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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine laughed aloud, her teasing facade broken, "Are you now? Let me guess...you also have a sister who is a man-eating moth-woman from a pocket dimension that exists in the sole of your shoe." After pausing for a breath, a strange look crossed her face and she waved her hand in the air, "Wait, don't answer that."


After Tannin explained that his scrolls were armor designs for Nawen, her brow rose and she grinned widely, "Oho! You are a generous soul...and kind to be concerned for her in her current apparel. I would forewarn you - it is a possibility that she might think such a prize unworthy of her, and she may refuse on those grounds. If she does, might I suggest that you insist she take it, based on the dangers that we face in the future and her need for as much protection as possible? If you emphasize the concern for her safety, she may be more inclined to accept."


The Doomguide leaned back and tapped her fingers on the table, "As for myself...blackmail is not a tactic I like to use very often. I would prefer to think of your proposal to craft an outfit for me as something born of your generosity. An offer based in friendship. And if that is such," she paused, answering his grin with a wry smile, "how could I refuse?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Tannin watched Rhaine laugh at his admission and simply decided to shrug it off, he wasn't about to try and prove himself to her so he instead turned the focus of the conversation over to the clothing issue. "Don't worry, Nawen will accept it. I can be rather convincing when I want to be in case you hadn't noticed." He said with a smirk. "As far as my reasoning.... Well I suppose whatever makes you feel better about it. Really it's just so I have a chance at flexing the proverbial creative muscles by doing something other than writing. But at any rate, if there's any particular style or design you're interested in let me know, would make coming up with something for you much easier." He said as he took out his quill and a scrap sheet of parchment to write on. "Also I'll need your measurements if you don't mind. If you don't know them that's fine, I can take them myself, if that's alright with you."

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Rhaine gave him a small nod, glancing away for a moment, "My apologies if I made your intentions sound more noble than you would have liked them to be."


The Doomguide then sighed, "In any case, yes, there's one design that I actually miss. I used to own a very comfortable casual ensemble; it was an underbust corset, with matching bracers and lace-up knee boots, sleek trousers, and a sharp white shirt. That last piece would cause problems now," she added, as she flexed her wings for emphasis, " These are the reason why I ended up giving away that old outfit. I do miss it, but it has been difficult to find time for someone to replicate it...and I'm not so certain that other tailors would want to bother. It is rare to find one who will."


"Also," she continued, "I'm afraid I don't remember my measurements. But you can take them yourself at your earliest convenience. Just let me know."




Conall had been debating on whether or not to try to mix a potion to help Tak'we's worsening sea-sickness. The paladin feared that the thri-kreen would dehydrate if he was unable to keep any liquids down, but he was also uncertain if his tonic would even affect Tak'we at all. He was unfamiliar with thri-kreen systems.


At last, he meandered over to the still-pink warrior and smiled gently, "You've been having a rough time, there, friend. Do you think a potion would help you, if I mixed one for you?"




Argyros made his way below to the cargo hold, where he found Nawen with the horses, as usual. The pale elf inclined his head to her as he approached, "Good eve, friend ranger. Keeping our steeds placated?"

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Nawen was feeding the horses when Argyros approached her. She looked at the moon elf and smiled. "Oh, hello," she greeted him and gave the last apple to Bob, "there's no need for that. Most of the horses adjusted quickly. Faster than some of us." She said and patted Kiira gently. Some horses got used to their temporary housing faster than others, while more temperamental horses were restless at first but eventually even they got used to the location.


"Speaking of adjusting quickly," she spoke, "you seem to be doing that very well. I will never understand how can anyone feel comfortable with so much rocking and swaying." Nawen was clearly, what Shalena liked to call land-dweller, she preferred to stand on a firm ground with trees or cliffs surrounding her. The fact that she didn't know how to swim made both trips by ship all the worse.

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Tak'we cast a baleful eye at Conall, obviously miserable to the point where he didn't want to interact with anyone whatsoever, and was ready to tell the softskin off. But..., the thri-kreen thought, dropping the dark look and reconsidering. If it would stop this sickness... "If it will sstop thiss one from being sick," he said, leaning away from the railing to face Conall, "Tak'we will try it."




Dri was puzzled for a bit with the amulet Weyland gave her, but once she learned to use it, shepractically hugged Weyland in half out of happiness, both at his gift and his acceptance of her once she was done sharing her story. "Thank you, Weyland!" she sent him, feeling a lot less guilty about hiding something from her friend. She gave a silent laugh as she realized she was mouthing the words still.


That will be interesting later, Dri thought with an amused expression. "This is so wonderful! But," the girl paused for a moment, looking at her friend with a questioning glance. "would it be okay if we kept my... nature... quiet for now?" She asked. "I wouldn't feel comfortable if everyone knew about that part of me. And please, call me Audri," the rogue grinned, "I like that name better than my real one, anyway.


