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Tales of Faerun


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Tak'we gave a menacing hiss as the armored softskins walked away. *Tcktck!* Good riddance! he thought as he threw his cloak and hood back on. He watched as Rhaine spoke angrily to Azuris, slightly confused as to why she wouldn't defend a clutchmate. Attributing it as yet another unknowable characteristic of softskins, the thri'kreen simply shook his head and went back to their tents, buying himself a dinner and later spending a night of solitude in his own tent.


When it was close to morning, Tak'we got up and ate breakfast while waiting for the rest of his clutchmates to wake up. He was eager to see today's challenge; archery always fascinated him. Why do softskins have to spend so much time sleeping? he wondered, then dug into the extra helpings of bacon he'd ordered.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Amendale woke up fairly early, pleased that the combined snoring of the Grey brothers hadn't disrupted his sleep. He was quick to get dressed and enjoy the early morning before most of the others were up, and started boiling water in the fire pit for when they others got up.


It was then that he was struck by a moment of brilliance.


Seeking out Tak'We down by the dining area (primary by following the scent of bacon) Amendale sat down beside him and, smirking, presented his idea.


"Tak'We." He began. "How would you like to hear Arland squeal like a little girl? We pick him up, tie his sleeping bag to a tree branch, and when he wakes up he'll shriek. You're strong enough to lift him and he sleeps deeply enough that we'll pull it off. Plus, with him there, he won't be hassling you for his morning bacon..."

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The thri'kreen smiled, or, at least gave the equivalent of a softskin smile, and nodded in excited agreement. *Wee'Tck!* "Yess, Tak'we will help!" he answered, and left Amendale in his wake while he moved to grab Arland.


He stepped lightly into where the Grey brothers were sleeping. He paused for a moment though when he heard those strange noises he always heard coming from the two softskins while they slept. How do they stand such noise? he wondered, then picked up Arland tentatively. Surely enough, his clutchmate didn't awaken. This is too easy. He began to walk away when he stopped to look at Weyland for a moment, stifled a laugh, then decided to take the other Grey as well. This will be so much fun!


He walked away, motioning for Amendale to follow and trying to avoid as much attention as possible, and found one of the tallest trees he could find. Setting Weyland down for a moment, he grabbed a length of robe tucked away in his robes, then leapt up to a tree branch easily twenty feet up, then leapt again for another twenty, all the while holding Arland in his sleeping roll. Finding a branch strong enough to hold Arland's weight, the thri'kreen tied him upside-down from it tightly, making sure the knots were, at least by his reckoning, firmly secured. He then leapt down, grabbed Weyland, and repeated the process, save this time at a branch much lower to the ground.


Done with the prank, Tak'we walked away hissing with laughter, trying to keep it quiet and not attract anyone to the hilarious scene. Oh, I can't wait unitl they wake up!

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Several hours passed, and still the Grey brothers slept, even hanging from the tree. They snored loudly, but when angry campers from other parties came out to complain and saw them hanging there, they figured that punishment enough had been dealt already, and left them be. Amendale glanced at them and grinned mischievously when he saw them hanging there. It was almost lunchtime when one of them began to stir.


Weyland shifted in his sleep, trying with difficulty to roll over. Frustrated, he mumbled (sometimes snoring at the same time) and his eyes slowly drooped open. It took him several minutes for his brain to kick itself into gear enough to realize that something was off, and at least half a minute for him to finally look down.

"HOO! BY TEMPUS, WHAT THE HELLS, SOMEONE GET ME DOWN!" He panicked, thrashing in his sleeping bag. "THE CAT WOMAN, SANA, YOU WENCH, YOU GOT ME DIDN'T YOU?!?!?!" Unable to contain himself, Amendale burst out laughing. Weyland's gaze shot right towards him and his eyes narrowed until slits. "Amendale, what in the hells?!?!"


"Hey, idiots, shut up and let me sle-WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Arland squealed in a manner exactly identical to a two-year-old girl and, provided he wasn't restrained by his own sleeping bag, would have been scrabbling up the tree. "WHAT, WHOA, HOW, WHEN?!?!?!"

Even the irritated Weyland was unable to contain himself and he started giggling like a madman as Arland thrashed wildly, eyes wide as saucepans. He began cursing worse than one of Shalena's men as he tried freeing himself.


"Want down?" Amendale taunted.




"Alright, I'll come help you. In an hour, when the next tournament is about to start." He stood up nonetheless and darted up the tree, moving over to Weyland and untying the knots gradually.


"Since when can you climb at tree?" Weyland and Arland asked simultaneously.


"Since I could walk." Amendale answered matter-of-factly. "You see a lot of forests growing up nomadically."


"Oh." Weyland mused, before letting out a panicked release of breath as he tumbled towards the ground. Amendale caught him with a slow fall spell that let him land on the ground softly. He stood up, released himself from the sleeping bag, and made a rude gesture towards both his brother and his elven friend before walking to the campfire to see if there was any food left.


