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Tales of Faerun


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"Well, there's your problem solved. Let's go get some food, eh?"


"Sounds like a plan from where I'm standi- BY TEMPUS." He caught sight of the wheelbarrow full of the greatest sight he'd ever laid eyes on.


"MINE!" Weyland barked, lunging for the bacon-wrapped sausage with cheese filling.


"I'LL TAKE ALL YOU HAVE!" Both brothers demanded simultaneously, coin purses held out and jingling with silvers and the odd gold piece. The merchant just set the wheelbarrow down, took Arland's money, and declared that they could sort it out between themselves, before turning around and walking away. They took once glance at each other before they were at each others' throats.


Amendale, standing and watching the bards' competition from the rear, spotted the doomguides of Kelemvor as they moved for somebody in the crowd. He'd be pleased to see some of Rhaine's fellows here if it weren't for the fact that they were garbed in full battle gear and appeared to be looking for some kind of trouble. He managed to get the brothers' attention, told them to look sharp, and led them around to the doomguides, Arland rolling the wheelbarrow and stuffing his face with treats.


"Greetings!" He came as close to exclaiming as was possible for the soft-spoken moon elf. "My name is Amendale, and these two are Weyland and Arland Grey, companions of-" His voice quieted down a little bit so as not to let her name fall upon sensitive ears. "-Rhaine. It is good to see some of her fellows here, though the armor indicates that it is perhaps not for the best of reasons. Is there something wrong?"

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Tak'we found a place where he could get a quarter-staff for his height (it was closer to a full staff, in reality) and after buying it went to see his clutchmates play. After the strange furry softskin and the new softskin clutchmate Aurora played, Tak'we was holding one sleeve to his face. He liked the songs, but... By the spirits! he thought. So many mating scents! He was about to put on something to block out the smell when a very delicious scent caught his attention. It smelled like... Bacon!


With that realization, the thri'kreen started moving rather quickly towards the smell, and began drooling when he saw the wheel barrow of some delicious-looking bacon-wrapped meat. He was disappointed at first when he noticed that they were no longer being sold, but immediately cheered up when he figured out Arland and Weyland had bought them all. "Greetingss, clutch-matess!" he said happily and took several handfuls of the food and stuffed them in various pockets in his cloak while the two were fighting. "Thank you!"


After walking away, Tak'we ate his fill of the meats as he went back to watch Tannin, delighted at learning they were full of melted cheese. He eventually found himself at Azuris' side. "Greetings, Azuriss," the thri'kreen spoke between handfuls and held out one of the bacon-wrapped delicacies. "Want one?" He paused in both eating and talking, however, when he noticed the softskin's suddenly acting as though he trying to hide... almost as if he were... afraid. Following where his clutchmate had looked last, Tak'we saw the 5 black-armored softskins looking back at them, then leaving. Giving a low hiss, he looked at Azuris with concern. "Iss everything alright?"



Even Dri felt herself blushing ever slightly at the satyr's song. Oh, snap out of it! she scolded herself, instead focusing on a bacon-wrapped sausage she managed to nab from a couple of feuding brothers, not realizing they were the same ones she had disturbed last night. She found her way back to the judges' booth and ate her meal while waiting for the bubbly woman to perform.


After listening to her sing, Dri felt even more embarrassed that she'd pick-pocketed her, and also felt a little envious, one hand rising to her throat while wishing she could sing as well. Seeing Tannin start to play, the scribe finished off her meat snack and went back to recording the judges' decisions.

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Rhaine clapped for Tannin's performance even as she watched the knights from the corner of her eye. She was a bit relieved to see them depart for now, simply because she was not looking forward to a conflict in front of so many people. There wasn't as much enthusiasm from the crowd as there was when Aurora performed, but it was a good show. The Doomguide herself was not too impressed, but she applauded his effort nonetheless.


The announcer returned and called the names of the five finalists: Aurora and Tannin, plus the satyr and two others. There were resounding cheers all around the stands as the names were called.


"This is it, ladies and gentlemen," the announcer said with a flourish, "the final chance for you five competitors to show us what you're made of! Only one of you will be crowned the Champion of the Battle of the Bards, so lift your voices to the heavens! Play as though it is the final act of your life!"


