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Tales of Faerun


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Tak'we waved good-bye to Xundus and went to his tent, where he sat waiting for Amendale. When he arrived, the thri'kreen listened intently. "Yess, that sounds alright. I would like to fight this" *NRAK-TCK!* He drummed his claws on his chitin for a bit before continuing. "Thiss one planss to stay near Weyland for thiss. I will hide and watch for Ssana, and sstrike when I see her. But how will we get him out there?" He clicked to himself before an idea came to him. "Maybe have him and Nawen go out for a hunting trip? The fresh food would make for a good excuse."



Dri sat between the two brothers, feeling a little better now, but still trembling slightly. She mouthed a thanks for the drink and took a sip, which sent her into a mild coughing fit at the harshness of the drink. *Sorry,* she apologized softly before setting it down while listening to Weyland and Arland and their questions. She remained motionless for a while before answering, deciding to trust them since they just saved her.


*My name is Audri,* she mouthed. *Thank you both so much for saving me.* She looked at Arland. *I honestly don't know if there are more, but I don't think so.* The young woman gave a sigh. *I, uh, have been something of a pain for the thieves' guild here for the past few years, ever since...* she paused at this, trying to keep tears from forming, but failing. *Ever since they killed my father. They call themselves the Shadow Thieves. I'm usually pretty good at covering my tracks, but... I guess I wasn't careful enough this time.*


She looked at the elder brother, who seemed to be the one in charge, with a pleading expression. *I know we just met, but would you mind if I stayed with you two tonight? I would feel a lot safer for it.*

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"That's a bit different from what I was thinking. I was thinking that you and I would be hidden somewhere up the road from where Weyland and Nawen are. Well, as long as you keep yourself hidden. We can't let her know that this is a trap." Amendale agreed with Tak'We."And a hunting trip would indeed make a good excuse. I'm no good at being stealthy, however, which may pose a problem. Hence my suggesting we wait instead of follow them. If they are attacked before they reach the ambush point we can break cover to aid them." Amendale frowned, thinking all of this through quite carefully.




"Well, that's a good thing. Fun as it'd be to butcher them I'd prefer to keep my coins to myself." Arland took a swig from his tankard.


Weyland 'listened'- or rather tried his damnedest to lip-read- what Dri was saying. He did catch the bit about the thieves' guild killing her father, and his face hardened a little bit.

"Yeah, that wouldn't happen with our father. Man's a dragon amongst men." Arland remarked between drinks. Weyland shot him a glare. "What?"


"Show some respect." Weyland warned, before trying to lip-read more. He found it much easier than trying to read words on paper, which suited him just fine. He was barely literate. He caught something about her not covering her tracks well enough. "Well, that's something you have over me. Trying to cover metal tracks with heavy metallic boots? When you're in heavy armor? It's like trying to hide a dragon in the garden shed."


After a pause in which Weyland downed the rest of his drink, he gave Dri an answer. "Sure, you can stay with us. We've got a formidable group with us. We can even keep a watch going if you like."


Arland smirked in what he likely thought was a sly way. "Wait, stay with us? In our tent? Like-"




Next thing Arland knew, he'd been slapped out of his chair and halfway across the floor, knocking over an empty table and colliding with the bar counter. Weyland glared at Arland.


"No, you idiotic pervert." He said, voice low. "What I mean is that she gets a good night's sleep and we make sure nobody slits her throat overnight." With that, he sat down, flexing his hand. "Sorry you had to see my idiot brother at his worst. I have the displeasure of being the one in charge of keeping him in line. If he tries anything, feel free to castrate him." He looked at Dri as he said this, smiling a little with his last sentence. "Now, I don't know how Rhaine'll react to you, but she'll probably let you come along with us for a while, if you want. But we're doing dangerous work. You won't have to worry about thieves with us, though. We'll be able to keep an eye on you. Or you can stay with us while we're here at the fair. Your life, your choice."


Arland decided that standing up was too much effort and lay there, drinking from his amazingly-intact tankard.

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Conall had long returned to his tent after burying Theron. He sat cross-legged on the ground, examining his ammunition and loading his crossbow. Fenrir lay in front of him, white-maned head resting on his paws as he watched his master work. Both were quiet, the only sound being Conall's tinkering and the singing of crickets emerging into the night air.


His conscience tugged at him. He knew of the conflict that had just recently been resolved between Rhaine and Azuris - a conflict borne from withholding critical information. Conall sighed, as he knew he was doing a similar thing...hiding his true nature from Rhaine and the rest of the group. Only Seraphine and Anemone had known his true blood, and both had not been seen since they made landfall in Sarshel.


The paladin sighed. This recent emergence of the so-called "Sana," the Lamia, proved that such predators could come dangerously close to them, even here.


Predators like Raidan. Followers of Malar.


Conall was no fool. He knew that, despite the fact he had finally left his native woods, the zealots of the Beastlord would not shy from sea travel in order to follow him. And they always seemed to know where he was or where he was going. They would also not balk at facing down his allies on the off-chance they slew him in the fray. They were completely devoted to the hunt.