"I hate you all." Arland yapped as he tried worming his way out unsuccessfully.

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Rhaine woke late that morning, having had a difficult time falling asleep. What with the Greys' infernal snoring and the obnoxious sounds of drunken pleasure fests - thanks to Tannin, Leover, and Aurora - she hadn't gotten any rest until well after midnight. She groaned as she halfway rose from her blankets before hugging her legs to her chest and pressing her forehead into her knees. Frustrated, she ran her hands through her matted hair and sighed forcefully. What was supposed to be an enjoyable distraction from their hunt was turning into a nightmare.


Can you even have a moment of peace with this lot?


She chuckled half-heartedly to herself, as she already knew the answer.




She brushed her hair quickly and then strapped on her armor and helmet to the sound of Weyland and Arland's shrieks. As soon as she listened long enough to tell that they weren't really in danger, she ignored them. Whatever had happened was likely payback for several nights of misery.


Rhaine kept her visors up as she exited her tent, intending to get a bite to eat and then seek out Xallistine. Her own thoughts had kept her awake as much as the other noises that night, and she needed a sounding board. Xallistine had proved to be an invaluable adviser in the past, even if his judgment was occasionally clouded by his own ambitions...though moments like that were rare. She was impressed that his own endless quest for knowledge had, for the most part, taken a back seat to the group's overall safety and well-being, and it was this important matter that she wanted to discuss with him.


Though she had initially thought it best to expel Azuris from the group for all their safety - and because it was a stretch to say she trusted the fallen Doomguide anymore - she now had her doubts. He still had experience fighting undead, and he had stood with them against Valthanarax. Now that the small squad of Eternal Order paladins had decided she was as much of a threat as Azuris, her attempt at staying neutral in the situation had effectively failed - the paladins has lumped her with their foe anyway.


Rhaine kept her head down as she purchased a small, fresh pastry from a cart vendor, partially to hide her face and partially because she was still absorbed in her own thoughts. She ate while walking back to the tents, glancing up to see Arland stuck in his sleeping bag, Weyland just getting up from a substantial drop to the ground. The look on nearby Amendale's face was priceless, and she couldn't help but crack a smile. It seemed the elf was a little more mischievous than they had all originally thought, though the hunched form of Tak'we suggested that the Moon Elf had help in the matter.


"How's the weather up there, Arland?" she called with a grin.




When the terrified shrieks of Weyland and Arland reached his ears, Conall whirled around. Then, he grinned as he saw what had happened. His ears had not failed to hear the words spoken the night before, even though he was in his own tent. He walked up to the tree in which Arland was still strung, bow still in the paladin's hand.


"Oh look," he said, both sarcastically and jokingly, "Arland's now as high as his morals were last night."


He notched an arrow and drew it back, now sufficiently warmed up from his practice, and aimed at the rope that held up the sleeping bag. He winked at Amendale, "How's about we drop him back to his usual level?"




Quarylene followed Ravenna, a smirk on her lips, "My unicorn wand was destroyed, and we're hardly in the middle of a city down here. Walking is the way we go...unless we come across some lizard riders."


Her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting again, putting her surroundings in high contrast as she switched to Darkvision. She stepped through the fallen rubble and back into the narrow tunnels, her boots thudding on damp earth.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xallistine had found no solace that night, he too had been kept awake by the celebratory party of the bards, and his own thoughts. The human form he was sporting seemingly required rest as the others of it's kind, but the Ulitharid soon solved that with a little spell. Leaving his tent before dawn had broken, Xallistine took himself and his musings on a solitary walk around the fairgrounds, occasionally passing others who had escaped the confides of their tents for the icy grip of pre-dawn winds.


Returning to the group's encampment, he raised an eyebrow. Coming to a halt and leaning upon his cane the sorcerer gazed up at the writhing figures of the brother's Grey trapped in their sleeping bags, his face sporting a look of bemusement. He'd never understand surfacers and their humour.


After shaking his head at the whole affair, he managed to corner Rhaine as she too stepped forth to admire the spectacle.


"Ah, my lady. I have been meaning to speak with you, all night in fact. Do you have the time for an audience? I need to get out of this skin, and we will need to be away from distraction if words are to be shared seriously. I shall be in my tent." He gave her a slight bow, and proceeded back inside.




Aurora awoke with a yawn, stretching to pop her joints. She wasn't entirely sure where exactly she was, or what is was she had gotten up to the night prior. But that was often the case with the copper haired songstress. As she became aware of her surroundings, she couldn't help but feel how strange her bedding felt. it wasn't usually like leaves...




As she rolled to the side, Aurora fell from the branch of the tree she had been perched upon, a shrill shriek escaping from her throat, she plummeted fast, and hit the ground with a soft thud, the grass cushioning her fall.


