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Tales of Faerun


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Seldszar grinned at the varied races scattered among the tourney grounds. Being a dark elf, he was not often welcome in cities, and it was good to see so much variety among the crowd. He saw a gnoll, a few lizardfolk, and even some other drow. He was sure to be welcome here! A few people threw him curious looks, probably due more to his leaf-embroidered robes and the dire wolf following him more than his race. He was a druid, after all, and did not mind the looks one bit. Making his way forward among the crowd, he noticed the contestants were already collecting their rewards. He was late yet again! Ah well, he thought. He would surely be there for the archery competition. He figured he had a while before the next competition, so he decided he would look around for signs of the Sahuagin necromancer he was tracking. He had heard rumors the vile caster was in the area.




Dice nearly choked when he saw the druid among the crowd. He and his master had spent a good bit of time and money escaping from the drow, and now he was in the area! He wished he could simply walk up and stab the dark elf in the back, but that was impossible, he knew. The druid was protected by his dire wolf companion, not to mention his powerful magic defenses. And there was always the crowd to worry about, of course. He sighed. Now he had to keep an eye on TWO people, who could both probably kill him easily.




Zessrin spotted several questionable characters on the crowd, but paid no heed to most. One person caught his eye, however- his old friend Seldszar! He ran up to the druid and slapped him hard on the back, making the drow jump. When he saw the lizardman, however, he laughed and pushed him away. "Zessrin! I haven't seen you in several years. How goes the hunt?" said Seldszar. "I'm close to finding him, I think. His agents are in the area," Zissren said, a grin on his face. "Good! Well, it's good to see you again. Come, I'll buy us food and we can reminisce after we eat."

Edited by Redscorpionarmy
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Surprised that he actually tied with the other two winners, Tannin went up to collect his winnings. "Well I wasn't expecting that." He said with a smirk. "However I can't in good conscious accept the winnings, not when the good lady utterly shamed me with her superior magical and vocal talents. No no, I'd say she more than earned it." He said before tossing Aurora his pouch of gold. "Besides, I'm terrible with money." He said with a laugh. "And you good sir Leover," He said shaking his hand. "Will no doubt find your extra reward later tonight in the flock of women that'll gather to you. You'll have the pick of the lot. Now then! Lets go and drink with the fans shall we?"



Seeing Rhaine approach them, Roland walked past the silent Amendale and gave her a short bow. "Lady, You honor us with your presence." He said as the others of his part bowed as well. "But I'm afraid now's not the time for pleasantries. I must ask you to aid us in a matter that should be close to your heart. The apprehension of a betrayer of our order, he aided in the escape of several known necromancers and slew several members of our order in a temple of Kelemvor. We believe he has been traveling with you for some time now."



Overhearing Roland's request, Tannin threw his arms up in the air. "It wasn't me this time I swear! I haven't stepped foot inside a temple in years!" He shouted out his claim of innocence.

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Rhaine stood motionless in front of the knights for several long, silent moments. Conall looked sideways at her and could practically feel the tension building up. Sensing that this was a matter best left between the Kelemvorites, he quietly backed away and headed towards his horse to unpack his belongings.


At last, Rhaine lifted the visors of her helm, a stray lock of scarlet hair falling over one narrowed green eye. She glanced over the knights in almost an appraising manner before replying, "I know you must speak of Azuris. I have suspected his faith and his motivations for while, now. Though he has helped me and my comrades in battle against our god's enemies, his words have hinted at his inner feelings more than once. And now you say that he has not only aided our sworn foes, but also slain members of our church...and on our own holy ground, no less?"


She paused, her gaze enough to stop the heart of any who met it, "I know more than anyone our god's sentiments concerning betrayal. If what you say is true, then Azuris must answer for his crimes. But I will hear his own defense, first. There are things that neither you nor he has told me, and I will hear all of it before I do anything. Now, come."


The Chosen left no room for argument as she snapped her visors back down, turning away to find Azuris and appearing not unlike the stalking panther that had been there only minutes before. The last time she had seen her temple brother, he was still close to the stage. She was unsure if she could even call him that anymore.




Quarylene had moved to stand beside Ravenna's throne. She was busy examining her nails when a surfacer male with a heavy accent came striding into the castle, adjusting the lighting to his own liking. Apparently he was from someplace far away...it didn't matter to her. All surfacer males were the same.

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"Whoa, wait, what?" Weyland nearly choked on one of his bacon/sausage treats as he heard Roland speak.

