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Tales of Faerun


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Tannin had just gotten a plate full of the breakfast and had tentatively raised a fork full of whatever Tak'we's creation could be called up to his lips when Tak'we had let out the fiery belch. His face a blank slate the Rogue put the fork back into the plate only to discover that the once solid food had quickly dissolved into a murky, sludgy mixture that began to eat through his plate and dripped down into the dirt. Where the sludge had landed quickly erupted into flames, burning and melting into the very dirt itself, somehow leaving an icy trail behind it. "That does it..... From here on I'm cooking our meals." He grumbled.



Hexol however had the opposite reaction to Tak'we's belch and color change. "I WANNA BURP FIRE TOO!" The Kender shouted in delight as he dove for the food

"And turn pink?" Azuris asked, tossing his own plate into the woods behind them which set off an explosion of blue smoke.

This shockingly caused the Kender to ponder his next course of action. After a few seconds his face lit up as an idea came to mind, he quickly ran over to his pack and pulled out his tiny familiar Giz and held a piece of the meat near it's mouth. "Here, lets see what it does to you."

And for once, Giz's call for help was completely justified.

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Rhaine, like Dri, was thankful she had decided to pull her rations from her pack instead of partaking of Tak'we's creation. She had just re-emerged from her tent with jerky and biscuits in hand when the thri-kreen released the mother-of-all-belches into the air, along with a gout of flame. The Doomguide would be grinning at the brilliantly pink hue of his carapace if it wasn't for the alarming way the "food" was eating through the pan, plates, and even the ground itself.


"Magnificent display," Argyros commented, "I do believe that's the closest to a blast of dragon breath I've seen a humanoid accomplish."


Dagny shook her head, and walked over to her pack with a disappointed expression, "Well, here I was hoping for fresh-cooked food...suppose it t'wasn't meant to be..."


Conall's eyebrows were raised at Tak'we's vibrant new color, "Let's hope that wears off. I think every aged man this side of Faerun wouldn't have any trouble spotting him, now."


Rhaine glanced over to see Hexol tempting his familiar to take a bite of the spell-tainted food, and she addressed the Kender with concern, "Hexol! Don't feed him that! It could kill him!"

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"What in the hells?" Weyland sat, incredulous, at some of the chaos that was going on. He kept eating, though.


"Oh schtlarn, I took some AFTER the magic stuff went in." Arland declared, panicked, as Weyland grinned, still eating.


"Have fun with that." He snickered.


Arland stood for a moment, and then relaxed. "Hey, I don't feel so bad!" He then proceeded to let out a horrific, gods-defying belch, spewing fire, water, ice, acid, and lightning simultaneously with such force that he was thrown into the air like a ragdoll, hitting Weyland on the way and bringing his unfortunate brother with him.


"WHAT THE-?!?!" Was all Weyland had time to say. Arland went rocketing through the air while Weyland slammed straight into Rhaine, knocking both of them to the ground. He landed on top off her before rolling over onto his back in the dirt, holding his head in pain. Arland wasn't so lucky, as he bowled over Amendale (startling the owl) and barely missed Azuris and Nawen before slamming into a rock face and slumping to the ground.


"Ow..." He murmured.


"Well....that was definitely a hit I'll remember..." Weyland slowly climbed to his feet. "Just lucky I wasn't wearing my armor, eh?" He said to Rhaine as he hunched over and rubbed his temples, trying to soothe a sudden piercing headache. "...You don't need healing, do ya? You're okay?"


Amendale lay there for several moments in the dirt, an expression of absolute surprise smeared painfully all over his face. He wasn't hurt very badly, in fact his hood had muffled the impact of his head hitting the ground and Arland had only grazed him, but it took almost half a minute to get over the shock and get to his feet. "What just happened?"


Arland meanwhile lay face-down in the dirt, twitching and squirming. His skin started smoking the same blue smoke that came from what used to be Azuris's plate, and he sneezed acid out of his nostrils and into the dirt, melting through it and turning several blades of grass into angry toads that went around jumping at every living creature in sight. Arland thrashed and then lay still, before slowly standing up."Ow ow ow ow ow ow..."


