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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine woke before dawn the next morning, arming herself quickly and heading downstairs for breakfast. The Sea Compass would be ready to sail, soon, and she wanted to gather everyone together in the common room before they departed. The Doomguide wished to let the party know what they were getting themselves into...and why the Shaar would be their next destination, rather than nearby Turmish or Mulhorand.


Even if the weather was fair, they would be cutting the timing close if they wanted to rescue Kalin. It was a desperate situation to be sure, and a mission they were likely to fail, but Rhaine could not, in good conscience, let the elan die when she had the chance - albeit a small one - to save him.


As she ate her breakfast of hot porridge, she mulled over the situation and wondered if the Cult was involved in his capture. Gripping his ring tightly in her hands, she closed her eyes and briefly transmitted another message.


Don't lose hope, Kalin. We are on our way...

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Xundus felt refreshed after his trip into the night, and when Rhaine gifted him with a Ring of Invisibility he took it, though hesitant. "Thank you, Rhaine," he said, looking up to her from his chair, "Sorry, it's just that nobody's given me a gift for years, maybe even a few decades. This will be very useful."


When he started getting sleepy, he made his way upstairs to his room. He threw his green-gray cloak on a chair, as well as his armor, and inspected the ring. The drow hadn't been expecting much more than some gold for helping the group, but now he felt different. These people could be his friends. He had never had a friend before.


Grinning, he lay back on his bed and quickly fell asleep, content that things were going well.


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Having cut up and stuffed the rest of the dragon into Hexol's bag of holding (after having dumped several items that the Kender claimed had simply "Found their way into it.") Tannin spent most of the journey examining just about every piece of the dragon that he had and writing in one of his books. When they reached Dilpur he went off on his own and didn't see another member of the group until the evening at the tavern where he planted himself in a far corner away from the others and put his quill to paper and never seemed to pull it away save for when he would crumple up a sheet of paper and toss it into the fireplace and start over, what he was doing was no one knew as he grew rather snippy anytime anyone bothered him. Even when Rhaine presented him with a gift he remained quiet, offering only a grunt of approval, though the mass of fabrics did get his attention as he spent some time shifting through them.



In the morning Azuris came down stairs wearing his usual none armored clothing but with the addition of the belt he received from Rhaine. "First to rise eh Rhaine?" He said to her when he saw her sitting in the common room. though the muttering coming from the corner proved him wrong, when Azuris looked over he could hardly believe the mess the half-drow had made, bits, pieces, scrapes, balls, and entire sheets of paper littered the floor around. "He been there all night?" Azuris asked the waitress nearby.

"Was when I got here, when I asked him to pick the mess up he gave a look that.. well made me realize that I don't get paid enough to deal with those sorta people."

Azuris then sat down while staring over at Tannin's corner. "I don't get him.. I just....don't get him." He said before ordering up a hearty breakfast. Pushing Tannin's mood swings into the very back of his mind.

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Amendale was, unusually, not one of the first members of the group to wake up the morning. due to his exhaustion from the previous day he woke up well past dawn, at almost ten in the morning. He shrugged himself awake, donned a simple white short-sleeved shirt and his old fur pants before walking downstairs and quietly grabbing some breakfast. He did note with some uneasiness that Rhaine was dressed for battle and looking impatient, and considered going upstairs to grab his blade, but then he figured that if it was an imminent emergency that she'd have woken them all up by now, and kept eating some porridge, with an apple on the side.


Arland, who woke up almost an hour and a half later, considered waking Weyland up just to mess with him but then considered against it, thinking that if Weyland was still asleep then the only other competition for the bacon was Tak'We. He nearly fell down the stairs again thanks to a hangover, but he bought several pounds of bacon. Enough that the smell was soon wafting up through the entire inn.


Weyland was soon awoken by the smell of said bacon and the considerable light now flowing in through the bedroom window. He rubbed his eyes and nearly blackened them, as he didn't realize he was still wearing full armor until he stood up and felt like a statue with all the tense muscles and sore joints. Jolting once he realized he dozed off overnight, he checked on Dri to make sure that nobody had slit her throat in the night. He didn't even have to jostle her because he saw her breathing just fine, but she was totally enveloped by the blankets. He sighed and sat back down and breathed his own sigh of relief, glad that his own intoxication hadn't cost her her life.

