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Tales of Faerun


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The party hard traveled for few hours. Kyran and Ivan alongside the others. Despite being exhausted the elf and his human companion could not wait to get to the fair, even if they weren't going to participate in it. Not only that but they both had a lot on their minds.


Kyran, for the first time since he met the group, was not stressed out while surrounded by the others, now that the necromancy thing was no longer a secret. Ivan had been meaning to speak to Rhaine about becoming a worshiper of Kelemvor, but decided to leave the serious matters until after the fair.


When they arrived on the grounds, the bright colors and cheery atmosphere caught Ivan and Kyran's attention instantly. The smell of fresh brew and roasted meats followed right after.


"Now...I'm the Knight of the Black Rose. Nothing more, nothing less. Refrain from calling me by name, if you please. If word gets out a Chosen is here, the fair itself will be ruined. And keep your eyes and ears open if you can. I want to know who we're going up against, here."


"That name....sounds similar to another name I heard. I think it was from a book...can't put my finger on it." - commented Kyran. - "Anyway, let's go try the menu. I'm starving." - the elf continued, but was stopped short by a large hand grabbing the collar of his robe. It was Ivan.


"Let's go help Conall with the tents; and see if he has spares for us, too."


*sigh* "Fine." - pouted the elf.


The two walked over to where Conall was and asked him if needed help, and if there were any extra tents.

Edited by spyro1201
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"Thank you so much! I will bring you something from the tournament." Nawen replied to Fenrir as she put Rhegar down in front of the white wolf. "You'll be staying with Fenrir until we'll get back." The little wolf looked at the other wolf and wagged his little tail.


Before leaving with the rest of the group, however, Nawen overheard what Aurora said. "Maybe you should compete as a duet," she suggested, "instead of wanting to take the whole prize for yourself." The later part she kept unspoken even if it slightly bothered her. As someone who was more than willing to share everything she had with her friends, she found it strange that some were unwilling to share something as petty as coins. Sometimes her hearing was too keen for her own good.


Nawen was absolutely amazed by everything she saw; stands loaded with food, drinks and all kinds of craft, other competitors walking around and best of all, no dracoliches or any other kinds of undead! The drow was so enthralled by the sights and sounds of music played by the bards that she hadn't noticed that Shalena and her pirates had rejoined them.


"This is so wonderful!" Nawen exclaimed. "Can't wait for the competitions to start."

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Tannin laughed a little at Auroras' attempt to stop him from competing against her. "But my lady, Not competing against you would be an insult to your musical talents, It would imply that I believed that the only way for you to win would be if I let you, and that simply will not do. No I will compete against you and hold nothing back despite the inevitability of your victory, and afterwords I'll join in the celebration of your superior musical abilities." He said with a smirk. Actually surprised with himself for not giving into her request, his need to show off seemed to be overriding his need to please beautiful women.



When they arrived at the fair and Rhaine told them of her new identity Tannin had a good laugh. "Well that's a terrible name. Like something you'd hear out of a children's storybook. Knight of the Black Rose. You couldn't come up with anything a little more intimidating? The Blade of Justice? The Unyielding Rider? Angel of Victory? All terrible names but carry more weight than.. the Knight of the Black Rose." He laughed before the cal;l for Bards went out and he had to go register. "Just... Think on it for me, if I'm going to get a crowd on your side I need something to work with." He said to her before heading off to find the Lutemasters' shack.

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Fenrir was more than happy to take Rhegar along, keeping him on the edge of the woods and teaching him to stalk and to hunt small rodents. It made the elder wolf content to raise a pup, even if it was only for a few days.




Back at the fairgrounds, Conall was finishing up pitching the first tent. At Kyran's inquiry, the paladin gestured to the pile of tents on the ground, "Help yourself. We'll likely be sharing them, anyway. And please, go ahead and pitch as many as you can. I'd like them to be ready before evening."


