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Tales of Faerun


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Shalena was lucky enough to avoid the poisonous gas but some of her crew weren't as lucky. Some suffocated within minutes as they've been largely exposed to the gas, some lay on the ground trying to suck in the fresh air and some stronger ones were fighting alongside their captain against the raging dragon, slashing and stabbing with their blades wherever they could reach.


Nawen drew her bow and notched an arrow. She aimed at the dragon's neck but missed as the poisonous gas, while it did not effect her as much as it did some of her other companions but the smell alone made her eyes water. Cursing under her breath she notched another arrow and aimed at the only soft spot she could think of - eyes. While Rhaine had cast a Sunbeam spell and it worked to blind the dragon, it was only a temporary solution and the dragon will regain her sight eventually. Nawen aimed to fix that.


She stepped back to get a better angle at the dragon's eyes and shot an arrow. She missed her intended target but her second arrow was good enough to pierce through the skin. The drow notched another arrow and aimed at the left eye.


"Fenmarel Masterine, my lord, guide my hand..."


The third arrow wasn't a miss.

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"Watch the scales!" Tannin yelled as pieces of Ivy's hide were burned away by Rhaine's sunbeam. Though he would much rather loose the Dragon scales over his companions he still wished they were a little more careful, that thought was quickly thrown into the back of his mind when the Dragon hit the cliff wall. Had he not managed to jam Blackrazor into Ivy's hide and keep his grip, he would have most certainly fell to his death. With the dark blade plunged into the Dragons neck, it began to satisfy it's hunger with the Dragon's soul, Slowly draining away a portion of the ancient beast. Not wanting to wait the hours that it would take for Ivy's soul to be completely devoured, Tannin wracked his brain for some idea to bring the Dragon down. As he was flung about he caught sight of a storm cloud off the distance and a flash of lightning inside it, this granted him the idiotic idea that he needed. "EVERYONE OFF!!!" He screamed as Blackrazor's blade extended upward into the air by several feet, making itself into a long metal spear. "LIGHTNING HERE!" He yelled out, not wanting to keep his mouth open too much for fear of biting off his own tongue what with Ivy's thrashing about.


Back on his feet, Azuris joined the others on the ledge with his crossbow, and despite not being the best shot and only using the most basic of Bolts, he tried his best to aim for some of the Dragon's weaker areas.



Not having the proper ammunition for his Hoopak, Hexol settled for putting rocks in it and launching them at Ivy. Seeing what Tannin had done and hearing what he was yelling, Hexol turned to Amendale and called out to him. "Amendale! We need a lightning bolt on the black...Thingy sticking out of the dragon's back!"

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As the fight went on, Amendale made himself useful by curing those poisoned with healing and poison-removal spells, and making sure that everybody was kept in peak fighting condition. It was a daunting task, one that he found exhausting, but he pushed on, intending for everybody to get out of this alive. This goal was immediately cut short once he saw Fenrir die, but he shook it off- for the moment- and finished healing Dagny right before Rhaine's sunbeam blinded the beast.


Weyland's spirited attempts to distract Ivythariatryx from his allies were, to his panicked despair, in vain, and when she landed against the cliff face, he drew his sword and launched himself at her, scoring what would be deep gashes across her face if she was a vaguely-human-sized target. Instead, most of his blows, despite coming from an adamantine sword, bounced right off, the shock from the blade's enchantment doing no more than irritating her. He barely managed to dive out of the way of her next blast of poisonous gas, and he landed on his stomach precariously close to the cliff's edge. Ivy tried to finish him by snapping him up in her jaws when Nawen's arrow slammed into her eye and blinded it, and she thankfully missed. Arland wrapped an arm around Weyland's torso and hauled him away from the immediate danger of her melee attacks, much to Amendale's relief.


Weyland gasped for breath. "That was close! Thanks, you owe me one less."


"Not a problem." Arland replied, for once without any kind of sarcasm in his tone. He charged back into the fray, aiming for Ivy's wing like Xundus was doing. He punched a few holes in the membrane, but due to her massive size it was nothing significant. The fire from one of the twin blades helped, however.


