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Rhaine wordlessly followed Xallistine to his tent, leaving the Greys' spectacle behind her. She suspected that the Ulitharid-in-diguise wanted to discuss the same thing she did...the only matter was deciding who was going to speak first. She let the flap close and shifted her weight to one hip, crossing her arms across her breastplate.


"Yes, Xallistine?"




Conall shook his head at Tannin, "Nope."


Glancing to the side, the paladin spied Nawen returning from the sign-in area. He smiled broadly at her and waved, "Well, did you sign up?"




Quarylene smirked, "Judging from the look on Her Royal Highness's face, I would say we wait."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Dri woke up groggily the next morning, stirred by what sounded like a couple of women in hysterics. What? She looked out the bedroom window of the small house she was in and squinted, seeing off in the distance what looked like two men who'd been tied up in a tree while they slept. Can't they let a girl get some sleep? she wondered bitterly. Oh, well. Might as well get ready for the day. She got dressed quickly, ate one of the bacon-snacks she'd nabbed yesterday, then headed out the door with her scribe kit.



Tak'we couldn't stand it anymore and burst out in hissing laughter, marked by shrill whistles from him trying to breathe. *SSs-sss-sss, WEE! Sss-sss-sss!*

"Grey brothers..." Sss, WEE!* "Sound just like females in heat! *WEE! Sss-sss-sss!* Still holding his sides in laughter, the thri'kreen walked off to find some food again. All that sceming made me hungry! He really wanted to see the competition today, so he just grabbed a few apples he had managed to get last night and went to the challenge grounds, eating along the way and then waiting for the day to begin.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Xallistine sighed, throwing his cane aside and dispelling the effects of his disguise with a wave of his hand. Returned to his original height and fully restored to his original form, he looked at his taloned hands to make sure it was successful. Turning his pupil-less eyes to Rhaine as she stood cross armed, he rubbed his temples before he began.


"Your words and actions last night surprised me my lady. They were not the words of a level headed leader thinking of the bigger picture, rather, the words of an enraged Kelemvorite who put her faith before her task. But fear not, I was not put here to lecture you, it was a tense situation, and many would have remained so composed, I am proud to have stood by your side as you remained impartial. However, by remaining without a side, one was thrust upon you. The knight and his men did not receive your help, and therefore consider you an ally of Azuris." he paused for a moment, gathering his words.


"You allowed him to live my lady, so therefore, you have deemed his actions unworthy of punishment. If that is the case, then why is it you wish him gone? To protect the name of the Church? To protect your own name from those within? You know as well as I do that the Church of Kelemvor is hardly held in the brightest of lights, you are feared and venerated in equal measure, and this humiliation to your faith is hardly the first and will by no means be the last, am I correct? And as for the damage Roland may do with his tale, what of it? Kelemvor trusts you with his every fibre, and the dissatisfaction of a few easily swayed priests will do nothing to blacken your glimmering banner my lady."


"Allow me to blunt as I have been in the past; matters of faith cannot come before our goal my lady. To deprive this group of an able sword simply because of his past is illogical, by banishing Azuris you only weaken our integrity. To face Valthanarax we need every able body we can employ, and none are quite so suited to this task as he. I understand how difficult it may be for you to put this indignity behind you, to forgive his deception and betrayal, but we need him, at least until we have prevailed. Our chances need not be slimmed further by removing one of the most able from our fold."


His tone hardened slightly as he continued. "View us all as tools my lady, pawns on a board. The more you have, the easier your goal is achieved and the greater your chance of success. Azuris is a Knight you do not wish to lose to the opposition, he is a pawn you wish to conserve. He is a prize piece of your vanguard my lady, do not throw him away because he has displeased you. Each and every one of us in this group has our secrets, demons of our past that may damage each and every one of us. But you must stand by them all and remain united, only then may we win."




Ravenna snorted "We most certainly must.The blood of these matron mothers had better flow Quarylene, for my shoes need cleaning."

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Rhaine stood motionless as she absorbed Xallistine's words. For many long moments, she was silent. Then, at last, she replied, "Xallistine, I don't know if I can make you understand...but I shall try.


"Faith is who and what I am. If someone insults my faith, they insult me. If they insult me, then they also insult my faith. Everything that I do or do not do is because of that faith; last night is no exception.


"Just because I did not side with Roland does not mean I think Azuris is absolved of his sins. I remained impartial because I could sense both parties were in the wrong. Both jumped into the fray without a thought; both recklessly made decisions that cost us - and by us, I mean the church - dearly. There were other ways in such a conflict could be resolved...but since both decided to begin it in blood, I had a feeling that it would only end that way. I am glad I was wrong...for now."


She sighed as she continued, "Azuris has killed twelve of my brothers. Self-defense it may have been, but it was still a deliberate blow to the church. A blow to the church is a blow to me. Do you follow? Furthermore, he led Roland and his men to us...knowing full well they may have decided to try and kill all of us to get to him. He put not only myself but all of us in danger; as the leader of this group, am I not supposed to look after all of our safety? Can you imagine what it would have felt like if my brothers hurt any one of you, especially because of a situation of which I knew nothing and could do nothing to prevent?