Rhaine feigned being hurt at Tannin's criticism, her voice holding a slight sad tone as she put a hand over her heart, "But...but Tannin! I...I thought it was such a good name! Aww...."


She was grinning inside her helm, though. As he walked off, a sudden idea struck her when he rattled off a few more titles. Not the Angel of Victory...


"What about the 'Angel of Death'?" she called after him.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Tak'we couldn't help but feel bewildered by the sheer amount of softskins running to and fro. He had seen big crowds before... But I still am not used to them. Trying to find his way through the crowd, it took him sometime to get to where the melee participants were joining the tournament. Ah, there it is! Finally spotting the place, Tak'we shuffled up in his old man's guise and stood in the small line that had formed.


The warrior stopped in his tracks when he heard the softskin in charge asking each fighter to sign their name on a piece of paper. Tak'we felt a sudden disappointment taking root in his heart as he realized that he'd never be able to join if he had to write those strange softskin symbols. *Katch'tck!* he cursed quietly, then took off looking for his clutchmates, needing their help with something so basic hurting his pride. Stupid softskins...

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Xallistine looked around irritably. So many godforsaken people... all loud and rowdy, even the so called mages appeared to be little more than uneducated farmers who sported pointy hats and crooked wands, a couple of mediocre spells and a pathetic excuse for a familiar. Well, to Xallistine they appeared as such at least, very few could match and Ulitharid in the arcane arts, he had met his match more than a few times, but to a fair full of village idiots and Neanderthals posing as sorcerers?


"Most certainly not..."


Looking admirably at Rhaine's jousting attire, and finding little humour in Tannins remarks, he commented "You look rather fearsome Angel of Death. I was worried one of the wizards might detect your mark but... well, looking at that band of insignificants I doubt it very much."




We'll see who riles the crowd...


Aurora smirked mischievously as she adhered to the call of the crier, sauntering down to the Lutemaster's Shack with a real bounce in her step, Aurora was feeling something of a high without becoming irreparably intoxicated, the challenge of this excited her, and Tannin's teasing words of a duel made her smile. He'd celebrate her superiority would he? "He most certainly will"


Arriving at the Lutemasters shack just after Tannin, Aurora made a point with her entrance, and quickly cut ahead of Tannin in the queue , making a show of bending forwards to sign her name upon the register, as if to show Tannin what he was missing.


As she was about to rise and leave, the words of Nawen came back to her (a rare thing for anything of the days before Aurora's drunken nights to return to her...). With a small sigh, she turned her head to look at Tannin from out of the corner of her eye. "Say... as inept as you may be, I'm sure you can at least assist in a few harmonies... how about a duet? You know, not too late to save yourself the crushing defeat later on?"

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"I can work with it!" Tannin said to Rhaine before running off to register.



Tannin happily allowed Aurora to cut in front of him in line as it made the view far more enjoyable than it previously was. Her offer of a duet was rather tempting. "I actually have to think about that for a moment." He said as he rubbed his chin. "If I accepted I would miss out on the chance to watch you perform, which would certainly be a tragedy. That and I would also run the risk of costing you the win." He said apologetically. "And that would be even worse, No my lady, I'm afraid that I must decline your offer. For now we'll have to hold off on the duet until we can safety perform together without there being money or honor on the line."



Azuris sat atop Bob and looked around the fair, so many different people from all races all huddled together. Too many people and too much energy for his liking, he could already feel a headache starting to form. "I forgot that I hate these things." He grumbled in his usual unhappy manner.


Hexol on the other hand was of course, having the time of his life. Bouncing around from one tent to another, meeting and see every new face and thing with a wide eyed grin of sheer delight. (And pockets that were slowly but surely filling up.)

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Weyland and Arland bickered the entire way to the fair about some subject or another, mostly bacon and Arland being an idiot, culminating in him at one point being kicked off his horse and dragged by the stirrups for half the journey until he managed to shrug himself off and jump back on the horse, earning snickers from Weyland and even Amendale, who was observing from a few feet behind.


