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Tales of Faerun


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While Shalena paid little to no attention to the screaming man running out of the tavern, but Nawen jumped from her seat and ran upstairs after Conall, Rhaine and a few other curious people. Her mouth fell open as she saw a skeleton sitting casually on a chair. It wasn't a skeleton part that shocked her, however, it was how it acted. Most of the undead creatures she saw before were stupid and did nothing but walk around or attack people, this one was just sitting.


"Who knew that an answer to 'what's in the bag?' would be a bunch of bones." She said to no one in particular. Rhaine called Kyran a necromancer but he didn't seem hostile or even evil but just to be safe she had her blade drawn.

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Kyran sighed heavily and stood up from the bed and looked Rhaine straight in the eyes. The elf tried as hard as he could to keep a calm and collective composure. "This could.ve gone better..." - he muttered to himself.


"Rhaine, listen, I've been trying to tell you and the group about all this since I met you on that ship, but every time I begin to speak up, something always interrupts me, and at other times I worry about causing mass panic in the group. - he takes a deep breath. - Yes, you're right, I have studied in the arts of necromancy. But, Ivan here... - the skeleton makes a small sacastic wave. - Is my minion. He's my closest friend, who had the unfortunate fate of being the victim of a different necromancer. I assure you, Ivan and I are by no means evil or wish to cause you, the group, or anyone innocent any harm at all..."


Never in his life, has Kyran ever been this frightened for his life.

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Tak'we had been muttering sourly in thri'kreen to himself since they left that Nrak'Tck softskin boat, the memories of being in a cage three sizes too small in the dark for days on end oppressive in his mind. He had enjoyed meeting their new companions, especially Conall as the softskin worshipped Mother Moon as well, but all he could feel was a discontented anger towards softskins. "Stupid wood prisons..." he chattered to himself angrily, " And filthy softskin stone villages...," he added as he put on his disguise once more before entering the village.


The thri'kreen became even more irritated when he followed after his clutch into the inn, the crowded conditions reminding him again of the ship. After managing to find table to sit at, he ordered a meal and began to eat, the aspect of warm food starting to soften his harsh mood. He looked around and simply shook his and continued eating.


He just finished his meat when he heard the cries of alarm upstairs and saw Rhaine and Conall rush up there. Getting up and grabbing his gyth'ka, Tak'we followed suit. "What isss wron-" the warrior began to asked, but trailed off and could chatter in outrage when he saw the bones-that-walked. "Desecration!" he hissed,*Tcktck!* Readying his staff, he stood by Conall, prepared to rip the abomination and its master apart.

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Xallistine followed Rhaine and the others upstairs amidst the panic, wondering what exactly had transpired to send a grown man shrieking out of the Tavern, surely the women of this town weren't that bad? But then, if the inn-keepers wife was anything to go by perhaps they were... Shaking these pathetic human trivialities, his eyes narrowed and he felt for his wand, unclasping it from his belt and holding it discreetly. He wanted to try to talk Rhaine down, to make her see reason, that this man was telling the truth... But he could neither be sure such words were true, nor stand in the way of her stalwart faith. No, he wasn't about to risk the integrity of the group on the of chance this necromancer was telling the truth. The ways of the dark arts were no secret to Xallistine, but he certainly did not embrace such a foul practice as necromancy. They made the mistake of dealing civilly with one before, and she ended up as the Queen of the Nine Hells.


Kyran was well within his rights to be scared. That much was for sure.



Following the group up herself to both feel involved and get a whiff of the drama, Aurora watched from the doorway with a slight frown. "They all say that you know, do the whole 'I never meant to hurt anyone I swear!' act, then raise your old auntie Margaret from the dead and have her beat you to death with a walking stick." She added casually, more interested in her nails as it was.




