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Tales of Faerun


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Seraphine lent her aid to the pulling of the rope to try and get the others who had fallen overboard back onto the ship now the attack of the merfolk had been cut down a little, some had fled and many were now dead, it seemed that with shore so close, the gods were showing their favour once again.


Xallistine nodded to William and was impressed at his quick work of the mermaid, a quick severing of her brain was certainly a quicker way of dispatching a foe than what the Ulitharid had done... But his meaning behind it had worked, and terror had been instilled into the remaining attack force, whom either had fled or continued fighting to their doom.




Ravenna smirked, stepping down from the pedestal her heavy garment dragged along behind her, pulled on by the infernal strength of the Queen. "Indeed my dear I do believe so, although with what exactly I am unsure, although it will no doubt be of a nature complimenting your own abilities." She walked up and down the mannequins searching to find something particularly striking to mingle with the darkness of her gown.

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Kyran was quite deep under the water when the mesmorising song of the merfolk lost it's grasp upon him. He found himself dangerously low on breath as he struggled to grab the rope that had been thrown in the water to rescue him. Out of the corner of his eye, Kyran saw Ianthe swimming towards him.


Unfortunately Kyran used up all the air in his lungs before Ianthe even came close. His view slowly faded to black and the elf lost consciousness. His last thoguht was his hope that the nymph would get to him in time...

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Reona wasn't worried about Ianthe as she watched the waves; however, she was quite concerned for Kyran. How long had it been since he'd taken a breath?

Meanwhile, Ianthe swam with all her might toward Kyran and grasped at his hand before pulling his body against hers. She held him tightly against herself with both arms while kicking her feet to propel herself toward the surface. She was quite tired by the time she finally breached the surface of the water, and took a deep breath as if her body needed the salty air.

As Alphonse was pulled to the deck of the ship, Reona herself untied him before slapping him in the face to snap him out of it.

The lanky boy then looked around at the women surrounding him and muttered, "Sirens?"

Reona nodded and helped him up, "You should get out of this rain, you'll catch your death out here." She was in no hurry, it seemed, even with the chaos around her. She tossed the rope back overboard and prepared herself to help heave Ianthe and Kyran up the side of the ship.

Alphonse grabbed a piece of the rope defiantly, after accepting a handful of wax and shoving it into his ears. "I've got to help."

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Now that the threat of the sirens seemed to be over, Rhaine could focus on healing anyone who was injured. She sheathed her blade and first made her way over to Alphonse, seeing as he was the first to dive over the side, "Are you hurt? Do you need healing? Reona's right, you should head inside..."


Conall put his crossbow away and jogged over to where the women were hauling the rest of those who had gone overboard, throwing his own weight behind the rope to help them up faster. Through the blowing rain, he could see the distant lights of their port. They would arrive soon.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Kyran was still unconscious as he and his saviour were being pulled up on the ship. His lungs were quite full of saltwater. He was alive, but only for now.


"That doofus' been gone for a while now. Where the hell is he?! I am SO going to kill him in his sleep..." - Ivan said to himself while hearing the commotion outside.

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The rope was incredibly hard to keep a grip upon in the intense torrent of rain that was pelting upon those that helped, but Seraphine was resolute, if she could not succeed in pulling up her companions, then she was doomed to fail any other activity. Looking back to nod at Conall as he joined the game, tug of war that really did hold the balance of life and death. "Put your back into it Sir Conall... and we might just do this." She said with a heave, the combined strength of all those he pulled proved to be enough, and their wayward companions were pulled up on deck.


Releasing the rope once everyone was aboard the ship, Seraphine knelt down by the mysterious elf, Kyran. He was close to death and was by far in worse condition than the others.


He wasn't breathing.


"Tyrs blood." Seraphine remarked worridely, grasping the jaw of the elven man she forced his mouth open, and placed her own over the opening, drawing in a large breath and releasing it, she hoped to get him breathing, holding his nose all the while.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Nawen sighed in relief and dropped the rope on the floor now that everyone were safely back in the ship and with the merfolk chased away they won't have to worry about anyone else falling into their deaths. At least she hoped not. One thing she was sure of, the next time they'll have to travel by boat she'll take the long road and travel by land.


Shalena sat on the floor with her back against the railing. They were close to their destination, Dilpur.


She sat there for a moment before getting back up and walking over to the helmsman. "Not long now." She thought as she gazed at the horizon.

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Kyran's chest and head jerked as he coughed out seawater and grasped a breath of air. He slowly sat up, his head pounding.With his barely open eyes he looked around to see his new companions, including Seraphine, who had saved his life. He flashed a very weak, but noticable smile.


"Thanks guys...I.... I think I need a nap now..." - he said, still smiling, with a tone and a look on his face that would otherwise be mistaken for that of someone who's been drinking heavily. He then slowly fainted from exaustion.

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Alphonse shook his head, "No, I don't seem to need any healing. I guess my legs were straight when I hit the water, huh?" He laughed a bit, and headed inside after he saw that Kyran was fine.

He was met with Arva, whose hands were still over his ears. He yelled out, "Is it over?"

Alphonse nodded and smiled. It seemed he was in a good mood after being saved from... whatever happened to people who were captured by sirens.

Reona and William walked inside, William going straight to his writing and the young elf girl making her way to Alphonse and Arva.

Ianthe stood on deck and smiled, sweeping her soaked hair off her forehead with an arm. "I got to swim in the ocean! I'd stay in the water forever if I could," she announced to everyone with a dreamy sigh.

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Azuris let out a sigh and rested against the ship's rails. Unlike most of the other men he had managed to regain control over himself from the spell of the sirens song for some reason. He wondered if it had something to do with the tune that Tannin had begun to sing as the Sirens came near. The song itself was now cursedly stuck in his head and wouldn't stop. Not helping the matter was the fact that Tannin had begun to sing it over again.


"Cause her hair was green as seaweed,

Her skin was blue and pail,

Her face it was like a work of art

I loved that girl with all my heart

But I only liked the upper part

I did not like the tai-."


"Tannin it's over! You can stop singing." Azuris yelled, causing Tannin to stop mid-word.

"Well that's a rude way to thank someone for keeping you sane." Tannin said in a hurt tone.

"You'll get over it." Azuris said irritably as he got up to his feet to go check on the others.

"Oh I already have." Tannin said with a smile as he turned on his heel and went back to the cabin, all the while he whistled the rest of the song. As he did Azuris couldn't help but wonder how Tannin had remained completely unfazed by the song, but decided that it was probably just another mystery about the half breed that he'd rather not know the answer to.



Hexol looked up at lanthe in amazement. "Was it fun? I've never swam in the ocean before, Is it really salty down there? Is that why it's called salt water? Did you see any big fish down there!? I've seen big fishes before but only in lakes, and there are a lot of fishes that look big to me, but small to tall people, so were there any that looked big to you? Cause those would have to be huuuuuge!"



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