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Tales of Faerun


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Though at first hesitant to board the ship, when they got sailing Xundus found it much better than the boat he had taken to Dilpur from Westgate. For the most part of the journey, he stayed below deck, alternating between sword practice, prayer, and thinking. When he did come out on the surface, it was to enjoy the warmth of the sun, though there was little for him to do there.


On the sixth day, when the drow went to the mess hall for a meal, he found Rhaine and Tannin already at the table, the latter with a pile of parchment rolls in front of him. He didn't question him openly, but he was curious as to what Tannin was writing. He didn't speak, finishing his meal quickly and making his way up to the surface for some fresh air.

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The six days on the ship didn't fit too well with the food-loving Grey brothers, who had between the two of them not been on a ship before the previous voyage. They managed to hold everything down well enough to digest it (which on its own was much better than Dagny was doing.) but spent most of their time above-deck just in case. While Arland was up there just so he wouldn't have to clean it up if he hurled, Weyland was simply anxious. He knew that they wouldn't even so much as see land for several more days, but he paced back and forth on the deck, out of his armor for once, and anxiously awaited the very instant Westgate would appear on the horizon. Occasionally he'd help the crew do some of the less-specialized tasks like heavy lifting and securing items to the deck, but when he wasn't needed, he was pacing restlessly on the outer deck, rolling his sleeves up to withstand the heat. Oftentimes he'd talk with whoever happened to be up there with him, which was usually Dri, as she spent more time above deck than he did.


This was one of those cases.


"How in the hells do you get used to this so quickly? Every halfway-big wave we hit makes my insides churn. Less time we spend on boats on this damned quest, the better." He asked absentmindedly, not really expecting an answer. After a few moments of silence (what with Dri being mute and all.) he spoke again, in a quieter tone. "So uh...you turn grey every time you wake up, or is this specific Grey just special?" He grinned devilishly, hoping to throw her for a loop.


Arland was below deck sitting at the same table as Dagny and drinking some sort of alcoholic beverage. When he finished, he put it down and asked her, "That mug of yours have anything in it? 'Cause I'll finish it off. Better'n'getting my own." He pointed to her everfull tankard, having no idea what it was.


Amendale, meanwhile, simply laid in a hammock, asleep.

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Dagny, feeling in a rather wicked mood due to her condition, nudged the mug towards Arland with a smirk, "Go on, lad...if ye think ye can do it."


She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when it would fill itself up after being drained.

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For the most part of their journey, Nawen remained below deck, looking after their horses and spending time with Rhegar who felt a bit lonely being surrounded by horses who didn't want to play him. The drow didn't like the rocking of the ship but being in the fresh air didn't help her much either because no matter where she looked it was only water, water and even more water.


Shalena spent her time either with her crew, ordering them around or in her cabin staring at maps and going through her things. Sometimes she would invite others for the dinner in her cabin but most of the time they had to eat in the mess hall as the captain's cabin wasn't the most suited place for eating with so many guests present.


On the sixth day, Shalena was in the galley checking food supplies with the ship's quartermaster. Usually, a captain wasn't involved in such tasks but Shalena wanted to know about everything that's happening on her ship no matter how unimportant it seemed.


"Everything seems in order, captain." The half-orc quartermaster said once they were done.


"Of course everything is in order," the captain said as they made their way out of the galley, "our newest cook was present when I closed our old cook inside a barrel with his poisoned food and threw it in the sea. The fellow is smart enough not to repeat the mistakes his predecessor did."


The half-orc nodded and left the captain at the mess hall. She shot a quick glance at Rhaine and Tannin but didn't stop to see what they were doing and continued to walk to the top deck.

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"Ah, you're just not used to ship travel then." Tannin said with a wave of the hand as he watched Xundus out of the corner of his eye as he left the room. "Took me a good year or so before I could ever relax on a ship, even when it WASN'T on water." He said as he sat down. "And yes, you look akin to a caged animal ready to tear apart the first person that gets within your grasp. I would offer a massage to try and help you relax a little but one, I doubt you would accept, and two, all that armor would get in the way and I doubt you would take it off even though you have no need of it. It shames me that the one time I saw you without armor I was in character, I would have enjoyed the moment much more than I did had I known it would be the only time i'd ever see you without it." He said with a smirk. "Wait...... do you have.. ANY other clothes besides your armor? Your wings shouldn't make finding something to wear that difficult, a proper tailor could easily work around them. Oh wait..... we're months away from true civilization..... There aren't any proper tailors nearby." He said in a saddened tone of voice. "Now I'm depressed."



