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Tales of Faerun


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Then the group returned to Dilpur, Shalena departed to make sure that her ship is still standing as well as to refill their food, water and other supplies. As uncaring about other people's well being as she may appear to some, there was one thing in the realms beside the sea that the half-elf pirate cared for and genuinely loved. And that was her ship, Sea's Compass.


After sending her men to buy or simply steal supplies, Shalena went to her cabin. "It is good to be back." She said to herself as she walked towards the table. The captain unlocked one of the drawers and pulled an an old parchment with several sketches hastily drawn upon it. One was a compass, the other one was a cutlass identical to the one Shalena found in the dragon's lair. The third drawing was a piece of armor, everything about it screamed that it was made by the elves. The fourth drawing was a circlet with the small golden anchor, the fifth sketch was a spyglass and the last and biggest sketch was a ship with the world golden written below it.


For a moment Shalena sat silently and looked at the sketches. "I have two of the items," she said to herself, "a compass and now a cutlass. When I'll have five, I'll find the ship."


Nawen took more ingredients than she thought she did. Without an eye, three nails and a large number of scales, she also took some meat but was unsure if it's edible or not.


When they returned to Dilpur, Nawen approached Conall and said, "I am very sorry for your loss, if you'd like to talk with someone, I will gladly listen," before walking away to find an empty seat and have a well deserved dinner. Conall was grieving and it was pretty clear that he wished to be alone for now.

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Aodh stared at the large piece of meat that Weyland offered for a few moments, his pale green eyes wide, before almost diving onto it and happily munching away, telepathically sending the warrior messages of thanks. Rhaine grinned, sipping from the tankard of ale that he had bought. She was pleased that the Greys were so merry; it had been a while since she had seen her companions in such a good mood, and the feeling was infectious.


After a few moments of everyone settling in, the Doomguide began withdrawing items from her Bag of Holding. To Conall, she presented an Ironskin Ring, said to help protect against the cutting power of blades.


"For me?" he asked as he took the thin silver band, genuinely surprised at her gesture, "Well...thank you. I'm sure it will prove quite useful."


As he sat back and examined his gift, Rhaine quickly moved to Dagny, to whom she gave a sturdy red woolen cloak with gold embroidery - a Cloak of Protection. The dwarf's smile widened, "Ah, thank ye, lassie! Been a while since I've seen one o' these...I'll put it on right now!"


The cloak was a little big for Dagny and draped far past her feet, but she didn't seem to care. Instead, she lifted her stein in cheers to Rhaine and poked Weyland in the ribs playfully, "Come on now, ye lightweight...I'm already ahead of ye by a tankard."


Argyros was next, to whom Rhaine gave a Ring of Resistance, the gold band emitting a soft light as she extended it to him. The moon elf seemed entranced by the item, his eyes fixated on it as he gingerly took it from the Doomguide's hand, "You present me with a gift? I am touched, my friend. Truly. I shall treasure it greatly."


As Rhaine approached Nawen, she smiled and pulled out a dark green silk and velvet cloak and extended it to the drow, "A Cloak of Elvenkind. To go with your boots."


Gesturing to one of Shalena's pirates, she proffered a white cloak trimmed in red, "Here...this is a Cloak of Protection against Evil...for your captain. Please, take it and send her my thanks."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xundus was hesitant to enter Dilpur without a mask, but found it easy enough to have his hood covering his face. When they finally entered the city, the drow mostly stayed in the corner of the tavern, watching the commoners. He politely declined when offered with drink, though he did purchase an apple. To be honest, he wasn't very happy about the trip to Westgate. He had already been there once, and figured that was one too many times. A wistful smile crossed his face as he thought back to his trip to the Spine of the World. He had spent nearly all night gazing at the moon, wispy clouds drawing near but not over it. Tonight, he would find some enjoyment, he decided.


When the sun set and the moon rose, he made his way out on the streets, and climbed onto the roof of what seemed like a house. There, he laid back, doing as he did most nights - watching the moon. He loved to see it - it reminded him of escaping the Underdark, of Selune, and mostly, of true freedom. When he was done, he returned to the inn, and did his best to go unnoticed as he sat back down in his chair.