"I decided to expel him because I thought that his presence might continue to bring the wrath of my brothers down upon us. The least I could do was try and make the party safer by ridding ourselves of the cause of the problem to begin with. But now that I have thought it over, I realize that Roland would be a fool to attack us all now - he has little weapons left but slander. And since the zealous paladin has lumped me with Azuris anyway, there is little reason for our fallen ally to leave; you are correct, Xallistine, about Azuris's value to the group. I have thought of the same things."


Rhaine paused for a moment and added, "I know this: his words and actions have created a rift between us...a rift, as you say, that threatens the unity of the group. I do not know if I can ever forgive him. Kelemvor might, and he might not. The fact that Azuris continues to breathe is something. In any case, the spiritual side of this business is between them alone. But I do see redemptive qualities in Azuris, and perhaps he is meant to stay on with us for that simple chance."


She shifted her weight to her other foot, "I will go speak with Azuris as soon as I can find him. The last I saw of him, he was walking in circles around the grounds."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nawen glanced at Conall as he spoke to her. "No," she shook her head as she dumped her pack by the tree, "the competition is for longbows only." She lowered her head and looked at the enchanted bracers.


"Even with these damned bracers it would be too difficult to compete." She frowned before looking back at the paladin. "How about you? Still going to compete?"

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Ozan reappeared about three hours later, puffing back into existence in front of Hasim, who had been staring at a flame burning in his palm, as he usually did in such situations. He had to wait on Ozan all the time, and developed a sort a prayer method in this studious flame watching. As Ozan reappeared, Hasim caught sight of the scroll he carried in his hand. Ozan handed it over before Hasim could even speak a word to him; instead the first words he spoke were not words at all but rather strange inhuman vocalizations of the Ignan language, which the scroll, and therefore the spell, were written in. The scroll burnt to ashes before blowing away, though the burning ignan words from the scroll still hung suspended in the air. They stayed there for only a moment before floating away to the ground where they formed a circle. The ground within this circle began to burn as the portal was complete. One by one their three mounts pulled themselves into the Mortal Plane much like a creature might pull itself from the depths of a thick mud puddle, though instead of mud these Nightmares dredged themselves out from the inferno.


"M' ladies, your transportation is here," Hasim spoke as the burning portal snuffed away, and climbing atop his own.




Leover woke up very late in the afternoon beneath a pile of bodies. Though, were a serial killer might awake beneath a pile of dead bodies, Leover awoke in a pile of women likely still intoxicated from the night before. He tried to make his way out as gently as possible as he struggled his to the surface, fearful of the possible effects of his hooves on some unfortunate sleeping woman. All the effort it took to escape did not help his hangover in any way, and he ambled off slowly to find himself some nourishment.




"I'm in search an escape by sea. You see, I have some men searching for me, and am not looking forward to being caught in any way," Horo paused a moment to allow the captain a moment to think about this, "Would you be able to help me?"

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Hearing Nawen's disappointment over the rules, An idea formed in Tannin's groggy mind. "Go sign up anyways." He said to her. "They're missing a judge and the new one's gonna change the rules for you." He said as he walked off in search of something to wake him up properly, and a painfully out of place costume.



A few minutes later one of the archery judges found himself bound and gagged inside a tent on the far side of the fair grounds, forced to watch as some strange elf stripped down and began to put on a outlandish outfit which comprised of several colorful, yet over sized robes worn over one another, making him look like a walking rainbow, and a ridiculously large, bright purple turban.

"So what do you think?" Tannin asked the judge, spreading his arms out. "Weird enough? Or should I go find a dead bird to put on top of the turban? You know just to top it all off." Unable to answer the judge gave Tannin a steely eyed glare full of hate.

"You're right! You're right that would be taking it too far. This will work just fine. Nooow, remember! If you're not here when I get back, I'll cut you again, and not heal it back on this time, You are far too dirty for me to want to touch you like that again, understand?" Tannin asked with a smile that was far too pleasant for the judges liking. Almost like the elf would enjoy mutilating him.



The judges could hardly believe what they were seeing and hearing, that this foreigner standing in front of them was to replace one of their own on the panel for the archery competition.

"And.. could you, repeat your name sir?" one of the judges asked the strangely clothed Tannin.

"Shaku shakalaka shalow." He replied in a thick and strange accent.

"That sounded different than the first time you said it."

"Of course it did you ignorant westerner." Tannin said with a scoff. "The tongue of my people is too advanced for your underdeveloped ears."

"We aren't really allowing this are we? That letter cold have been forged for all we know, Hells he looks like a competitor from the Bard's competition even." Another judge said.

"YOU DARE CALL ME A LIAR!?" Tannin screamed. "You disrespect my words?!"

"Oh hey now I didn't mean-"

"Didn't mean what? If I were one of your own you would believe me wouldn't you!? You question the truth of my words because of my race don't you! You are biased and are unfit for the rank of judge!" Tannin yelled before spitting on the man's boots.

The reaction of the judges would have brought a smile to Tannin's face were he a worse actor, their stunned and apologetic looks were pure gold.

