholy blade, her blood freezing as she heard it's chilling scream for blood... what in the name of Tyr was that monstrosity? It was.... no it couldn't be. Was it a sentient blade that hungered for blood? If so then Tannin was in danger... perhaps even, the blade was controlling him? She had always felt something off about the Half Drow, perhaps it was the latter, namesake fraction of his blood, but there was always that subtle look of madness in his eyes, that steely calm that those who had taken life possessed on the battlefield... and not in the way of one who had killed in self defence, either.


To make matters worse Rhaine was actually consorting with these pirates... she was making a deal with them! Still, she was at the mercy of this woman until she found her son and crushed the life from him, and that meant abiding by the ways of the Doomguide. Although blinded by devotion, Seraphine could see that this was the right course to follow (after a few moments of clenching her fists), without dealing with these brigands, the group would surely die out in the sea.


Hopefully when they reached another lair of the Dracolich these pirates would be it's meal first...



Once they had exited the gates Ravenna spoke in a bored tone, following a large and forced sigh "There isn't a chance that you will be fitting in the carriage with myself and Sefris, so It will be either a long walk, a painful run, or a pleasant ride upon whatever mount does not break beneath your bulk... Do try to be on time for when we lower the drawbridge, if anything comes swooping I do have need for a rather large green shield." She waved her clawed and and stepped into the black carriage, taking a seat at her throne and resting her hand upon her wrist.

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"Get back into..?" Shalena started but her voice disappeared in the sea of enthusiastic shouting coming from the pirates. "King's hoard of treasure!" The men exclaimed. Some even started dancing. The half-elf pirate shook her head as she watched her crew. "Bloody idiots." She thought before turning back to Rhaine. The treasure part sounded nice but something was off with this suggestion. It was most likely that she wanted to use her and her crew as meat shields but then again dragons, alive or not are known for huge treasure hoards.


"Very well. We will join you in your quest." Shalena said quite reluctantly. Leaving with this bunch meant leaving her ship, unguarded and easy for taking. She loved the Sea's Compass more than anything else and the thought of leaving it was concerning.


She told their new course to the helmsman. "We're going to dock in Dilpur." The pirate said after trying to remember which cities with docking areas no longer welcomed her. "Now, are you going introduce your friends or are they going to do so themselves?" She added.

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Getting up to his feet Tannin pressed his foot down onto Blackrazor to keep it from leaping at anyone nearby. "Well if we're joining forces then you people owe me a shirt. I'm finding my supply of them running lower and lower everyday it seems." He reached down and grabbed hold of his blade and it shifted back into the shape of a curved dagger. He spun on his heels towards Shalena and bowed dramatically towards her. "A pleasure to meet you miss, I would apologize for killing some of your men but... I think it's safe to say their friends already got their revenge, wouldn't you?" He said motioning at his now ruined shirt. "And not that you really want to know, But I'm Tannin, and thank you for proving me right." He said before flashing a look at Azuris.



Hexol meanwhile had approached Shalena and extended his hand out to her as if to shake hers. "I'm Hexol Wanderfoot, nice to meet ya!" He said happily.



Azuris stayed silent, carefully watching the pirates for any hostile actions.

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Rhaine proceeded to introduce the rest of her group, since some insisted on remaining silent. She noticed there was an additional elf amongst them, but she did not mention him as she had not yet learned his name. After everyone was properly acquainted, the Doomguide finished, "And that is all of us. A motley crew to be certain, but no more so than your own, eh, captain?"


Conall had scooped Fenrir into his arms and now held the fluffy white wolf to his chest, trying to comfort him. The tiefling's sickle had stabbed straight through his abdomen, and though he would no longer bleed to death, he was still in great pain.


A sudden strong and steady wind billowed in the sails, and Rhaine glanced over her shoulder to see tall, dark clouds gathering on the eastern horizon. Of course...their good weather was just the prelude to a full-blown tempest, the breeze pushing the storms towards them. Returning her attention to Shalena, she added, "Might want to hurry. That doesn't look friendly."


With that, she turned away and began heading towards the hatch to the lower deck, passing Tannin. She allowed her eyes to pause on him for several moments, letting him know that Blackrazor's haunting screeching had not escaped her notice.




Quarylene brushed her hands and wiped the blood from her mouth, surveying her handiwork.


The entire slaving party of twelve drow was dead...ten males and two females. All of them were pathetically easy to kill; they never saw her coming. The vampiress slew them with relish and drained them of their lifeblood afterwards, finally feeling fully refreshed and revitalized. Then, she took everything that appealed to her, stripping one of the slavers of her armor and donning it for herself.


The slaver had been a bit slighter of build than she, and so the suit fit Quarylene a bit tightly. It consisted of a bodice and breeches of supple black leather, reinforced with belts, straps, and silver buckles. Heeled boots, elbow-length leather gloves, and a long, dark violet cloak came from the other female. From the males she took two mithral throwing knives and a pair of curved, darksteel daggers.


It wasn't exactly to suit her tastes, but it would do.


Suddenly, she recalled the lavish attire of one she had seen shortly before she died. What was that devil woman's name again?


Oh right. Ravenna.


Quarylene was struck with the urge to find her...for who would be able to spite the Queen of the Demonweb Pits more than the Queen Consort of the Devils?

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