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Tales of Faerun


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Amendale, like seemingly everybody, went upstairs to investigate the disturbance with Rhaine. He kept silent the entire time (no surprises there) and was also duly impressed with Rhaine's power, though he didn't express it.


"So me and her were just about to finish up when her father burst into the room with a claymore and- HEY!" Weyland shouted as his beer was knocked from his hand. Arland wasn't any more pleased. They took one glance at each other, stooped down to grab their mugs and drink what was left of their contents, and chased after the perpetrator. Weyland, deciding that his empty mug still had use, whipped the metallic thing at the runner's head hard while Arland simply opted for his crossbow and aimed for the legs.


Back in the inn, Amendale sighed as he ran out the door after them, deciding that he ought to intervene before Arland killed him. Because he had no doubt Arland would do so. Whether accidentally in a moment of stupidity or purposefully in a fit of cold rage, he didn't know.

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Azuris let out a sigh of relief when Rhaine left the room, her choice to attempt a resurrection surprised him as he was certain that she would have much rather simply destroy Ivan than help him in any way.

"That could have gone much worse." He said under his breath.



Letting out a sigh Tannin finished the rest of his drink before rising from his seat to follow the others as they chased the pick pocket. He liked an exciting tavern but this was getting ridicules.


"How about we refrain from murder for the time being hmm?" He said as he pulled the bolt out of Arlands' crossbow while he ran past.

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The next morning, Rhaine set out early to make her purchases of equipment for the tournament. From the armorer, she bought a visored steel helm, painted black and ornamented with several large, black feathers. The visor was actually made of three layers - two inner plates overlapping each other, one to protect the upper half of the face and one to protect the lower half, and a third large plate slid cleanly atop them. Though she normally hated helmets like these, it was a necessary safeguard...one that would also serve to hide her identity.


The Doomguide also bought a large steel shield, also black, with a single black rose painted on its face. She had gotten the idea from both the hair piece she had worn at the ball in Arabel and the clasp upon her new cloak; it was a symbol that seemed to follow her everywhere.


From the weaponsmith, she managed to secure two dozen practice lances, made of cheap wood, so that those who planned on participating in the joust could brush up on their skills before competing. With all of these items in her Bag of Holding, the priestess then set out to acquire a new horse.


She found her steed at the stables just outside the walls. She traded the fiery Red Thunder for the more amiable Azrael, a magnificently muscled beast to rival Azuris's Bob. The stallion stood at an impressive eighteen hands, with a jet black coat that possessed a slight bronze sheen. Unlike Bob, Azrael had no feathering upon his fetlocks, revealing his massive bone structure and solid, almost square hooves. The horse's chest was deep and broad, his body like a barrel, his hindquarters large and powerful; his short-cropped, coarse mane showed off his thick, arched neck, and his tail had been docked to avoid tangling with straps or cruppers. Azrael's eyes were large and deep brown, and though they showed a friendly, even mellow demeanor, there was a deep fire in them that could be called forth with the jangling of protective barding. He was a warhorse through and through.


Rhaine spared no expense in buying a set of black-painted armor for him: A chamfron for his head, a crinet of layered plates for his neck, a peytral to protect his mighty chest, and cruppers to guard his hindquarters. All of these were attached to thick, black leather tack, including a high-cantled jousting saddle.


The Doomguide was just finishing tacking Azrael when Conall walked into the stables to ready his own grey horse. His silver-white eyebrows rose, and he whistled as he beheld Azrael, "Now that is an impressive animal."


Rhaine grinned, "Isn't he? The stablemaster said he came from a shipwreck near Dilpur...couldn't even give him away for three years because people thought he was bad luck. I traded Red Thunder for him."


Conall nodded, "I can see why...that bay could barely be controlled. Too hot-blooded."


"And not strong enough," the Doomguide added, checking the stirrups, "Won't be a problem with this one, though." She patted Azrael's muscular neck, to which the horse only responded with a slight snort through his wide nostrils.


At that moment, Fenrir came trotting through the open door to the stables, his white tail waiving like a banner as he looked up at the black stallion. He then sat down beside Conall and watched the two warriors work, the wolf's pale blue eyes taking everything in with mild interest.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Dri, confidant that her appearance would hold, stepped out of the alley. Deciding to bluff her way out of it, she pointed down the back alley, trying to tell her pursuers that the man they were chasing had gone that way. Hoping they would fall for that, the thief began to walk away. It's getting late, and I need to get home.




Tak'we looked at the light pouring through windows now that it was morning. He had sat sullenly at his table all night, the clamor of the stuffed inn having not died down until late into the night, which had left the thri'kreen still mildly irritated. "Softskinsss..." he muttered once more. "Why do they-- Wait... " *sniff* The smell of fresh bacon cooking interrupted his cursing and immediately cheered him up.


*Tcktck!* "Bacon!" He ordered the whole batch and feasted on the delicious meat, only pausing between bites to tell Rhaine good morning, then went back to breakfast. Softskins. At least they have good food...