"Arland, you're green." Weyland stated bluntly.



"You're green. Like, bright green. So's your clothes." Arland looked down.


"DAMMIT!" He winced. "Uh...anybody know a cure for this? Rhaine, Amendale, anyone...?"


"Nope." Amendale answered slyly. "You'll have to ask Rhaine for help."


Schtlarn it. "Uh...Rhaine? Any help?"

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Dri just stood there with her mouth open between bites of her rations as the magical breakfast quickly turned into a magical catastrophe, starting with the belching pink insect-thing and ending with the Greys being sent flying through the air and decking Rhaine and Amendale. Being closer to Weyland and Rhaine, she went to their sides immediately, concerned particularly for Weyland.


*Weyland, are you okay?* she asked as she stopped by his side, breathing a sigh of relief when he got up on his own. *Thank Tymora you didn't explode.* Seeing that he was alright, the rogue went to Rhaine and helped her up as well. *Um, are you alright, ma'am?* she mouthed. She was going to say more, but then she heard Weyland say something about being green and so she looked at Arland, and sure enough, the man, and even his clothes, had turned completely green.


Dri stood frozen with her mouth open... then started shaking with silent laughter. *Hahahah! Arland's... ha... green! Haheheh... I've heard of being green with envy, but... oh, hahahah... I don't think he's envious of Tak'we! Hahahahaheheh...*


Tak'we couldn't help but stare in equal parts amazement and horror as he saw the various magical effects going on, not moving until after seeing his clutchmates get knocked down by Arland's burp and his flight following it. He didn't move though, shocked as he was by everything. Not until Weyland pointed out Arland's new color as well and request for help did the thri'kreen manage to do anything.


"Amendale!" he spoke in a slightly panicked voice as he rushed over to help the pointy-ear up. "What happened? Did Tak'we not cook the food well?" He looked at his pink hands, then shook his head. "Never mind, can you fix thisss?" At his clutchmate's statement of being unable to do anything, Tak'we, like Arland, went and spoke to Rhaine. "Rhaine, can you fix thiss one, too? Pleasse?! Thisss one doesss not like thiss color!"

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Rhaine, who had had the wind knocked out of her from Weyland's hit, allowed Dri to help her up. She straightened her nightgown, brushed it clean of dirt and grass, and cleared her throat.


"I'm fine, Weyland, thank-" she began, but stopped when she saw Arland. A bright green Arland. A bright green Arland who seemed to be cringing at the very thought of asking her for help.


The Doomguide hesitated for a few moments, cocking one hip and crossing her arms before replying, "I might know something that can help you...."


She was silent for a bit longer, just to keep Arland on tenterhooks. She could tell that he disliked her intensely for blackmailing him into coming along with her. The only thing keeping him in line was his older brother. Tak'we's added plea, though, caused her to finally answer.


"I can try. I'm not guaranteeing anything, though. If it's a magical effect, I may be able to dispel it. If not...then I suppose we'll see."


There was a crackling of energy as she swept her arms towards her body, gathering magic from what seemed to be the air around her. When it formed a violet and white ball of popping and sparking power, she released it with a hand wave towards Arland and Tak'we. The ball flew at them and exploded over them in a wave of scintillating light, working to rid them of any magical side effects...

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Just as Rhaine warned Hexol, Gizzy had already bitten off a large chunk of meat and swallowed it whole.

"Too late." Hexol said apologetically.


Tannin meanwhile was enjoying watching the chaos unfold from Tak'we's "cooking". "Tak'we my boy, how about you don't ever try to cook on your own again, mkay? If you want I could teach you to cook if it's really something you want to learn." He offered though immediately after the offer was made an ear splitting cry for help erupted from nearby.

Gizmo stood stiff as a board screeching out much louder than anyone could think possible with his small stature. When he finished his cry a small rainbow colored cloud came out from his back-end with a tiny poot sound.

"He's fine!" Hexol said happily to which Gizmo responded in typical cat fashion by beginning to clean himself, an action that would take him four hours until he was satisfied.

