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Tales of Faerun


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"Did someone say magic show?" Xallistine queried as he strolled into the stable, his back perfectly straight and his hands behind his back, looking at his steed he used his psionic abilities in order to tack it up, grasping the reins as he carefully stepped into the stirrup and mounting his steed. "I'm quite certain I can show those would-be magicians a thing or two- In my disguise of course, we wouldn't want anyone screaming." The ulitharid chuckled slightly, quite looking forward to the event now it had grown upon him.




"Did someone say singing contest?" The bedraggled figure of Aurora queried as she traipsed into the stables, her back slouched and her arms madly flailing around in an attempt to return her hair to a manageable state. "I think I could show those would-be bards a thing or two!" Forgetting her manners the hungover, copper haired bard walked over to Rhaine. "I'm Aurora, a pleasure to meet you, would you mind at all if I tagged along?"

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"Did someone mention a chance to impersonate a judge and increase our chances of winning?" Tannin said as he leisurely strolled up to the group. His night of drinking and partying seeming to have had little effect on him the following morning. "Or if you'd prefer the direct approach... We could always steal it all." He said casually, this resulted in him getting kicked in the back of the knee by Hexol.

"Stealing is wrong! Thieves are the worst kinds of people!" He said angrily. Though his overstuffed pockets gave his statement a rather large sense of irony.



Eventually Azuris joined the others out in the stable, His faithful stead Bob, was not being particularly faithful at the moment and paid him little mind. "Odd there not being a melee event. That's the second biggest pull for these sorta things, nothing like having two fully armored people whack each other around with swords to make the masses happy."

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Conall smiled reassuringly at Nawen, "They'd have to get through all of us to do anything to you. If you want to compete, compete. If they have no lawful charges against you, they cannot prevent you from participating."


"Xallistine, on the other hand," Rhaine added, "Is going to be a bit more difficult. A single drow amidst all these surfacers may not be seen as that much of a threat...but an Ulitharid...? A disguise will indeed have to be employed, and one that cannot be dispelled."


The Doomguide was surprised no one ran away screaming upon seeing him the night before, but she suspected it was because almost everyone was falling-down drunk. Speaking of drunks, she was greeted by the rather hung-over face of the tavern's bard. Rhaine glanced at the others and shrugged, "I see no harm in you joining us if you wish."


At Tannin's remarks, Rhaine found herself agreeing with Hexol, "Indeed. There is to be no stealing of anything while we are there. And no impersonating judges, either. If we do win, I want it to be fairly and with honor."


She sighed and added, "Although my own identity may have to remain a secret. The populace won't like it if they know a Chosen is competing...they'll think we've won it already. Since you have a talent for embellishment, you may be able to help with that little problem, Tannin."


Conall grinned, catching on to what Rhaine was thinking, "Aye - every competitor has to be entered into the lists and announced by a herald. Make it mysterious. Add tension...drama. The Unknown Knight with sable wings. Avariel? Celestial? Fallen angel?"


"T'would not be the first time something akin to it was done," the Doomguide nodded.

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"I... thank you," Nawen said blushing lightly. She wasn't used to hearing people being ready to stand up for her if need be, "I think I might compete then."


As she heard Azuris comment, she added, "Maybe there are more events that were left out from the flyer."


Just as Nawen finished talking, Shalena accompanied by her not so merry band of pirates. The group was fairly small, much smaller than it was last night when everyone were out celebrating.


"So, when will we leave?" She asked.

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Weyland, Arland, and Amendale had joined the rest outside rather quickly, having eaten their breakfasts with haste. All three of them were eager to compete in the event.


"Let's get going then. I'm out of bed and I've eaten, let's just get there and...do stuff, I guess." Arland yawned.


"Like jousting. Or boxing, because I'll be damned good at that."

"Or mud wrestling." Arland added. He received a look from Amendale. "What? It's fun to beat the Tempus out of someone, and fun to crawl around in the dirt."


"Yup." Weyland confirmed, getting his horse ready and trying not to fall asleep on the spot. Arland actually did fall asleep on the spot and nearly fell over before Amendale whapped him upside the head and startled him awake, if only barely.


"If you fall off your horse later, I'm not retrieving you." The Moon Elf declared.

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Rhaine spurred Red Thunder forward, "We leave now; we need to make good time today if we are to get to Sarshel, make purchases, and practice a bit before the tournament starts."