Edited by Flipout6
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Nawen woke up unusually late but since no one had waken up her, it seemed they weren't in a hurry. By the time she got dressed, Rhegar was scratching the door impatiently trying to go outside. As they went downstairs, the drow looked around to see who were up. She noticed Tannin at first because the first thing her little wolf did was go after balls of paper that lay on the floor around the half-drow's table.


"Someone's been busy." She thought and joined Rhaine, Azuris and Amendale. She ordered some meat for Rhegar who was too busy playing with paper, and for herself, some baked eggs and bread. As she ate her breakfast, she noted how quiet the inn was. Only then she realized that none of the pirates were there. "Probably getting ready for the journey to Westgate." She thought and continued eating her breakfast.


Shalena remained in her ship ever since they came back. She sent a few of her men to local wizards to ask them whether it was possible to shrink a ship to a size where it could fit into a pocket or a bag. The pirate had no idea why are they traveling to Westgate but even if it is her home town, it is also one of the least safest ports to leave a ship docked for more than a few days.


Several hours later, her crewmen returned with the wizard who after a few well-placed threats, handed her four scrolls and after one successful demonstration, the wizard was allowed to leave with all of his limbs intact.

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Despite Rhaine's advice, Tak'we ended up getting drunk again. He didn't break down into a depressed state of mind like before, instead he shared stories and funny experiences with some of the braver locals about his clutchmates and their travels together, bringing up fighting dragons, Tannin being in constant mating season, and several other points. "...And Arland-" *HICTCK!* "turned green all over!" he chattered, laughing uncontrollably as he talked about the magic breakfast he had made. "Green! Ssuch a ssilly color!" He was very cheerful, even when someone pointed out that he was pink himself still. "Tak'we isn't pink! My lovely chitin could never be pink!" The thri-kreen looked at himself, and looked on in mock surprise. "Oh wait, it is pink!" *Sss-sss-sss!* Finally, as he drank the last of the bottle, he screeched a good night to everyone and promptly passed out.




The sound of Weyland's armored footsteps woke up Dri, who then peeked out from under her blankets and immediately wished she hadn't. *Ohh, not sunlight...* she moaned, shielding her eyes from the morning sun and holding her head as a terrible headache raged on. *Weyland, is that you?* the girl asked, squinting at him as she tried to block out the painful light coming in from the window. *What happened last ni-* she begun to ask, but stopped when she saw her hands... grey hands. Eyes bolting awake, she grabbed some of her hair in a panic, and sure enough, it was grey as well. Oh no...


Throughout the night, she had shifted back into her true form... and now someone else would know. Suddenly very distraught and very scared, Dri dove back under the blankets, hoping fruitlessly that Weyland hadn't seen anything but knowing fully well he had. Oh, Tymora, what will happen now?



Tak'we awoke to the smell of bacon wafting through the air, and rose from the bed he was now in, confused as to how he got there, and grumpy from the hangover pounding his head. "Stupid Tak'we, drinking that wine. I should never ha-... what in the spiritss iss that?" He stopped his self-cursing to investigate the mysterious lump under the blankets on the bed, or rather, the two lumps under the blankets. Cautiouslessly, the thri-kreen lifted the covers...


...And found two softskin females sound asleep underneath. What in the name of Mother Moon...? Staring at the sight before him and unable to comprehend what could have possibly happened between the time of him passing out and now, Tak'we simply put the covers back, grabbed his possessions, and quietly left, leaving with a very, very confused and dazed expression on his face.


Still wearing the expression and suddenly not as hungry anymore for some reason, Tak'we went downstairs and sat down with his clutchmates, next to Amendale silently, only speaking a timid good morning as he tried, and failed, to understand what he had just saw. This... is going to be a long morning...




Saris was in the middle of "playing" with Kalin's mind again when he received Rhaine's message. Oh no! Kalin thought, eyes wide with fear, as his torturer looked at him with surprise and anger, and he knew she had heard the message as well. "You sneaky little devil..." she said to him, right before sending a telepathic surge so strong and painful that it knocked Kalin out almost immediately.


Seeing that he was no longer conscious, Saris stood there simmering, her frustration growing. "Oh, Nine Hells!" she screamed as her self-control finally broke, blasting the chair she had with enough telekinetic force to send it flying towards the wall and smashed into pieces. I'll have to speed the ritual up now...


