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Tales of Faerun


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As they moved through the mountainpass the pirates were as always, loud and obnoxious but at the mention of the dragon, Shalena shut them up.


Nawen heard Argyros's mentioning that the dragon was green. "How could he tell?" She thought as she watched the moon elf but for the moment she pushed the seemingly unimportant thought away. She knew only a little about dragons but what she knew was enough to know that green dragons are known to attack for no reason. Not to mention that they couldn't be in the worse position if the dragon saw them and decided to attack.


"Green dragons revel in combat." She said quietely. The drow also heard that they're particularly fond of consuming elves but for obvious reasons decided not to say it out loud.


"Maybe I should scout the path ahead?" Nawen suggested. "With luck, I might find out where exactly the dragon's lair is so we could avoid it."


Even if they have the dragon outnumbered, Nawen hoped to avoid the battle. Shalena and her pirates thought differently. Dragons always guard huge hordes of treasure.


"I say, let's find and kill this dragon," Shelana said, "why hide like cowards if we have it outnumbered?"


"This is his territory," Nawen hissed, "and he would use the knowledge of this land to trap or kill us."


"So?" The pirate said. She clearly wasn't paying attention to anything the drow said and this irritated the latter even more. She wanted to shout at the half-elf but was smart enough not to do so for her screams could alert the dragon of their presence.

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Xundus was curious about the roar, even more so when Argyros mentioned that it was a green dragon.


"Green dragons often live in caves behind waterfalls, preferably up high so they can view their territory. If we plan on getting the first move on the dragon, that is probably where we should look. Though, I would advise against it. For all we know, that thing could be ancient," he said to the group, trying to keep his voice down. The drow took his mask off in preference of a wider field of view, then hung it on his belt. He'd like to see the dragon coming, if it did.


"And Nawen, I'd be happy to accompany you if you do go. But, I'd understand if you think you'd do better alone."

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Dri wiped her tears, trying to stop giggling at Arland without much success. *Stop making me laugh!* she mouthed, giving Weyland a playful punch on the shoulder, and wearing a wry grin on her face. *You're never going to let him forget this, are you, Weyland?*


She saw how Tak'we was taking it, though and finally managed to stop laughing. Poor guy... She shook her head in pity and went about packing her things, occasionally shaking lightly from restrained laughter as she replayed the image of a green Arland.


Tak'we gave a suspicious stare at Arland and Weyland, who were obviously trying not to laugh. "Don't patronize me..." he muttered in thri'kreen in response to Arland, throwing on his cloak and grabbing his pack, all the while giving disgruntled clicks and ignoring everyone.



As the party went down the cliffs, Tak'we navigated the path expertly, his thri'kreen agility well-suited to the rough terrain. He was still feeling rather anti-social when he heard the roar. *Sssss* "Giant flying lizard..." he hissed and readied his gythka, scanning the surroundings for any sign of the creature. He took his eyes away to look at Nawen when she suggested scouting ahead. "Tak'we cannot hide now, but could help dark pointy-ears get to higher ground if she wantss."


*Tcktcktcktck...* he clicked thoughtfully while looking for a spot on the cliffs that would give the dark pointy-ear a bettter view without exposing her too much, whistling softly when he found a small overhang above them with some room to follow the rest of his clutch as well. *Wee.* "Would that sspot work, Nawen?"


Dri had a relatively easy time walking down the cliffs, the path not terribly different from her time evading the Shadow Thieves in town. She marveled at the beautiful sight before them. *Has there ever been such a v- * the rogue cut herself off mid-sentence after nearly jumping out of her skin when she heard the terrible roar. *By Tymora! Was that a dragon!?*


As the party began discussing tactics, she unconsciously huddled closer to the Grey brothers, pale-faced and watching the skies. Tymora preserve us... she prayed silently, barely keeping herself from panicking. To help calm herself to a small extent, Dri called out her rapier from the extra-dimensional compartment in her gloves.


Lonesome, you know anything about green dragons? she asked the sentient weapon worryingly. She felt a slight hint of surprise and concern from the magical rapier, before it took on a light sheen with a near-silent, vibrating hum, followed by a sense of regret and helplessness from it; it had done all it could to help, but there wasn't much it could do. I feel the same way, she thought, grimly thanking Lonesome and stood even closer to the Greys, hoping the dragon wouldn't attack them.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Hexol starred off into the sky when they heard the dragon's roar. Memories of home came swirling up to the surface of his mind. His grip on his hoopak tightened as he forced himself to turn away. "If it's a green.... then it's been attacking caravans and travelers...." He said angrily.



Tannin wasn't too concerned about the dragon, to be honest he actually looked forward to meeting it, dragon scale was both flexible and incredibly strong making it perfect armor. "If we do run into it..... I want the scales and bones, can make good armor with that stuff." He said cheerfully, a chance at actually putting together some armor was something he was looking forward too, it would take him a while to piece it all together but in the end it would certainly be worth it.


Xundus's offer to go with Nawen pulled him out of his planning however and he immediately spoke up. "Why don't you stay back here with us Xundus? Would rather you not run off alone with anyone, her in particular. No offence you see, But I don't exactly trust your intentions.. or your eyes. You understand don't you?"