Arriving at the fair, the Grey brothers gawked at the sheer number of people and events while Amendale looked for places to put himself to use. Finding none, he simply wandered over to the pile of tents and helped out in putting them up, while after much debate the brothers found themselves in line behind Tak'We, Weyland griping about how he was going to be sore for his entire week at the fair.


"Quit being a damned princess, we can take him." Arland snapped.


"...Going to be paying for bacon for the rest of our lives..." Weyland moaned, earning himself a cuff upside the head from Arland. Cuffing people being Weyland's job, this was met with a punch square to the jaw, and then a cuff upside the head.


Several seconds of silence passed, a rare event, with the brothers communicating via angry facial expressions and malevolent glares that'd make Sana quake in her paws. Weyland being the more perceptive one, he noticed Tak'we seemed to be looking around for something.


"Uh...something wrong?" He asked, tapping Tak'We on the shoulder (having to reach up on his toes to get it.) and frowning.

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Nawen led Kiira towards where the other horses were as soon as she stopped gawking at everything and everyone.


"Don't you suppose to feel uncomfortable in crowded places such as this?" The horse asked as the drow tied the reins to the tree.


"I'm sure that I'll be back to my own shy self once the excitement wears off." Nawen replied and walked off. There were far too many things she wanted to see before the singing competition. She wanted to see all of the competitions and cheer for her all friends.


As she walked past the place where archery competition should take place later, the drow noticed Shalena and several of her crewmen. Unsurprisingly the pirates were already drunk and causing havoc. Their captain on the other hand ate a large roasted chicken thigh and was not involved in anything her men did.


"I'm not going to ask about that," Nawen said as she pointed at two pirates fighting over a clay statuette of a pig. The half-elf pirate looked at her men and simply shrugged before glancing back at the drow. "Did you pay for that?" Nawen added and pointed at the food.


"Of course not." The pirate replied and grinned. At first Nawen had no idea why she grinned but then she saw a woman walking with a basket full of small bottles of mead. As she walked past them, the captain grabbed one bottle without anyone, except for the hooded drow, seeing.


"Those are not for free, you know." Nawen said as she watched Shalena drinking almost half of the bottle's content.


"You are so boring, you know that?"


Nawen frowned. "I know how to have fun."


"Prove it." The pirate grinned.


"I don't have to prove you anything." Nawen said as she watched Shalena stealing an apple from another unsuspecting passerby. "And stop stealing things. You told us you won't cause any trouble."


"I'm not causing any troubles. No one caught me!" The pirate exclaimed defensively.


Nawen shook her head and walked off. She walked around the fair, enjoying the sights, sounds and smells and at the same time looking around for any of her friends. She noticed Tak'we and as she came closer, the Grey brothers.


"You're all going to compete?" She asked the three as soon as she noticed where exactly were they standing.

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Conall continued pitching the tents, Rhaine aiding where she could. Theron still watched from his perch on Azrael's saddle, golden eyes blinking occasionally. He seemed not to like the noise very much, though he didn't make any moves to leave. The line for the Battle of the Bards registration was ever-lengthening; everyone from old women to little boys was adding their names to the list.


This is going to get interesting, the Doomguide thought.


At last, the final tent was pitched. From a distance, there came the call of a rolling-cart vendor, shouting, "Meat rolls! Get your one-of-a-kind meat roll here! Forello's Fine Meat Rolls, the best treats on a stick!"


Rhaine could not see much of the "treats" through her visor, but Conall brushed off his hands and produced his coin-purse, hungry from all the work. After a few minutes of waiting, he returned with two of the things.


The Doomguide put her hands on her hips, "Is that...bacon wrapped around a sausage?"


Conall shrugged, "That's certainly what it looks like." He took a large bite of one meat roll and raised his eyebrows, swallowing and adding, "Cheese in the middle."


Rhaine sighed, "If monsters, murderers, or mere happenstance doesn't kill us, then we kill ourselves with our own culinary inventions. At least I have job security."

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