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Tales of Faerun


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"Does it matter?" Quarylene quipped, "It will soon be destroyed...if you are as powerful as you say you are. Or are you backing out this soon? Come now...Lolth can't possibly frighten such a mighty Queen of the Hells as you."




After Rhaine had let Conall into her tent, the paladin avoided her gaze. She was garbed in her robes, and she sat crosslegged on her bedroll after re-securing the flaps.


"What is it you require, Conall?" she asked, a look of concern flickering across her face.


"Ah," he paused, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, Fenrir pacing at his feet, "Well...there is something I feel I must tell you, my lady, before something seemingly unexplainable happens. I'll just...cut right to the chase. I'm a werewolf."


The Doomguide's eyebrows rose, "A werewolf? And you haven't turned by now?"


Conall shook his head, "I'm able to control exactly when I turn, if ever. It's a hereditary thing, you see. My whole family is - was - a clan of werewolves. 'Good' lycathropes, as some people like to call us. Those who are fortunate enough to be able to master their beastly nature."


"And this is a bad thing how?"


The paladin sighed, "Naturally, I've got enemies. Followers of Malar, to be specific. They killed my family, and then the other Silverstars in and around my home forest. They don't like lycans like us. We shun the hunt for the hunt's sake. We don't shed enough blood. We don't give in to our beastly desires."


"I see."


"Yes. There's one in particular...a werewolf named Raidan. He and his cronies actually attacked me shortly before we met. I was fortunate enough to defeat them and turn back from my own wolf form before you and your friends arrived; only Anemone and Seraphine knew my secret.


"But I felt you should know about Raidan and me. We have a history, you could say. He's tried to kill me on numerous occasions, but he has not succeeded...yet. I want you to know, too, that he will stop at nothing to destroy me. If he finds out where I've gone, he and his kindred will slay anyone who gets in his way."


Rhaine leaned forward, "You can rest assured that we will do our best to prevent that from happening. I thank you for telling me of this, Conall, before any of the Beastlord's followers were drawn to us. I suppose we should try and net some silver weapons, then. Speaking of which, are you vulnerable to it as well?"


The paladin nodded grimly, "I am, just as any other lycanthrope, even though I carry silver items myself."


"Then we shall have to be careful."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Aurora let her face relax from it's grin and put her feet up on the table, leaning into her chair with a sigh. As Dri introduced herself, the Bard smiled warmly, admittedly feeling a little bad for her hostility, especially considering the woman had been attacked outside as Weyland said. "I'm Aurora, a pleasure to meet you Audri. As for being friends with these charming gentlemen? I can't say I know them all too well. I travelled down with them for the fair." Aurora realised at that moment she had not made much of an effort with the others of the group aside from Tannin, and a few words of introduction to Rhaine. And if she had, she had been too drunk to know what it was she was saying.


That would have to change, providing she could retain her composure that is.


Aurora giggled at the brothers words "I can vaguely recall you both drinking when we first met, but other than that I know very little about you strapping rogues. If I had known that you enjoyed the drink as much as I do, I wouldn't have sat alone in my tent everynight getting delirious, I would have shared the joy."


After Weyland told her of the brothers rescuing of 'Audri' she gasped "How terrible! I do hope you gave her attackers a good beating or two." There was concern evident on her face as she looked at the woman sitting next to her.


"Are you quite alright? They didn't hurt you too badly did they?" Before she allowed Dri to answer her, Aurora reached between her cleavage and procured a small red bottle. She offered it to Dri delicately. "Here, it's Thayan brandy, it'll either numb your every worry, or knock you out cold. The Thayans being all undead and all this is pretty potent stuff." She grinned mischievously. If there was one thing she enjoyed more than getting drunk, it was helping others do so.




Ravenna snorted "There is a difference between fear and caution my dear. I am not scared, but I am no fool. I did not survive each layer of hell by charging into the keep of each Archdevil swords 'a swinging. I am not backing Quarylene, I am stepping forward carefully." She sighed, remembering herself. "But you are correct, it matters little what it is, it shall be nothing soon. Your spider goddess cannot scare me, it is she who will be afraid as her blessed are crushed like ants. But enough of my speeches, point the way dear, and I shall show you the power of the Hells."