Edited by josh900
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Both Grey brothers and Amendale started when they heard the dragon's roar. Weyland hooked his arm around his shield and slung it off of his back, and his hand tightened into a grip around the hilt of his blade. Arland simply drew both of his blades, while Amendale's eyes darted for the sky and the cliffs above them.


"Doesn't sound close. Or, for that matter, too far off." Amendale commented.

"Wherever he is, he tries swooping down on my and he's getting a nasty pair of pinpricks in his hide." Arland commented with a nervous grin.


"He'll probably breathe on you first." Weyland countered, rolling his eyes. "I dunno what Green Dragons breathe, but I know that even if he breathed bunnies it's be deadly as the hells, so I wouldn't be so flippant about it. Oh, and he'd still catch you, even if you literally turned out to be a thorn in his side. He'd feel our pain." He almost grinned.


"I wouldn't go far, Xundus." Amendale cautioned the Drow. "I'm not even sure it's wise for Nawen to stray, no matter how skilled a scout she is. If something happens and anyone goes missing, we'll be torn between searching for you and leaving you behind, and neither option is a good one when we're within a dragon's domain. We either waste time looking- whether you be alive or dead- or we leave you behind, and it weighs on our conscience, possibly for our entire lives. It's not my call to make, but whatever decision is made, make sure it's well thought-out."


"I agree with him there." Weyland responded. "Too risky, If you're going anywhere, don't stray far."


"I don't know, if we got a lay of the land and had an idea where the dragon was hiding, we could avoid it or even surprise it if we so wished, and it'd give us a great advantage if we knew where we could go to take cover if it started swooping down on us."

"Swooping is bad...." Weyland pondered uncertainly.


"This may turn into a case of sacrificing one of us, or potentially getting us ALL killed." Arland continued, earning a glare from Weyland and Amendale. "Not a pretty situation if things take a turn for the worse. Gotta think of the bigger picture here."


"Your 'bigger picture' thought track is the reason you're stuck with us in the first place." Weyland countered slyly.

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Rhaine glanced at the two drow, her voice low, "I thank you both for your offer, but Amendale has the right of it."


There was another roar and a distant flapping sound.


"He's in the sky," Conall hissed.


"There," Argyros pointed.


Hovering just over the treeline, perhaps less than a mile away from their position on the cliffs, was the dragon. Its scales were a jade hue in the sun, its serpentine form twisting and gliding through the air with the grace only dragons possessed. Judging from the length of its dorsal frill and the glow of its eyes, it was an ancient specimen. It cast a magnificent shadow over the canopy from its sheer size...


"Female," the pale moon elf added, his silvery eyes fixed on the movements of the hunting dragon, "She is angry."


"Should we move?" Dagny asked, "If we stay still, it will only be a matter of time until she heads this way."


"If we do continue," Conall replied, "She could sense the movements as well."


"Either way," Rhaine said quietly, "It doesn't look as though we're getting out of this without a confrontation with her. If that is the case, I would rather us try and get out of this limiting terrain if we can."


With that, she began leading Azrael down the path again, glancing between the ground and the dragon all the while.

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Nawen listened to Tannin's words after Xundus offered to come with her to scout with the raised eyebrow. She had no idea what he meant nor did she really want to know, because of this she remained silent and focused her attention on the surroundings. When Rhaine turned down her offer to scout the road ahead she was a bit disappointed as she haven't done any serious scouting in a long time, but at the same time Nawen was relieved. Something bad was bound to happen if they split up in a place like this.


"Does anyone keep the list of beasts we encounter on our travels?" The drow asked no one in particular. "A hydra, a banshee, lamia and now a green dragon. Quite the material for a few songs."

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"A hydra?" Conall's brows rose at Nawen's words, "You'll have to tell me more about that one."


The group then made their way further down the cliffs, finally reaching a level plateau, before the dragon spotted them. Rhaine suspected the sudden gust of wind - revealing Tak'we's bright pink carapace - was what had finally attracted the green's attention. It soared almost straight at them, nothing but rage in its glowing eyes. It landed on the edge of the plateau, the ground shaking with its arrival. The dragoness snorted, the scent of toxic chlorine gas following.


"I am Ivanthyriatryx! Who are you, who dares to intrude upon my lands? Speak! I wish to know the names of those I am about to destroy!" the green snarled, her wings still outstretched, making her seem even larger than she was. Her glittering scales shimmered as her neck wove back and forth like a serpent poised to strike.


Dagny's braying donkey finally managed to break free from the dwarf's grasp, skittering away from the group and right for the dragon. With the swift movement of a massive paw, Ivanthyriatryx swiped at the beast and crushed it into the dirt, brutally silencing its noisy protests with the sound of cracking bones. The stunned dwarf stood with her mouth hanging open for a few breaths before closing it with one hand.


