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Tales of Faerun


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"Absolutely uncouth," Rhaine muttered after the satyr's performance, glad that her helmet hid her sour expression. So far, this contest was proving to be much less than expected, at least to her. She crossed her legs and leaned farther back into the shadows, practically an armored wraith in the rear of the stands.


Meanwhile, Conall was trying to ignore the lady whom the satyr had pointed out - she was perched next to him, and her ecstatic squeal at the beast-man's attentions nearly deafened his right ear. He had twice thought about leaving in the middle of the song, but he was effectively pinned in his spot by the throng of young women that sat on either side of him.


At the front of the stands, near the entrance to the tourney grounds, sat a broad, tan-faced dwarf woman, tankard in hand. She rather enjoyed the little goat-man's song, and she still tapped her heel to the beat that lingered in her head, humming a few of the last bars. The dwarf, called Dagny, then peered into the tankard with disappointment, as her ale was already gone. The mug was nothing much other than a projectile weapon at this point...and from the following "Rhenold Goodwill's" performance, she was tempted to use it as such. He was gods-awful, his violin improperly tuned, his voice high and shrill. His piece was cut short with red-faced embarrassment at the crowd's reaction, and he was subsequently booed into the growing ranks of the failures.


Several other contestants followed, a few adequate, but most simply amateurs, until the announcer cried "Aurora!"

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Xallistine raised an irritatingly human eyebrow as Kyran approached him, but his brow settled and a smile formed upon his face, well, as much a smile as one who had never been able to do so since mere nights ago could. He stroked his beard as he would a tentacle, looking the young elf up and down. "Hmm... I must admit I have never taught a student before in my time... the Underda- My home was never a place of sharing and mentor-ship. But I shall be more than happy to better your abilities as a sorcerer, having another able caster will benefit us all." He paused for a moments, pondering his words. "Tell me, what draws you in about magic? I have lived long enough to have accumulated knowledge in many a magical discipline, some best left unearthed. But my knowledge of each school is sufficient enough to teach you the basics of any you wish. As a sorcerer, with power comes an innate access to spells otherwise inaccessible to wizards you know, and for that you have an edge. Still, I may help guide you on your desired direction."




Hearing her name, Aurora sighed a heavy sigh and prayed to Sharess for the power to win over the crowd- From the girlish squealing directed to the satyr, and the nature of his performance, her original idea to parade around singing raunchy ballads to win over the audience became obsolete- She couldn't simply be uncouth if one before her had been, could she? And as Rhenold Goodwills upper class attitude was frowned upon by the audience, Aurora would have to improvise...


Walking out on stage clad in a canary yellow, corseted bodysuit. The bodice was decorated with bejewled roses, crafted from various gems, the largest started just between her cleavage line, and the rest travelled along the edge of the corset. Her hair was done in a coiffure, far neater than her usual style, and considerably less voluminous, the right side was dominated by yellow roses, intricately worked into her hair. With a crimson lipped smile, she raised her lute and tapped her heeled feet, and started played in tune the introduction to her song.


"Now you all know... The bards and their song..." She sung slowly, projecting her voice in an almost operatic manner before taking a long pause.


With a sudden burst, Aurora sprung into action, her hand guiding the bow expertly over the fiddle, moving across the stage as she performed her dramatic piece, after each verse she paused to play her lute expertly, Aurora was a creature who fed off of the energy of the crowd as she belted out her rendition of "The Bards Song", a homage to her companions above all else, and a crowd pleaser that had not failed her yet. Accompanied by a number of magical effects as she skipped and danced, her performance was as much of an illusionary feat as it was one of singing, creating all kinds of spectacular colours to follow her around in misty lines, her fiddle to ignite in blazing flame.


As she reached crescendo, she paused for the cheer, holding her final note before taking a bow, leaving the stage with a smile upon her face.

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Kyran was a little surprised that Xalistine accepted him. He breathed a sigh of releaf, as he was nervous beforehand.


"Well I've always had a thing for fire. So beautiful, yet so destructive. I can go as far as cast a basic 'burning hands', but that's it. Over the years, the majority of my magic studies was about necromancy. Now that I have no reason to go back to it, I figured I'd start focusing on other forms of magic." - he explained with a sheepish smile.




Meanwhile, Ivan was at the bard competition, cheering all the contestants, even those who made him wish his ears hadn't been regenerated from Rhaine's resurrection spell. He was too busy enjoying life, again, to let some bad singing ruin his mood. Through some miracle, he found a seat in the front row. In one hand he held a mug of ale, and in the other - another meat roll.


Aurora's performance was easily the best he'd seen so far. The energy, the effects, everything. Ivan anxiously awaited Tannin's turn.

Edited by spyro1201
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Tannin hadn't bother paying too much attention on the other singers, instead focused on how the audience was reacting, and didn't much like it. The women fell over themselves over a half goat simply because he called them out before he started his painfully obvious extended pick up line... that worked somehow.