Hexol had remained up on deck for the majority of the journey, save for when he was forced down below deck for being too annoying, or the couple of times that his excitement got the better of him and he ended up over board entirely.


Azuris was the complete opposite, remaining below in his bunk, unable to even stand for more than a few minutes due to a bad case of sea sickness that hit on on the third day. No one had to worry about him being lonely however as Hexol had seen fit to keep him company when he was forced off the deck.

This led Azuris to wonder which affliction was worse, the sea sickness, or a bored Kender trying to play nurse.

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Dri was hanging from the port-side shroud of the main mast as Weyland was talking to her. She smiled and shrugged at the man; she had broken into houses before hanging upside-down from a swaying rope before, so this wasn't terribly new to her. The girl's smile was replaced with a jaw-dropped-in-surprise expression when her friend asked about her changed form, and fell from the rope when she suddenly forgot to hold on, becoming stuck and hanging from her feet for a moment before falling unceremoniously to the deck with a painful thunk!


Ow... She winced as she rubbed her now sore head. *You saw that?* she asked as she picked herself up. *I hoped you hadn't seen me like that.* Blowing a deep sigh, and making sure no one else was close enough to read her, Dri went into a detailed summation of her ability to change forms, both male and female, after deciding Weyland deserved to know the truth.


*I don't know how or why I can do it,* she said at the end of her story, a sad expression on her face. *I just know that I hate how I would normally look and look at this form as my real one. *It's why I ran out of the dragon lair; that mirror I saw showed what I really look like, and I was scared by it and by the thought of anyone else seeing it.*


*So to answer your second question, no, I don't normally change grey like that, and no, you're not that special.* She answered Weyland's last question with a wry grin. *Well, maybe a little special; You are the only person who has seen me like that, after all.* Dri looked at him with a plaintive look. *You're not angry, are you?*

Edited by GrueMaster
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Rhaine watched Tannin closely with her emerald gaze, everything from his gestures to his eye movements. His language suggested that he actually wanted her out of her armor, causing her to recall his rather stammer-and-blush-filled episode on the outskirts of the Anauroch...

According to him, he was simply "in character" then. However, if it was all an act, then why did he now seem so eager for her to be wearing something other than her concealing armor? Even offering a massage, despite his own admission of the apparent futility of such an offer...

Tannin was such an enigma. She knew him to be a Bhaalspawn, knew his bloodthirsty and murderous inner nature. Yet, she was also witness to his courage and heroism...borderline foolishness at times. He had described himself as being "not a good person," even elaborating on some of the atrocities of his past, but he had also explained his efforts to redeem himself. Nevertheless, he had warned her not to trust him...

"You are such an odd man, speaking and acting so contradictorily as you do. What are you, Tannin Virson, hmm?" the Doomguide finally spoke, leaning across the table towards him, her green gaze boring into his deep violet one. She lowered her voice to a soft, husky pitch, "You've told me you're a bad person...but I've seen you do good. One minute you are a gentleman, and the next you are a rogue. Is life but a play to you?"

She paused, a smirk playing across her red lips, "You've seen me in my robes before. They are the only other clothes I have besides the desert gear I purchased for our expedition in the Anauroch - and that particular set I know you remember. I find it rather intriguing that you are so...interested...in my wardrobe. Or lack thereof."


Her eyes glanced to the parchment on the table and then back to him, "You are not depressed at all. You have a solution to this problem that you have perceived...and you wish to be the one to remedy it, for whatever reason. Am I right?"

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Weyland tried- and utterly failed- to catch Dri as she fell, but missed by a second and nearly sent himself flying overboard. Cursing, and hoping nobody witnessed the complete and total lack of grace and control that nearly sent him swimming, (Proverbially. He wasn't a very good swimmer.) he helped her to her feet.


"You alright?" He asked, mildly concerned, though he didn't expect a head bump to cause that much damage. She began speaking, and while they weren't in the thick of combat and Weyland could read her lips just fine, he still motioned for her to pause once she finished a sentence.

"Hey, that reminds me... Hold on a sec, wouldja?" He asked, and ran down into the ship before she could answer.


He remembered that earlier on the voyage Amendale had sat down and inspected several pieces of jewelry that he'd taken from Ivy's treasure horde. Then, very late last night, he'd told Weyland that one of them was an Amulet of Telepathy and that he ought to give it to Dri so she could communicate more effectively. When he reached Amendale's room, Weyland shoulder it open loudly and then asked with an equally loud volume, "Hey, Amendale, where's that amulet from last night?"