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"Westgate?" Shalena asked as she walked towards the camp. "The realms are smaller than I thought; I'm from Westgate. Glorious, chaotic Westgate." She said as she thought about her home city. The half-elf spent more of her life out in the sea than living in the Gateway to the West but she always remembered it fondly. It was also one of the few port towns where people weren't fleeing in fear at the sight of her ship docked at the docks.


"Sailing the seas is the best thing in the world," she said to Xundus, "the sea is beautiful and at the same time unpredictable and cruel."


As they walked past the tents, Shalena noticed Nawen's little wolf pup, Rhegar sitting outside of Tak'we's tent. "You have your own rules in the sea," the pirate continued, "and they are much more easy to follow than those of the dry lands, if you're the following the rules kind of person," the pirate glanced at Xundus and smiled, "I'm not."

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Weyland listened to what Aurora said as Arland downed a tankard and a half from the floor. When the topic of Audri's attackers came up, both Weyland and Arland simultaneously chimed in.


"We whooped 'em and sliced 'em! Their corpses might not even have been eaten yet!" Was Arland.

"They're dead." Weyland stated. "They're not much good in a straight-up fight, so if you engage them directly, you should be fine." He paused, then added I don't think they hurt her, though." with a nod of his head towards Audri. He dug into his stew afterwards.




"I think he would." Amendale responded cautiously. "But he's not as stupid as his brother, he'll likely think something's odd about it. Maybe you could say you wanted to teach him how to use a bow for practical purposes to reinforce your point, so that the sudden sentimentality is tempered with some more down-to-earth thinking. I'm certain he'd agree to it." He paused, then added "Also, on a side note, it is an opportunity to get to know him better, if you so wish." as an afterthought.

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Walking into the tavern, Tannin stopped dead in his tracts and snickered when he noticed the Grey brothers sitting next to a small young woman. "Oh dear, the two of you aren't trying to corrupt any impressionable youths now are you?" He asked with a smirk as he walk over to them, giving a bow to Aurora before he sat nearby. "And lady Aurora I see you're doing your best to aid them, shame on you. Though I have to admit, at least you're giving her the good stuff."



Meanwhile Hexol had managed to catch up with Azuris and began to pester him with questions about jousting. And though he couldn't help but to answer them in the back of his mind he couldn't stop imagining all of the trouble the Kender could cause with this information.

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The next day, as dawn brightened the horizon with golden hues, the magic competition was already almost starting. The competitors had begun to gather together at a makeshift stage, awaiting the arrival of the judges and the announcer. Their ages ranged from the very young to the very old, their races almost as varied.


Rhaine had risen early, not to observe the competition, but to practice sparring and jousting with Conall. Occasionally, she caught a glimpse of a shadow amongst the crowd or near the tents, but whenever she tried to focus upon it, it would disappear. The Doomguide then began to worry.


Someone was watching them very intently.




Quarylene gestured to a large stalagmite in the caverns ahead, laced with blue and violet faerie fire in intricate spiderweb patterns. It appeared to be a watchtower, judging from its solitary appearance.


"Destroy that outpost...and let the chaos begin."

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Xundus followed Shalena to the camp, and when they reached it, he immediately plopped down next to a tree and fell into reverie, after a prayer to Selune.


In the morning, Xundus sat down for a bit, admiring the beautiful hues of the morning sky. After a few minutes more of rest, he rose and began to practice with his rapier, for an hour or so, then took another hour to exercise, by running, climbing, etc. When he was done training, he made his way to the magic competition, which was about to start. A few people looked curiously at his mask, but they never took lasting interest in him. That is, until a dagger plunged into his back.


He fell forward just as the knife came in, the extreme pain making him faint.




Keveak grinned as he looked at the helpless drow, lying on the ground. He'd always had an unexplainable hatred of the drow, not for anything they'd done, but for simple racism. This poor fool had made the mistake of showing his face as he trained. His enjoyment was short-lived, though, for all around him, people were staring, mouths wide open. He ran, far away from the tourney. If he was fortunate, the drow would bleed out and die. If not, well, the renegade could expect another dagger to find its way into his back, one way or the other.