"Wasn't me either." Arland stated firmly. Amendale was silent, cogs spinning in his head as Arland continued. "If you plan to arrest him though, that'd be a bit...hypocritical, shall we say?" He ignored Weyland's wondering aloud how he even knew a word with so many syllables. "I mean, you keep Xallistine around, you keep the pirates around- or at least don't hinder them- and you keep me around, buuut one incident with him and he's to be arrested, is that it?"


"I think you'd better shut it, brother, before you land yourself in more hot water than you can swim in."


"-Great, now that that's established, can I head back to Westgate now before someone beheads me? You can keep him-" He gestured to Weyland. "-he's probably not done too much wrong. But some of the others here might be in a bit of trouble. If these necromancers are a concern, why not just kill them instead of spending that time hunting the one responsible?" He demanded, and took a cuff upside the head from Weyland.


"Stay in line or I make you." The older brother ordered. Amendale was glaring at him as well.


"Oh, this'll be fun..." Arland muttered silently to himself.

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Once the winners claimed their prizes, Nawen approached the three bards to congratulate them. "Congratulations, you three," she said, "now that we know how talented you all are, I hope you'll sing more often in our travels." She added and walked over towards others, leaving Aurora, Tannin and Leover with their celebratory plans.


Only as she approached the seats Nawen noticed the five men wearing armor with Kelemvor's symbol on it. She also heard one of them telling Rhaine about some crimes someone had committed and at first she thought that they might be leaving the fair early to help them to hunt down this criminal but things got more serious when their companion Azuris was mentioned. Was he the one who did that? Why hadn't Kelemvor warned Rhaine, his Chosen that she traveled with someone like that if he was without any doubt guilty of such crimes?


"Don't you think that this is a little different?" Nawen asked after Arland finished talking, "Xallistine and his knowledge proved invaluable and he never harmed anyone, he shouldn't be cast aside just because of what he is," she said but then realized that she was referring not only to him but herself as well even if Arland hadn't mentioned her,


"this is concerning their faith and you know how devoted to Kelemvor, Rhaine is." She then took a seat on a bench now that the spectators had moved on. "Not that I wish harm on Azuris, because I really don't, but for them," she said referring to Rhaine and the five men, "it's closer to home than what the pirates or the rest of us did."

Edited by Guest
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Hasim strode into the main hall, giving a quick glance over at the black maiden beside what could only be Ravenna's throne.


"I was never a slave to Szass Tam. The 'man' was a coward who hid behind legions of undead, and I wanted nothing to do with him. The sole reason I worked with him at all was because of his many connections, and the power he wielded was undeniably powerful. Nonetheless, I am done with him."


He approached Ravenna and took a good look at the witch, "You seem... different. Just what has become of my old friend?"




Leover started the celebration off with another round of ale for all in attendance, and an old drinking song from Waterdeep. He had to sing his song from atop a table to avoid being overcrowded by the various drunken people listening to him, including the women who infrequently attempted to grab at him.




Kowolj took full advantage of the free drinks, and drank his own swiftly while looking out for just who wasn't capable of finishing their own.


After finding several more drinks, he found something far more appealing. A portly drunken man had lost his wife to the crowd, and his wailings were visibly upsetting the revelers around him trying to have a good time. As his good deed for the day, Kowolj lead this man out of the fair 'to find his wife'. When they had put a sufficient distance between themselves and any onlookers, Kowolj took the man by the throat and cracked it rather anti-climatically. After stripping the man from his clothing, his began to feed on him as one might feed on a roast. He ate quickly, so as not to attract any unwanted attention.

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Ignoring the Grey brothers Roland nodded at Rhaine's request. "Of course, and if you wish you may be the one to question him. He might be more prone to answer you with honesty, and far less hostility than if we were to question him ourselves." He said as he and the rest of the paladins fell in line behind Rhaine.



Not wanting to stick around and give Roland's group a chance to find him unarmed, Azuris ducked out of the crowd and made his way back to his tent, if he was lucky they wouldn't find him, if not he had his sword close by.

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Rhaine led the knights to the stands, but found Azuris was already gone - the place was almost empty. Judging by his reaction during the competition, he was probably hiding from them...and if he had gone this long without the Eternal Order finding him, he was likely going to be a difficult man to locate.


Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks. A thought flickered across the Doomguide's mind. Glancing back at the massive array of tents, she saw that most of the horses were still tethered together near a tree. A wry smile tugged at her lips as she recalled one particular incident when she and Azuris had first met. If she remembered correctly, his horse was a fickle one - not seemingly very loyal or obedient to his master. Having handled her share of horses, Rhaine knew that one of the quickest ways to one's heart was through his feed.