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The sun's rays pearced though the dusty windows of kyran and Ivan's window and landed right onto Kyran's eyelids, waking him up. As the elf stood up, he rubbed his eyes and got up to get dressed. Once he put on his black robe, he saw his friend sleeping soundly onh is bed....the first time that's happened in a very long time.


"Ivan...wake up, we have to get ready for the tournament." - said kyran whislt shaking Ivan's shoulder.


"uuugh...just five more minutes..." - groggily replied the fighter.


Kyran decided to to leave him alone, he's earned his rest after not having slept for a decade. The necromancerheaded downstairs for some breakfast. Not wanting to miss out on the bacon, Kyran got some for himself along with a mug of mead and sat down at the table where Tak'We was. The insectoid's grizzly appetite was as frightening as it was immpresive, so kyran avoided starting a conversation for now, unless the thri'kreen spoke first. But for the moment, the necromacer was just going to enjoy his breakfast.

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Reona yawned widely as she began to descend the stairs. She'd dressed robotically and as a result, seemed to have put her tunic on inside-out, but she didn't notice.


Ianthe was already downstairs, chipper as ever with her hair still wet from sleeping curled up in a bathing bucket last night. She pointed at Reona's shirt, "That's inside-out, you know." She continued to dig into her strawberry-laden oatmeal.


Reona shrugged and pulled her shirt off before fixing it and putting it back on, sneering at anyone who dared gaze at her openly at her thin white undershirt, which, of course, included Arva. Alphonse's eyes were averted quite politely, and Reona smiled deviously as she gave him a kiss on the cheek for his modesty.


Alphonse, Ianthe, and Arva alike all paled a bit, and Reona was heavily amused for the rest of breakfast.

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Xallistine did not sleep a wink that night, instead, he stayed downstairs pouring over various spell books to find something spectacular to unleash in the magic tournament, he was confident in his abilities, confident indeed. The arrogance of his race shone through at a time like this, faced with lesser human wizards who had not the years it was going to be an easy victory. Poor humans.




"Where the hell did my purse go?" Aurora sighed, waking up on her bedroom floor rather than in the bed. After losing the man and being pointed down an alley by some woman or other to no avail, the bard had returned to the inn for some sleep. Shrugging her shoulders she bathed and prepared for the day ahead, making sure she looked presentable. In the common room she practised varying vocal tones much to the chagrin of the innkeepers wife.

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Shalena left the tavern with everyone who chased after the cutpurse. Traveling and then sitting in the tavern was boring for the pirate and she longed for even the slightest fun. To her the fun part ended as soon as they docked in Dilpur.


Nawen couldn't sleep for long as she was too excited for the very first tournament in her life. As she got dressed, the drow thought over the idea of competing and decided to practice a bit. She took her bow and quiver and left her room. She noticed Tak'we and Xallistine in the common room but decided not to disturb them as both seemed either busy or lost in their thoughts.


She practiced outside the town for a few hours before returning to the tavern for breakfast. She sat beside thri'kreen after ordering some eggs, sausage and freshly baked bread.


"So, anyone's thinking about participating in the tournament?" She asked loud enough for everyone in their group to hear her.

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Rhaine and Conall finished tending to their horses and rode back to the tavern, tethering the steeds just outside. As they slid from their saddles, they could hear Aurora practicing before they ever opened the door. The Doomguide pushed inside just in time to hear Nawen's inquiry, and she nodded, "I'll try my hand in the tourney and joust, but that's all, I'm afraid. No singing or magic shows for me...and certainly not archery."


Conall walked in behind her, "I, on the other hand, plan on participating in the archery competition. I see you might as well?" he gestured to the drow's bow.


Rhaine pulled out one of the fliers she had kept on the tournament details, "So...singing contest this evening. Sounds like you're all set for that already, Aurora. Anyone else plan on competing in the bardic arts?"

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"Thanks!" Weyland shouted as he ran right on by into the alley, Arland following suit, having replaced his crossbow's bolt and shot Tannin a dirty look. Amendale was still catching up due to his lack of a head start.


They dashed down the alleyway, Weyland stopped just short of the wall and Arland tripped over a box, somersaulted twice, and slammed face-first into it.


"Dead end!" Weyland shouted, and Arland muttered something through his bloody (yet miraculously unbroken) nose. Amendale rounded the corner, took in the scene, then shook his had and walked away, exasperated.


"Whatever, I'm going to bed. Once I clean this up." Arland pointed to his nose.




It was nearly eleven. He walked into Arland's room and kicked him awake, then went down to get breakfast. Time seemed to slow down for him as he saw Tak'We eating an entire inn's supply of bacon. He desperately asked the bartender if there was any more. No such luck.

Arland stumbled downstairs. "What? What is it?"


And just as he looked suspiciously in Tak'We's direction: "He's hogging all the bacon!"


"What the hells, Tak'We! We want some too!" Arland exclaimed. "Actually y'know what, Weyland and I-" He cut Weyland's protest off. "-challenge you to a friendly duel over it at the carnival! Full gear! Just wooden weapons instead."


"Idiot, you just signed our death warrants."

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