The horses' hooves clopped heavily on the cobbles as the group moved north out of Dilpur. Once on the open road, it appeared as though the Impilturian countryside was very much like that of Cormyr, just with less forested areas. The rolling green hills spread out for miles in every direction, the nearest mountain range seemingly a league away. It was refreshing to be out of the stifling woodlands for once.

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"Fairly and with honor." Tannin repeated after Rhaine with a look of utter confusion on his face. "I don't..... know what that means. Could someone explain that concept?"

"It means to follow the rules." Azuris said as he mounted Bob. "No cheating, no tricks, so none of your usual antics." He said as he urged Bob forward to follow Rhaine and the others, leaving Tannin to stand in the stables bewildered by the notion of fair play. "Well that takes the fun out of everything!"

Hexol looked up at Tannin with a disapproving look. "It's important to follow the rules in things like this, they're there for a reason you know."

"I'm not taking morality lessons from a Kender, now shut up and help me find a horse." Tannin said with a chuckle.

"Okay!" Hexol chimed happily. "Where is it?"

"I dunno." Tannin shrugged. "Why I didn't specify which horse."

"We'll... bring it back later right?" Hexol asked, worried that Tannin might not be intending to simply borrow a horse, but instead keep it for himself.

"Probably." The half-drow shrugged again.


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"So the cheerful bard is going to join us? How wonderful!" Shalena exclaimed as she looked around for a horse she could borrow. Neither she nor any of her crew had a horse and she had no intention of walking all the way to Sarshel.

"Don't you have gold so you could, you know, buy a horse?" Nawen asked as she waited around for Tannin, Hexol and their new companion, Aurora in case any of them needed a ride.

"What? And waste my hard hard-stolen coin?" An utter disbelief on the pirate's face made it hard for Nawen to decide if she was being serious or good at pretending.

"You told us, you won't cause any trouble." The drow reminded her. "Only in the tournament, my dear drow. Only in the tournament." Shalena chuckled and went to the stables to get a horse.

Nawen sighed and looked down at Rhegar who was biting the reins. "I think that impersonating a judge to increase our chances of winning isn't a terrible idea," she said as she remembered Tannin's remarks, "I honestly doubt that other competitors are going to compete fairly."

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"Did anyone else have odd dreams last night?" Arva said, staring intently at a passing woman's behind as he nearly steered his horse right into a tree. "Whoops... Anyway, I had this dream about finding a naked woman in a chapel. Strange stuff, I tell you."


"I don't think that's odd for you, Arva," Reona uttered while checking to make sure her sword was belted on right, "In fact, I'd be more worried if you hadn't had a dream like that."


"What's that supposed to mean?" Arva's horse once again veered off the path and he righted it.


"I get it now!" Ianthe sang, obviously showing she was excited about the possibility of any singing contests. She continued on in a singsong voice, "Arva's a pervert!"


"Yeah well, maybe I wouldn't be if-"


"If that half-orc from that one inn decided to travel with us?" Alphonse added, smiling nervously.


"Half-orc?" Ianthe inquired, tilting her head to the side.


Reona threw back her head in laughter. "I'd forgotten all about that!"


"She wasn't bad looking at all," Arva said, not at all ashamed.


"Come on, guys!" Ianthe called out, "What are you talking about? What half-orc?"


Reona coughed, a poor attempt to stifle her own laughter. "Nothing, it's really nothing."


Ianthe crossed her arms, "And I gave you my oatmeal this morning. Hmph."

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"This might actually be the same horse I had before we got on the ship." Tannin said in surprise as he rode out of the stable.

"I didn't have a horse!" Hexol said as he rode out on a brown pony.


Hearing Nawen's comments about his plan Tannin couldn't help but smile. "Glad to know that there are others in the group with some sense of fun. But Lady Rhaine has decided that there will be no foul play, and I will honor her wishes, No impersonations of tournament officials, Sabotage on the other hand..." He finished thoughtfully. "We'll just have to wait and see what the competition's like I suppose."



Noting that more than few of their group was far behind them Azuris let out a sigh. "Of course, the less trustworthy of our party have kept their distance, What do you want to bet that there's plotting going on back there? If they're found out I say we leave the trouble makers behind and make a run for it. I'd rather not be punished for any of their usual crap." He said irritably, the soreness in his joints putting him more on edge than normal.

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