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Tak'we felt the light cast by Rhaine wash over him, the brightness forcing him to cover his eyes. After it faded, Tak'we waited a few moments for his sight to come back... and the pink color was still there!


The thri'kreen let out a depressed chitter and slumped visibly, his pride marred at his appearance. It was a somewhat strange experience for him, worrying about his physical appearance like this. The scars and missing antenae, though he hated how he had received them, didn't bother him. In fact he felt proud of them, seeing them as proof of his determination to survive. It was simply the strange color; true, thri'kreen did have a wide collection of colors... But pink!? Mother Moon, did I do something wrong? The silence he felt merely confirmed what he feared to be true; it seemed not even the spirits were going to help him with this.


At Tannin's suggestion gave a helpless shrug. *Tcktck* "No, that isss okay, Tannin," he said rather disappointedly. "Thiss one knowss how to cook thri'kreen food, but ssoftsskinsss have sstrange tasstess, sso I tried to cook ssoftskin food. You should cook; you are good at it anyway."


Trying to salvage his pride, Tak'we grabbed and hid himself beneath his cloak and went about packing his things, eager to get away and take his mind off of this particular... event...

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Xundus had not been at the camp almost all morning, and as such, he missed out on most of the spectacle of the effects of Tak'we's cooking. Rather, he had been alternating between meditation and his daily exercise. Once he had done that for a few hours, he began to explore the area. He found nothing of interest, save one or two small cliff faces he decided to climb. At the end of his little exploration trip, he made his way back to camp, and was surprised to find the thri'kreen a shade of pink.


"Tak'we? Why are you pink?" said the drow, an incredulous look painted on his face.

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Arland saw Rhaine's magic wash over him, but didn't actually feel anything happen. Fearing the worst, he looked down at himself. To his surprise, his clothing and skin had returned to their regular color.


"Hey, I don't look like a frog anymore!" He cheered.


"Shame, would've been fun to laugh at ya for the next year." Weyland mused. "Dri seems to be getting a kick out of it though." He grinned, amused be her hysterical silent laughing.


Arland noticed that Tak'We was still bright pink and seemed quite unhappy about it. He restrained his urge to laugh and instead said, "Don't worry, Tak'We, I'm sure the lady Thri'kreen will dig your new do." He shrugged encouragingly while Weyland suppressed a snicker.

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Unable to do anything more for Tak'we, Rhaine returned to her tent and armed herself, re-emerging a short time later. As she packed everything and secured it to the back of Azrael's saddle, she mulled over mentioning Kalin's plight to the group, then decided against it.


Once crisis at a time...


They were so close to this next phylactery, they could not turn away now. The Doomguide was certain that the foul thing had been hidden somewhere in this rocky mountain range. Its guardians were, of course, unknown, and the group of adventurers needed to prepare for the worst possible scenario. She prayed that Valthanarax had not chosen to regenerate in this particular location. If he had, it would be just as nasty of a fight as the last one had been...if not more so.


The cliff faces were so craggy and precarious that they were forced to lead their horses by hand, winding their way down centuries-old paths barely wider than the wheels of an ox-cart. The day was clear, and so the view was vast and beautiful, providing a slight sense of peace.


Suddenly, there was an ever-so-slight rumble, causing the pebbles to dance lightly on the ground. This was accompanied by a roar that sounded like a...


"Dragon," Conall spoke in a warning tone, "Not close, but not far away, either. I cannot tell the species."


"Pity," Ariel remarked dryly.


"I hope he's ready for a fight," Dagny replied as she struggled to calm the donkey she had purchased for transportation, "Cause me fingers are itchin' to give 'im one!"


Argyros's grip tightened on his bow as he seemed to lean into the wind, silver eyes closed. When he opened them again, he spoke simply, "Green."


Rhaine wordlessly scanned the horizon, trying to find evidence of the dragon, but to no avail. She kept her grip tight on Azrael's reins, though the horse, unlike Dagny's donkey, didn't seem worried by the sounds.


"If he's lairing here," Conall continued, "It is likely he is old, having become heir to these mountains through age, battle, or both. It is probable that he thinks this entire range is his own. We must be careful."

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