To battle. To blood.


And the more, the better.


The paladin steeled himself. He had to tell Rhaine, at least, so she would not be surprised if Malar's followers ever confronted them. He knew that she would likely be much less sympathetic if she found out his true nature after someone was hurt.


Hells, he would be furious with himself if he brought down injury or even death upon those who traveled with him...just as he had blamed himself for failing to protect the Silverstars time and again.


Sighing heavily once more, he stood. Fenrir whined softly and looked up at him with blue eyes full of worry.


"Come on, Fen. Let's go talk with Rhaine."

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"Oh, you know same thing that brought the rest of our group here," Nawen chuckled, "I've followed Rhaine since the very beginning." She said, though, unsure why. "The beginning of this adventure, I mean not the fair."


"What is this mysterious fellow?" A voice behind her asked. Nawen spun around and saw Shalena and her crew of pirates but the crew was smaller than she remembered.


"This is Shalena," the drow introduced the red haired pirate to Xundus, "we met... in a sea."


The pirates laughed. "I'm assuming that he's going to travel with us since none of you talked with anyone outside of this group," Shalena said, "so there's no need to hide what we are," she then turned to Xundus, "I'm a pirate captain, dear man and these men behind me are my crew. Our current companions are not pirates so I think it's pretty obvious how we met."


"Unbelievable." Nawen thought as she listened to the half-elf. To think that she'd be more careful now that she's not on her ship blasting cannons at everyone but then again, she had plenty of time to come to the conclusion that Shalena Windsail was never careful.


Nawen wanted to say something else but then she remembered that Amendale and Tak'we wanted to talk with her about something. "I'm sorry but I have some things to take care of." She said before walking away. But Shalena and her men stayed.


"So, why did you join Rhaine and her merry band of goody two-shoes?" The pirate asked Xundus.


Nawen haven't seen where Amendale and Tak'we went so for a while she walked around their camp looking for them before deciding to go to Tak'we's tent. That's where she found them.


"Tak'we mentioned that the two of you wanted to speak with me." She said.

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Xallistine nodded to Rhaine, and walked in the opposite direction, off towards to the wizards little hut, where applicants for the magic contest were processed. He couldn't help but wonder why every event had it's own shack, but it was better that than have recruiters swarming about the place asking every tom dick and harry if they would be competing... not that they needed asking, the bulk of these 'spectacular magicians' were talentless charlatans and deranged farmers (who believed their wives cooking spoons to be magical instruments). He had seen a small clique of talent dotted around however, so perhaps there would be an inkling of a challenge.


Stepping through the mould-ridden door of the wizards hut, he glanced at the scribe. Sat behind the desk was a halfling, chin just grazing the counters surface, and pointy hat making up the bulk of his visible person. In his minute, stubby fingers, which were adorned by various rings of weak enchantment, he gripped a quill that may well have been the length of his arm.


"How can I help 'ye mister?" The halfling said in a lilting, almost musical voice. Terribly out of tune.


"The same as most I would imagine sir, I come seeking admission into the arcane contest."


"Arcane contest?"


Xallistine sighed heavily, letting out a prolonged breath of despair.


"Magic contest."


"Well why didn't 'ye say so!" The halfling's face lit up, and he slid the form towards Xallistine, handing him the quill. "Just write 'ye name there."


Thinking for a moment whether or not to use his Illithid name, he decided against it on grounds of sympathy. What if the poor, illiterate judges attempted read it aloud? Oh the horrors of miss pronunciation that could occur.


He wrote down the phonetic version of the first three letters of his name, writing Z-a-l slowly for the halfling.


After what seemed like an eternity, the little man looked up in befuddlement. "How do 'ye pronounce that then?"


Xallistine sighed again. "Like gal, but with a Z."


"Ohh I see. Well, good luck to 'ye sir!"




Aurora had decided against staying in camp to sleep off her hangover, and instead sought to wash it away with more alcohol.


Strutting into the tavern with a grin, dressed in her yellow corset and a pair of tight leather trousers, complete with her usual heels, Aurora had to stop herself from falling as she failed to notice the step. Shrugging off the near embarrassment. She continued her strut towards the bar, much to the pleasure of the various drunkards half-consciously sat upon the stools. However, before she could place her hands upon the counter she caught a glimpse of the Grey Brothers.


Well, she caught a glimpse of one, and stepped over the other as he crashed into the counter.


Spinning around with a huge, bubbly grin, she cooed "Arland! Weyland! What a surprise to see you here!" She pulled up a chair and sat cross legged, wide grin still present as she gazed at the older of the brothers, not at all surprised that Arland was suffering injury so early on in the evening. "Oh, I see you already have company." She said with dissatisfaction, glancing at Dri, seemingly unaware of her state.




Ravenna scowled "Just exactly where are we?" She asked, still following close behind the Drow. "I can't say I like the look of this place."