Feeling more confidant now that she had a better way of communicating, and feeling more sociable than ever, Audri decided to go visit some of her other companions, as she had mostly avoided doing much in anyway with them. "Sorry, Weyland, but I'd like to talk to some of our friends. I've been with you all for a while now and I still don't know them very well. But I can always stop to talk with you later, if you like. Anyway, see you later."


With that, she left for the mess hall below deck, saying hi to everyone along the way and enjoying the strange looks she got when someone tried to figure out if she was actually talking aloud to them. Seeing Rhaine and Tannin, Audri made her way over to them. "Hi," she greeted them, smiling as she spoke. "Sorry, but I havent gotten to really introduce myself, even though I've been with you for a good while now. I'm Audri"

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Conall nodded at Tak'we, "Give me a few moments and I'll have something."


The paladin then went below to his quarters and began pulling various herbs and roots from his pack, along with a mortar and pestle; Aodh remained on his shoulder, watching Conall's work intently. He then began quickly crushing and mixing the plants together, a pungent odor wafting from the device. Adding some water from his flask every few breaths until it became a soupy mixture, Conall finally poured it all up in a vial and stopped it up with a cork. The potion wasn't very attractive-looking, but he was sure it would help Tak'we at least a little bit.


Returning to the thri-kreen's perch on the rails, Conall extended the vial to him, "Here. Drink this down and tell me how you feel."




Argyros gave Nawen a wry smile, "I am used to it. I find it very strange that some people are not able to 'find their sea legs' as I've heard it said. I wonder why it is easy for some and not for others."


He placed a hand on her shoulder, "Perhaps it shall comfort you knowing we are nearing our seventh day, and we should arrive in port soon. I overheard some of the crew members talking; the way we are going, we are expected to arrive at least a day ahead of time."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"It's alright." Tannin said when Rhaine apologized. "My intentions are probably more noble than I make them out to be." He said with a wink as he started to write down the outfit that Rhaine had in mind.

"The shirt won't be a problem, with some straps and a couple buttons, you'll finally have something that isn't backless.... Although.... might be sideless to work..... or a pain in the ass to put on...bah! I'll think of something." He said as he put the quill away and stood up.

"And I actually have the means to take your measurements now if you wish." He said before Audri approached. Hearing her voice in his made gave him a bit of a startle, forcing him to spin around around a bit quicker than he normally would to hide the little jump he made.

"Well hello there, Looks like someone found something back in the dragon's horde." He said with a chuckle. Feeling rather silly, but then again Dri was a rather sneaky girl he had noted.

"Well met, lady Audri." He said with a small bow. "It's good to... Well I suppose saying hear you works fine here wouldn't you agree?"

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Rhaine grinned at Audri, "Well met to you, indeed. It is good that you have...found your voice, yes?" She placed a hand on Dri's shoulder, "Hearing you is certainly much better than trying to read your lips - and much more accurate, as well. I think you'll find that the world has opened itself to you...take care of your newfound treasure, friend."


Glancing to Tannin, she nodded, "I suppose my quarters would be the best place. I don't really relish the thought of Shalena's pirates even accidentally ogling at me."


She started in the direction of her tiny room on the ship, looking back over her shoulder with a wry smile, "I trust you can behave yourself?"

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Tannin grabbed the rolls of parchment and followed Rhaine out. "Yeah probably for the best, would hate to start killing these boys again to defend your honor, I imagine that would make the rest of this trip rather awkward." When she asked if he could behave himself he couldn't hold back a laugh. "You should know by now that I am the very model of control. I'm mildly insulted and rather upset that you would even suggest that something scandalous might happen as I measure nearly every inch of your body in a tiny room all to ourselves." He said feigning sadness. Though after a moment of thought he spoke again. "Then again... that does sound like a recipe for disaster. Be warned, I'll be watching you very carefully, any funny business and I will leave. For all I know this could be a trap of yours to get us alone so that you might...sully me. Keep in mind that I am a professional and will not fall for your feminine wiles." He said in an over the top, pompous tone of voice with the facial expressions to match.

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Rhaine suddenly burst out laughing, surprised that Tannin had turned the tables on her, making her the one who sounded roguish. The very idea of such a thing was hilarious to the Doomguide.


"Oh, yes," she finally replied sarcastically, "Because you just know that I spend my spare time seducing men." She laughed again, shaking her head, "You are one witty actor, Tannin Virson."


When they arrived at her quarters, she allowed him inside and locked the door behind her, beginning to take off her armor pieces with expert speed and precision. As she did so, she added, "So, how did you become such an adept tailor? I'm assuming the theatre had something to do with it?"

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