Rising to her feet shakily, she looked around to see Tak'we, Amendale, and the Grey brothers, the former in hysterics and the latter dangling from the same tree in their sleeping bags. Stumbling forward, she looked up in astonishment, and broke into a fit of laughter herself. Once she had finished, her head began to hurt. Ah of course. Hangover.


With a groan, Aurora hobbled away, back to her tent to recover.




To Ravenna's misfortune, she found that the drow was not lying about them having to walk. The damp squelch beneath her feet attested to that. Looking down in disgust, she gasped at the sight of muddy soil coated to the sole of her heels. Looking forth at the rest of the dismal passageway, she hissed in dissatisfaction.


The cheek of it! She, the devil queen of the Nine Hells, walking! Through a mucus lined cavern no less! Oh the slaughter that followed had better be damn well fantastic if she was ever to forgive Quarylene for this indignity. She wasn't quite sure what was worse, walking, or being forced to sit upon a filthy lizard.


Still, at least it was not the swamp of Mammon's realm...


And if worse came to worse, there was always Hasim or Haxxon to carry her.

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Walking around the fair, the first of the unlawful types Horo ran into were pirates. There were about enough of them to crew a vessel, meaning their captain was likely close. There was no better way to escape his pursuers then by sea.


It took him an hour or so to pick out a half-elf woman who appeared to be in charge of these uncouth seamen, meaning that she would have to be a tough one to overcome the stigma associated with both elves and woman at sea. He approached from the front, so as not to startle her and to examine her as he did so, as she would undoubtedly be doing the same to him.


"Hello there, Captain," he started off with a welcoming smile, "I was wondering if I could take up but a moment of your time?"




Hasim followed the two women downstairs, listening to their talk of a lack of transportation about the Underdark. He was sure that he could rectify this.


"Ozan, find me a spell to summon three nightmares," he spoke to the small flame floating near his shoulder.


The flame responded by spewing forth the upper body of a small person who looked somewhat akin to a demon, or in actuality an efreet.


Ozan responded in a somewhat detached and annoyed tone, "Yeah, yeah. Sure boss, I'll get that for you right away. Be back soon... ish."


With that Ozan snuffed out of existence, travelling to some alternate plane in search of a sufficient spell.


Hasim spoke up to give his companions some hope, "I've sent my servant to retrieve me a spell to summon our transportation. He should be back in an hour or so, considering the strength of such a spell. Would you like to continue forth, or wait for his return?"

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"Peachy! Lovely breeze!" Arland snarked to Rhaine sarcastically.


"Sounds fun to me." Amendale answered Connall, smirking.


"Whatever gets me down." Arland complained, before his stomach shot into his throat as suddenly the ground zoomed up to meet him. Three feet off the ground, Amendale caught him with a slow fall spell that slowed him down just in time. Fortunately for Arland, he hit the ground softly and painlessly. Unfortunately, he was screaming like a toddler again.


"Man, you have to grow a pair." Weyland scolded, well aware of his own hypocrisy.


"Once you stop screaming about cat-ladies that nab you in your sleep."






With that, the Grey brothers looked around. "Say, where'd the bacon go?"

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Arland's screaming waking him from his usual un-peaceful sleep, Tannin crawled out of his tent and looked around with his eyes stills squinted. "Someone better be dead or they're gonna be." He growled as he looked around. Having run out of ingredients for his anti-sleep potions he had been forced to sleep like the rest of the world for the past while. Though his night of partying hadn't left him in a hung over state, his movements were still sluggish and he looked equally as bad as he approached the tree where the others were. "Should I even care enough to want to know?"



Azuris had been up earlier than the others, he had every intention of setting off on his own first thing in the morning, but Bob had other ideas. Azuris had walked around the fair grounds twice now in search of his mount but to no avail. The war-horse outsmarted him at every other turn, forcing his rider to walk around in circles for most of the morning, Bob's reasons for this were known only to himself.

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Nawen was glad that the confrontation with the Kelemvorites ended peacefully as she was not looking forward for any of her friends getting hurt. Even though she had decided not to fight by Azuris's side she still would have tended to their injuries in any way she could.


The drow retired to her tent soon after the paladins left. She hoped to get up early and practice a bit before signing up for an archery competition. Nawen woke up while everyone who slept were still asleep and practiced further away from the tents. Once the competitors started gathering to sign up for archery tournament, she was near the front of the line. As she was about to sign up Nawen noticed 'longbows only' written on the sheet of paper and frowned. "Well, that rules me out." She thought and returned to their camp where she waited for everyone else to get up.


Shalena watched lazily as the people prepared for another day of the tournament when a man approached her. She looked him up and down as he started speaking. She smiled slightly when he called her a captain. She was known in the sea and by those who often traveled by ships or had something else to do that involved ships, but on the dry land she was a pretty much a nobody.


"Greetings," she said to the man, "of course. Always happy to chat."

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