Weyland stood back on his feet and was about to charge back in when he heard Tannin shout for everyone to retreat. He scrunched his eyebrows, until Tannin pointed at Blackrazor, now firmly implanted into Ivy's hide, and called for lightning.



Amendale was exhausted and needed rest. That initial blast had crippled enough people to put a strain on his magical abilities once he got around to casting two spells on each of them. Through the din, he heard Hexol's voice. Lightning? Where? He glanced up, and saw where the fingers were pointed, and suddenly he understood. Electricity wouldn't do much to Ivythariatryx from the outside, but Blackrazor would let it circuit around within her.


With a solid, steely determination rivaling his long-time friend's, Amendale casted a haste spell on himself that sped his reflexes up, allowing him to see Blackrazor clearly, and poured as much power as he possibly could into his magic. He muttered the incantation to a lightning bolt and forced it out.




The Empowered lightning connected with Blackrazor's hilt and sent massive amounts of electrical current downwards and into Ivy's insides, enough that if it had hit him it would have not only killed him instantly but blown a hole through him. Without hesitating, he took a moment and cast another one that blasted the dazed, severely injured Green Dragon once again, before the pressure was too much for him to keep up and he slumped, exhausted.

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Tak'we made sure Rhaine was fully up before climbing over the edge himself. *WEEE!* he whistled in alarm and ducked as a large stray rock flew where his head once was. He had just regained his hearing when he heard Tannin and Hexol screaming something about... lightning? He suddenly realized what they meant as he saw Amendale call for Arland to move moments later and sparks rising in the pointy-ear's hands. "Oh, spirits!" he exclaimed, diving out of the way and hoping this would work...


Dri finally managed to get herself to move from cover and do something helpful, lending Amendale aid with the others that were wounded. She heard Hexol yelling for Amendale to cast lightning on the weapon that Tannin had stuck in the dragon, and so she ducked just as lightning shot past her head, hands over her eyes to shield against the flash.

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Rhaine stayed on her stomach to avoid the arcs of lightning that surged towards Ivanthyriatryx. Conall had already backed away next to Xallistine, and Dagny was recovering nearby, close to Argyros.


The dragoness screamed. her roars vibrated the mountainside, and her body lashed back and forth with grotesque violence before finally falling from the cliffs, slamming into the crags below. For many minutes afterward, she still twitched with electrical energy, but she was very much dead at last.


Rhaine, after taking a few breaths to calm herself, rose to her feet and looked to Amendale with a nod, "Well done, my friend."


Xallistine, too, added his thanks, "Indeed. You have landed the killing blow upon this magnificent specimen. Quite the feather in your proverbial cap, yes? Most impressive."


Conall glanced at the carnage on the ledge, the chlorine fog now gone. In its place, it left a myriad of corpses...all of them near skeletons from the intensity of the acid. Among them lay what was left of the white wolf, Fenrir.


"You, too, eh old friend?" the paladin knelt in front of the remains, bowing his head in sadness.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xundus, intending to get away from the dragoness anyway, worked even faster to remove his rapier when Tannin warned them to move away. After a few seconds of struggling, he pulled the weapon free and jumped back, landing in a rather un-graceful roll.


The drow watched in amazement as Tannin channeled the lightning into the dragon, effectively killing it. Upon its death, he removed the leather jerkin from his face and took a deep, long breath. He was glad the thing was dead, but he couldn't help but feel some remorse from killing a mother, even with her eggs hatched.


His piwafwi, already in shreds before the fight, was now little more than a useless patch of cloth. He used it to wipe the sweat from his face, then threw it on the ground, along with the spare crossbow bolts he kept. He wouldn't be needing them anymore, though he kept the poison.


"Still going to get the hide, Tannin?" he said, pointing to the dragoness lying in the crags below, a grin on his now-revealed face.

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Once the battle was finished, Shalena looked around to see how many of her crew had survived. Less when she liked. Those who died were reduced to nothing but bones due to acid. The captain looked away from the bones and glanced at the cliffs.