Ravenna gave a semblance of a smirk, uncrossing her arms and starting for the exit of the gilded chamber. "Then my scorned beauty, let us partake in a little trimming of the Spider-Queen's meals, perhaps if she has a little less chaos on her plate her rump wouldn't be so large, hmm? We shall waste no time, for I simply cannot miss the opportunity to put my heel to the throat of the gods once again... and to teach those Priestesses humility before the last drop off life exits their bodies."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"Lets all just calm down here okay?" Azuris said as he moved in front of Rhaine, putting himself between the group and Kyran. "How about we get the whole story before we cause any bloodshed. For all we know Kyran could be trying to find a way to give his friend his old body back. We're not going to start murdering people before we get the whole story." He said in a tone that held little doubt that he would defend Kyran from anyone that attacked him until the whole story was laid out.

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Rhaine forcibly put herself in front of Azuris, eyes narrowed at her temple brother, "Then he should have said so in his opening speech. Since when do we let any necromancer go unpunished and any undead to wander, brother? Friend or no - the one who raised Ivan or no - Kyran has allowed his companion to remain in this undead state. He calls him his minion. What does that tell you? Were you completely deaf during all of your lessons, Azuris? Or do you simply follow the ones you like and throw away the rest?"


Returning her attention to Kyran and Ivan, the Doomguide planted her sword tip in the floor and leaned on it. It still bore pale green flame, but it did not threaten the wood beneath it.


"So," she began, "There are only a few ways this can turn out. I see that Ivan is still cognizant, so that is in your favor. I can attempt to resurrect him and give him his complete body back...but that has a great chance of failure, especially if his death came about many years ago. If that fails, I can put him to rest...and then you, Kyran, may continue to travel with us on the condition that you never commit necromantic acts again. Or, if you resist me, Ivan will still be put to rest and you can either fight me or surrender and flee...and pray to the gods I never find you again."


There were a few moments of silence as she let her choices sink in. Finally, she spoke again, "What is it going to be, then?"




Quarylene walked with the Devil Queen, her heels clicking on the floor, "And about my coffin?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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The young, black-haired man moved through the crowded tavern, flowing among the crowd and looking for a big score. He wore a dark blue outfit and, strangely enough, a matching scarf. Come on, there's gotta be someone with more than a handful of silver! Dri thought, confidant this male form would work once again, eyeing each potential mark and frowning at the poor aspects that kept coming up. Ah, here we go! There was a young woman, coppery hair with a wobbly voice.. and a very big purse.


Okay, Tymora, wish us luck... Dri thought reflexively, and began to discreetly relieve the stranger of her money...

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Nawen sheathed her weapon and looked at Azuris, Rhaine, Kyran and his undead companion respectively. She wondered why would Azuris defend the man if he was doing everything Kelemvor frowned upon but then she as well was never devoted like Rhaine was and after months of being faithless she just recently found faith again.


She looked back and noticed a couple of nosy patrons trying to see what caused all this bustle. "Nothing to see here," she said, "go back to whatever you've been doing." The patrons tried to object but a few more 'go away' finally convinced them.


"Whatever you do I hope it won't result in fighting." Nawen said. "It could cause panic, alert the guards and I don't think that any of us wants that." She added. The last thing she wanted was to attract attention of the guards. She was driven out from more than enough villages.

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"Well t-"


"I believe I'm the one deciding this, my friend, not you. - interrupted Ivan as he got up from his chair and turned towards Rhaine. - I am nobody's 'minion'. That's just an act me and him put up when attacked my bandits and the like while traveling; it's turned into a tick over time...So you say you can ressurect me, eh? - he sits back down. - I'm willing to try that,but I doubt it will work. Been dead for o'er a decade, and I don't want to leave this earthly realm just yet. Kyran needs someone to guard 'em."


"No I don't." - said the elf with a slight chuckle.


"Shut up." - replied the undead with a lighthearted tone, then turned to Rhaine again. - " Are you sure this hocus-pocus would work?"

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Aurora yawned at the exchange, hoping to have at least seen a little action. Ah well, she'd get her fair share of it eventually she imagined. As her mind went back to swimming with mundane thoughts, she felt a weight drop from her hips... at first she wasn't inclined to pay it any heed, but after it became apparent that something had been taken, she spun on her heel, drawing her rapier with a frown, she spotted a man skulking off, and shouted angrily "Hey! That's mine you thieving bastard! Give it back!"

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