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"Amendale's the only other one in the loop about any of that." Weyland confessed to Dri, to happy to care that he'd only known her a short while now. "Even Arland doesn't know the whole story. Rhaine doesn't, Tak'We doesn't, none of 'em." He shrugged, and then couldn't help but cheer again. "This is AMAZING!"



Later, at the tavern, Weyland took Dagny's challenge with a laugh. "Bring it!" He issued his own challenge, and then ordered two more ales for himself, downed another one, and began chugging the next one to catch up. The bartender smiled a little, thinking that she was going to make a lot of money off of these two tonight. When Arland jumped in to join, she only grinned more.


"Arland!" Weyland declared. "You're an idiot. You make goblins look smart. HOW DO YOU FORGET SOMETHING LIKE THAT?"


"I just...thought you...knew?" Arland put up a pitiful defense.


"You're paying for all three of us." Weyland commanded, leaving no room for question. "All THREE of us. You're in on this, too. Grab two and chug!"


Amendale decided that he might as well take the drink Weyland bought and have some for himself. He cringed at the strong taste and the wicked burn going down, but shrugged it off and continued in the spirit of the night, though he'd limit himself to just the one.


"So Sybille likes her warhammers, then?" Weyland asked Arland.


"When we smacked Ordain's men around a couple years ago she was using one bigger than Hexol." He stated matter-of-factly. "Pa throws a wheelbarrow like a champion, though."


"Ordain?" Weyland asked.


"Oh, I beheaded him in front of his wife and brat daughter, don't worry." Arland stated again, eyes flashing. "Daughter's what gave me this one!" He pointed to the long white scar on his face. "She knifed me, so I broke her leg."


"Why'd you do that?" Weyland asked.


"Oh they overtaxed the hells out of us. You sure I didn't tell you this one?"


"You didn't tell me that we lived in Westgate again until today."


"Fair enough."


"Hey, wait a second..." Weyland paused. "That means YOU'RE the reason I thought they died in the first place! Killed him and sent us packing to get away from the guards, I guarantee it!"


"Uh....yeah?" Arland answered uncertainly before he was punched out of his chair. Weyland just kept drinking. "How many've you had, Dagny? Dri?" He paused, seeing Dri's half-drunken state. "Hehe. Somebody can't take her liquor too well!" He poked her playfully and accusingly at the same time, before he realized that he was probably pretty tipsy himself.


"Hey, Rhaine, you should drink a few too!" Arland challenged her as he stood up.

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Rhaine cast Arland a half-grin, "Only the one for me, Arland. Now here, I have something for you as well." She reached into her bag and then handed him a thick leather belt with a brass buckle, "It's a Belt of Agility. Perhaps it will aid your dexterity on the battlefield."


Turning to his brother, she added, "And for you...an Amulet of Will." Rhaine gave the warrior a simple medallion on a leather cord, "To help you retain control when temptation...or coercion...strikes."


Dagny chuckled, and elbowed Weyland again, "Looks to me like somethin' ye need. And I've finished me eighth already, lightweight."


Passing by Amendale, the Doomguide handed the elf a brilliant golden amulet that shone with a soothing glow, the symbol of Lathander engraved on one side, "This is an Amulet of Divine Radiance. It is reputed to both make you more charismatic and more effective at Turning undead. I hope you find it useful, friend cleric."


To Xallistine she gave a bronze Ring of Insight, to help expand his already gargantuan font of knowledge even more. Then, turning to Tak'we, Rhaine proffered a stone pendant that was carved into the shape of a scarab beetle.


"This is a Scarab of Protection, Tak'we," she said, "supposedly, it offers a small, invisible barrier to ward the wearer from misfortune. I haven't tested it myself, but they are said to be common in the area from which you hail."


Moving to Dri, she handed the girl a small copper ring, "And for you...a Ring of Fortitude...to help you remain strong when your body might otherwise fail you."

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"Bori-!" Arland began to say, before she cut him off. "Uh.....what was that? Don't think I heard you right." As it turns out, he did, and she handed him a Belt of Agility as a gift. "Uh....a gift? For me? From you?" He paused, trying to sort it all out in his head. "But I thought you were always wanting to punch my lights out...?"