Amendale, shaken from a light sleep, scowled at Weyland's sudden intrusion but pointed to a sack on a bolted-down table. "Silvery amulet, sapphire in the middle."

"Right, thanks." Weyland rummaged through the bag, pulled out the amulet Amendale had described, and then tied the bag back shut and rushed back upstairs. Amendale grinned cheekily, wondering what all the rush was about, before nodding back off.


Climbing up the stairs back out to the outer deck, Weyland walked back up to Dri and thrust the amulet at her. "Here, put this on. Amendale found it. It's an amulet of telepathy, it'll let you talk to people with your mind or something. Better than all this lip-reading."


Dri, seemingly puzzled, took it and put it on. Once she figured out how to operate it, she telepathically sent Weyland the long story about how she'd discovered her true form, how she considered her human form to be her true form, and what the mirror did. He 'listened' intently, shaking his head when she asked him if he was angry.


"Nah, I ain't angry. Why would I be?" He shrugged. "I don't let looks bother me. Don't see why you should, either." He grinned hugely. "Hells, Dri, I come from a long line of ugly mugs. Us Greys? We ain't pretty people! I mean you got Arland for a sample, but you haven't seen our father yet. Face like it was mashed by an ogre, I'm tellin' ya." He laughed and sarcastically added, "Obviously I'm the exception. The shining example of chiseled jawlines and perfect hair amongst a family of hobgoblins. Along with being the toughest and by far the smartest. But I'm sure that much is obvious already." He looked at her cheekily. "In all seriousness, though. I don't mind. And considering that we travel with the likes of Arland and Xallistine, I don't think anyone else'll care if you turn grey either."


Arland, meanwhile, took a giant swig from Dagny's mug of ale and finished it off, cringing ever-so-slightly at the burning sensation. He slammed it back down on the table...

...just in time to see it fill up again.


To any spectators, even blind ones, it was obvious that Arland had just made the discovery of his life. His pupils grew until there was little visible green left in his eyes, which went wide as saucepans, and he gasped. Then he cheered, downed it, and watched it fill up yet again.


"AHA! I like this! Where'd you get it?!?! Where can I get one?!?! Can I keep this?!?!" He threw barrage after unhealthily-excited barrage of questions relating to the mug to Dagny. The noise actually woke Amendale- who was a floor below them and on the far side of the ship- for a second time, and he considered showing Arland a piece of his mind before deciding that the hammock was just too comfortable and falling back asleep again.

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"NO, ye can NOT 'keep this' !" Dagny answered abruptly, reaching across the table and snatching the mug back with such speed it was hard to believe she was seasick, "And I found it in the dragon horde."


After a few seconds, she added with a sly wink, "But if ye'r nice to me, I might share. When we're on land, and not this gods-forsaken ship."


The Sea Compass suddenly hit a larger wave than usual and lurched back and forth, causing the dwarf to groan and put her head on the table. Her already sickly-pale face began turning an unpleasant shade of green, and she shoved the mug back towards Arland with disgust, "Ah, keep the damned thing!"

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Tannin couldn't help but let out a chuckle as Rhaine tried to figure him out, he could have had fun with it, matching her tone, telling her that he was simply a leaf in the wind, taking whatever direction the wind carried him. But instead he decided, that it would be much more fun to humor her, and smirked as his answer escaped his lips. "I'm an alien." He said simply. "A strange being from another time and place here to examine this world and it's strange ways. Keeping my identity a secret by changing my personality every so often." He smiled at her for a bit before laughing, "And no.. I'm not depressed, but neither do I have a solution for your clothing issues. These here are for Nawen if you must know." He said as he patted the rolls of parchment. "I've got aboouuut thirty something different armor designs here I'm wanting to show her, figured she needed a new suit of armor and now that I have the means to make her one.. I would. With her permission of course." He added before looking back to Rhaine. "Now were you to ask me to use my talents to craft an outfit for you, well with you now knowing my secret and being in a position to exploit such knowledge well, how could I refuse?" He said with a sly grin.



The lurching of the ship sent Azuris rolling out of his bunk and hitting the floor with a groan. As he tried to pick himself up off the floor he grumbled and cursed under his breath, repeatedly muttering over and over how much he hated boats.

Edited by josh900
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