He pointed to one of the two unknowns - a little halfling female with a pan-pipe, "Firri of Athkatla!"


With a joyous smile on her face, the halfling immediately launched into a fast-paced jig, playing while she danced and capered about the stage.

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Kowolj noticed the panther around the same time the Knights did, seeing its target was none other than Azuris. He never seemed like a very pious holy man, but nonetheless this only confirmed his pride was here. As the Knights left, Tannin came onto the stage, giving Kowolj a reason to turn his attention away from Azuris and toward his other friend. He never really understood Tannin, but he also never knew he was so skilled; Tannin was a mystery.


Kowolj enjoyed his performance very much, and clapped vigorously as he finished.




Leover grinned at Aurora's response, "Perhaps I would have worn a little more clothing had I known that would be the case."


It was then that Tannin's turn began. Leover laughed at the various jokes Tannin made, obviously about him. "It seems the man is a talented comedian as well as a bard. Let's hope his musical skill matchs his wit," he said, looking over toward Aurora.


His skill did indeed match his wit. Leover joined right in with the widespread applause, greatly enjoying the half-drow's mix of magic and music, especially his use of self-playing instruments. He himself always preferred to weave his magic directly into his song, but seeing bards such as Tannin and Aurora showed him that this competition would be no walk in the park.


The announcement of the finalists wasn't much of a surprise, as the top three were already easily seen to be himself, Tannin, and Aurora. The halfling up first did indeed live up to her spot in the top five, preforming rather well with her fast song and dance. The applause at the end was noticeably weaker than it had been for the top three, but still reflected just how well she had done; just as her smile reflected how well she had perceived she had done.


The next person up was a rather tall, lithe elf woman with a harp. Her movements were elegant, and her music would likely be even more so.

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She applauded Tannin's performance with the rest of the crowd. It was humorous and fun to watch. While Nawen only came here for her friends she was interested to see how other bards performed and wasn't disappointed. The halfling with a pan-pipe and the elven woman with a harp both deserved a place among the finalists.


Turning her attention away from the stage she glanced at the crowd. She saw Conall trapped in between two women and it seemed that the silver clad ranger wanted nothing more but to escape, Ivan seemed to be enjoying being alive again as he cheered with the people, ate and drank. She also noticed Kowolj who wasn't that difficult to spot in the crowd. Then she noticed very excited Hexol, which wasn't very surprising, and Azuris who seemed either bored or hiding from someone. The last of their group she noticed was Rhaine who sat at the very back. "It seems that I got the best seat." The drow thought as she turned her attention back to the stage.


That was then she heard someone addressing her from the very same tree she was sitting in. "What in the hells?!" The drow thought and looked around until she noticed a human male. "He must be a thief or another ranger." She assumed as she watched the newcomer suspiciously. She hadn't heard or seen him climbing the tree and Nawen was usually quite observant but then again the drow was too interested in the competition.


"I'm not here to kill anyone," she replied more defensively than intended, assuming that the stranger referred to her race. Climbing with a cloak on was not comfortable thus she had to take it off and this tree-climber could clearly see what she was, "two of my friends are competing in this 'Battle of the Bards'." She added. "And what are you doing in this tree?" She asked.


Shalena and her pirates occupied the second and more than half of the third rows. The captain sat silently, smiling slightly and occasionally clapping to the parts of each performance she liked. Her crew however weren't so quiet. They cheered for all contestants and sang along if they knew the lyrics. The pirates were especially loud for the female contestants especially Aurora and an elf playing the harp.

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The tome was heavier than what Kyran expected, but not too heavy. He opened it up and started flipping through the pages in excitement. It was full of all kinds fire related spells of all shapes and sizes, among other things.


"Wow...this is amazing...I never knew a single school of magic could be so...vast. I cannot wait to learn all of these and be more of a use and less of a burden to the group. But first, the fair! I'm sure we've missed the start of the Battle of the Bards, better hurry before we miss more. Thank you so much, Xalistine. I didn't think you'd be willing to help me...considering...my past."