And with Aurora's stage presence the men were all mostly on her side, and so with the genders evenly split Tannin's chances were slimmer than ever. He was used to crowded, drunken taverns, not fancy stages. He would have to employ some help if he wanted to keep his head above water. Spotting a few random instrument just laying around in front of the stage a mischievous grin set across his face. One good Animate Objects spell and he'd have himself something that would set himself apart from the other contestants.



Azuris found himself sitting next to a very excited Hexol who had managed to unsummon Giz, and was bouncing in his seat along with the good performances, but couldn't understand why so many untalented people were getting up on stage. "Why are so many of these people bad? You'd think they'd know that they couldn't sing."

"You would think." Azuris agreed, looking around at the crowd until he spotted something that made his heart stop.

Standing out a ways away from the stands were five men wearing armor with Kelemvors' symbol on them. and their faces Azuris all recognized, none of them faces he ever wanted to see again.

Thankful that he had changed out of his old armor and was now wearing a simple, yet comfortable tunic, added with his bears which he had grown out since they last saw him, he didn't think they'd be able to pick him out in the crowd but just in case, he sank down until his head was level with Hexols' who was too busy enjoying the performers to notice Azuris.



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Rhaine had stood with the crowd in a standing ovation for Aurora, thoroughly impressed with her performance. Now that Tannin had been called to the stage, she was eager to see if the half-drow would manage to outdo the yellow-clad woman.


As the Doomguide sat back down, she saw a glitter out of the corner of her eye, from outside the stands. Her eyes were greeted by five of her god's holy symbols, all painted upon shining silver breastplates.


Knights of the Eternal Order.


It filled her heart with joy to see more brothers of her church, but she couldn't greet them yet...not without being discovered. She wondered if they were here to join the joust as well.


From her higher position in the stands, she could see Azuris's head suddenly dip down. Suspicious, Rhaine returned her gaze to the five paladins...


....and then her breath caught in her throat. A familiar warmth washed over her as her elbow bumped into something. Turning her helmeted head to the left, she saw a magnificent cat - a black panther - sitting right next to her, its glowing green eyes level with hers. It was the largest panther she'd ever seen...its long, luxurious fur tipped in silver on its ruff, and its slightly open mouth revealing long, ivory fangs. There was a soft rumble from its throat as it regarded her with a piercing gaze, and she could not resist stroking the front of its chest with a gloved finger.


Say not a word, a whisper-soft voice told her. She could only nod in response and watch as the great cat then leaped off of the back of the stands.


It was not long before its loping shadow could be seen prowling through the thick white mist that had gathered on the green grounds. Fortunately, the audience was far too engrossed in the competition, drunk, or both to notice it. But the men in silver did. Just as the panther was certain it had caught their attention, it turned and began walking purposefully towards one man at the edge of the crowd.



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Nawen was already settled in a tree, on a large branch when women started throwing their unmentionables after Satyr finished performing. She was not enthralled by his performance, nor was she among those spectators that threw their clothes on the stage but she had to admit that he was entertaining to watch.


When it was Aurora's turn, Nawen had no idea what to expect but after the bard finished preforming, the drow clapped and cheered just like the whole crowd that cheered for her. Aurora's performance was so far the best this evening.

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Leover clapped heartily from within the throng of women surrounding him, taking far more interest in the red haired bard than any of them. Her skill was absolutely exquisite, and fit her looks perfectly; that is to say, in his mind, perfect.


He left his perch much to the discontent of those who had answered his 'call', making his way over to where the beauty had went after departing the stage. When he found her he had only one thing to say, "Congratulations Aurora, you indeed had the greatest performance of the night... so far."




The first thing that roused Kowolj's attention was the smell of food, which cause his mouth to drool profusely. He hadn't eaten very well in his time travelling alone, and he knew that if anyone found out about the few times he actually did eat well that his death might follow soon after...


The second thing he noticed were the armored guards policing the fairgrounds, effectively destroying his chance at having a nice meal as he had no money.


The third thing that caught his attention was the music. He assumed that since everyone could hear it, it must be free, and made his way toward the music to continue his search for his pride. Many of the seats appeared to be taken, and had they not the seats really weren't made for someone with four legs. Instead he chose to stand as close as he could, ending up next to five armored men with vaguely familiar symbol adorning their chests.




Night had fallen over the fair, offering the perfect entrance for Horo. For days he had been aggressively persued by the men he once called friends, the Nine Golden Swords. Obviously, stealing ancient artifacts of great importance could cause that, and Horo felt no ill will against them for their hostilities. Nonetheless, he didn't intend to be caught by these men, as that would quickly end his story, just as it was starting to get good.