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Xundus listened intently to Nawen's words, eager to listen to another drow, though he shuddered at her mention of the sea. He had no love for the sea, and did not care to be anywhere near it. It had been difficult enough taking the boat from Westgate to Sarshel, but then, that had been a sturdy boat, manned by an excellent team of sailors.


Upon hearing that Shalena was a pirate, he was relatively unfazed. After all, he himself had once been just as evil as the other drow, delighting in torture, especially of elves. But those days were long past him.


He responded to the pirates last question with, "Well, put simply, for good work and good companionship. It's not often I encounter those who don't mind my being a dark elf. What about you? Are you affiliated with Rhaine?"

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"Yess, that iss a good point," Tak'we agreed with Amendale. "Letss do that, but I will ssee what I can do to help you hide." At that moment, Nawen walked in and the thri'kreen turned towards her. "Nawen! We are planning a trap for Ssana, but we do not want Weyland to know. Clutchmate may sspoil the trick if he were to know." *TCK!* "We were wondering if you would help with thiss, maybe take Weyland out on a hunting trip for fresh meat, while we wait for Ssana to show." He paused for a moment, trying to think of other reasons to get Weyland away from the town.


*Sssss* "Maybe it can be ssaid that it will take hiss mind from thingss?" He gave a shrug. "Thisss one doess not know softskinsss very well, but ssome do sseem to put much value in hunting for ssport. Do you have any ideasss, Nawen?"




Dri gave a big smile at Weyland as he sent his brother flying across the room with a resounding WHAP! and pretty much gave her permission to do the same if Arland ever acted up. *Don't worry. I've dealt with boys like him before. And thank you very much for your kindness. I greatly appreciate it.*


She heard a bubbly voice she dimly remembered and turned to see the woman she'd robbed a few nights ago. Resisting the urge to slink into her chair out of embarrassment, Dri instead tried to keep her composure and greet her. *H-hello. I am Audri. Are you friends with Weyland and Arland?*

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"Hehe." Weyland laughed as Dri spoke. "It's still my genuine pleasure to smack him around like a doll. It's just too bad dolls don't look nearly as damn hideous as that monstrosity over there. Well, I guess it's what you get when parents like mine get busy when they're angry. And probably drunk. Hells, that's probably how I was born!" He laughed and ordered a tankard of alcohol much weaker than he was used to. He didn't want to end up drunk out of his mind when he was trying to keep watch, after all.


"YOU BET IT WAS!" Arland jeered from the floor, taking a swig from his own tankard. "....Well, for both of us, actually. HA! Oh, hey Aurora!"


Weyland glanced upwards. Arland was in fact not hallucinating from that glorious hit and Aurora was indeed there. He could only laugh at what she said, though. "Not to kind of burst your bubble...but you're surprised to find Arland and I here?"


"Oh, she's got much to learn...." Arland blurbed while drinking.


"As for Audri, she was attacked outside, now she's in here with us so she's not attacked again. Thinking ahead and all that. She can't talk, by the way." He looked at Audri, trying and failing to catch most of what she said to Aurora except for his name and Arland's. He shrugged and took a drink, and then decided to order some stew for Audri and Aurora and himself, leaving Arland to look on in jealousy. Then, he took another drink, unsurprisingly.

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Shalena's crew weren't as interested in their new companion as their captain was, so as soon as everybody else walked away the pirates also wandered off leaving Shalena and the dark elf alone.


"I don't think that anyone in this group cares about someone's skin color. I don't see why they should when the group is full of so many interesting characters." She replied. She had seen several drow on other ships but she never had a dark elf in her own crew or that of her late husband's.


"Am I affiliated with Rhaine?" She repeated the question and then laughed. "Me and my men are here only for the treasure." She said and smiled as she thought what she could do with all that treasure.


"Anyway, I suppose you'd like to see our camp if you haven't already. Trust me, it's safer to sleep there than somewhere on your own." "I've heard that a couple of humans fell asleep in their tent and when they woke up all of their things, including the tent were missing," the pirate laughed again, "I wish I could have seen that."


"So that's why Tak'we was so secretive." Nawen thought as she listened to Tak'we. Once he was done explaining, she remained silent for a moment thinking what to do.


"I'm in." She said. "Sana already managed to reach their tents unnoticed, if she'd do it again I fear we might more than a dead bird."


The drow then looked around the tent as she thought about what could convince Weyland to go into the forest. She hated the idea of lying to him but the sooner they get Sana off his as well as the rest of theirs backs the better.


"I'm afraid I don't know Weyland very well and I'm not sure if he likes to hunt," Nawen then turned to Amendale, "what do you think, Amendale? Do you think that he'd agree to that?"

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"Yes, it'd be nice to have a place to sleep. I haven't gone to sleep in a few days, since I left Westgate anyways," he said to Shalena.


Another question popped up in his mind. "So, how's it like to sail the seas for long periods? Having come from the Underdark, I find large bodies of water... distasteful, if you catch my meaning. No offense, of course," asked the drow, his curiosity piqued.

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