Turning right back around, she muttered to the knights, "Bear with me...I have an idea."


Moving to where Azrael still stood dozing, his massive head drooping towards the ground, Rhaine rummaged through a saddle bag and produced a small satchel. Then, walking over to where Bob grazed - quite a bit away from the tents on a stretch of flat green grass - she held up the satchel and clucked her tongue to get his attention. She then raised her visors again so he would recognize her face and smiled, singsonging a greeting to the giant horse.


"Hello there, big Bob...I've got a treat for you! You can have this whole bag of sugar cubes if you show me where Az went."

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Tak'we cheered as loud as he could without giving himself away for Tannin and Aurora. *Weee!* He was so happy for them that he failed to notice that Azuris was no longer by his side. Where did the he go? He wondered as he looked around for the softskin. The thri'kreen didn't see anyway, but he did see Rhaine and the five suspicious softskins that Azuris seemed to fear by his clutchmate's horse and so he shuffled over to them.


"Greetings, Rhaine," Tak'we spoke, "What is winged pointy-ear doing?" He looked over at the armored softskins near her and recognized that they wore the same symbol as Rhaine does. "You follow same spirit as clutchmates," he observed, addressing the newcomers with questions. "Are you brothers of Rhaine and Azuris? Azuris seemed scared of you. Men aren't here to hurt clutchmate, are they?"



Dri gave a silent cheer for Tannin, really liking his performance. Glad he won something. He definitely earned it. They ALL earned it. Finishing off a few more elegant scriptures on her scrolls for the tournament records, she packed up her things and headed for the tavern to get some food. As she walked away, the young woman failed to notice two men shadowing her in the crowd.

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Xallistine shook his head at the goings on around him- so Rhaine's church had to intervene at a time like this did they? A time the companions should have all been spent enjoying themselves, worrying not about duties and crimes, yet here was this 'Roland' and his cadre of men, all after Azuris's blood.


To Nawen's words he replied "My dearest lady, make not the mistake of assuming any innocent- You say I have harmed no one? A glimpse into my past will testify otherwise. I have committed many crimes, and I shall not allow myself to be painted as a saint. We all have our past, mistakes we have made, judgements gone wrong, moments of madness, even. But it is not the past that matters, it is the here and now. Azuris has proven himself as a member of this group, but I shall say no more. The faith of our leader is not one of leniency, an enemy of the Kelemvorites is an enemy hers, and by extension, ours. But I trust in her judgement, as should you all." He paused for a moment, eyes resting upon the features of Arland.


"Is she not fair, mercenary? You, a murderer, a criminal and a wanted man spared. How much simpler would it have been to execute you? To pass judgement upon your crimes, as is her right as envoy to her lord? She and she alone chose what she believed was right and just- and she will do so again. If in her heart there is an inkling of doubt, do you believe she would kill him? She will make her decision with certainty. Do not make her think that her choosing of your fate was a lapse of judgement." With that, Xallistine proceeded to walk to Rhaine.


"I hope you make the right decision my lady... be sure that this is not fabrication; we have seen the powers of deception in play before, and I must make clear that I am not making out your temple brothers to be liars. But you must discern what is the whole truth, and not overzealous devotion and exaggeration of events." He protected this mentally, leaning in to feign a whisper, so as not to give away his true nature.




Planting a but a peck of a kiss upon Tannin's lips briefly for his generous gift, Aurora proceeded to the celebrations with a strong feeling of satisfaction. She felt closer to her companions through performance, and felt an even stronger pull to the two winners she shared the crown with- They were all parts of the same coin, each different, yet cut from similar cloth.


Clambering upon the table with Leover, Aurora put an arm around his shoulder and joined in the drinking song, sloshing her ale about as they sung the merry tune.



Ravenna could only smirk in agreement to Hasim's comment about Tam, cocking her head to the side as he came to stand before him. He looked much the same, if not slightly older and a little more weathered. His question elicited a brief chuckle, and Ravenna raised a brow to him.


"I died Hasim, banished to the nine hells for my... actions. But I braved each layer and conquered each lord. And now? Now I sit beside Asmodeus. Rather grandiose I know, but my journey was not fated to end at the hands of the Doomguide who sentenced me. It was to continue on. Now tell me, what may I do for you? Have you come to sell your soul?"

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