"Apparently not." Weyland interjected smugly. "And somehow I doubt she'd stoop low enough to getting it just to make you look like a fool. Not that she has to try. Nah, I think she actually means it. But then I'm under the influence here, what I say is potentially unreliable."


"Under the influence, barely educated and still smarter than his brother..." Amendale murmured inaudibly to himself, shaking his head and taking another swig.


"Well, uh..." Arland stumbled for words. "...Thanks. A lot, actually." He then added sheepishly, "You're the first one to give me a gift in years now. Not sure how I can repay you here...."


"Maybe try not to antagonize her too much in the future." Weyland suggested 'casually'.

"I suppose I can try." Arland sighed. "Anything I blatantly disagree with and I'm saying so." He told Rhaine with a pointed finger. "...But I'll try not to step on your toes, I guess."


"Never thought I'd see the day." Weyland grinned and started chugging again. "Seventh!" Then, Rhaine presented him with his own gift, and he put the amulet on to absolutely no effect on his drinking speed. "Hey, thanks Rhaine. I mean it." He said sincerely, before elbowing Dagny playfully in the ribs and finishing an eighth in record time.


Amendale paid events around him no mind until Rhaine handed him his gift, and as he took it, he looked up at her. "Thank you. I don't have anything to repay you with on the spot, but I intend to use this to help both you and the group as a whole. I do hope that's sufficient. If not, just say the word, and I can lend a hand."


A minute later, Weyland looked sideways at Dri. "Ring of fortitude, eh? Well, you'll be able to drink quite a while longer with that." He grinned. "Now, let's see you put up some serious competition!"

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*TCK!?* "Th-thank you, Rhaine!" Tak'we chattered with a hint of pleasant surprise as he took the scarab; he had never received a gift before ever since he was a hatchling. "Thiss iss very good luck; Thiss one will treassure it." *Wee!* The thri-kreen went off and decided to try celebrating a little, after all, especially when he learned that the tavern had a bottle of Moondrop.


After paying for the bottle and a decent amount of food for dinner, Tak'we took a small cup and filled it up with the sweet drink, but only a little; he was determined not to become drunk like he had the last time. *Ssss...* he hissed slightly in disappointment when he quickly drained the cup, and debated whether to pour more. "That did not lasst long..." *Tcktck!* "Tak'we should be fine having another..."



Dri was thoroughly drunk by her fourth flagon when Rhaine gave her the Ring. *Awww,* she pouted cheerfully and tried to stand to hug the Doomguide, barely succeeding in the attempt. *You're sho shweet, Rhaine! I wish I had shomething for you, too!* She slipped the ring on (after two failed attempts) and sat back down next to Weyland, showing the ring off to her friends. *Weyland, Arland, look what Rhaine gave me!* she mouthed, barely coherent while she attempted to find her flagon. *Oh, where in the Nine flagons is my hell?! Oh, * she giggled silently when she realized she was still holding it. *Nevermind, I found it!*


The girl had barely finished that fifth drink though when she finally decided to stop. *Oh, I think I should shtop now... * Dri mouthed, swaying slightly. *Hey, Weyland, you mind if I just... go to shleep...* Without finishing her sentence, she passed out leaning against Weyland.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Rhaine shook her head as poor Dri passed out on Weyland's shoulder...but the event also made her smile. She had not failed to notice the girl's attachment to the warrior, and she thought their growing friendship healthy for each other.


Passing by Tak'we's table, she gave the thri-kreen a kind warning, "Easy there, friend...we both remember what happened the last time, don't we?"


Dagny, who had just tossed back her eleventh tankard, finally slid from her stool with a slight wobble. Her cheeks were quite rosy as she slurred, "And that'll be all for me, ladsh...I'm headin' off to me room before shomethin' happensh I regret," she chuckled lightly, "Goodnigh' all."


Conall and Argyros both watched as the dwarf hobbled up the inn stairs with surprising agility for one so tipsy, exchanging amused glances as they did so. They, like Rhaine, had only sipped from the tankards that Weyland had bought for them.