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Xallistine could only smirk at Kyran's last comment as the lad turned to make his way to the bards stage. Xallistine was not one to judge based on past alone, after all, his was certainly not squeaky clean and full of bountiful studies on how to use healing magics effectively and for the forces of good. It came by very nature to the Ulitharid to delve into the many mysteries of magic, no matter how dark, and necromancy was not a complete stranger to Xallistine. Although it's pull had never been strong enough to keep Xallistine interested- why control the dead when the living are so easy to bend? But now was not the time for such thoughts, with a reluctant sigh the polymorphed wizard prepared himself for the intolerably loud display of musical prowess that was sure to ensue.




Aurora grinned at Leover "Oh I'm sure you would have done, I mean the sight of myself in no clothes is clearly far better an experience than bedding all these drooling fans eh?" She said with a hint of sarcasm, knowing that this Satyr's intention was to woo as many women in the crowd so that he ensured himself a busy night.


To his comment about Tannin Aurora chuckled "Oh yes, he is simply hilarious, but maybe he's a little jealous because he doesn't have droves of women fawning over him? It certainly made the men laugh, but the ladies cast a few daggers his way." after Tannin had finished his performance, which Aurora enjoyed, she turned back to the Satyr, standing to applaud her companion as many others did "Well... perhaps the ladies aren't so hostile afterall... never know, your bedroom party might be down a few tonight." She teased, before seating herself again to watch the elegant elven woman with the harp.


She was good but... lacked presence, it was all about her instrument, no emphasis on herself. Aurora was a good sport and clapped nonetheless, but there was no hiding this woman lacked the lustre of her competitors.


Realizing it was now her turn, Aurora returned to the stage for a final time.


Again her performance was one full of energy and passion, however it was not quite as fast as her last, instead, she chose a slow number that would both allow her to demonstrate her vocal range, and show the audience there more to her than simply impressive effects and fast pace fiddle playing.


While she was still fluid in her movements, she moved slowly across the stage, leaning down to look directly at the audience occasionally, to give them the impression she was singing directly to them, and not the judges. After all, win the audience and you have won the vote. Accompanied by a soft harp to back her, Aurora put her all into forming each verse as perfectly as was possible, a subtle magical glimmer following her softly around to ensure that none looked away.


She held her final note before bowing once more, leaving the stage to make way for the next performance.

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Rhaine applauded Aurora with the rest of the crowd. Out of the finalists, it seemed she was the most likely to win this match, unless the satyr or Tannin could miraculously come up with something better. The Doomguide was eager to see the outcome. Farther away in the stands, Conall was also eager to see the end of this competition, simply because the young ladies that pressed around him to get a better view were stifling him with their cheap perfume.

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Bar'bark entered the tourney grounds just in time to see a lady bow and leave the stage. A few people around him looked at him disdainfully, but he was used to it, being a gnoll. He didn't know exactly what he was looking for, but his employer, a strange, robed Sahuagin, had told him to watch and find out whatever he could. He knew none of the people here, and deciding he wouldn't find anything useful for the time being, decided to grab some food.

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Tannin joined in the applause for Aurora. When she came down off the stage he tipped his nonexistent hat to her. "Well my lady, I now truly fear for my chances. Were I the cowardly sort I would bow out at this very moment. But I will press on in the hopes that you are entertained by my failure." He said with a dramatic bow.



The one eyed leader of the Paladins turned to look at Amendale. "Well met companion of our Lord's chosen. I am sir Roland, we came simply to enjoy the festivities, protect the peace, and I myself intend to compete in the jousting competition." He said in a friendly manner. "Might I inquire about a member of your party? I have reason to believe he may be traveling with you, He was a member of our order at one time, Azuris? Does anyone that travels with you have that name and if so, what could you tell me about him?"



Tak'we's appearance startled Azuris, causing his to jump a little in his seat. "Sorry Tak'we." He said with a soft chuckle. "Didn't see you come up." He said looking back to the group of Paladins as they walked off. "Yes everything's fine... Just thought I saw a ghost there for a second." He said forcing a laugh. "Couldn't blame one if there was one here, music's good enough I wouldn't mind being disturbed by it." He said trying to steer the conversation away from himself.

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