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"That sounds like the plan," Nawen said after hearing out Amendale's words, "I'll speak with him first thing in the morning." The drow said as she peeked outside. It was already dark and for all she knew Weyland could have been asleep or not in their camp.


"I think I'll retire for the night as well, goodnight." She said to Amendale and Tak'we as she went outside. Rhegar waited for her outside of the tent and eagerly followed his two-legged friend to their tent but before going to bed, Nawen checked the horses and talked with her mare, Kiira for a bit before going to sleep.


After showing Xundus where the tents were, Shalena wandered off again to look for her crew or a tavern. It was more than likely that she'd find both at the same time.


The next day, Nawen woke up early and spent hours walking around the fairgrounds thinking over the plan over and over in her head.

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Dri politely refused the brandy Aurora handed her, already at her limit with the strong drink Arland had brought her. *No thank you. I'm not much of a drinker. Thank you for the offer, though.* She heard someone approach and turned to see a man bow to Aurora. Dri smiled at his words to the woman, finding his sarcasm entertaining, but something nagged at her memory. He seems strangely familiar... she thought, that foreign judge coming to mind, and decided to make a small gambit.


*Hi, I'm Audri,* she mouthed. *Nice to meet you. By the way,* she tilted her head in curiosity. *Were you there for the archery contest? That foreign judge was weird. Really turned the whole thing upside down. Made me rewrite the records more times than I care for. *


As soon as she finished, she yawned deeply, suddenly realizing how tired she was. *I'm sorry, I'm really tired right now. Probably should get some sleep.* She looked at Weyland and Arland. *I can wait for you to finish your drinks, I don't mind. I'm in no hurry to rush off on my own right now.* She gave a helpless grin, followed by another yawn. *One of you might have to carry me there in case I fall asleep, though.*



Tak'we wished Nawen good night as she left, then looked at Amendale. "Tak'we will be ready early. Sstop by my tent when you are ressted and we will find a sspot to wait and watch."

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Weyland and Arland finished their drinks before Dri could even begin to nod off, and they didn't even rush in the process. Weyland beckoned for Dri to follow him and then booted Arland in the ribs to get him to get up. He led Dri back to their tent, keeping an eye out for anything he didn't like, but he wasn't perceptive enough to notice what Rhaine would notice the following morning: something was keeping a sharp eye on them. When they got back to the party's lines, he noticed Rhaine was still up and about and quietly explained the situation to her, assuring her that he had Arland on a tight leash, and bidding her a good night before he went back up to the other two, instantly declared that he was taking first watch and that if Arland tried anything stupid, Weyland would beat him senseless and lump him next to Hexol for the night. Neither of them knew where Hexol was, but Arland got the message (not that he needed it, even in his half-drunken state.) and grumbled as he took his armor off and practically fell into his sleeping bag. Weyland pulled a stool up outside the tent and planted his sword in the dirt, leaning himself on it, and went through a long watch, before waking Arland and falling asleep himself.




Arland went through the entire watch determined not to fall asleep, and actually succeeded in doing so. Once the others began to wake up, eventually including Weyland, Arland announced that he was going to catch a few more hours of sleep to get the chill and weariness out of his bones as Weyland sat down to clean his blade outside the tent.


Weyland could already smell breakfast brewing, and was unsurprised to see Amendale trying his damnedest ti prepare enough porridge for the entire group. As that finished up, Amendale pulled out the almighty bacon, and once that began to grill, it was a free-for-all in which Weyland grabbed as much as he could and darted back to his spot, his conscience forcing him to leave some for Dri despite everything. He grumbled and wrapped it up in a bit of cloth from his pack and wrapped another one over top a bowl of porridge with a spoon and put it beside himself while Arland's snoring began to fill the air. Weyland picked his brother up and rolled him over, which got him to make just a little less noise, before going back to his seat.

Edited by Flipout6
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