To Rhaine's surprise, Argyros stepped forward, seemingly unintimidated by the green. He stood beside the Doomguide and spoke in a very clear voice, "You may call me Argyros. As you might already suspect, Ivanthyriatryx, we are merely a group of humble adventurers. We seek to destroy a phylactery of the red dracolich, Valthanarax, which we know is in this area...in your lands. You also know of this, do you not? The Cult of the Dragon is nearby, protecting his-"


The green cut him off with a low hiss, and Rhaine feared that Argyros had overstepped his bounds in some way. Yet the moon elf did not back down, even as Ivanthyriatryx swelled with breath and rage. Something about his steady silver stare seemed to stop the green from doing anything. Her eyes narrowed at the puny humanoids below her, fixed on Argyros in particular, and her response was slow.


"Yes...I know more than I would like...Argyros. The Cult has stolen my eggs...my entire clutch...to raise as shells for their master's soul," the dragoness growled, "If you seek to stop these thieves from their progress, then you would be of better use to me alive...for now."


Her gaze swept out over the rest of them, "You are invaders in my territory, and such a crime is punishable by death. But I will be lenient this once. The Cult's lair is to the north, warded by a door that I cannot breach. You will go there, and you will find a way to enter where I could not. You will bring me my eggs and proof of the thieves' destruction...or you will meet a slow and agonizing end...that I can promise you. Now go. I am not a patient sort."


With that, Ivanthyriatryx leapt from the ledge and took flight once more, continuing her circle over the valley and forest below.


"Great," Dagny finally spoke, "There goes me steed. And now we're supposed to make miracles for an angry mother dragon? What if the eggs are gone? Destroyed?"


"What if the young have already been hatched," Conall continued, "And are being prepared to serve as hosts?"


"That is, indeed, possible," Rhaine agreed, "They can accelerate a dragon's growth with magic, or so I've been told."


Argyros nodded, "All of that is quite plausible. Or the eggs might still be intact. We do not yet know. But we do know where our enemies are, now, and what they've been doing. It is more than we had before, yes?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Though at first disappointed that he wasn't going to be able to scout ahead and see the dragon first, Xundus was relieved he hadn't when it came into view. He had once seen a deep dragon while patrolling in the Underdark, but that had been but a wyrmling, and paled in comparison to the green dragon.


He was too stricken with awe to move, and it was a good thing the dragon hadn't immediately attacked, otherwise he might be dead.


When the dragon told them of her clutch being stolen, and sent them to stop the thieves, Xundus decided he would try his best not to anger the dragon. At that time, he realised that if they did anger her, his rapier would be too light to penetrate her hide, as well as his hand-crossbow bolts. And besides, if they came across any enemies of thick hide or armor, he would be of little use as well.


"If anybody had a sword to spare, I would be much obliged if I could borrow it for a while. A rapier is too light to pierce a dragons hide, if it comes to that. I doubt I'll be of much use without a heavier weapon."

Edited by Quintatas
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Dri tried to keep her calm, but kept glancing fearfully upward for anything, scared a dragon would swoop down upon them and eat them. Please don't see us, please don't see us...


When the green dragon landed in front of them with a earth-rumbling crash, the girl gave a silent scream and tripped backwards in terror, stumbling and hiding behind the nearest source of protection, which happened to be Weyland. Trembling, she peaked past Weyland's legs at Ivanthyriatryx, and immediately wished she hadn't, practically hysterical now at the sight of the gargantuan creature before them. Oh Tymora, we're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die!


When the dragon came and left without killing them (and several breathes passed by after), Dri shakily got off the ground, releasing the bone-crushing grasp she didn't realize she had on Weyland's leg. Sorry, she mouthed meekly and stood there pale-faced while dimly aware of what everyone was doing. Picking up Lonesome, who radiated a feeling of concern and fear. It's okay, Lonesome, she thought comfortingly, though whether she was trying comfort Lonesome or herself was very debatable.



Tak'we was silent as they went down the cliffs, keeping his eyes sky-ward. He hissed when the wind blew his cloak open, and was cursing when he saw the giant flying lizard flying towards them soon after, making him hate the pinkness of his chitin even more. *K'CHI'TCK!* "Ssstupid color..." The thri'kreen swayed softly when the giant flying lizard landed and roared its challenge.


Tak'we fell into a crouched position, legs poised for a leap, but remained there when Argyros stepped forward and began to speak. He stayed ready to jump a Ivanthyriatryx at first, but the thri'kreen soon dropped his aggressive stance at the mention of her eggs being stolen. "Eggss sstolen?! By the sspiritss!" he chattered in outrage and barely keeping from breaking his gythka in half out of sheer anger; egg-stealing was by far one of the worst transgressions among his people, and Ivanthyriatryx had lost her entire clutch of eggs to thieves.


After she left, Tak'we listened to his clutchmates discuss what to do with a shocked expression on his face. How could they just question this!? "Why are we jusst sstanding here!?" *TCKTCK!* he clicked with a shocked expression on his face. "Giant flying lizard's eggss have been stolen, and clutchmatess sstand here like hatchlingss and assk what to do?! We should go now and ssave them!" Without waiting for a reply of any kind, the angry thri'kreen began marching to the north.



Meanwhile, Dri just stared after Tak'we in horror. Glancing at the Grey brothers, she managed to mouth out, her fear plain on her face: *Are we really going to do this?*

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