"Must I go and rouse Cormash from his long sleep of headpain, and have him speak in my defense? Must I do this for you!?" He yelled again.

"It's alright aallright."The oldest judge said stepping forward. "A man of your honor is more than welcome among us misteeerrr uhh.."

"Shamu." Tannin answered with a smile and a bow.

"Wasn't it Shaku?"

"To your ears maybe." Tannin replied, confusing the poor judges even more.


With the judges having given up on asking any more questions Tannin was allowed onto the judges panel, and went about changing the rules to now allow all types of bows in the competition.

This raised even more questions among the real judges but being too sick and tired of Shamu, or Shaku, or Shamajama's antics and with the competition to start any minute now they simply didn't care anymore.




Azuris lay flat on his back underneath a large tree a short ways away from the tents, haven given up on trying to find Bob before he wanted to be found he decided to plod down under a tree and read a book that he had purchased from one of the merchant stalls, it was a recording of past jousting matches between esteemed knights. Detailing their strategies, armaments, horses, squires, weather conditions, and crowd reactions. It was an interesting read and held quite a bit of useful information which kept Azuris's attention, at least until Bob came over to him and dropped an empty bag that was once full of sugar cubes on his head.

"So who'd you steal this from?" He asked the horse who simply rolled down onto the grass.

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"That would be me."


Rhaine stood in front of Azuris with her arms crossed, her visors up so he could see her face, "Seems he nicked them right off of Azrael's saddle. If I didn't know any better, I'd think the two beasts were conspiring with each other."


She sighed and offered her hand to Azuris, "You're back on board. Let's just say I've given things more than a little thought, and I've decided you're probably better off with us than not...and vice versa. We need you right now, and I venture to say that you need us. That's not saying that I condone anything that you've done; I'm not happy about it. I will never be happy about it. But whatever happens concerning the past is between you, Roland, and Kelemvor. Until then, there are far greater things to worry about; enemies that truly threaten the church and all the Realms. Perhaps, in standing with us against these threats, you can find some sort of redemption...as I found mine, many years ago."


The Doomguide cracked a small smile, her hand still offered, "That is, unless you want to leave?"


She cocked her head to the side and read the spine of the book he was holding, "A History of the Joust? Interesting," she jerked her head towards the horses, "How about we put that knowledge to the test, if you're game?"




Conall watched as Tannin left and glanced to Nawen, "I was planning on it. And what in the world is he...?"


He didn't have to wait long for an explanation. The announcer was soon making his way through the crowd, yelling that the rules of the imminent archery competition had been changed so that contestants could use any marksmanship weapon. He was calling for last-minute sign-ups.


"That rogue," the paladin muttered, "He's gone and changed the rules...for us, presumably."




Quarylene grinned widely as she mounted her own flame-haired steed, "Now this I could get used to. Perhaps you're more useful than you look, jaluk."

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"What..." Nawen started as she watched Tannin leaving. Shorty after half-drow's departure a change of rules in the archery competition was announced. Smiling to herself she picked her stuff up and shot a glance at Conall.


"It seems so," she said, "now I can compete as well." The drow added before going back to sign up for the competition.


Shalena listened intently to the man's words. After he was done talking she looked at her crewmen, the two of her men were arguing over a freshly baked bread loaf.


"This must be your unlucky day," she replied, "we are currently accompanying a Chosen of Kelemvor and we were promised treasure." She said but then regretted mentioning treasure as it was clear that this man wasn't a law abiding knight. "We won't leave without it." She added after a short pause.

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Conall sighed, following the drow to the competition area. He would still be following the original rules; using his crossbow against longbows, shortbows, or throwing weapons was hardly fair.


There, the throng of competitors was beginning to assemble. People of varied ages and races had gathered together, from human boys as young as seven years old to aging elves. One of these elves - a moon elf by the look of him - nodded to Conall and excused himself as he passed by, "Pardon me, friend."


The paladin was a bit surprised at the depth of the elf's voice and did a double-take. With porcelain skin, silver eyes, and lavender-blue hair, this particular individual leaned toward the more exotic end of the moon-elven color spectrum, as opposed to those who looked more like Amendale. He wore a smart outfit of blue and violet, with a steel breastplate and a zalantar bow in hand.


Since the rules had been altered, many competitors were foregoing the provided practice longbows, forcing the Morninglords to check weapons for accuracy-enhancing enchantments; damaging enchants were overlooked, as they would have no effect on the skill of the archer. The old wizard who presided over the inspections occasionally shook his head at a participant and gestured to the practice bows, requiring them to abandon their preferred weapon in favor of an unenchanted item. Conall shook his head; Tannin's rule-bending had completely thrown out the hosts' method of keeping the competition fair.


At last, everyone was lined up side-by-side, and the assistants began to place targets at an equal distance in front of every participant. As they did so, the announcer explained that competitors would fire at the targets, and then the judges would eliminate the three worst shots. The targets would subsequently be pulled back to a farther distance, the competitors would fire again, and so on and so forth until one winner emerged.


The assistants stepped aside as the announcer called, "Everyone ready? Take your aim...and fire!"


Thankfully, at this close range - roughly twenty paces - Conall's shot was a bulls-eye.

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