Rhaine was on her final trip around the room with her gifts. To Tannin she gave a Fife of Blasting, which would produce a Sound Burst when played, in addition to the chest of exotic fabrics she had found in the dragon's lair. Hexol's was a Chime of Opening, which would cast Knock if struck. Then, she presented Azuris with a fine leather Brawler's Belt, which would protect against bludgeoning attacks. Lastly, but certainly not least, she gave Xundus a silver Ring of Invisibility, which would render him invisible upon request, up to three times per day.


With that, she returned to her seat, Aodh draped lazily across the back of the chair. The Doomguide simply watched the room and continued sipping her ale, enjoying the atmosphere and the rare feeling of comfort and peace that permeated the inn.

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Weyland had almost gone through another tankard of ale when he felt a thud on his shoulder. Assuming it was Dri trying to get his attention, he casually glanced in her direction only to find her leaning on his shoulder. Amendale shot a grin at him, finding the situation both amusing and endearing.

"Er...Dri? What are you doin- " He hiccuped. "-doing?" He asked, confused.


"Iszhn't that adorable!" Arland said. "...all that heart-to-heart shtuff makes me queashy."


Weyland, still confused, shook Dri's shoulder. "Uh...how drunk are ya?" When she nearly fell off her stool and Weyland caught on that her eyes were closed, he grinned and said, "Very, very drunk, it seems. Yeah, Arland? She's out like a light. That wasn't voluntary." Arland laughed.

Weyland picked Dri up and unceremoniously hauled her over his shoulder. He tried being gentle, but the feeling of having a mithral pauldron digging into one's stomach wasn't likely to be comfortable. He forced Arland to pay for the drinks for the night as well as a room for one before he carried Dri upstairs, dumped her onto a single bed, went back downstairs and grabbed a chair, unsteady on his feet the entire way. He then dragged this chair up into Dri's room and sat himself by the window, still wearing his armor, closed the door, and kept a sharp eye on it. Or as sharp as his eye could get when he had eight or nine- or maybe ten- tankards in him.


A thump-thump-thump-thump followed by a thumpthumpthumpthump told him that Arland probably tried and failed to climb the stairs, and he snickered to himself. There was a rap on the door.


"Hey, whaaat are the two of ya... doing... in there?" Arland's drunken voice asked, before he accidentally opened the door and fell on his face. He took one glance at Weyland in full armor before he said, "Well, lot more innoshent than I was expecting."


"You shleeping in here or are you gettin' your ow- own room?" Weyland asked.


"Got my- own." Arland answered, and then shambled back out the door stumbled down the hall.


Eventually, completely drunk, Weyland dozed off in the chair as well, too numb to feel uncomfortable in his armor. He'd probably wake up sore in the morning.

Amendale came by later in the night, yawning and himself tired from the earlier ordeal with Ivy and checked on the two of them to make sure that Weyland hadn't managed to fall out of a window. When he saw both of them asleep, he shrugged and closed the door, remembering that Dri wasn't safe in this region, hence Weyland keeping an eye on her. Or at least he was before he fell asleep and for once didn't make any noise. Amendale would have to remember to plop Weyland in a chair if he ever snored too loudly.


Entirely unaffected by Weyland's alcohol after some time for it to wear off, Amendale dragged himself to his own rented room, stripped down into his underclothes, slipped under the covers, and was asleep almost instantly.

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"For me? Thank you, it's beautiful!" Nawen thanked Rhaine as she handed her the beautiful gray cloak. Her old cloak didn't have any enchantments but this one did and it was very useful for someone like her.


After Rhaine walked away, the drow returned to her seat and continued to eat her dinner. She noticed that Xundus left the tavern but was too exhausted to go look for him. He seemed more concerned about hiding himself from others than she was. At least now. Nawen hoped that a friendly company will help him as it did to her.


Shalena was on the main deck, looking at the sea when one of her pirates approached her and handed her a cloak.


"The winged half-elf asked me to give this to you, captain." He said.


The captain looked at the cloak and smiled. "Did she, now? How interesting." She said and gestured the pirate to help others with loading supplies to the ship. The half-elf folded the cloak and looked at the sea again. She was looking forward to the return to Westgate.

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