"Zuir!" she yelled for her enforcer impatiently, keeping herself from blasting apart the prison walls as she waited for him. "Zuir, bring that insectoid beast to the main hall. We are going to need more sacrifices..."

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Upon waking, Xundus put on his armor, weapons, and cloak, and made his way downstairs, taking a seat near the others from the group but not at their table. For breakfast, he ordered a few bread rolls, and some meat to go with it, though from what animal he did not know. After eating, he took some apples for the trip, and contemplated going outside to do his daily routine, but would rather not leave the group in the city.


"Rhaine?" he said, approaching the red-haired woman, "When are we leaving for Westgate?"




Colton "One-eye" stumbled drunkenly into the inn, ale spilling from the mug into his hand. "Good day, buddy," he said to an unfortunate civilian he had literally dragged along with him. He stumbled across the room and sat down at an empty table, then let go a loud belch. Before long, he was resting his head on the table face-down, asleep.

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Dagny followed Conall down the inn stairs and joined Nawen in eating breakfast, the former more than a little groggy from the previous night's drinking session. It was then that Rhaine saw that everyone - or almost everyone, at least - was gathered together, and so she clapped her hands together sharply to get their attention. The barkeep continued polishing tankards, but even she looked up with interest. The Doomguide glanced over the group, ensuring all eyes were on her, before beginning.


"I certainly hope all of you are pleased with the items I procured for you. It is my wish that they aid you in our future endeavors, even if only in a small way. We will need all the help we can get in the coming days...which brings me to the point of this speech. Most of you likely know that, after we stop in Westgate, we will be heading for the Shining South - the Shaar to be specific. However, you may not yet know why.


"These lands not only hold another of Valthanarax's phylacteries, but they also serve as a prison for one of our old friends, Kalin Orus. Some of you may not know of him, but he aided us in destroying the first of this dracolich's bodies and soul housings. He went missing shortly thereafter, and he is now being held captive; I have just recently been informed that his captors are quite conveniently close to a third phylactery.


"I feel I must warn you: those who hold him hostage are powerful psionic beings," she exchanged knowing glances with Xallistine, who merely nodded in understanding, "More powerful than anything we have yet faced. If they are working in tandem with the Cult of the Dragon, and we also have the misfortune of facing a reborn Valthanarax, then our chances of survival are significantly less.


"You have all done well in aiding me stop this threat to the Realms, and, for that, you have my deepest thanks. I hope that all of you will continue to join me in this fight against such a great evil; but due to the ever-increasing danger that we face, I cannot expect you to keep following me to the end of this...whatever that may be. You may wish to part ways now, here in Dilpur, or later, when we reach Westgate. If you do decide to leave us, then may the gods bless your path. And if you choose to stay, then may they continue to grant us their favor. We leave within the hour." This last statement she mainly directed at Xundus's inquiry.


She fell silent, watching them all with a steady gaze. Xallistine's presence by her side was an unspoken confirmation of his sentiments on the matter. The mighty Ulitharid was already making plans for more protective enchantments, like the one he had placed on Rhaine's ring.


After a few moments, Conall stood, gripping both Ariel's hilt and his pack, Aodh clinging to his shoulder, "I am with you, my lady. This evil must be stopped, whatever the cost. Wherever the road leads, in danger or in peace, I will follow."


Dagny nodded, standing as well, "Aye, lassie. If we don't do somethin' who will? I'll be eager to be so near home, too."


From a far corner of the room Argyros emerged, silvery eyes and armor glittering in the low light, "You have my continued support as well. This mission is a worthy one, and I am of the same mind as the lady dwarf. Whatever the danger, you shall have my strength at your side."

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Nawen listened to Rhaine, her attention fully focused on her. She had wondered where did Kalin went and now she hoped that they'll reach him in time.


"I've been with you since the very beginning," she said once Rhaine finished speaking and Conall, Dagny and Argyros said that they'll continue to travel with them, "I won't leave now or later."

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After Rhaine finished speaking, Xundus saluted and said, "My loyalties lie with you. I signed up for this, and Nine Hells, I'm going to do what I agreed to!"


Colton, who had awakened from his quick nap with a powerful headache, was listening intently to a red-haired lady giving a speech. Westgate, eh? he thought to himself. He hadn't seen his home capital in years. Perhaps these people would be worth following... as a mild interest, of course.

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