As he neared the lights of the fairgrounds and the guard surrounding it, he cast off his paranoia as one might take off a coat, quickly becoming yet another attendee. He moved past the stalls, searching for the largest congregation he could find; that being the bardic contest currently ensuing.


There weren't many seats left in the stands, the only available seats being surrounded with people. Instead of drawing attention to himself by attempting to take one of these unreachable seats, he opted to find a more hidden sort of 'high-class' seat. Looking around he found just the spot, a tree with a perfect view of the stage. He climbed into the tree rather effortlessly before taking a good look at his surroundings. When he saw Nawen first he merely gazed past her before doing a double take, genuinely surprised by the sight of this drow sitting in the tree with him.


"Oh! I didn't see you there," he chuckled a moment because of the similarity between the sky and this woman's skin, "So just who are you here to kill?"

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After a few steps in Azuris's direction, the great panther suddenly vanished as abruptly as it appeared; it was then Rhaine realized that its sole purpose was to lead these men towards their temple brother. She felt a shiver, as she was certain it was not for a friendly chat - these knights were armored, armed, and carried themselves with the air of ones who had been directed to this place.


Her eyes flicked back to the stage, but they did not see anything that occurred there. She was far too absorbed in trying to figure out how she fit into this sudden and confusing equation. The panther had obviously acknowledged her presence, but it did not indicate that her involvement was needed...or wanted, for that matter. If these men actually laid hands on Azuris, was she expected to side with him, the knights, or simply stay out of it? As both sides' sister-in-arms, she was obligated to help them whenever possible...but in the case of a feud within the church itself, it was too difficult to determine what to do without more information.


Rhaine knew too little about the situation - much like she had about Tannin and Kento. Azuris's words and actions in her group already had a damning edge to them, so had he done worse in the past? Was some horrid event or abandonment the reason for this hunt?


She could only sit back and watch as the events unfolded...

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Xallistine nodded "Ah yes, fire. A symbol of life, yet a cause of death, how very contradictory it is to it's own nature. It provides warmth to warm us, but burns should we get too close- They say that if one plays with fire, one shall get burnt... But that is not true for us my friend, at least, with enough concentration." Fishing through his satchel, Xallistine procured a worn, weathered and dusty old tome, slightly charred around the edged. Handing it to Kyran he smiled "Here, this should tell you what you need to know, for now read, I can answer whatever questions you have afterwards."




Aurora grinned at the Satyr seductively, reaching forward to play with a strand of his finely kept hair for a slight moment "Is that so? I'm so very glad you enjoyed my performance, I was going to parade around half naked but... you beat me to it didn't you? Naughty boy." She teased, listening out for when Tannin would be announced.

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When Tannin's turn came he bounded up onto the stage with much excitement, but instead of immediately starting his performance he decided to address the crowd. "Everyone having a good time here?" He asked, receiving a cheer from the crowd.

"Good to hear, Now.. Today, You've all heard a great many different type of musical numbers, ranging from tales of great deeds, proclamations of love, Ballads of companionship.... serenades sung by goatmen... that the reaction many of you ladies had answered my question of why all the farm animals look so happy here." Laughter erupted from the crowd, primarily from the men while the woman shot scornful glares at Tannin.

"It's alright ladies, it's alright." He said waving a hand up at the crowd. "When all the men look like that ANYTHING's an improvement." The scornful looks softened into smirks as it was the mens' turn to show their displeasure.


"I know, I know. You're here to hear some good songs not listen to me prattle on. So without any further delay and to continue the theme of farm animals... Here's a tale about a drunken donkey, which would be much better if I weren't the only one singing it or play the instru-" Cutting him off mid word the enchanted instruments in front of the stage leaped up and began to play.

"Oh!" Tannin said in a mock tone of surprise. "Well that'll work! Sing along if you know it! Darcy's Donkey!"



The doomguides hazed in awe at their Lord's avatar. They had never in all their years thought that they would be blessed with his visage.

But the Man leading them was focusing on something else entirely. Though he only had one eye remaining, he could still clearly see the man who took it from him, though a year had past and he had grown out his beard, Azuris was still recognizable and from the way he sunk down in his seat, he had recognized the men he had once called brothers. "Men..... Kelemvor shown us the way." He said as the others noticed Azuris as well.

"Do we attack now?" One of the men asked.

"No." Replied the leader. "He is said to be traveling with the Chosen. We will bring light to his crimes.. and she will aid us in his punishment."

"Are you sure? It's possible they may have formed a bond."

"Bond or no, She is our Lord's right hand and agent on Toril. If the worm's lucky.. She'll take his head outright instead of handing him over to us." The leader of the men said as he walked away, leading his men away from the stands.



At the end of Tannin's performance the crowd reacted more favorably than he expected which surprised him quiet a bit, putting him in high spirits as he came off the stage. "Well that wasn't so bad." He said to himself. "They didn't throw anything at me, always a good thing, always a good thing."

Edited by josh900
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