"Anyone has any idea where her lair is?" She asked out loud.


Nawen lowered her bow and looked around to see if all of her companions were alive. Sadly, Fenrir didn't make it as well as some of the pirates but everyone else were alive.


"By the hells, that was a tough fight," she said as she approached Amendale and helped him to stand up, "how about next time we avoid acid breathing dragons?"

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Rhaine offered customary prayers for the fallen men. As she beheld Conall, she pitied the poor paladin; his face bore an expression of pure grief as he stood and turned away from the carnage, sheathing Ariel and silently calming his frantic horse.


Dagny, who had finally stopped gasping and only occasionally coughed, pounded a nearby rock with her fist, "First me donkey, now me shield...what next? I certainly hope this dragon's lair has some sufficient replacements for our lost gear...or at least enough gold to buy more!"


Argyros peered down at the fallen dragon as he slung his bow over one shoulder. Then looking up, he surveyed the valley for a few minutes before pointing.


"There. On that opposite crag. See that waterfall? Her lair will have been dug behind that."


Finished with her work, Rhaine returned to the ever-stoic Azrael and took his reins in hand, "I suppose if you all are interested in the horde, we should be heading that way, then. Tannin? If you wish to retrieve your trophies, you can do so and then meet us at the lair."


With that, she began leading her warhorse away from the ledge and down the craggy and narrow paths towards the waterfall.

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*WEEEEE!* Tak'we whistled a victorious note as the giant flying lizard fell to the crags below, finally defeated. "Thank Mother Moon that iss over." He gave a discontent chatter matching Dagny's tone as he looked over the edge of the cliff, just spotting the only shattered piece of his gythka still stuck in the rocky face. *Ktch'tcktck* "Tak'we hass had that gythka ssince thiss one'ss forty-eighth birthmoon..." Well, at least it can be replaced, he reasoned, and soon dismissed his discomfort over losing the sentimental staff.


The thri-kreen hissed distastefully at the mention of the lair being behind a waterfall, though. Why must it be water? "Tak'we will help Tannin with giant flying lizard," he said assertively, and begun moving down the paths to get to the corpse.



Dri slumped against a nearby rock, glad that the fight was done. *Arland? Weyland? You two alright?* she asked, walking up to them and giving them hugs. *Sorry I wasn't of much help in the fight.* She looked at Amendale and gave him a pat on the back as well. "You did great, Amendale. You need any help?*

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Seconds before the lightning struck his sword, Tannin had leaped off of the dragon and grabbed a hold of a part of the cliff where he thought he would have been safe, but in her thrashing about, The green dragon had smashed part of the cliff that the half-drow had attached himself to. Despite his best attempt Tannin was unable to keep a hold of the cliff side and fell with the dragon, crashing and sliding down the mountain side as he tried to control his descent. A bit further than half way down his body came to a stop behind a crag. As the rocks stopped pelting him and the dust settled he slowly opened his eyes, with his vision fading in and out and the ringing in his ears signaling a concussion as well as the extraordinary pain throughout his body, he figured it would be in his best interest to simply lay where he was and wait for help.



"Good thinking Tannin!" Exclaimed Hexol as the dragon fell. "That was definitely one of the more creative ways I've seen someone kill a dragon!" He said happily as he looked around for him. "Ummm.... Where is Tannin anyways?" He asked as he looked down the cliff side.



"I like killing evil dragons as much as the next guy... But that was too rough. Was a good shot though Amendale, well done." He said as he began to take off of his now completely ruined armor, the gas had rusted the suit nearly all the way through leaving it so weak than when it hit the ground what was left of it shattered. He was thankful that he had worn clothing underneath the plate but he still felt uncomfortable being so unprotected. This reminded him about his sword which was not spared from Ivy's attack, he angrily tossed the ruined blade aside along with his crossbow which had broken after two shots. "Lets hope this dragon had taken some decent equipment." He grumbled as he followed Rhaine out.

Edited by josh900
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